Current player Kills score is at least 1.
Preserve Trigger.
Modify score for Current player: Set to 0 Kill?.
Modify resources for Current player: Add 1 Minerals.
一个玩家在一个触发循环内杀了多个单位(例子: 溅射型攻击会同时杀掉很多单位[坦囧克杀成堆的小狗,明白吧?]),如果这事发生的话,这条触发会只给这个玩家一水晶
Current player Kills score is at least 4000.
Preserve Trigger.
Modify score for Current player: Subtract to 4000 Kill?.
Modify resources for Current player: Add 1 Minerals.
Current player Kills score is at least 350.
Preserve Trigger.
Modify score for Current player: Subtract to 350 Kill?.
Modify resources for Current player: Add 5 Minerals.
Current player Kills score is at least 25.
Preserve Trigger.
Modify score for Current player: Subtract to 25 Kill?.
Modify resources for Current player: Add 20 Minerals.
这种方法不能区分有相同Kill Score的单位.
3.1 对此方法的一些建议:
1.使用Hyper Triggers 增加奖励速度.
2.安排触发时,高Kill Score的触发放上面.如果你不这样的话,玩家可以会收到错误的奖励
4.使用Deths 和Set Deths触发提高精度. (比如这样:
Current player Kills score is at least 25.
Foes has suffered at least 1 deaths of Broodling.
Preserve Trigger.
Modify score for Current player: Subtract to 25 Kill?.
Modify resources for Current player: Add 20 Mineral?.
Modify deaths for Foes: Subtract 1 for Broodling.
4. 独立触发奖励
这个方法用\"Kills\"条件检测玩家所杀的单位.数量也使用\"Kills\"触发判断.而不是使用以前方法中的Kill Score.
Player 8 has suffered at least 1 deaths of Zerg Zergling.
Preserve trigger.
Modify death counts for Player 8: Subtract 1 for Zerg Zergling.
Modify resources for Current Player: Add 1 ore.
记得用\"Set Deaths\" 减掉Deaths计数器的值.
Modify death counts for Score Keeper: Set to 1 for CreateUnit.
这条触发使用Death Counter为玩家创建那些单位.
在你的地图里你需要一个隐蔽的地方来处理这些单位.比如,我给所有玩家创建了一个Photon Cannon.并在它旁边画了一个Location创建单位.玩家的炮台会自动的处理这些的单位.
All Players.
Current player has suffered at least 1 deaths of CreateUnit.
Preserve trigger.
Modify death counts for Current player: Subtract 1 for CreateUnit.
Center location labeled 'UpdateKills' on 'hoton Cannon' owned by Current Player at 'Anywhere'.
Create 1 Zergling at 'UpdateKills' for (enemy player).
Human Players.
Elapsed scenario time is at least 1 game seconds.
Current player has most kills of any unit.
All Players has suffered exactly 0 deaths of CreateUnit.
(enemy player) brings exactly 0 units to (炮台的所在地).
Preserve trigger.
Modify death counts for All Players: Add 1 for CreateUnit.
Modify death counts for Current player: Subtract 1 for CreateUnit.
Modify resources for Current player: Add 1 Minerals.
水晶会在Most Kills更新时自动加上去.如果杀的单位多的话会要点时间.
7.1 对此方法的一些建议:
1.用Hyper Triggers增加处理速度.
8. 可能的改进
This alternative method does not use Death Counts, and will give a different amount of minerals or other types of rewards for each separate unit type killed. Its fundamental core is the exact same as the one listed above, but since there are several different rewards to be given, a Move Unit trigger replaces the Death Counts. The main benefit of this alternative method is the need for less triggers to achieve the same objective than using Death Counts.
Just like the existing Perfect method, this system uses a computer player as the \"Leader\", who will always have 1 more kill in every type of enemy unit (for simplicity, \"Monster\") that the human players (for simplicity, \"Heroes\") will need to kill. Whenever a Hero kills a certain type of Monster, he will have the same number of Kills (not to be confused with Kill Score, which is entirely different) as the Leader does. This is detected through the Most Kills condition (not to be confused with the Score: Kills condition), and we will award that Hero some gold, experience, etc. Now we reset the state of the Perfect KTC system by letting all the Heroes and the Leader -- EXCEPT the Hero who was just awarded -- kill that same Monster unit. The non-trigger parts of this system are also important, since you need to isolate an area to let the Kill Update proces? be completed. In addition, when the game starts, the Leader will immediately kill 1 of every unit so it will have that +1 Kill advantage.
Players: Let the Leader be P8 and a Computer, the Monsters are P7 and another Computer, and P1-P4 are Heroes and Human controlled. P1-4 and P8 are unallied with P7.
Terrain + Units: all Heroes and the Leader each owns a Photon Cannon. Another damage-dealing unit will also work, but Photon Cannons are an obvious choice because they are stationary, attack both Air and Ground, and are Detectors (in other words, they will kill everything). These Cannons need to be spread apart far enough so that one Cannon cannot be within attacking range of another. Lastly, place 1 of each type of Monster (1 Zergling, 1 Hydralisk, etc.) within range of the Photon Cannon owned by the Leader and set their HP to 1%.
Locations: \"Moveto\" (any size) and \"Movefrom\" (needs to be big enough to cover many units). \"Moveto\" can be placed anywhere. \"Movefrom\" needs to be in an isolated area that also has to be quite big. \"Update\" is a location that covers all the Photon Cannons mentioned above.
Step-by-step Triggers & Explanations:
1) After the map starts for a few seconds and before any trigger runs, the kills are as follows: Leader- 1 Zergling, 1 Hydralisk, etc.; Heroes- 0 Zergling, 0 Hydralisk, etc. Of course, you don't need to use Zerglings or Hydralisks, this is just an example.
2) A Hero kills a Zergling. We'll say it's P3, though this trigger will take care of all of them. Now the kills are as follows: Leader- 1 Zergling, 1 Hydralisk, etc.; P3- 1 Zergling, 0 Hydralisk, etc.; All Heroes except P3- 0 Zergling, 0 Hydralisk, etc.
Heroes (all of them)
Current Player has Most Kills for: Zergling.
All player? bring exactly 0 Men to \"Update\".
Preserve Trigger.
Set resources/score or whatever reward you want. You can also play a Wav sound to enhance the map.
Create 1 Zergling for Heroes at \"Movefrom\".
Create 1 Zergling for Leader at \"Movefrom\".
Remove 1 Zergling for Current Player at \"Movefrom\". (in this example, for P3)
3) Now we move the newly created Zerglings so they go to each person's Cannon. Each player's kills are still the same as Step 2 until the Cannons attack and kill the Zerglings.
Heroes (all of them - in this example, it won't run for P3) and the Leader.
Current player brings at least 1 men to \"Movefrom\".
Preserve Trigger.
Move location \"Moveto\" on Photon Cannon owned by Current Player at \"Update\".
Move all men for Current Player at \"Movefrom\" to \"Moveto\".
Give all men owned by Current Player at \"Moveto\" to P7.
Modify unit HP for all men owned by P7 at \"Update\": set to 1%.
4) After a few seconds, the Kills change to this: Leader- 2 Zergling, 1 Hydralisk, etc.; All Heroes including P3- 1 Zergling, 0 Hydralisk, etc. As you can see, Leader regains his lead, and P1-P4 have the same number of Kills again
5) Repeat the trigger from Step 2) for all other Monster types
8.1 对此方法的一些建议:
1.To conserve space, use the Leader's own Photon Cannon space to serve the function as \"Movefrom\". Make sure that P8 allies the other players so he won't kill their Monsters with his Photon Cannon before those Monsters are moved to each player's own space.
2.Use Hyper Triggers to increase the speed that the players are rewarded.
3.Instead of cannons, use a unit that can kill faster (e.g. Archon), to speed up the kills-updating process.