




Map Sketch

发布者: castelu | 发布时间: 2013-9-24 05:14| 查看数: 5520| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

A stripped down version of a really old project. All tileset properties and colors are loaded and generated realtime.

- Easy step-by-step format!
- You can load an existing map to replace its terrain, or set properties for a new one.
- All tilesets and irregular map sizes supported.
- Simplified image positioning and scaling for loaded images (something SCPM severely lacked.)
- Contrast/Brightness/Saturation and RGB Gamma correction (instead of just Contrast/Brightness like SCPM. :awesome: )
- Image preview updates while sliding the bars! - One thing I seriously hate about SCPM.
- Lighting filters! I have no idea what most of them mean because they are just a part of the API I used, but they add fun features! They also enable dithering to make smoother colors.
- Lighten Image option ... If you have a low contrast image this may help!
- Save as Image Map (Adds map revealers and 1 computer player -- only on new maps)
- Compress Map (TinyMap2's that map! -- Note that it locks the map -- only on image maps)
- Scenario Properties and Force name visible and editable here for new maps.


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