Confederate Uprising is a small mod I made over the course of around 5 days. No, this is not for the SMC, this was made out of sheer boredom. :P
Basically, it replaces the Terran race with my version and speculations of the Terran Confederacy. Protoss and Zerg are not modded, so don't bother looking for changes on those sides. There is also no AI for the Confederacy, so you either have to play against Zerg or Protoss, or another Human.
Here are the units that the confeds have:
{Infantry Units
Conscript - basic marine, somewhat lesser then normal marines.
Storm Trooper - Fires out plasma lances, and has a sexy electric blue Marine GRP.
Medic - normal (Well, somewhat lesser then normal, I removed the Optical Flare)
Dark Ghost - Pretty much as it sounds, its dark, its a ghost, but cannot use nukes or lockdown. But, it does have a powerful attack.
Rocket Trooper? I might add this according to popular demand}
V11 Vulture - New Graphics, fires lasers. Slightly less HP
Bulldog - Its a Goliath with a missile turret on top. Freaking awesome, no?
Siege Tank - Normal (It still plays a decent role though, don't worry)
Assault Tank - A four barreled all-out destroyer tank
{Air Units
WF-01 Wraith - Light wraith
WF-02 Heavy Wraith - heavier, Fires out missiles for ground, Flak shells for air. Has the Lockdown Ability
Raider - Raider GRP. (Duh :P ) Hammers targets repeatedly with missiles. Fires out small lasers for air attack.
DDI-32 Ion Destroyer - Big, gray Merc Gunship GRP from the SC beta. Fires ion beams, and has 2 main attacks: 1: Yamato gun. 2: Thermal Nuclear Strike, which is a lesser version of the nuke
Utility Ship - Plays role of SciVessel, Casts defensive Matrix. Can also carry units} |