The Recall ability opens a 5x5 matrix wormhole which teleports the units (both ground and air), in the area of effect to the casting Arbiter。大意是:此能力可以打开一个5*5的虫洞将所有在此魔法施法范围内的陆军和空军单位传送到Arbiter的身边。
All living things have minds for the Dark Archon to shape and mold. With a powerful surge of mental energy the Dark Archon can stun a group of erstwhile attackers. (除了第一句话外其余的都是废话。即该魔法只对生物有效)
Maelstrom is an area of effect (3 matrix radius, 1 matrix = 32 pixels) ability that will instantly stun (prevents the affected units from moving, attacking, or utilizing any special abilities) all organic ground or air units for 180 cycles (or ~12 seconds on Normal Game Speed). 这段话就是最重要的了!!!注意其中的“1 matrix = 32 pixels”。1个矩阵是32个象素(这个是一维的),那么1*1的矩阵就是32*32=1024象素范围了(这个是二维了)。