




Starcraft Terran Beginings

发布者: castelu | 发布时间: 2013-9-24 04:26| 查看数: 6950| 评论数: 2|帖子模式

It is the year 2340 in the Milkyway Galaxy where the Terran race originated. There is one main army, A.C.E. [Allied Communists of Earth] which controls Earth and looks over all of its collonies. After taking control of the Earth when colonies were first being inhabited, A.C.E. dispersed the major religous and minority groups to the numerous space colonies of Earth. This act was ment to stop racial and religious fueds. Each of these colonies had its own army and laws, but they were ultimatly under the control of the A.C.E.

The largest of these colonies on Mars, is the Muslim Religion. After A.C.E. Desicrates one of the Muslim holy sites, they scede from the Allience and form the U.I.C. [United Islamic Coalition]. The U.I.C. goes from colony to colony forcing others to join their cause against the A.C.E. to reclaim Earth. This massive war is the largest the humman race has ever seen, and it will take place in the stars, as well as cities.

Terran Begginings is a mod by RoryFenrir, All his work is done by himself to the single datedit to even portraits. This is an incomplete Medium Conversion, featuring 2 new races of Terran, UIC and ACE. These battles take place in the Milkyway Galaxy close to home, before Protoss and Zerg.
Thanks to:
ShadowScar - making me the grey smoke
ModMaster - giving me inspiration for my mod
Corbo - Helping me with smks and models
O)farty1billion - Helping test and with terrain

Starcraft Terran Beginings.jpg (5 KB, 下载次数: 497)

Starcraft Terran Beginings.jpg

Starcraft Terran

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