




SC ColorFix v1.1

发布者: castelu | 发布时间: 2013-9-24 16:25| 查看数: 5471| 评论数: 1|帖子模式

This should work perfectly for anybody having the screwed up colors problem in Windows 7 or Vista. The problem causer is the taskbar. In Windows 7 it is forced to be on top with no option to turn it off so it should happen much more often.

This fix kills the taskbar (and explorer) and then relaunches and resumes explorer once you exit the game. If you need to alt-tab to inject hacks i recommend loading something like SE-Explorer first (if you use SE-Explorer, all you should need is the 'SE-Explorer.exe').

I have included a batch script and an EXE for both versions. The EXE should work smoother but the batch script can be edited to work with other games.

Created By: DSG

SC ColorFix

112 KB, 下载次数: 0, 下载积分: 水晶 -2 克


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