For update information, see this thread: EUDGen2
EUDGen is a program used to generate triggers that go beyond the capabilities of regular StarCraft mapmaking. It does this by taking advantage of an overflow exploit in the unit field of the Deaths condition (hence the name Extended Unit Deaths), as well as overflowing of the player field of the same condition (Extended Player Deaths). The goal of this project is to allow all mapmakers to have the opportunity to use EUDs/EPDs in their maps if they so choose, while reducing the learning curve required to do so.
This program is the successor of EUDGen1, also known as EUD Generator. If you are more interested in the work that goes behind calculating EUDs, or just to get a better understanding on EUDs in general, please refer to the following resource:
Calculate several EPD/EUD conditions and actions (see full list here)
Manage multiple triggers, conditions and actions in a familiar trigger editor interface
Save and load EUDGen projects for quick and easy modifications
Generate EUDs for ranges of values
Export triggers to an SCMDraft trigger text file, a .TRG file, or even inject the triggers directly into a map
Options to retain or discard descriptive comments on your triggers, both on an individual level and global scale (when exporting)
Set Switch option for a convenient way to mark an output that spans across several triggers (like display text)
Full Generation List
For a complete list, go to the EUDGen2 thread.
Frequently Asked Questions
Download and Dependencies
to run. If you're on an older machine and cannot get .NET 4 on your machine, send me a PM and I'll see if I can get it compiled on an older version of the framework.
This download contains two files: the executable (EUDGen2.exe) and an external library (MapExport.dll by FaRTy1billion). While MapExport.dll is not required for the program to run, some export options will not be available if the DLL is not found.