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发表于 2013-8-30 22:35:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

StarCraft:Shadow of the Xel'Naga

作者:Gabriel Mesta
出版:Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star Books)


  天空就像一床让人透不过气来的毯子一样,盖在Free Haven镇上。殖民者匆忙地躲避即将到来地风暴。在殖民星Bhekar Ro上,夜晚降临的十分迅速。风很大,但是没有星星。




  Octavia Bren坐在哥哥Lars边狭窄的座位上,看着满布条纹的前挡风玻璃。他们正开着巨型机械收割机匆匆回镇上。机械行进时发出的隆隆声和引擎的吼叫声叠在一起,几乎盖过了窗外的雷声。





  虽然这种天气的确可以清除整天赖在空气中的泥土和灰尘,但是它也会毁掉好不容易才生长在这多岩的土地上的triticale-wheat和salad-moss。而一旦遇到几次严重的歉收,Free Haven的殖民者就可能无法找到足够多的应急供给品。他们已经很久没有向外界申请过援助了。






  大概有一半殖民者的女儿向Lars求过婚——Cyn McCarthy甚至求了3次!——不过到现在为止都给Lars敷衍过去了。在这个艰苦的环境里,殖民者在15岁就会被看作成年人。许多人在18岁前结婚,并且有了孩子。只要再过一年,Octavia也得面对同样的情况,在Free Haven极少的选择里做出决定。












  “全是糟糕的事情。可是不管怎么说,这儿是Bhekar Ro——你又能希望它怎样呢?”



  但是这儿的人们依然追随着他们的梦想。四十年前这些殖民者竭力逃脱了联邦政府的围墙,来到了这个星球——Bhekar Ro。他们终于找到了独立的生活,一个新的开始,彻底远离了那个持续着混乱内战的联邦世界。

  这些殖民者想要的仅仅是和平和自由而已,于是他们抱着幻想开始了他们的生活,利用所有殖民者共有的资源建立了一个中央城镇并且把它命名为Free Haven,为每一个有劳动力的人平均分配了耕地。不过不久这种理想主义思想就伴随着随之而来的辛苦和出乎预料的困难而慢慢消去了。

  不过,没有一个人提出要回去——尤其是Octavia和Lars Bren。

  随着机械收割机的接近,Free Haven的灯光就像一个正在变大的,温暖的天堂,正在欢迎着他们。在这个距离上,Octavia已经能听到城镇广场上的那个老Missile Turret边上发出的风暴报警声,这代表着殖民者需要去寻找遮蔽的地方。其他所有人——至少是那些还具有些常识的殖民者——已经躲进了他们预制的房子以躲避风暴了。


  一个炸雷在很近的地方爆开,机械收割机咯嗒咯嗒地响了起来。Lars磨了磨牙,继续向前开。Octavia想起来小时候她坐在父亲的膝盖上,全家一起在屋里时对这打雷发笑的情形。那种安全的感觉……他们的祖父母在这严酷的环境里迅速地老去,而且不知道能不能说是荣幸,成为了第一批被埋葬在Free Haven八角形围墙外公墓里的人。接下来,在Octavia刚过十五岁生日不久,又爆发了一场spore blight。




  虽然这场瘟疫给殖民者带来了可怕的打击,但是这反而让幸存者团结的比以前更加紧密。一个新的成年人,Jacob “Nik”Nikolai,为这些真菌瘟疫的遇难者写了一份热情洋溢的颂词,不知何故重新点燃了殖民者独立处理这件事情的决心,而且给了他们留下来的动力。他们已经生活了这么长时间,克服了这么多困难,他们相信能走过这个难关。

  随后Octavia和Lars一起搬到了Free Haven边上的一间空的预制房里,重新开始了他们的生活。他们制定计划,他们扩张,他们跟踪自动矿井,他们检视****仪,寻找建筑物损坏的预兆,他们努力避免一切对自己的工作或者整个镇上造成影响的事情。每天早上,他们两个都会开到田里去,努力地并肩工作,直到天漆黑才回来。他们更加勤劳地工作,冒更大的风险……终于活下来了。



  在机械收割机的系统完全关闭之前,Octavia检查了一下油量表。他哥哥向来想不起来做这种事情。“我们得去精练厂弄些Vespene gas回来。”Lars抓着门把手,低下头说:“明天,明天吧。Rastin现在肯定躲在他的帽子低下,诅咒着这风暴呢。那个老家伙一点都不比我更喜欢这风暴。”他迅速打开门,在强风把门吹回去几秒钟之前跳了出去。Octavia从另外一侧出来,从宽阔的机械脚上的台阶跳到地面上。



  很少有殖民者会去操心星球的状况,或者跟踪地底下的活动,但是Lars认为很有必要在他们位于Back Forty foothills的自动矿井里安装****仪。当然Lars得负责去维修和安装这些已经老化的设备。




  正当Lars准备咧嘴笑的时候,地下传来一个震波,就像Bhekar Ro的地壳正在做着噩梦。一开始Octavia希望这只是一个比较近的炸雷,但是震动持续不断的传来,他们脚下的地面开始倾斜,房子摇晃了起来。









  她的名字曾经叫做Sarah Kerrigan,不过那是当她还是其他什么东西的时候……或者说,当她还是人的时候。


  她坐在Zerg Hive那像个肉芽一样,由不断搏动的有机物组成的肉墙里。巨大而怪异的生物在黑影里移动着,被她的每一个想法控制着。而它们,正在为一个伟大的目标而行动。

  正是借着她的精神力和对这些凶猛可怕的生物的控制,经过改造的Sarah Kerrigan在Char行星灰白的废墟上建立了新的Hive。这是一个灰色的世界,强烈的宇宙射线冲击着它,燃烧着它。长久以来,这里都是战场。只有最强者才能存活下来。

  凶猛的Zerg族的生物知道如何去适应环境,如何去存活。Sarah Kerrigan也知道这点,因此成为了它们中的一员。Kerrigan是一名天才的鬼兵,是具有心灵感应能力的侦探,是联邦智慧的代言人,于是,她被Zerg Overmind捉住,并且改造成了Zerg。


  不过当她看到倒影中的自己的时候,她还是偶尔会想起曾经是人类的时光,曾经可爱的时光——当然是人类那种“可爱”的方式——甚至是曾经爱过一位叫Jim Raynor的同样爱着自己的男人的时光,想起人类的情感,还有人类的弱点。

  Jim Raynor。她试着不去想起他。现在如果需要,她可以毫不犹豫地杀死那位结实的,和蔼的,留着海象胡的男人。现在有更重要的事情等着她做。她对发生在她身上的一切没有一丝后悔。

  Sarah Kerrigan不仅仅是一个普通的Zerg。

  在Zerg的征服史上,它们的族人从各种各样被他们感染的生物中变异而来。由于可以改变自己的DNA序列及生理特征,Zerg可以在任何环境下生存。即便是在寒冷的Char上,这群Zerg依然觉得很舒服,就像曾经在Terran殖民者繁华的Mar Sara上一样。



  一开始,当Zerg感染了Terran殖民区边缘的两个世界——Chau Sara和Mar Sara——的时候,它们的胜利看起来很牢固。联邦活下来的人根本看不到危险,它们的数量于是得以快速地增长。不过接下来一支Protoss舰队——人类从来没见过的舰队——彻底摧毁了Chau Sara的地表。这场意料之外的打击的确扫除了整颗星球上所有的Zerg寄生物(当然也屠杀掉了数以百万计的无辜殖民者),但是Terran联邦依然对这次无缘无故的攻击迅速做出了反映。不过Protoss指挥官好像并没兴趣去摧毁Mar Sara,所以那儿的Zerg寄生物完好无损地活了下来。

  最后,Zerg士兵席卷了Terran联邦的首都Tarsonis。而Sarah Kerrigan,人类的鬼兵,拥有精神力量的单位,被她的人类战友们出卖,变成了Zerg。因为发现了她强大的精神力量,Overmind决定要好好利用她……不过在这之后,在即将被征服的Protoss主星Aiur上,一位Protoss战士(注:就是Tassadar)用自杀式爆炸的方式杀死了Overmind。它死了,成为了英雄,也毁掉了整个Zerg Hive。

  只留下了Sarah Kerrigan,刀锋皇后,去收拾这一切。


  在她的指导下,一些幸存下来的Drone已经变形成了Hatchery。Kerrigan的Zerg生物们已经找来了足够多的水晶,它们已经可以将Hatchery转化成更加有用的Lairs……甚至最终转化成为完整的Hive。利用Hatchery制造出来的幼虫,她已经得到了许多Creep Colony,Extractor和Spawning Pool。不久以后,这些Zerg Creep的有机覆盖物就将布满这烧焦的星球表面。这些营养丰富的物质能给众多的新殖民军队提供充足的食物和能量。



  Sarah Kerrigan弯了弯她那长着长指头的手,伸出像剑一样的爪子。这个爪子能轻松地取出敌人的内脏——任何敌人,不管是背叛了她的叛徒Arcturus Mengsk,还是Edmund Duke将军。后者的失职直接导致了她的被捕和改造。

  她低头看了看其中一根利爪,想象着它如何穿过那个长着双下巴,穿地整整齐齐的将军的喉咙,然后看着他滚烫的鲜血从里面喷出来。虽然他们并没有打算这样做,不过Edmund Duke和Arcturus Mengsk的确让她变成了刀锋女皇。她获得了无法想象的力量,燃烧了她所有的潜力。她又怎么能对他们发火呢?



  Sarah Kerrigan觉得它们很好看,就像一位母亲对自己孩子的看法一样,不论她的孩子长什么样。她轻敲了最近的一只Zergling绿色的丝状表皮一下,那只Zergling立刻把自己的爪子佛过她近乎无法摧毁的皮肤,然后用尖牙掸掉她身上的尘土,就像用的其实是羽毛一样。这是溺爱的爱抚……最可怕的Zerg兵种之一的Hydralisk在殖民地的边界上巡逻。像螃蟹一样的Guardian在头上一边飞一边吼叫,时刻准备着把致命的酸液喷向任何地面上的敌人。


  Sarah Kerrigan一点都不担心,也显然不会害怕。但是她依然很小心。她不断地走来走去,虽然事实上她可以通过士兵的眼睛看到她想看到的一切,只要她愿意。







  变化无常的天气很多时候看起来像是有意在戏弄殖民者,第二天,Bhekar Ro的黎明格外明朗。联邦测绘队当时利用照片把类似Octavia的祖父母这些的第一批绝望的移民者引诱到这个星球上,而现在眼前的景象让Octavia不禁想起来了那些照片。


  Octavia越过满地的垃圾,来到机械收割机边上,甩了甩她褐色的短发,开始工作。她熟练地往机械收割机的顶上扫了一眼,发现冰雹把收割机顶砸出了一大堆坑洞,搞得收割机的外壳变成了水果糖模样。当然了,只要这些玩意儿还能工作,Bhekar Ro上没人会去重新给它们刷油漆。还好,风暴并没有给收割机带来什么严重的损坏,Octavia松了口气。

  镇上的街道挤满了喧闹的殖民者。他们刚刚起床便从屋里跑出来,像之前每一次风暴发生过后一样,去做一些修复的工作。在旁边的一间房子外面,Abdel和Shayna Bradshaw正看着他们的机械,沉重的修复工作搞的他们很沮丧。街那边,Kiernan和Kirsten Warner向Cyn McCarthy招着手。Cyn则跑向镇中间的市长的房子。她长满雀斑的脸上挂着微笑,仿佛什么坏事都没发生过。Cyn天性善良,长着铜色的头发。她总是会忘掉许诺要做的事情,却从来不吝啬自己对别人的帮助,哪怕并不需要。

  殖民者总是需要不断地修补自己的东西,因为Bhekar Ro上糟糕的天气向来毫无预兆地出现,况且这儿也没有“暴风雨季”这样的说法。也正是由于天气是这样的恶劣,殖民者只好一茬接一茬往农田里种谷子,先是whip-barley,然后是triticale-wheat,再是salad-moss,希望这样耕作可以得到更好的收成,以弥补损失。他们努力奋斗着,期待着能在倒退一步之前走出两步。

  在spore plague中遇难的人里有4名是殖民者最好的科学家。Cyn McCarthy的丈夫,第二代化学工程师Wyl,就是其中的一个。第一代的科学家的工作方向多数都是星球的资源和环境,致力于对动物和作物做出生物学上的改良,好让它们能在这个环境里更好的存活。于是Free Haven的环境稳定了一段时间,可以耕作的土地面积缓慢地增加着。

  幸存的殖民者不得不为了维生而终日奔波,失去了这些科学家以后,他们甚至没有时间去学习任何新的技术。这些殖民者一般是农民,机械工程师和矿工。他们白天通常要忙于各种紧迫的任务,根本没有精力探险或者扩张。由Mayor Nikolai代表的这一代人一致同意,去追求科技和发明实在是太过于奢侈,他们短期不打算考虑这样做。



  “真好看,挺有个性的。”Lars推开门,融化了的冰雹水从舱顶流出来,流过机械脚,一直淌到地上。“我们得去Back Forty看看****仪和矿井。它们估计被****弄的够呛。”




  在过去,有些殖民者尝试过在主山谷边上建立新的殖民地。有些人也离开了Free Haven去寻找更好的农田。不过那些遥远的农场一个接一个遭遇了枯死病,瘟疫,或者自然灾害,只有少数的幸存者最后回到了Free Haven。


  Octavia和Lars驾驶着机械收割机开向远处的丘陵。Lars的确是一个先锋,总是向往着发现新的晶矿、Vespene气矿或者肥沃的土壤。他总是乐于探险,而Octavia却只是希望实现她父母的愿望,在未来的某一天将Bhekar Ro改造成一个令人骄傲的理想居所。


  一些农民正在尽力抢救他们的东西。Gandhi和Liberty Ryan,在他们的雇员Brutus Jensen和三个孩子的帮助下,全力在往秧苗上竖保护泡。那家人卖力地工作着,累得连话都没劲说一句。Brutus Jensen好像不想全力干活,Ryan家十分不高兴。


  Lars让机械收割机的引擎保持运转,同时朝着外面一些仓库和小房间的方向喊到:“嘿,Rastin!赶快从你那破精练厂里跑出来,把我们吊上去,我们要给坦克(收割机)加点油。你是不是吸Vespene Gas吸得太多啦?”

  那位高而瘦的老矿工大步绕过建在一簇化能锅炉边上的气站。他养的****Old Blue也从褶皱的金属门廊下的窝里跑了出来。

  Old Blue的嘴唇是卷向后面的,它天蓝色的毛随着长大而慢慢竖了起来,不过Octavia还是从机械收割机里爬了出来,拍拍手说:“你可骗不了我,你这臭狗。”

  Old Blue开心地叫了一声,摇着粗尾巴朝她奔了过去。她轻拍它的脑袋和肩膀,想让它把泥乎乎的爪子从她连身衣上拿下去,可惜****并不理会。


  Rastin是最初的殖民者中少数几个幸存者之一,他在Bhekar Ro已经独自一人生活了四十年。他一直以来都想摆脱Terran联邦,希望找到一个只属于他自己的世界。这个星球上的这群人是他目前最好的选择了。

  Rastin居住的小屋是用剩余的材料搭建而成的,三天两头就得修理一番。他把自己的精练厂建在了四座Vespene Gas矿旁边,其中有一座在之前就已经枯竭了。余下的三座气站一直为殖民者提供着充足的油气。

  灌满了机械收割机以后,老矿工急忙挥手想把他们送走,看起来就像这些人令他作呕似的。Octavia又拍了拍Old Blue的脑袋,回身爬上收割机沾满泥巴的机械脚。****跑了回去,像是破石头堆中一团奔跑着的毛球。


  离开Rastin的家,Lars和Octavia爬上陡峭的小山开赴边缘山脉。地形变得更加崎岖。他们的Back Forty远在之前大家划定的潜在耕地范围之外。越过了边界,任何有时间或者有雄心去扩大自己土地的人都有权力开采任何矿物和资源。所以Lars和Octavia圈下了那儿,在他们父母和祖父母所拥有的土地上又增加了一块。














  “你觉得那是什么?”他远远地穿过碗形的山谷,指着离Free Haven十二公里远的高低不平的山谷。
















  Xerana,就像其他的Dark Templar一样,被逐出了Protoss社会,被迫离开他们深爱的家乡Aiur而四处流亡。Protoss Judicator阶层曾经命令所有的族人都需要加入一个叫Khala的组织中,让所有Protoss人的思想通过心灵感应的方式汇聚成一个海洋。但是Dark Templar拒绝执行。他们害怕Khala会夺走他们的个性,让他们生活在一个大统的意识下。于是他们成了流浪者,遭到迫害。

  虽然严厉的Judicator把他们驱逐出去,并且直到今天还依然想尽方法想要抓住他们,这些Dark Templar却从来没有产生恶意。传说中的Xel’Naga人创造了他们。尽管Khala的成员们在基本原则上和Dark Templar存在分歧,但是Xerana和她的同伴们依然把First Born——Protoss人——当作自己的兄弟姐妹。

  他们选择了一条其他Protoss人拒绝考虑,但却更好的发展道路。因此,Dark Templar们找到了新的信息来源。比如Xerana自己就发掘出了很多Xel’Naga族人的建筑物,也知道了一些关于Void的秘密。其他的Protoss人并不知道这些事情,而且他们也许永远也不会知道,除非他们不再憎恨Dark Templar……在这桔红色天空下的静谧废墟上,Xerana快步走出来,继续在粉末一样的废墟上前行。即使是在Dark Templar中,她也是一个独行者,一位学者。她很困惑,不知道怎么去寻找那个创造了Protoss,很久以后又创造了可怕的Zerg族的远古种族的蛛丝马迹。




  Xel’Naga,也被叫做Wanderers form Afar,是一个和平而又善良的种族。他们酷爱研究,并且在全宇宙开展他们的人工进化活动。他们在许多星球上开展试验,然后来到了Aiur这个丛林世界,将他们的注意力集中在了这儿本土的生物上,秘密地引导它们进化,然后发展出自己的文明,直到他们成为Protoss,即First Born。

  但是当欣喜的Xel’Naga人最后现身出来的时候,却无意造成了一场波及整个世界的混乱。Protoss部落分裂开来,每一部分都沿着不同的方向,以不同的方式发展着。一些甚至对先祖Xel’Naga开战,最终把这些Wanderers form Afar从Aiur上赶走了。接下来,各个部落互相打斗,Aiur上发生了一场旷日持久而又血腥暴力的世界大战,也就是后来大家知道的Aeon of Strife。


  少数Protoss却不接受Khala。他们把自己和它隔离开来,继续着原先的个体发展。很长一段时间,这些叛逆者的存在是一个黑色的秘密。然后,他们开始遭到迫害,直到Judicator Conclave决定驱逐所有的Rogue Tribe,把他们全部装进一艘被Xel’Naga遗弃的飞船,送进了Void。

  这些流亡的叛逆者成为了Dark Templar,就像Xerana。他们依然忠于那个把他们赶走的种族,却有着无尽的好奇心,强烈地想知道他们的起源。Xerana需要知道,为什么Xel’Naga人认为Protoss是一个失败的试验品,为什么他们再也没回来,还有为什么他们之后顷其力而创造了可怕的Zerg。

  和她小组里其他的成员一样,Xerana不仅仅是研究员和学者,也是一位战士。到现在为止,她已经破译了许多Xel’Naga的知识。其他的Dark Templar也投入到Void的力量里,学习着那神秘的psi技术,那其他的Protoss人不曾理解的技术……黑暗降临到这无名的大地上,Xerana却依然没回她停在轨道上的巨型飞船。她闪着金光的眼睛适应了黑暗,心灵感应能力不断提升,仍在不断研究。她苗条而健壮的身体上穿着黑色的长袍,被一条写着象形文字的宽肩带固定着,象征着她学者的身份。她穿衣服从来不是为了舒服,而是为了礼节和职能。一片风化了的薄片附在她宽阔的领口上,那是她在早期的一次发掘中发现的一个碎片,上面难以辨别的文字来源于一位被遗忘了很久了的Xel’Naga诗人。这是她最珍贵的收藏。






  因为没有同事,Xerana坐在她收集到的所有遗物里。在她乘着飞船穿梭星际寻找答案的时候,她也收集了一仓库的Xel’Naga遗物。她并不仅仅把它们储藏起来,也不单单是把它们当作自己的个人财产。它们是用来研究的,每一小块都代表着那把可以解开Dark Templar梦寐以求的答案的钥匙的一小部分。



  也许借着这一小段资料,她能让Dark Templar已经知道的历史更加完整一些。她也许能利用这个东西去和地表上其他不同的遗迹通讯。



  在Edmund Duke将军的指挥下,Alpha Squadron的战舰随时都可以进行战斗。事实上,他们也渴望战斗。

  在先前Zerg和Protoss间的那场破坏性的战争中,殖民世界边缘的Chau Sara和Mar Sara、联邦政府所在地Tarsonis,以及Protoss的家园星球Aiur都相继成为了牺牲品。


  在那场战争的剧变中,以神自居的造反者Arcturus Mengsk,暴力组织Sons of Korhal的领导人,夺取了原本属于Terran联邦的权力,自封为新的皇帝。Duke并不认为那个人很值得尊敬,或者值得信任,甚至怀疑他到底有没有才能。不管怎么说,Mengsk只是一个政客。


  他只想继续指挥,对于Arcturus Mengsk大帝要他干的事情,他并不感到良心有什么过意不去的地方。将军知道谁去执行他的命令。

  战争中很多飞船都遭到了破坏,包括他的旗舰Norad II。从那以后,Mengsk大帝花了很多财力升级军队。Alpha Squadron损坏的飞船都被修复了,甚至武器都经过了升级,随后被再次送入太空。

  Battlecruiser、Wraith、Science Vessel和Dropship组成了他坚不可摧的舰队,随时可以开赴危险的宇宙。邪恶的Protoss和Zerg仍然在那儿的某一个地方。

  Alpha Squadron早就离开了Korhal这颗多年前曾经被联邦的炮火摧毁,而今天却成为了大帝的首都星的星球。但是Arcturus Mengsk笑到了最后……至于Duke将军,则依然把持着指挥权。对于将军来说,其他什么事情都不重要。

  这几个月来,Alpha Squadron的战舰一直在执行例行的测绘工作,标记可能的殖民世界,以及和其他失去联络的星球重建连接。Duke简直想不出还有什么事情比这更无聊——这种任务根本不该由像他这样才华横溢的战略家来执行,也不该扔给他那些忠诚的士兵。

  不过刚刚建立的Terran Dominion的政治状况还不稳定,Mengsk只让他自己的人组建守护主星的Imperial Guard。大概Duke将军也没下定决心忠于大帝,所以他和他的Alpha Squadron被远远调开,免得他们惹什么麻烦。



  舰队已经巡航了很久了,Duke将军估计了一下舰队剩下的资源,看了看军队的容量,然后命令Alpha Squadron在下一个富含Vespene的小行星地带停下来。他故意往军舰里装入比大帝允许的数量更多的资源。现在,他站在他的旗舰上。当年的Norad II被彻底维修重建了——现在叫Norad III——成了一艘拥有了各种Duke将军梦想过的武器的Battlecruiser。


  他希望遇到什么东西好打一仗,总比做这种无穷无尽的……社会调查任务来的有意思。Mengsk大帝真的想知道偏僻的殖民世界的情况?显然在Terran Dominion新领导人的心里有很多更重要的事情。






  指挥室安静了下来。Duke的舵手兼武器官,Lieutenant Scott,终于开口了。“将军,长官,请问我能问一个问题吗?允许我随便说说?”高大、英俊而又直率,别的士兵都很尊敬Scott。


  “我假设您有计划,长官,是吗?”Lieutenant Scott说。“我们是不是正在等待出发?”



  “”够了,Lieutenant!“Duke抬高了声音,吼到。”如果大帝听到你这么说他立刻会治你叛国罪。“”但是,将军,长官——他们才是叛徒。“Scott似乎很怀疑。”Korhal之子。他们才是我们的敌人。“Duke紧握的拳头猛的砸到Norad III上的指挥终端上。”他们现在才是所有Terran的合法政府。你是不是想让我也变成叛徒,这样好去报复另外一帮叛徒?我提醒你我们的职责是服从上级指挥官下达给我们的指令。Tarsonis毁灭之后,现在我们终于把Zerg赶走了,只是我们的合法政治领袖碰巧变成了Mengsk大帝而已。你应该好好记住这点,孩子。\"

  Lieutenant Scott发现是时候停下这个话题了。


  其他在桥上的官员们,其实很多都有着和Lieutenant Scott相同的感受。而现在他们只好先把不满都收起来,转身去执行他们各自紧急的任务。


  Alpha Squadron总会为他们第一个冲向战场而又第一个凯旋而自豪。可是现在,他们却没有地方可以去。尽管小行星带中收集Vespene和矿石的工作已经结束,舰队已经回缩准备再次开始他们缓慢的星际旅行,Duke将军心里清楚还是不会发生什么能让人激动的事情。

  向吃惊的Lieutenant Scott下达了一条命令后,Duke将军离开了他的岗位。他没发现这次任务有任何战术上的优势,于是决定花一些时间提升自己的水平。







  她跟着他,充满酸味的空气让她的呼吸变的越来越沉重。新露出地面的土壤上遍布零星的污点,看起来应该是很早以前就是这样的了。根据经验,殖民者们知道只有很少的作物可以在Bhekar Ro的土壤里生长。Octavia当然很熟悉那种气味,尤其是在一场大雨之后。在显微图书里,她曾经看到过繁华的农业世界,翠绿的土地上长满谷物。她一直不敢相信那是真的。






  Lars自信地笑道:“我可不认识那些老农妇,不过我觉得Cyn McCarthy没准会喜欢。”Octavia扬起眉毛。这样,他那个自主的哥哥就能发现,这位漂亮的小姐对他的浪漫非常感兴趣。Octavia从来都没指望能打击一下Lars。

























  她没有进到人造物体里面,只是把脏手叉在腰上。“你能把它们卖给谁,Lars?你又想要什么?谷子?装备?Free Haven没有人会有什么多余的东西。自从我和你生下来以来,我们没有和任何人作过任何交易。”

  Lars笑着,压低声音,像是怕谁会偷听。“Octavia,这些玩意儿远远不是Bhekar Ro能处理的。我想一旦我们回去,最好立刻联系Terran政府。我们会变得有钱的!想想看卖了它们我们能得到什么。甚至是你也承认它们很有趣——一生的发现。我们所有人都能装备新的设备,得到新的种子,甚至能支持我们人口的新的工人。过去几年里我们损失了太多的人了。”

  Octavia的心沉了下去,她想起了她们死去的父母,还有所有在spore plague,或者自然灾害,或者其他数不清的悲剧中去世的专家和平民。自从Bhekar Ro建立的那天起,这种悲剧就不断的发生。她能感受到她哥哥的乐观主义,想象着他描述的种种可能。如果那些都能实现——哪怕只有一次——Lars的雄心壮志也许真的是对的。

  不过接着她又开始怀疑起来。就算这个人造物最终确定是真的有用,可以实现Lars幻想的那些充满希望的事情,殖民地和Terran联邦的通信也在Free Haven作为人类殖民地的40年内中断了35年。殖民者就是为了躲避Terran政府才到这儿来过他们自给自足的生活的。他们的父母和祖父母痛恨任何形式的冲突和压迫,现在的殖民者也几乎没人愿意再次引起他们的注意。

  “我认为其他人不会同意的,尤其是Major Nik,”Octavia说。“我不信像这样的事情值得把联邦带回来继续统治我们。你也听了祖父给我们讲过的故事。联邦会毁掉我们现在的生活的。”




  Lars一直都梦想在这个大部分地域都没经过测绘的地方成为一名勘探家,或者考古学家,或者探险家。但是在Bhekar Ro上,很少有人有机会可以不做农民,可以不用为了保持整个殖民世界的正常运作而整天耕种。当下Octavia可没有心情去打搅哥哥。他一辈子都在等着像这样的机会呢。























  这时她感到有东西能保护她了,但是还不够。她启动了收割机的引擎,掉转方向,在破碎的地面上全速行驶。她疾驰过山谷,身后只留下扬起的碎石和尘土。她必须回到Free Haven。




  广袤的宇宙中,Executor Koronis正坐在旗舰Qel'Ha号Carrier上,四周都是Protoss远征军里最强大的舰队。只有在这里,Executor Koronis才能独自思考,才能为自己找到庇护。也只有在这里,他才能仔细思考他的任务,他的命运,甚至是整个种族的命运。




  Koronis坐在他光滑的座椅上,手里拿着一小块破旧却依然闪光的水晶碎片。宝石商人告诉他,古老的先知Khas发现最终造就Khala的心灵感应术的时候,就用了这块碎片。Khala最后统一了Protoss,通过精神力把它们汇聚到一起,终于结束了长久以来让他们的文明四分五裂的Aeon of Strife。


  几十年前,Protoss Conclave把Koronis和他的远征军送上了这趟长途旅程,远在Koprulu Sector的边缘之外。不过Protoss是长寿的生物,他们并不在乎几十年,甚至也不会在乎几个世纪。他们每个人都为被这个任务所选中而自豪。在出发之前,由于这个个任务非常重要,Koronis被指定为为数不多的Executor之一。

  他和他的远征军随即踏上了征程。他们的任务是搜寻那些曾经拒绝加入Khala,并且随即把自己和Protoss统一的心灵连接断开的异端——Dark Templar。Conclave中的Judicator无法容忍Protoss社会中存在这样一个影响不良的群体。他们下令,Dark Templar必须被带回来监禁起来,或者被处决。至于Koronis,他从来都不觉得Dark Templar是一个大威胁,相反,他更倾向于放任他们继续流浪。不过下命令的是那些狂热的Conclave政客,不是他。

  Koronis对这次任务的第二个部分的兴趣远远大于追捕Dark Templar:寻找创造了Protoss,并把他们当作自己特殊的孩子看的远古种族Xel'Naga的遗迹。

  最近的证据表明,Xel'Naga也是敌人Zerg的创造者,还可能计划用它们来代替这些First Born。Executor Koronis不知道他们为什么要这样做,不过好像那个决定导致了Protoss人接下来不断的失败和失望。


  他闭上了闪着微光的眼睛,把注意力从Khaydarin水晶上移开。到现在为止,虽然经过了几十年的搜索,Qel'Ha却没有发现任何Xel'Naga的遗迹。不仅如此,Dark Templar也是不见踪影。


  进入他办公室的过道的门向上滑开,Judicator Amdor令人难忘的身影出现在走廊里。他的眼睛闪耀着明亮的桔红色光芒。他穿着深紫色的长袍,长袍上闪烁着的光芒好像是他精神力的反映。嵌满珠宝的肩垫和金属头饰让Amdor看起来令人印象深刻,甚至还有些不吉利的感觉。当然,只是看起来而已。

  作为代表Conclave的强有力的政客,Judicator Amdor并不觉得有必要向Koronis致礼。如果长官允许,他们两个之间或许还会发生一些摩擦。不过他依旧忠于整个种族,忠于这次任务,所以他并没有过多在意严厉的Judicator对他的大量批评。Amdor好像认为这次远征的失败是Executor的错。



  Zerg的Overmind已经被摧毁,Aiur最后还是得救了,虽然损失了相当大片的土地。Tassadar,被看作叛逆者的人,结合了Khala的能量和从Void学来的秘密。Judicator Amdor称Tassadar的举动是“Dark Templar教导的可耻的举动”,不过Koronis没法否认那位英雄的功绩。






  当他们两个走到桥上的时候,Executor坐上了Qel'Ha卵形的指挥椅。Judicator Amdor有如严酷的父母一般站在他旁边,好像害怕这位执行官不肯按他说的做一样。





  脉冲信号依旧在彭湃,刺激着Executor的神经,使他脑海里浮现出似曾相识的感觉。Judicator Amdor呆呆地站在那儿,先是困惑,继而震惊。





  Judicator点点头。“如果这个信号真的是Wanderers form Afar发出的,它肯定是一个好的预兆。我们是First Born,我们的目标就是重新找回Protoss族失去的辉煌。不论发射这个信号的是什么东西,找到它肯定会是通向这个目标之路上的一大步。”

  “En taro Adun。”Koronis说,并举手敬了一个礼。(意思是“向Adun致敬”,Adun是一位伟大的Protoss英雄。)

  “En taro Adun。”Judicator草草回道,好像正心烦意乱,又好像已经有了计划。

  自从收到了来自Aiur的噩耗以来,这还是Executer Koronis第一次感到自信。他招来了一艘机械Observer,命令它直接前往那个神秘的Xel'Naga信号的发射源。






  Octavia没有大哭一场,现在她也没有时间去哭。她必须赶快回到Free Haven好把警报拉响,从而告诉殖民者那个被风暴弄出来的,会杀人的不吉利的人造物。她向来都很实际,绝对不会把时间浪费在无用的感情宣泄上——不过这并不代表她不在乎朋友或者亲人的死。那是生存之道。那些由于这儿残酷的生活而轻易放弃希望的殖民者很快就会变得冷漠怠慢,粗心大意。而在Bhekar Ro,粗心往往意味着死亡将很快到来。

  从Octavia能回忆起来开始,她只哭过很少的几回:一次是因为她祖父母的死,另一次则是大约在她父母死于spore blight之后的一个星期。那时又来了一次风暴,而她的父亲却再也不会来安慰她了,残酷的现实像一记响亮的耳光重重打在了她的脸上。对她来说,流泪已经变成了一种很奇怪感觉,几乎已经没印象了。Lars死了!









  “我听说Lars Bren发现了什么东西。”




  “抱歉,让我说几句好吗?Octavia Bren有些严重的事情要对我们说,”他停了一下,环顾四周。“严重到我认为有必要在她说完之后来一个投票,好决定我们接下来应该做什么。”

  “你就不能总结一下,然后我们投个票,接着就可以走了?”Shayna Bradshaw叫道。“我的灌溉系统又堵住了,所以——”




  “你的哥哥哪儿去了?”Cyn McCarthy充满希望地叫道。



  “是的,外星!我们在这Bhekar Ro上并不孤单。”

  Octavia描述了所有发生的事情。她还犹豫地描述了他们对那个建筑的探索,还有当她看到明亮的光柱穿过她哥哥的身体,爆闪着将他彻底分解时,她的喉咙像是被堵住了,没法出声。她感到有一只手按在了她肩膀上,抬头看才发现Cyn McCarthy已经站在了她旁边,长满雀斑的脸上透出悲伤的神色。




  “嘿,是不是大约正午过后两分钟?”Kiernan Warner的声音从前排传来。“我想我听到那个声音了!如果真是十二公里以外的,那肯定非常响。”






  “我们不知道那道光柱是不是通讯,不过如果Bhekar Ro上再发生什么其他的事情,局面可能就不是我们能设法自己解决的了。”Nikolai村长说。





  “我的灌溉系统还堵着呢。”Shayna Bradshaw还在抱怨。


  Octavia在村中央广场十字路口上的联络塔外焦急地踱来踱去。通讯系统和广场中央的老Missile Turret一样,都是古董一样的东西了,没人知道那玩意儿还能不能工作。好几十年来它都没有作过长距离通讯了,只是用来在紧急情况下联络一下比较远的家庭和殖民者。




  “嗯,不过不准确。看起来联邦已经被推翻了,现在的政府叫Terran帝国。和我通话的人称他自己为大帝——的确令人印象深刻,我想。那人的名字是Arcturus Mengsk。他好像对我们找到的东西很感兴趣,问了一大堆问题,还告诉我他大概会派一支军队直接到我们这里来。”




  Arcturus Mengsk懒洋洋地躺在坐落于首都星Korhal的王座上。多年来,他一直针对Terran联邦对他们的镇压进行着诡计多端的游击战。而今天,他终于感到了解脱。









  但是刚才,他收到了从遗忘的殖民世界Bhekar Ro发出的奇怪信息。

  Mengsk从王座上坐起来,看着一份手抄的公报,想仔细查看他和殖民地领袖Jacob Nikolai的对话的每一个单词。Nikolai,从来没听过的名字。

  Mengsk用修剪地整整齐齐的手指捋了一下他浓密的胡须,皱起眉头,感到不知如何处理这个情况。在他的本能上,他倾向于忽略那个援助请求。大帝需要巩固他的政权,他有一长串的清单,列出了所有重要的星球,而Bhekar Ro并不在这上面。即使是联邦,也从没重视过这个星球。他为什么要真的去关心一个从来都没人知道的荒废的殖民世界上的这群浑身泥土的农民?



  Mar Sara和Chau Sara上被Zerg和Protoss破坏的基础设施都需要维修和重建——不过那些不太重要的地方就以后再说吧。大帝首先要想方设法从平民身上多收些税上来,好重新填满他的私人金库。如果哪个行星在Mengsk驾临的时候欢呼地不够响亮,在下面的建筑项目中他们就会发现获得长期贷款和工程师会变得格外困难。


  他决定去确认一下这个加冕仪式上的演说也放给了新Dominion所有的学生听。修改历史肯定不会是一件容易的事情……Mengsk给自己倒了一杯紫色的Klavva葡萄酒,一饮而尽,接着又倒了第二杯。关于Bhekar Ro上奇异外星物体的决定压在他肩头,而且不允许他扔给任何其他人——这就是做大帝的缺点。但是Arcturus Mengsk权力和地位是他自己争取来的,眼前的决定正是作为一个伟大统治者的主要工作。他不禁暗暗斥责自己。


  一位穿着制服的助手精力充沛地走进了华丽的王宫,给了他一个从前Sons of Korhal时使用过的举拳礼。如果Mengsk大帝成功掌权,这个军礼不久就会被整个Terran Dominion所接受。





  Mengsk再次凝视着他和Nikolai对话的总结。该做什么?他沉思着。那些殖民者没有任何动机向他们撒谎,或者夸大他们的发现;他们离银河系的政治世界实在是太远了,他们连Mengsk大帝是谁都没听说过,甚至根本不知道有Terran Dominion这回事。




  他走进战略室,调出显示出Koprulu地区的发光的三维星图。他盯着熟悉的恒星和行星系统,然后让计算机借着通讯信号的返回定位,在上面用一个小小的圆点标出了Bhekar Ro的地点。这些殖民者长久以来都很安静,以至于联邦的日常记录里都没有他们的踪影。Mengsk嘟哝着他前辈的无能。

  他研究了四周的地区,接着打开了战术显示屏,上面显示出他所有在区域内的战舰的当前位置。他长满胡须的脸上露出一个轻轻的笑容,决定让Edmund Duke将军到那儿走一趟。不管怎么说得给他们点事情做。



  Duke将军是一位坚毅的军队指挥官,他已经保证过要保卫新的政府——而且这种人从来都不会轻易承诺,因此Mengsk也不是完全不信任这位指挥官。于是大帝决定给他和他的Alpha Squadron一个证明自己的机会。



  Mengsk写下命令,把它们发给联络中心,调派Alpha Squadron全权赶往Bhekar Ro。


  黎明又一次降临到Bhekar Ro油腻的灰色天空,薄云打着漩涡,接着散开成波纹,像平静的水面上扩散开来的油斑。大地布满废墟,一片寂静……太寂静了。


  爆炸的回音扫过整个山谷,受惊的小啮齿动物纷纷逃散。一艘从Qel'Ha来的Protoss Observer骤然出现,在高高的天空盘旋。



  接着它开始了搜索。Observer飞过Bhekar Ro无人居住的土地,没有被任何人注意到。当它在穿过遥远的空间前往这儿的途中时,Observer还无法确定目标的精确方位。不过现在,它已经来到了那个人造物发射信号的地点。它布下航标灯塔,这样Qel'Ha和其他Protoss远征军就能准确到达这里了。

  Observer花了几个小时在天空盘旋,向晨光中那个半露的有机怪物所在的山峰靠近。探测器分析着山中突出物的图像,并且不断把实时报告传输给Executor Koronis。不久,初始数据传输过程结束,于是探测器原地安静地停了下来,等候着接下来的指令。


  Observer一边评估形势,一边继续以隐形状态不断靠近,直到盘旋到Bhekar Ro上殖民广场中央的上空。它开始收集人类殖民者的数据,殖民地人口,还有他们的防御工事……今天的黎明和往常并没有什么区别,但是Octavia Bren却要面对没有哥哥Lars的一天。

  其他的殖民者没有管她,即使是公认的演说能力远大于行动能力的Nikolai村长。她坐在八角形的小镇广场上,回忆着Lars还有和Lars在一起的时光,回忆着他们怎么讨论那些自己觉得不错的单身殖民者,回忆着他们辛苦的工作与心中的梦想,回忆着他们两个像小孩一样打闹的情形……她心头由父母的死亡造成的伤疤早已愈合,实际上其他的殖民者也早就习惯了这些预料之外的悲剧,所以他们也只是同情Octavia,却没有陷入悲痛中。Free Haven遭受了很多这样的事情,并且这些事情还会继续发生下去。他们必须忍受随之而来的痛苦,这已经成为了他们生活的一大部分。但是Octavia的祖父母相信即使是这样的生活也比Terran联邦统治下的生活好的多。至少在这里他们是自由的——虽然这会儿Octavia没法完全相信自己真的更喜欢Bhekar Ro上这种艰苦而短暂的生活。



  天完全亮了起来,Octavia依旧坐在老旧的Missile Turret边。第一批殖民者在一座遗弃的仓库上修建了这个东西,作为哨岗,同时也是全自动的防御工事。它会巡视天空,保护Bhekar Ro——免于谁的威胁?她不清楚。这座Missile Turret已经安安静静地在这里矗立了四十多年,甚至没人相信它还能工作。


  正当Octavia独自一人坐在那儿想着自己的哥哥,将目光投向平淡无奇的天空时,Missile Turret忽然发出几声轻响,接着开始嗡嗡叫,然后移动了起来。系统指示灯发出闪光,越闪越快,终于发出亮光。

  她一脚跳了起来,尖叫一声从塔边爬开。几个殖民者从屋里走出来,想看看她发生了什么,不过随即发现Missile Turret闷声作响的金属结构上的动作指示灯被点亮了。小塔还在移动。

  它的组件开始张开,液压系统发出沉闷的声响,接着锁定就位。一道闪光从塔顶发出,那是它的跟踪扫描仪在旋转。自动传感器向中心聚焦,探测到了天空中什么看不到的东西。Missile Turret最初的设计是能够自动锁定来犯的敌船并且开火,同时也能作为哨所;它强大的探测器甚至能发现隐形的飞船。

  这座Missile Turret几十年都没动过了,但是现在,它已经锁定了目标,准备好了一发飞弹,装进了发射架,整个塔都在轰鸣。虽然它的探测系统工作并不太正常,运动的时候会颤动,不时甚至会冒出几颗火花,不过它确实发现了什么东西。

  一发飞弹带着能量的冲击从塔中飞向天空。浓烟从一个发射口中涌出,Missile Turret毕竟太长时间没有工作过了,它的系统开始崩溃了。













  人造物发出的信号穿过了遥远的时空,来到了Char。带着类似精神雪崩一般的冲击波,信号穿过了星球上所有的Zerg,还有Queen of Blades。她坐在仍在不断成长的Hive里,感到那个脉冲信号带来的电磁尖啸狠狠地砸在她Sarah Kerrigan的殿堂上。不知何故,她觉得那信号和她脑中新出现的部分产生了共鸣,那种旋律仿佛刻在Zerg族的DNA的最原始的基础里。




  早年,她曾经接受过联邦的Ghost程序训练。Terran给过她痛苦的神经治疗,让她的潜在的精神力能平静下来。他们利用外科手术往她体内植入了一枚Psychic Dampener,借此让她成为一名出色的间谍和智能单位。Sarah Kerrigan被强迫谋杀过数不清的敌人,也让她学会了像对待普通而易损的日用品一样对待生命。

  对她来说,那是不错的训练。但Kerrigan是被她所服务的人出卖的,她被扔在Tarsonis被Zerg占领的战场上等死。于是,曾经是Sarah Kerrigan的女人变成了Queen of Blades,独自掌握着Zerg未来的命运。




  传来的汽笛响引发了一些Xel’Naga人植入到它们体内的潜藏的记忆。Queen of Blades借着她变异的身体,也深深知道了这个信号必然是来自难以置信的遥远过去,设计者便是那创造了Protoss和Zerg的同一种族。


  她作出了决定,召集来所有自Overmind被摧毁后她制造出来的最好的Zerg,要向这些Kukulkan Brood的成员布置一个任务。这个名字来源于祖先Terran的关于强大的有羽毛的玛雅之神的传说,她觉得这个名字够威风也够合适,于是就用来称呼这个在分散的Zerg族群中最为强大的一个攻击群。她依赖着它们。

  当Kukulkan Brood最终成立,Kerrigan命令它所有的成员,Overlord、Mutalisk、Hydralisk、Zergling、Ultralisk、Queen还有Drone——作为一支令人难忘的攻击力量所必须的一切——像一群死昆虫一样从Char冒烟的废墟里,穿过遥远的空间,向目的地出发。



  Free Haven的会议厅又一次被焦虑不安的殖民者挤地满满当当。不过这次,再也不需要任何人来告诉他们Bhekar Ro上又在发生什么。那是足以影响到他们生存的变化,早已超出了他们可以控制的范围。


  Octavia坐在前排离讲台很近的地方,其他很多比她更年轻的殖民者都坐在她附近,想获得更多的信息,包括Jon,Gregor,Wes,还有Kiernan和Kirsten Warner。Cyn McCarthy坐在Octavia的右边,铜色的头发无精打采地垂在她忧郁的脸旁,像是有好几天没洗了。她深蓝色的眼中再也看不到往日的乐观,这让Octavia感到有些害怕。

  Octavia感到最坏的关头就要到来,也许Bhekar Ro的殖民者必须要鼓起十二分的勇气和意志,来渡过这个难关。这时Nikolai村长跳上讲台,整个屋子瞬间安静了下来,速度快的让Octavia大吃一惊。

  “各位,坚强的人们,我们已经经历了无数难关,”他开始了发言。“很长时间以来,我们都为自己坚定不移的意志而感到自豪。风暴,****,瘟疫,还有各种各样意外的灾难,都被我们踩在脚下,而我们则继续前进。但是过去的几天里,发生在这里的事情已经完全超出了能理解的范围。在Bhekar Ro上这么多年来,我们从没有和外星敌人做过斗争。换句话说,也就是我们必须为一切的意外做好准备。”


  Shayna Bradshaw接口道:“如果你的意思是我们得保护自己,那像样的武器呢?我们是殖民者——只有用于开垦农田的工具,枪只是偶尔用来玩玩射击游戏而已啊!”

  Octavia再也遏制不住怒火,回敬道:“首先巨大的人造物分解了我的哥哥,然后往太空发射了一柱强光。接着,我们的Missile Turret忽然活动起来,射下了天上一个外星物体。它可能是一个信使,一种武器,或者侦察仪。不管怎么说,我们需要为抗敌做准备。那个神秘的传信肯定会吸引某些东西的注意,我们也不知道下面还会发生什么。所以我建议好好开始想我们到底能做些什么,而不是去抱怨我们没有什么或者不知道什么。”


  Nikolai村长困惑地皱了一下眉毛。“你是说Terran Dominion吧,啊,是的。他们的大帝说他会立刻派人来。”他想了一会儿,接着激动起来:“当然,那只是几天前的事情。就算他们已经在路上了,我也不知道下个外星物体出现在我们头顶的天空的时候,他们到底能不能赶到。”


  Kiernan Warner也站了起来。“我们用来炸平矿山采矿的炸药怎么样,能不能用来当作武器?”


  他的堂弟Jon也跟着站了起来。“我很精通机械,没准我能和Octavia一起修好主广场上的Missile Turret呢。”


  在一片赞同声中,老Rastin忽然说道:“你们都些些头脑僵化的家伙,只会浪费Vespene Gas。什么半埋的人造物,什么外星飞船——你们到底有没有确定我们的确是被侵略了?总之你们到底认为这些外星人是谁?事实上,我们根本不知道接下来会发生什么。除非我们搞清楚了,否则我才不会一屁股坐在这儿喋喋不休。”他推推搡搡地朝出口走去。“你们一个个都以为天要塌下来了,别指望我会免费给你们提供Vespene Gas。”他不屑地哼了声,阔步走向出口,钻了出去。

  Nikolai村长张着嘴站了一会儿,不知道在这个需要大家齐心协力地时候应该对那个老头的言论说些什么。“呃……好吧,我们当然也不应该”恐慌,Rastin先生说的也有道理。不管怎么说,Terran Dominion的Mengsk大帝已经知道了现在的情况,援助应该已经快到了……\"他的声音越来越没精打采。



  Executor Koronis站在Qel’Ha甲板的连接桥上,出神地研究着那些高分辨率图片,一言不发。Observer一幅接一幅地传回那个宏伟的有机结构的照片。曲面和折角让那个露出来的东西看起来像是某些颇具野心的虫子建造出来的教堂。螺旋线和灯光随处可见,很明显,是一个复杂地让人觉得不舒服的设计。

  Judicator Amdor站在他身边,心里充满了激动和渴望——过去多年来的搜索总是无功而返,而Amdor总是会质疑这次行动。现在不一样了。


  Amdor似乎对那东西外壳上奇怪的图形和记号更加感兴趣。“那些线索外加开始的加密信号,都是不可否认的证据,说明这个东西和Wanderers from Afar有关。看来我们找到了Xel’Naga的遗物呢。”


  Executor Koronis不由地板起了脸。Amdor不是执行官,他没有权力下这样的命令。于是他又重复了一遍Amdor的命令,以确保指示都由执行官下达。“我们现在不回家了,对,虽然Aiur正在经历一场残酷的战争,但是这样一个发现很可能可以帮助我们重新崛起。”

  Amdor又向下瞄了一眼图像。“Zerg侵占了我们Protoss的空间,虽然他们和我们一样,都源于Xel’Naga,但是我们First Born永远不会承认它们是兄弟。我们绝不允许Zerg拿下这个人造物,哪怕只是其中蕴涵的任何一点知识。这个Xel’Naga的遗物必须属于我们。”

  遥远的Observer依旧执行着它的测绘任务,不断传回被人遗忘的Bhekar Ro上最新的照片。图像中,成群的Terran殖民者,和他们为了维生而建起的东西让Executor Koronis很是奇怪。

  不过就在这时,旧Missile Turret忽地自动激活,击落了天上隐形的侦察器。Executor猛然从指挥椅上跳起来,好像刚才那一击是打中他的一样。爆炸摧毁了Observer上的传感器,接着整个侦察器爆裂坠地。

  损失掉一艘Observer让Judicator Amdor大为光火——倒不是由于那些无关紧要的Terran的袭击,而是因为除非他们的飞船开到殖民星那儿,否则他便再没法看到更多的关于Xel’Naga建筑的照片了。




  Executor回头重新研究了Observer传回的图像,盯着那个令人神迷难忘的Xel’Naga建筑。经历了寻找Dark Templar的失败,又错过了保护Aiur的伟大战争,Koronis相信这个东西能让他们成功完成任务的第三个部分。也许这对他来说是一种补偿。





  紧张的感觉有增无减,像是缓慢增加的精神压力,慢慢地变得让人无法忍受。她独自一人在耕地上劳作,身上带着小型武器。所有多出来的食物,都捐给了Abdel Bradshaw正在筹建的社区食堂。

  Terran Dominion的援军依旧不见踪影,不过也没有任何移民看到其他的外星飞船或者建筑。

























  飞船在广袤的太空中飞行着,Dark Templar Xerana坐在她收集到的东西中间。那些都是有生命有智慧的资源,都是她解读了的资料库和博物馆,都是她的宝藏。



  但是作为学者的Dark Templar Xerana研究过相关的资料和Xel’Naga文字,知道那些其他Protoss早已遗忘的些许历史的碎片。在整个种族里,只有她,最有机会破译信号的真正意义和来源。





  很久以前,Judicator议会便把Dark Templar驱逐出境。虽然她的人们被放逐出Aiur,远远的离开了其他的同胞并且遭到迫害,但是Xerana和她的同伴依旧保留着自己的忠诚。即使是现在,这份忠诚依然在驱使她去警告那些Protoss人,不论这会给自己带来什么后果。


  有一点是很清楚的,她一边独自飞行一边想,其他的Protoss很可能也在赶往同样的地点。而且只要是Judicator,都会渴望抓到像她一样的Dark Templar。对她来说,这次旅程也许很危险,不过Xerana没有时间担心那么多。这个险必须冒。

  飞船迅速地接近Bhekar Ro。


  从Char出发的Kukulkan Brood,在星系间的虚空中飞行。装甲一样的皮肤,把这些魔鬼变成了一艘艘活的太空船。大群各种各样的Zerg生物在数不清的Overlord的指挥下,按照刀锋女皇的安排,前去调查Xel’Naga人留下的那个东西,将其占为己有,然后开发利用。



  很久之前先人Xel’Naga完成了创造Zerg的实验,将它们打造为Zerus星球上一种具有高度适应性和竞争性,同时又凶残无比的生命形式。这些Zerg的原型很快就适应了星球的环境,随后吸收了所有的本土生命。整个种族越发强大起来,智能不断提升。终于新产生的Zerg Overmind意识到,基于星球的生命形式已经成为了Zerg族继续扩张壮大的障碍——直到星际飞行器Behemoth的出现。

  当时Behemoth还只是飞行在虚空里的一种温顺的大型生物。某次一些Behemoth偶然飞到Zerus附近,于是Overmind便用自己强大的精神力量向它们召唤。这些不懂得怀疑的Behemoth受到了引诱,往Zerus飞去。在距离足够近的时候,它们遭到了Zerg军队的袭击,并且随后被其感染。不久之后,Zerg DNA里就增加了原本只属于Behemoth的那一部分。


  现在,这些刀锋女皇派出的Behemoth已经载着她的攻击力量,飞到了Bhekar Ro。它们结成队伍沿轨道飞行,巨大的身躯像有机物组成的云块,遮蔽了远处恒星发出的光。慢慢的Behemoth开始往大气低层降落,伸出增大空气阻力的触须,同时放出Overlord。在Overlord的体内,就是恐怖的Zerg军队。


  Xel’Naga建造的东西只发出了一次短短的脉冲,所以Zerg并没能精确的找到它的地点,只能判断出大致的地区。不过Kukulkan Brood的Overlord们有充足的耐心和细心。它们利用自身的能量在充满雷暴的宇宙里巡航,在闪电里穿梭,而且毫发无损。

  最终它们还是找到了Bhekar Ro。于是小部分的Zerg和Behemoth一起留在了轨道上,其余的则准备在第一批到达地面后立刻出发。

  落地的Overlord四散开来,寻找可以放下Drone的地方。然后,这些Drone会建造大量的Hathery,接下来是多个Creep Colony。作为Zerg侵略军的心脏,Hatchery会制造足够多的幼虫,满足Kukulkan Brood军队彻底扫清这个星球的一切需要。



  虽然Rastin早就在远离村子的Vespene气矿边上盖了房子并造了精炼厂,上个星期他还是看到了太多的人。先是Lars和Octavia Bren来为收割机加油,然后是被叫到Free Haven参加全民会议——而且是两次。

  每次他都是非常不情愿地开着自己唯一的交通工具——一辆轰轰作响的老犁田机——进村,面对社会化到超过自己忍耐程度的村民。所以每次他都只在村子里呆几个小时,就又开回精炼厂和Old Blue继续过日子去了。


  尽管继续远离Free Haven的想法还是充满吸着引力。

  Old Blue从皱巴巴的门廊下的小窝里跑了出来,四处乱嗅。这只****若站起来,足以及的上他主人的胸口。一开始Rastin曾想把这长的像马一样,浑身蓝毛,胃口像大象的狗变成耕地的牲畜,因为人们总是认为人类最好的朋友,肯定还得能帮着拉矿石和补给。可惜Old Blue只是一个伴儿,一个长得大大的、可爱的东西,一只总是流一大堆口水、偶尔还会叫几声的狗,一点都不像Rastin期望的那样。

  Rastin心烦意乱地拍了拍正在到处乱跑找蜥蜴或者螃蟹去追的Old Blue。有一次Old Blue被刺蜥蜴的针扎到,从此它便知道了在玩的时候最好别去攻击那些小东西。


  在他身后,Old Blue忽然向天空怒吼起来,让Rastin吓了一跳。它的嘴唇向后翻起,露出牙齿,先是咆哮,然后开始呜呜地叫。


  Old Blue却一点都没平静下来。它不断地狂叫,但又慢慢地趴了下来,扭动身体往后退,好像要逃跑的样子。Rastin抬头望向天空,发现天上出现了大批不知道是什么的东西,像是生物——难以置信的巨大生物——正在从大气层中往下降,犹如活的舰队般飞行。“这是……”


  Vespene气矿仍然不断地把蒸发的气体喷往空中,向四周炫耀着自己的资源,仿佛准备向奇异的外星侵略者发起攻击。Old Blue大叫了一声,丧失了最后一丝作为狗的勇气。它转身飞速逃回门廊下,躲在了阴影里。


  Zerg Overlord降落到山脚下的低地处,往重要的Vespene气矿飞来。它们的外壳纷纷破开,放出雨点般稠密的,像是完全由刺、甲壳和噼啪作响的爪组成的可怕魔鬼。大批长着恐怖的利爪和牙齿的Zergling如潮水般倾泻而来,Rastin只站了一会儿,便转身往小屋奔去。









  地面的状况根本没法看清楚,斑驳的影子掩盖了遍地的坑洞,大块岩石之间的裂缝似乎要伸过来抓住Octavia的脚。如果不小心扭伤了,估计就得一路跳回Free Haven了。

  阴天的夜晚总是出奇的黑,厚厚的云层把星星遮地严严实实,不过值得庆幸的是至少还没有风暴。天上会偶尔泛起奇怪的闪光,看起来像是极光,或者是远处的闪电,只是颜色和图案与Octavia从前在Bhekar Ro上看到过的都不一样。



  正常的话,Old Blue应该会很高兴看到Octavia的到来。在辛苦地走了这么长时间以后,能拍拍它的硬毛,看看它的尾巴开心地摇来摇去,也算是一种安慰。



  “嘿,Rastin?”Octavia试探性地叫道,“我是Octavia Bren。”她停了一会儿,可是周围只有一片奇怪的寂静,没有人回答,连甲虫和蜥蜴发出的噪音都没有,让人感到脊背发冷。



  她慢慢的走近,心里刚刚还高涨的热情已经不剩几分了。“喂?这家里有人么?”Octavia至少希望能听到Old Blue朝她叫,但依然是万籁俱寂。

  她怀疑是不是Nik村长又召开了全民会议,如果是那样,Rastin可能在村子里,Old Blue也会跟着他一起去。对,可能确实是这样。





  她蹲下来用手摸了一下那东西,可是立刻就感到不对劲。手指似乎被什么给渗透了,而且好像永远都洗不掉的感觉。那层薄膜闻起来是一股腐败糜烂的味道,Bhekar Ro上能生长的任何一种植物都不是这个味道。现在,在Octavia的目光注视下,那层活的地毯正在生长扩展。




  正当她走上围成走廊的皱褶金属的时候,地下传来一阵有东西爬动的声音。接着她看到了一个在影子里移动的大东西。“Old Blue!”Octavia大叫道。总算没事了,她在心里告诉自己,虽然依旧还是很紧张。

  可是Old Blue天蓝色的刚毛发出一阵闪光,颤抖的肌肉把它从刚刚潜伏的阴影里忽的拉了出来。Octavia吓得退后了几步,这已经不是Old Blue了,虽然它曾经是那条叫Old Blue的狗,但是现在这个巨大的变异的东西显然成了其他的生物。



  Octavia随即听到周围响起了越来越多的声音,看到许多身影在动来动去。Old Blue变成的东西喷着口水长吼了一声,吓得Octavia又向后退了好几步。Old Blue的爪子爆裂开来,露出一排像弯刀一样大的爪子,肌肉扭曲地像刚刚加满油的汽车。

  Octavia转身往黑暗里奔去,身后,Old Blue紧追不舍。


  随着Protoss远征军在Qel’Ha的带领下不断从侧面接近Bhekar Ro,这颗星球显得越发的与众不同。不过外表并不重要,现在Executor Koronis唯一感兴趣的只是那个把Protoss都吸引到这儿来的信号源,那个Xel’Naga人留下的信息。

  Judicator Amdor站在他旁边,橘黄色的眼睛里闪烁着光芒,似乎觉得自己甚至能仅靠精神的力量就征服眼下这像个黄绿相间的大泡泡的世界。





  “我会先派出Scouts清除路上的敌人,Shuttle要紧随其后,把Zealot、Dragoon和足够的Reaver运上地面,以确保压倒性的攻击力量。”我和Judicator Amdor会坐在领航的Arbiter上,其他的Judicator也会驾驶其余的20艘Arbiter,给部队提供护罩力场。\"


  Scout飞船像猎鹰般脱离了其他的飞船,往Bhekar Ro的大气层里直冲过去,舰载的两门光子炮和大批反物质导弹均已准备好,随时等候敌人的出现。

  Executor Koronis希望这些充满进攻性的举动都是多余的,因为他相信他的舰队会赶在任何可能接收到那个信号的敌人之前到达目的地。他离开了指挥台,高大的Judicator Amdor兴致勃勃地跟在后面,一起往旗舰走廊末端地发射台走去。Koronis爬上了领航的Arbiter。





  空气闻起来很干燥,好像悬浮了许多灰尘。Koronis停了下来,静静地感受着周围的世界。Judicator Amdor大步跨到他身边好和他站在一起,一同看着上方的山坡。神秘的Xel’Naga建筑物露出的大块表面几乎占据了整个山腰。


  Judicator向前走了几步,抬起长长的手臂,张开手,摆了一个一切在握的姿势,身上穿的深色长袍像活物一般舞动起来。“我宣布这个珍贵的东西属于First Born,是Protoss的宝藏,我们应当拥有它,任何人都不能怀疑。En taro Adun!”

  Executor Koronis皱起了眉毛。Amdor的庆祝是不是太早了?他心里想,不过还是回应了一句“En taro Adun”,手指扫过自己的长肩带。没错,得到这样令人惊异的人造物的确是光辉无比的成就,但是估计只有天才知道那些严厉的Judicator官僚们到底会怎么处理它。退一步说,用什么办法才能把这么大的东西挖出来然后带回饱受战火的Aiur?

  就在这时,Koronis的Arbiter的紧急传输频道上传来了一个焦急的信号。那是留在Qel’Ha上的Templar Mess’Ta。“Executor Koronis!发现轨道上的巨型Zerg Behemoth飞船,正从星球边缘飞近。之前它们一直藏在星球的影子里!有Zerg比我们先到!”




  Koronis的神情保持严肃,Judicator Amdor则满眼冒火地转向他。“它们肯定也收到了那个信号!Executor,决不能让其他任何人抢走这个Xel’Naga造的东西,Protoss必须保护它!”




  Octavia站在Old Blue面前,心里不停祈祷着它的大脑里能有什么原始的结构能认出她,然后停止攻击。可是这只被感染的怪物却没表现出一丝的迟疑,随即猛冲了过来,将她的期待击成了泡影。

  她急忙蹲下,滚倒在起皱的走廊的地上,留着口水的Old Blue从头顶上呼地越了过去,扑了个空。但是就在此时,它新长出尖角的腿却折了回来,向Octavia抓去。Old Blue背上刀锋一样的爪径自在空气中互相摩擦,发出噼啪的声响,杆子带着突出的眼睛也同时转过来紧锁住Octavia,寻找下一个攻击的位置。

  在这危急的关头,Octavia已经完全顾不上刚刚的疲乏和绝望了。她迅速伸开双手撑在锈迹斑斑的破旧金属地板上,慌忙爬了起来。此时Old Blue也转过了身,停在Rastin小屋旁边的碎石头上,长爪击起了许多卵石。


  她的目标是建在Vespene气矿上的精炼厂塔楼,逃到那儿就能找到许多可以躲起来的地方。想着这些,Octavia不由得又加快了速度,可身后曾经是Old Blue的怪兽依旧在穷追不舍。她身上肌肉全都绷紧到极点,早已超过了极限,要不是还有大量的肾上腺素支持,估计早就断了。

  精炼厂已近在眼前,Old Blue却越追越近。Octavia呼地冲进脚手架金属框中间的空隙里,蹲在地上,身后那只恐怖的狗则几乎在同时猛地撞在了架子上。它实在是太大了,钻不进那个小空隙,Octavia总算暂时松了一口气。

  不过Octavia的安全感转瞬便消失的无影无踪,困为外面Old Blue一点都没有放过她的意思,不断狠狠地撞金属架,沉重的金属梁在持续的撞击下开始慢慢变得弯曲。它的两只细长的爪像毒蛇一样往前不停向里探,想要刺到Octavia。不过马上Old Blue便发现这些都是徒劳,于是它停了下来,嘴里发出咝咝的声音,同时喷出腐蚀性的口水。脚手架在酸性的粘液的侵蚀下慢慢开始溶化。

  见势不妙,Octavia顾不上尖叫,返身便往精炼厂的管道系统和控制台退去。Old Blue终于撕开了前面的两根钢架,可它刚刚冲进去,便看到Octavia正在拧开一个喷口的闸门。顿时,滚烫的浓缩Vespene蒸汽像潮水一般涌来,瞬间便把它冲开老远。

  Old Blue发出尖利的嚎叫和怒吼,在蒸汽里艰难地转身,坚硬的皮肤被锋利的金属边缘划开一道道裂口。

  看到了逃走的机会,Octavia又跑了起来,这次的目的地是Rastin的犁田机。只要能钻进去并且发动它,那……当跑到一半的时候,她的眼睛盯在了插犁田机门上的门闩上,怀疑那个孤僻的矿工也许会为了不让别人开他的犁田机而把机器上锁。毕竟那是Rastin,她这样想着,在Free Haven这样的小殖民地上或许绝对找不到第二个像他这样的人,但在他身上什么事情都可能发生。


  窗外的Old Blue一瘸一拐的,不知道是受伤了还是累了——或许也可能是因为那种可怕的寄生物已经开始摧毁它的身体。它蹒跚地向她走来,身上的刺在空气中互相碰撞,好像在攻击什么看不见的敌人;因感染而长出的针状附属物纠缠在一起,似乎想抓住什么东西,随时准备撕裂任何攻击范围内的东西。



  咆哮的Old Blue步履蹒跚地越走越近。





  Old Blue在犁田机附近停了下来。从它破入精炼厂脚手架的方式可以猜得到,面对这个根本没有坚固防卫的犁田机,它可以轻松地剥开薄薄的外壳,把Octavia从里面拖出来,就像把浆果的肉从薄薄的皮里挤出来一样简单。


  可Old Blue却在她面前趴了下去,像在仔细选择攻击的地点,但在它蓝色的皮毛下面,伤口带来的疼痛开始爆发。它的身体伸展开来,喘着气,不断地抽搐,接着抬起伤痕累累的头,发出了一声长长的低鸣。

  Octavia继续猛按启动钮,犁田机的引擎吱吱嘎嘎地叫着,一点一点地提速,渐渐开始嗡嗡地响,几乎就要发动了……Rastin推开小屋的走廊,伸着手往她这里艰难地走来。Old Blue浑身发抖地发出了它最后一声动物的哀嚎。


  在她身后,Old Blue被感染的身体被高能气体爆成漫天的肉块和粘液,爆炸的冲击波和翻滚的毒雾往外扫去,把犁田机震的东倒西歪。不过幸运的是驾驶室是密封的,虽然脓水溅在了窗子和门上,Octavia并没有受到影响。



  Octavia开着犁田机疾速前行,虽然摆脱了Old Blue,却依旧没有逃脱这场噩梦——前方的地面忽然出现了漩涡,接着裂开一道口子,里面喷出许多泥土,像是什么地狱里的恶魔正在苏醒。






  到现在为止她还没脱离危险,但是Octavia唯一想到的却是赶回Free Haven为其他的殖民者拉响警报。

  只希望Free Haven还没从这个星球上消失。


  Edmund Duke将军笔直地坐在Norad III号Battlecruiser并不舒适的指挥椅上,紧紧咬着牙齿——虽然嘴里其实什么都没有。他早已做好行动的准备,手下的士兵在他的命令下,也同样整装待发。


  Duke将军很清楚,鼓舞军心的最好方法就是把他们都召集起来,然后自己发表一通言辞激烈而又充满爱国心的演讲,以此点燃那些士兵们的激情,好让他们心甘情愿为Arcturus Mengsk卖命。说实话,Duke将军对政治斗争和自己现在的地位不是很满意,不过他总会试着不去想那些事。对于怎么让手下们百分之百的为他出力这个问题,将军自有一套——那就是在恰当的时机摇一摇手中的胡萝卜。

  “殖民地Bhekar Ro的情况已经显示在屏幕上了,将军。”Lieutenant Scott的声音从战术控制室传来,“正在接近轨道。”


  “侦察网络正在延伸,将军,”Lieutenant Scott继续说道,“正扫描防守位置。”


  “长官!敌船!”Scott忽然叫了起来,同时慌忙地重新检查舰上正在扫描Behkar Ro的战术雷达。

  屏幕上显示出了对那些潜藏在殖民星高空的东西的详尽分析,一时间Norad III甲板上的士兵们纷纷惊讶地嘀咕了起来。

  Duke将军的下巴绷了起来,身子不由地往前面倾去。“我想那些小泥巴球可能是藏在那儿埋伏我们的。”他认出了拥有光滑外壳,像裂开的椭球体的Protoss Carrier。将军一直都没弄清楚,那些飞船上杂乱的斑点究竟是有意建造的,还是长期的空间里飞行留下的痕迹。



  所有士兵都大声欢呼起来,飞船的金属外壳都给震动了。Alpha Squadron是为战斗而生的,Mengsk大帝却把他们的能力浪费在毫无疑义的事情上。这段无趣的时光实在是太长了,战士们和将军早就感到无聊透顶了。

  “将军,Protoss飞船好像不是在等Alpha Squadron,”Lieutenant Scott忽然说道,“他们已经和另外的敌人打起来了。”

  在他们的侦察仪上,Protoss Carrier放出一波又一波的自动驾驶的Interceptor,冲向浮在真空里的昆虫一样的庞大生物。


  Protoss Interceptor像喝醉了酒一样冲入Zerg之中。在不到一秒的时间内,战场里遍充满了武器开火的闪光和飞船的碎片。

  “我看他们不像是联盟的样子,将军。”Lieutenant Scott说。


  Protoss Carrier放出越来越多的Interceptor四处飞散寻找目标,向所有Zerg生物发起攻击。它们像一大群马蜂,聚集在庞大的Zerg Overlord周围,附近的Guardian也是它们的目标。Guardian长得像螃蟹,能喷出腐蚀性的酸液,可以给地面上的目标造成毁灭性的打击,但是对于空中的敌人几乎是一点防御力都没有。Interceptor飞快地来回,攻击,摧毁,接着继续寻找下一个目标。


  看着Protoss飞船一艘接一艘的爆炸,Duke将军心中窃喜,说道,“还是在Chau Sara的时候我就和这些外星人结了仇。”Protoss在第一次和人类接触的时候便坐在巨型飞船里,一下子杀光了那颗Terran殖民星上所有的活物,连一个招呼都没打。数百万人们死于那次屠杀。Duke将军也是险些丧命在被Zerg占领的姐妹星Mar Sara上,在那里他第一次看到了可怕的Zerg生物。“好好看着吧。”


  那些外星人的战斗还在继续,Duke将军眯起眼睛看着双方的伤亡,接着脸上现出了微笑。“Alpha Squadron全体注意!”他洪亮的声音在全部的十五艘Battlecruiser上同时响起,“进入作战状态!让那些外星杂种尝尝我们枪子的味道。”

  Lieutenant Scott看着战术显示屏上激烈的战斗,问道,“将军,我们是不是该再等等,先侦察一下,收集一些战术信息然后再出发?”


  他从指挥椅上站起来,心想站着能给人一个更有力的领导者形象。“再说Arcturus Mengsk大帝已经宣布了,Bhekar Ro对Terran的作用是至关重要的。”Duke尽量摆出一副诚实的表情,心里明白底下根本没一个战士之前听说过这个名字。

  “所以,保护所有的殖民者还有全部的资源免受敌人的攻击是我们的责任。现在眼前的这些外星杂种们都是Terran Dominion的威胁,决不能让那些外星杂种伤及殖民地的一粒灰尘!”

  Duke将军下令Alpha Squadron所有的飞船开动,在Norad III的带领下,卷入了Zerg和Protoss的冲突。


  经历了长时间的恐惧,Octavia感到极度疲惫,而且还受了伤。但她没时间休息,甚至连犹豫一下都不允许。Free Haven正面临着极大的危险,她必须要把这一情况告诉殖民者。

  当Octavia终于东倒西歪地越过村子外的矮围墙驶上街道的时候,已经过了午夜了。她拉响了警报,同时径直把可怜的Rastin的犁田机开到Nikolai村长位于村子正中的房子门口,把他从熟睡中拖了起来。Octavia向他描述了发生在Rastin和Old Blue身上的事情,这位刚刚还睡眼惺松,满头乱发的村长立刻完全清醒了过来。





  Octavia首先叫醒了Cyn McCarthy、Kiernan、Kirsten、Wes、Jon和Gregor,让他们各自跑去把即将到来的危险告诉其余的殖民者,接着启动了暴风警报,希望以最快的速度引起周边农场上殖民者的警觉,即便他们一时无法得知究竟发生了什么。

  不久百余名殖民者就聚集到了会议大厅外面的街道上。Octavia欣慰的看到Abdel Bradshaws此时已经坐在大厅里了,他的妻子Shayna则在一边布置小帆布床和药品,一点都没像前几次一样大发脾气。








  Octavia不由得冒出一阵冷汗,脑海里浮现出Rastin和Old Blue被外星怪物感染之后的样子。那些村民会不会也遭到了同样的厄运?






  这群年轻人于是纷纷往不同的方向跑去,正好这时Cyn McCarthy跑了回来,向Octavia和村长报告状况:“Free Haven周围的围栏都已经加固完毕了,不过还有几台收割机留在那里挖壕沟。”

















  Yamato炮靠着惊人的威力,一下子让数只Zerg Overlord化为了灰烬,同时还摧毁了一艘受了伤的Protoss Carrier。只是它需要很长的时间以准备下一次发射,在这期间需要另外的灵活机动的力量。于是Duke将军紧接着放出整队的Wraith战机。

  他在他旗舰的连接桥上来回踱步,眼睛紧紧盯着战术显示屏,偶尔通过舰上的窗口,看看外面的战斗。与此同时,Lieutenant Scott也在不断的传来新的信息。

  “你活到今天,看见过这么多的爆炸么,Lieutenant?目睹过如此大规模的屠杀么?”虽然嘴上这么问,但是事实上Duke将军很清楚的知道,Scott和所有的Alpha Squadron成员一样,都经历过那场保卫Mar Sara的战争。在一场场和Zerg的对抗中,他们亲眼目睹了战争肮脏和黑暗的一面。不过尽管如此,将军依旧难以掩饰内心的兴奋。


  “是,将军。”通讯台的工作人员来到仪器边,试图和Bhekar Ro上的殖民者建立联系。

  从Terran飞船上起飞的Wraith飞船在冲向一群可怕的Protoss Scout之前,纷纷开启了隐形护照。虽然在刚刚结束的那次战争中,那些外星飞船曾让Alpha Squadron领教过它们强大的空对空火力,但是现在他们明显处于劣势,毕竟敌人是隐形的。

  Wraith对它们展开了猛烈的攻击。在Gemini Missile的炮火之下,Scout的护罩和外壳纷纷被摧毁,很快就有好几艘化成了火焰。遭到了Terran武器这样的打击,Scout连忙撤退,却不小心飞近了一大批龙一样的Mutalisk。于是,Mutalisk也向它们施以Duke将军称之为“Glave Wurm”的进攻。在足以瓦解面前一切的炮火下,可怜的Protoss Scout很快便全军覆没了。


  Duke将军站在Norad III号的连接桥上,兴奋的挥了一下拳头,同时大叫一声,以庆祝刚刚的胜利。见到这情景,连接器桥上的其他工作人员也纷纷鼓掌喝彩起来。

  “我们的Yamato大炮已经准备好了,可以发射了,将军。”Lieutenant Scott说,同时按了一下耳朵上的接收器,然后转过身看着将军,接着说道,“Napoleon号Battlecruiser也报告说准备好了。”

  “好。瞄准同一艘Protoss Carrier。”将军回答道。他盯着战术显示屏上广阔分布的目标,手指在空中来回比划,同时喃喃自语道,“Eenie,Meenie,Minee,Mo”,接着猛地用食指指向了其中的一个,“那艘。”

  “正在瞄准,将军。”Lieutenant Scott答道,然后开启了连接到Napoleon号的线路。在将军的命令下,两艘Terran战舰同时开火,强大的磁力罩将一团核子爆炸束成一个能量四溢的光球,毫不费力地穿过了Protoss飞船的护罩。几秒钟后,Carrier的外壳爆裂开来,接着整搜飞船变成了一团火光。

  Duke将军又一次发出了胜利的叫喊。“有谁想过那玩意儿会变成这么多碎片!”接下来,他又看到了他的Wraith解决了另外四艘Protoss Scout。于是将军搓着手,环视了一下连接桥上的人员,兴奋地说:“我想我们能确定打一场胜仗了,伙计们。”

  Lieutenant Scott却皱起了眉毛。“将军,现在下结论可能有些太早了。”

  两艘Protoss Arbiter飞船向Duke将军的十五艘Battlecruiser集团飞来。Duke毫不在意地扫了它们一眼,说道,“它们到底知不知道自己正在做什么?迎上去。让Napoleon号和Bismarck号各带八架Wraith飞过去,解决掉它们。”

  就在两艘Battlecruiser脱离Alpha Squadron向前飞去的时候,漆黑的夜空突然开始颤抖。Arbiter制造了一个静止力场,像一床由能量组成的毯子一样,盖住了那两艘Battlecruiser还有三架Wraith。虽然此时Napoleon号和Bismarck号不会被攻击,但是它们也变的动弹不得了。

  趁着静止力场还在发挥作用的时候,五艘Protoss Carrier和八架Scout——都藏在Arbiter的隐形力场下——飞了过来,像被戳了窝的黄蜂一样,对落单的Wraith展开了无情的进攻。

  Wraith的飞行员试图也隐形起来,可是很快飞来了一架Protoss Observer,让它们原形毕露。这下别无选择了,人类飞行员们只得尽力将所有的Genimi Missle都射向外星飞船,试图寻得一条生路,但Protoss Interceptor拦下了它们所有的进攻。于是外星飞船毫不留情地摧毁了五艘Wraith,接着各就各位,准备在静止力场失效时第一时间发起进攻。


  Duke将军正想去援救那两艘飞船,大群可怕的生物却从侧翼向Alpha Squadron飞来。Zerg像对Protoss一样,对Duke的舰队发起了猛烈的攻击。

  几小队Wraith集结在Duke的飞船边上,试图将目标对准新来的敌人。可是Zerg Mutalisk没给他们多少时间,它们持续不断地发出Glave Wurm,飞向一艘Wraith,接着弹开飞往另一艘这种单人战机,导致可怕地直接和间接损伤。

  Wraith小队的指挥官迅速下达了隐形的命令。当他们成功地从夜空中消失之后,立刻将一轮轮炮火倾往周围的Mutalisk。与此同时,一只Zerg Queen和一群稍小一些的自爆Scourge从对Protoss的主战场脱身出来,四散搜寻其他隐形的Wraith小分队。


  “将军,Zerg Overlord快要赶上我们了。”Lieutenant Scott说道,“它们能除掉我们隐形的护罩,那时所有的Wraith都会被迫现形出来,这点你也了解。我们是不是该先撤退?”


  与此同时,Protoss Interceptor的弹幕已经向Bismarck号倾泻而去,Napoleon号也无力撤退到安全地带。终于Overlord赶上了隐形的Wraith小分队,在它们的探查下,Wraith战斗机再也无法保持隐形状态,于是Zerg Queen得以迅速靠近他们,发射出一张广阔而快速的绿色粘液网。浓厚的粘液迅速侵入Wraith战斗机的金属外壳,让这些曾经灵巧的战机变得不再受控制。它们的探测器纷纷进入超载状态,武器都被堵死,在龙一样的Mutalisk愈发猛烈的攻击之下陷入了全面的被动。


  “将军!”Lieutenant Scott叫道,Duke将军亦不得不重新评估当前的形势。


  Lieutenant Scott像是预见到了——或者说他一直在苦等——这条命令一般,还没等将军说完,便把它发了出去。虽然整个战队的成员没人敢对Duke将军的自负加以评论,不过他们此时想必也都这么认为。

  当Bismarck号被彻底摧毁,Napoleon号试图从持续不断的攻击下逃离的时候,Duke将军总算把Alpha Squadron余下的力量都召了回来。“派一艘Science Vessel过去,扫描一下Protoss飞船的情况。我想知道那儿还有多少正藏着没出来。”

  两艘Science Vessel领命而去。它们悄悄地往目标飞去,紧接着释放了一颗电磁****。电磁波脉冲像潮水一样穿过广阔的虚空,扫过了整个战场,一丝不剩地毁去了所有Protoss飞船的护罩。失去了力场保护的Protoss飞船就像被砸开了壳子的蜗牛,此时就算Alpha Squadron不能对它们构成巨大的威胁,面对Zerg的攻击,它们也变得异常脆弱。

  不过此时Duke将军的旗舰被重重地轰了一炮,整个飞船都颤动起来。将军艰难地控制着局势,叫道:“再派一艘Science Vessel出去,我要它给Norad III号施放一个防护罩。别让我们挨打!”刚说完,将军便意识到了自己的口误,旋即补充道:“嗯,当然,防护罩也会保护所有在范围之内的Battlecruiser。我得保护大家的安全,即使是撤退也要。”说着这些话,将军越来越觉得喉咙里像是卡了一个烂柠檬一样,很是不爽。





  Octavia站在Free Haven外围铁皮预置房附近的围栏边上。她已经整整两天没有睡觉了,刺痛不断从眼里传来。但不论现在的Octavia有多筋疲力尽,休息对她来说也只能是一种奢望。















  Kiernan和Kirsten Warner——一个是年轻的石匠,一个是老师和业余工程师——手持Kiernan曾经在工作时使用的凿石工具,肩并肩地在战斗。Kiernan把那个长长的工具从一边挥到另一边,将侵略者的尖刺瞬间斩下,并撕裂它们坚硬的外皮,在他身边留下一圈血肉模糊的外星生物碎片。Kirsten也在尽力战斗,像是把Kiernan身边堆积的尸体数当成了自己追赶的目标。



  武器已经报销了,现在手上什么都没有了,Octavia呆呆地站在那儿。但仅仅过了不到一秒,她便想起了旧Missle Turret。那个曾经快要成为纪念碑的东西在上次射下一艘Observer地时候,着实让殖民者吃了一惊,现在虽然它的自动系统已经烧掉了,不过塔里应该还有几颗完好无损的飞弹。它们应该具有足够的爆炸力,也许能造成点大的破坏。

  Missle Turret是被设计用于击落飞行目标的,只是已经失效罢了。在这种情况下,也许人工发射还是可行的。


  她往镇中心跑去,那儿曾经充满了和平,曾经是整个Free Haven最像公园的地方。在她身后,被吓坏的殖民者正被迫往后撤退,在那些嗜血的恶魔的攻击下,防线彻底崩溃了。临时找来的武器开始变的越来越不好用,但Octavia没精力去管那些,她的目标是那个大家伙。






  怪物们的行动忽地停顿了一下,Octavia丝毫没有迟疑,迅速把Missle Turret转向左侧,对准一群蜥蜴样的外星生物集结的地方。她发射出了第二枚——也是最后一枚——飞弹,接着再次看到了一团令人高兴的火光。就这么两下,她就轻轻松松地解决掉了几百只入侵者!





  当它们走来的时候,好几位站在第一线的殖民者发出了悲叹。“那是Gandhi,还有Liberty Ryan!那边那个是Brutus Jensen。”

  Octavia也认出了他们。那些人曾经是她的邻居,和她一起辛勤地栽种过树苗,保护和灌溉过农田上的庄稼。Brutus Jensen更是勤劳的种植好手。

  被感染的殖民者向村子走来,而保护Free Haven的人却不忍心向这些昨天还是自己朋友的人开枪。


  Octavia忽然发现他们的皮肤开始蠕动,身体像是被煮沸一般,脸和胃开始膨胀冒烟。她想起了Old Blue身上发生的事情——一个毒液和爆炸性气体的组合。“快离开他们!”她大声叫道,同时向前线跑去。“别让他们继续接近!”



  被感染的Ryans和可怜的Brutus Jensen所产生的血腥爆炸将Bhekar Ro的最外围防线彻底击溃,三位殖民者当场毙命,长达三十米的围栏和两座边缘的建筑被冲击波扫平。其他站的太近的人们则当场倒地,大口地喘着气,同时开始咳血。爆炸产生的毒液开始发挥出作用了,等待他们的将是迅速而痛苦的死亡。





  在Protoss建立的位于华丽的Xel'Naga遗迹阴影中的基地里,Executor Koronis站在一艘庞大的Arbiter弯曲的机翼边,用强烈的精神力信号,试图追踪行星轨道上正在展开的激烈战斗。他始终和旗舰上的Templar Mess'Ta保持着联系,不断接收最新的战术信息。

  Koronis用敌人无法理解的强力精神信号,通过公用通讯频道,向所有的飞船说道,“不要对我们First Born的敌人怀有任何怜悯之心,你们必须好好保护这个Protoss族最伟大的战利品。Qel'Ha将是带着胜利回到Aiur还是被第三次击败,就取决于这里的成功与否了。”



  Judicator Amdor和其他四位Judicator一起,站在那个东西的下面,举着三根指头的手。他们聚在一起,在精神上互相交流,试图去感受那个闪闪发亮的物体的细微变化。Khala中的轻微颤动也进入了他们的神经。

  Koronis边看边向他们走过去。在被提拔为Executor之前,他是一名High Templar,精通许多心灵感应术。现在他也能感受到那个暴露的物体发出的电波,但是没法找到源头,也没法理解那到底是信息,还是警告。













  Free Haven上,殖民者们保卫家乡的战斗依然在绝望中进行。Octavia根本没有时间制定接下来的计划或是担心将来的事情——所有能做的,就是在此刻活下来,同时尽可能多的杀掉这些Zerg。




  镇上的广场已经成了刚刚破入殖民者第一道防线的Zergling的狩猎场。Octavia看到就在它的另一边,石匠Kiernan Warner和他的妻子Kirsten跳上了一辆笨重而缓慢的采矿车。他们坐进那辆密封而且有装甲的机器里,缓缓往前开动。









  Kiernan Warner已经把采矿车开到了离最外边的围栏很近的碎石地上,车上的岩石弹射器抓起坚硬的石头,把它们像炮弹一样砸进Zerg群中。



  不过很快,Zerg就又开始行动了。它们团团围住了Free Haven八角形的边墙,并且从先前聚集的东北方慢慢逼近,想对村子进行一次彻底的入侵。


  一直以来Free Haven有这么一个油料仓。Nikolai说之所以这么做是因为“以防紧急情况”,不过Octavia更相信殖民者储存如此大量不稳定的Vespene是为了尽量少的和孤僻的老Rastin打交道。

  她感到一阵难过,老矿工成了这次Zerg入侵中第一个牺牲的人。不过让人感到一些欣慰的是,他辛辛苦苦采来的Vespene也许能在这次保卫Bhekar Ro的战争中起到一定的作用。














  天上,大群的飞龙扇着自己的翅膀,往殖民地飞来,多到根本无法计数的Hydralisk充当了前排部队,持续向Free Haven开进。不仅如此,Octavia还看到许多其他的成员,各种各样扭曲、变异的东西,看起来都是那么可怕,那么致命,像是要把这些Terran殖民者从星球上彻底抹去。




  在Bhekar Ro的外空轨道上,Alpla Squadron的飞船持续不断的遭到Protoss与Zerg两族飞舰无情的打击。

  Edmund Duke将军扫视了一眼控制台。“嗯,大家听着,看起来我们得先离开这里了。”将军看了一眼通讯官给他传来的消息,顿了顿续道,“那些移民需要帮助,所以现在要下去到星球表面,解决一下那里的问题。”

  Lieutenant Scott看着窗外还在燃烧的Bismark号飞船的残片,和剩下孤零零的试图逃脱敌阵,而且已经严重受损的Napoleon号,问道,“将军,这么做是出于战术考虑吗?现在这里的情况非常严峻啊。”

  Duke皱起眉毛,转头向战术官道:“Lieutenant Scott,坚持以现在这种方法去营救移民无疑是十分困难的,在我们到达之前他们就会被外星人杀的一个不剩了。”很久之前将军就已经明白,想要成为战争英雄,良好的人缘和精妙的战术同样重要。“不用担心,会有一些飞船留在轨道上,和它们继续作战的。”



  Alpha Squadron的先头部队像古代的骑兵一样,穿过尘土飞扬的天空,前去营救被围困在Free Haven里的人们,Duke甚至可以看到下面冒烟的村子。破坏已然十分巨大,但殖民者们依然还有幸存。


  现在将军需要做的就是营救尽可能多的人,好让Universal News Network可以播放他凯旋的镜头。“一群外星混蛋。”

  接到了将军开火的指令后,Alpha Squadron像公牛闯入瓷器店一样,见到移动的东西就开炮,同时避免伤到看起来像人类的东西。好几列Zerg空军——Duke将军认为是Mutalisk的变种——向上爬升,往空气中喷出绿色的酸雾。出于某些原因,Mutalisk并没有攻击Battercruiser,而是直接往外空轨道飞去。也许它们是被空间里的Overlord召唤过去进攻Protoss飞船,以应付Terran部队已经抽身而去的战斗。


  Terran Dropship降下地面,送出Arclite Siege Tank,穿着重型盔甲的Goliath机器人,以及叫Vulture的秃鹫摩托车。这些单位随机开始推进,准备好消灭陆地上的任何生物。


  战士们也很清楚要做什么。在小型的Wraith和庞大的Battlecruiser的空中火力掩护下,他们散往外围去修建防御围栏。一批又一批剩下的Zergling和Hydralisk,甚至是大象般大小的Ultralisk,在火力全开的Alpha Squadron排山倒海的攻势下,化为血雾和碎片。


  由于空中的Mutalisk都离开了,导致没有任何攻击力量,Duke的进攻成了完全的一边倒局面。即使是经过了几个小时的全面进攻,他也仅仅损失了十一驾Wraith,五个Goliath,还有一只手就能数过来的Marine和Firebat。他们都会获得由Arcturus Mengsk大帝亲自签名的荣誉证明——前提是Dominion有在印刷新的信纸。

  Norad III号终于降落在燃烧的村子外,Duke将军昂首挺胸地从里面走了出来。虽然幸存地殖民者看起来个个都疲惫不堪目光呆滞,但是他还是收到了期待的欢呼。








  坚硬的外骨骼盘杂交错地从地上长出,受着Zerg Hive基因的指引,变成扭曲复杂的迷宫,那是人类完全无法理解的构造。新鲜的Zerg Creep生化物持续向外扩展,从坚硬的地表吸收原始的资源,将其加工成所需的养分。

  许许多多的Queen已经随着Kukulkan Brood的到达而登上了陆地,只有这一只还留在建立于Rastin精炼厂上的Hatchery里。这个Hatchery存在的唯一目的就是生产出数以百计的幼虫,进而孵化成数不清的军队。

  她垂下长在长脖子上三角形的头,举起长满尖刺的前臂。关于这次任务中自己扮演什么角色,她无需了解。Sarah Kerrigan,新的刀锋女皇,已经把一切详细的指令刻在了Kukulkan Overlord的脑海里,它们将控制所有的Queen和Hatchery。Queen则接着领导大黄蜂似的Drone,由它们来建造Hatchery,抑或用尖锐的爪子收集资源。Hatchery会继续发展向中级阶段,成为具备防御力的Lair,接下来,最后,这座被征服的前哨会变为羽翼丰满的Hive。

  Kukulkan Brood拥有应对任何抵抗的力量,它们的军队由许多不同的成员构成。此刻Drone正根据指令忙于它们的工作,表现出无比的忠诚。幼虫接连的从带刺的泥球变成Zergling,Hydralisk,甚至是Ultralisk,新生的飞龙Mutalisk也已经占据了天空,随时做好向敌人喷出致命酸液的准备。



  虽然Old Blue已经死于Zerg的感染,但Queen已经记住了它的DNA并且分好了类。作为试验,她开始尝试把狗类强劲的肌肉——更重要的,和灵敏的嗅觉——融入到新的幼虫里。在孵化出的几种测试生物体内,可怕的Zerg族本质将渐渐和大獒一样的身体融合在一起,取代那条长着蓝色毛皮的狗……


  新生的军队要么钻入地下,要么在地表蔓延,结成一股不可抗拒的力量向四周扩散。虽然对殖民镇的进攻收效甚微,不过这只是Kukulkan Brood整体战略中的一小步而已。




  机械蜘蛛般身体和活着的大脑的结合体,Protoss Dragoon,已经进入了宏伟的Xel'Naga建筑物。

  但就在Executor Koronis准备接收它们传回的信息时,由Zealot组成的陆军忽然发出了警报。大地开始摇晃崩裂,Zealot们纷纷失去平衡倒在地上。


  Zealot中涌起一片骚乱,尖叫声此起彼伏。它们并未达到Khala中的最高等级,但是即使如此,这些士兵依然足够勇敢和忠诚,甘愿为保卫种族付出一切。它们都装备有仿生学机械附件,身上的装甲融合了尖端的科技力量,包括拱形肩甲、胸甲,和带垫子的胫甲。在粗壮的前臂上,配备有可以汇聚其精神力量的装置,能将它聚焦成致命的Psionic Blade。此刻这些Zealot被激发出了全部的力量,挥舞着手中的离子光刀向敌人冲去。

  面对突如其来的攻击,Executor Koronis调动起他的地面部队,召集了High Templar和迟缓却强大的Reaver,还有更多灵巧机动的Dragoon。



  这就是Psionic Storm。


  在高一点处,离人造物不远的地方,Judicator Amdor也在集中注意力看着下方,心里感到少许震惊。能量激起的风扫过他深色的长袍,像愤怒的火焰一样在他周围摇摆。Amdor的眼睛开始发出强光。



  他的Zealot再次点燃了手中的Psionic Blade,发起第二次冲锋,战斗又一次打响了。Koronis瞠目结舌地看到另外几个区域的地表也开始崩裂,冒出越来越多的Zerg。




  粗暴的士兵接手过整个Free Haven,可村子并未因此而变得有些许好转,Octavia 觉得,这些人的破坏性举动甚至不比Zerg 入侵者好多少。

  幸存的殖民者四处奔波,忙于扑灭余火、抢救伤员和火化死去的同胞。与此同时,Duke将军却自顾自占下了村前场前最大的一座完整建筑,接着从他的Battlecruiser 里抽出一张折叠椅坐了下来。他和他的士兵们正按照演练过无数遍的军队程序在村里建设基地。

  一部分伤员已经被送去了会议厅,那儿Abdel和Shayna Bradshaw 正在照顾他们,但还有很多人依然躺在他们倒下的地方。Octavia 来到她从前的邻居们身边,一个一个为他们进行急救,用塑料绷带止住伤口的流血,用活动夹板固定住骨折的肢体,然后给他们注射抗生素。Free Haven 本来就不多的急救药品在这种情况下正迅速的被消耗殆尽。

  Octavia 抬头看看四周,试图寻求帮助,可除了伤员以外的所有人都忙于自己的救援工作——除了Terran 军队。于是她愤愤地朝Duke 望去,发现那位心满意足的将军正舒适地坐在自己的指挥椅上,指点着士兵的行动。


  Duke 将军看都不看她一眼道,“我的人很忙,都在建造基地。”

  “你的人,还有你,到这儿来就是为了救我们的。”Octavia 不打算就此罢休。人们正在死去,她的朋友们就要离开人世,这让Octavia 不得不瞪着Duke,不管将军是否想搭理她。

  终于将军还是拗不过她,派了十几名舰载医护人员参与救治伤者,还叫一队士兵往医院送去了一箱医疗物品。Octavia 知道Duke 这么做更多的是为了打发她走,而不是出于人性关怀,不过此刻这些并不重要了,Octavia 在乎的是结果。

  AlphaSquadron 的士兵从Battlecruiser 的活动梯里推出了一批SCV。因为Octavia 把村里的油料仓给炸了,所以现在Terran 军队得重新收集矿石和Vespene 燃料。

  Octavia 为Jon 固定了折断的腿骨,接着走去一名惊吓过度的12岁小男孩身边。他同时也失去了大量的血液。Octavia 给他注射了一袋血浆,然后打了一针止疼剂,然后抬头瞥了一眼,看到了Nikolai 村长。他紧握拳头弯着手臂,一脸怒色地向Duke 走去,像是活到现在为止第一次想揍人。这让Octavia 感到一阵好奇。


  Duke 将军不悦道,“村长,是你叫我们来救你的。我的Alpla Squadron 冲破了外空的混战,降落到这里救下了你们这一群农民,我看你应该好好谢我才对。”

  Nik 立刻回道,“当然我们会感谢你,但今天死于Zerg 和一个月后死于饥荒有区别吗?反正我们还是都得死。”

  “好了好了,Alpla Squadron 出发之前我会给你留一些包装好的速食品。啊,我忽然想起我还有几千包自加热包装的Chipped Beef Deluxe,只不过它们都快过保质期罢了。”

  村长还要争辩,将军却挥手要他离开。“我向你保证,我只会做完成任务所必须的事情。Alpla Squadron 来这儿是有任务的,你知道。我们已经尽力帮助你和那些农民了,现在我还有一群要消灭的敌人,和一个要归入大帝名下的外星人造物。”他眼神转冷,拉下脸对村长继续说道,“我警告你,别打扰我的人工作,否则我就再征用你们一座建筑当监狱用。”

  Nik 登时泄了气,像小孩被抢走了最心爱的玩具一样,接着挣扎着被两名士兵架走。

  将军接着叫他的部队随便找些殖民者来,想询问一下关于外星人造物的信息。不过当他问了十几个人之后,决定派出士兵去把Octavia Bren 找来。是她拉响了第一声警报,而且拥有比Free Haven 里其他任何人都准确的关于那个东西的信息。

  “呃,Brown 小姐。”他含糊地说道。


  “哦,当然,女士。现在是你履行作为Terran Dominion 公民义务的时候了。”

  Octavia 挺直身体,面露不悦道,“在这儿,BhekarRo 上,我们是独立的,将军。我从没听说过什么Dominion,直到几天前给你们发出信息。所以,我们怎么能算是它的公民?”

  “没关系,Mengsk 大帝关心所有的人——哪怕是之前被遗忘的。”他用手指头一边敲着桌面一边继续道,“我知道,你比其他任何人都清楚那个奇怪的东西,你亲眼看过它。”



  Octavia 最盼望的莫过于此,于是她把事情的详细经过都告诉了将军,从她和他的哥哥如何在****后发现那个人造物到之后发生的种种怪事,还特地详细描述了那个东西是怎样杀死他哥哥和之后毁掉她的机械收割机的。

  Duke 将军扬起眉毛,“不错,没准那玩意儿可以改造成能让敌人的机械失去效用,就像我们的锁定一样。嗯,我要派一队科学家去仔细研究研究。”

  “我看那些来这儿的外星人也是这样想的。”Octavia 道,“你的科学家过去了可能会遇险。”

  “这个不需要担心,美丽的小姐,我们有对付Zerg 和Protoss 的经验。”他抬头扫视了一圈从村民的房子里搬出来的各式器材,其中包括从Bren 家搬来的****仪。

  将军好像想历数他以前的光辉岁月,漫不经心地向Octavia 透露了一些关于Terran 和Protoss 还有Zerg 间爆发的第一次战争的情况。Octavia 一边听着他自顾自的哇啦哇啦,一边看着地上修好的****仪。忽然她发现指针在轻轻摇动,记录着远方传来的猛烈震动,显示出所有的爆炸都来自远在山谷处的人造物四周。“好像人造物那儿已经开始有暴动了,将军。”

  Duke 飞快地检视了雷达上的光点,急促地道,“我敢确定这些是武器的反应,肯定是一场大战斗的回声——不好,我的人还没去那儿!”他扬起拳头狠狠锤在村长的桌子上,自语道,“我从一开始就不该浪费时间救这群人!现在必须马上出发,否则就要失去争夺的机会了。”


  行星Char 上,Sarah Kerrigan 坐在蠕动的有机外壳构成的Hive 里。虽然她没有亲临战场,但是Kukulkan Brood在Bhekar Ro 上所做的一切都逃不过她的眼睛。


  III 号,还有她讨厌的Edmund Duke 将军。Alpla Squadron 在他的率领下击溃了正在推进的Zerg 军队,与此同时Protoss 地面部队也在为了争夺Xel'Naga 人造物的所有权与Zerg 交火。

  Kerrigan 当然不会为它们的死感到痛苦或是悲伤。所有的Zerg 生物都应该献出自己的生命,它们生来如此。何况军队本身的设计和编制就经得住大量的消耗,现在的这点损失对她来说根本无所谓。


  Kerrigan 的心里燃起一丝怒火,给KukulkanBrood的Overlord 和Hatchery 下达了新的指令,叫它们生产更多的幼虫。这些幼虫将会变成军队,数不清的军队。或许Bhekar Ro 上的战斗并不需要这么多,但是不久之后当她准备彻底征服这个星区时,它们都会派上用场。

  那个Xel'Naga 人造物也是。

  一开始,Protoss 飞船赶在她之前到达,并在人造物边建起了基地的事实让她感到无比震怒,怒火像风暴一样在她周围的空间流散。数只Guardian 受到影响,开始在通道里走来走去,发出嘶嘶的叫声,甚至要攻击自己的Hive。虽然Hive 具有自我治疗恢复的能力,但是Kerrigan还是在它们真正动手之前控制住了自己的情绪,冷静下来,把注意力重新集中在制定中的计划上。背叛、征服……她的脑海里已经有了粗略的方案,这将最后成为一场全面的Brood 战争——作为她统治和复仇的蓝图上的下一步。

  接着,她看到了Alpha Squadron,不由的又想起了Jim Raynor,那个她曾经爱过的男人。Raynor是一个特别的人,他甚至不计较Kerrigan当初作为一名被洗脑的Ghost时做过的一切。JimRaynor,也是她从前生命的一部分——在被Arcturus Mengsk 出卖之前,在加入Zerg之前。

  Kerrigan 并不因为Mengsk 把她送入Zerg 而憎恨他……但她还是很想把他的内脏统统挖出来,然后再将这位自称为大帝的人切的四分五裂,只要被她抓到,Kerrigan 保证自己会毫不犹豫的这么做。不为别的,只为这其中的一点点乐趣。


  Kerrigan 回顾了她之前和名不副实的Duke 将军见面的经过,那时他们还一起在执行援救Norad II 的任务。

  她并没忘记这些往事,相反的,所有的细节都历历在目,让她能思考他们的弱点——或者说Zerg 的优势。

  Bhekar Ro 上的混战只占用了刀锋女皇一点点的精神力,而她大部分的注意,正集中在某些更重要的东西上。


  Protoss 和Zerg 军队的激战,在人造物所在的山脉下崎岖的平地上展开。

  不过正当他们全神贯注地互相厮杀时,三艘Alpha Squadron 派出的Dropship 载着一个小分队,悄悄滑过天空。

  Dropship 是一种高速飞行器,本身的机动性很差,也非常容易出机械故障,不过那些不怕死的飞行员还是架着这样的飞船在战场上爆炸激发的震波中穿梭前进。事实上,要想在Executor Koronis 造出的心灵风暴中飞行,他们必须要尽一切可能操纵飞机作出灵巧的闪避。

  不仅如此,Dropship 上甚至没有任何武器,能依靠的只有自己的速度和沉重的外壳。因此他们不得不进行超低空高速飞行,希望在到达目的地之前不要被打下来。

  既是如此,还是有几只落伍的Mutalisk 扔下Protoss,转而紧追Dropship 不放。见此情况,三名飞行员迅速以最快速度爬升,试图摆脱敌人。Mutalisk 喷出的酸液缓慢地腐蚀着飞船的外壳,不过好在他们还是在飞船被摧毁之前飞到了破碎的山谷上方。下面就是那个巨大的人造物,暴露在外,轻轻跳动。Dropship 降了下去。

  一队的Marine、Firebat,和4名身穿豪华盔甲的Goliath,在Scott 副官的带领下,火速前往飞船的调度口。Goliath 看起来像巨大的双足坦克,他们直接从出口跳了下去,强大的装甲吸收了落地带来的冲击。接着是Marine 和Firebat,这些士兵只能通过绳索降落到地面。人造物外部螺旋状的表面就在他们面前,好像还微微发着光。

  “出发!”Scott 副官叫道。这道命令不仅是发给他的士兵的,同时也适用于天上脆弱的Dropship。

  最后一名Marine 松开了他身上的绳索,与此同时第一艘Dropship 立刻盘旋上升,以最大的加速度迅速远去。其他的两艘也紧随其后,带起一阵狂风。

  Scott 副官带着部队跑过碎石地,直向人造物上最近的入口冲去。“快点,进去!这次的命令是给这东西定位,然后带上所有能侦察到的情报回去。”

  Marine 手持8毫米C-14Gauss Impaler 指向正前方,率先跑了进去。整个入口看起来根本不像什么通道,而类似一个生物高聚树脂团块里的气泡。一个Goliath 也随着第一集团走了进去,肩负起整个分队的防御任务。接下来进去的是Firebat。他们的等离子Perdition 火焰喷射器早已准备好,随时可以将高温的火焰喷向任何物体。

  Scott 副官也已经做好了跟上的准备,随意地抬头看了看天空。惊讶中,他看到了Dropship正试图逃离一群敌人的集体进攻。Mutalisk 聚在两艘飞船周围,任由他们的驾驶员四处躲闪。它们早已证明了自己的能力,在这场漂亮的空战中占据了绝对的主动地位,随着酸液流进Dropship 的引擎,这些飞船迅速失去动力,外壳破损,往下坠落。

  飞船载着穷途末路的飞行员,斜斜插进聚集在地上的外星步兵中,落地的冲击将这两艘飞船变成了两团火焰,扫开了附近的数十名Zerg 和Protoss 战士。最后一艘Dropship 则英勇地冲出了包围,带伤越过山脚,往Free Haven 的基地缓缓飞去。

  Scott 副官低下头,跟着他的步兵走进了入口。可是还没走出几步,情况就发生了变化:在通道的最顶头,出现了三名Protoss Zealot。他们的眼睛冒着火焰,没有嘴巴的脸好似魔鬼般可怕,向Scott 的部队迫来。

  “小心!”Scott 大声吼道。

  Zealot 抬起戴着奇怪手套的前臂,启动了致命的Psionic Blade。与此同时,Marine 也开始了攻击,Gauss 来福枪发出的子弹像雨点一样,往已经冲到身边的Zealot 身上洒去。

  Scott 副官并不熟悉和他一起执行这次任务的士兵,所以也没能立刻想起倒地尖叫的三名Marine 的名字。他们的Impaler 枪落在地上,依旧在猛烈地射出子弹,打在通道半透明的墙壁上,好像完全不知道主人已经壮烈牺牲。见此,Scott 招来了一台Goliath。

  两支13毫米自发火炮射出的子弹,持续不断地打在Zealot 身上,直到最近的一名猛地向后倒了下去,告别了战场。

  六名Firebat 聚往剩下的两位敌人周围,向他们发射出致命的等离子火焰。一个Zealot 挣扎着用最后一击杀死了一名Firebat,但随后Perdition火焰投射器就把他们两个都烧成了灰烬,和刚才那个Zealot 一起,死在了之前的三名Marine 身边。

  Scott 扫了一眼牺牲的士兵,接着召回部队紧缩阵形,下令继续前进。“时间不多了,继续行动。”他很清楚,这次任务的成败关键在于速度,死去的同胞固然需要祷告,好让他们更好的安息,但是现在没有时间。

  尽管Scott 的突击队严重超员,但他还是计划带着他们全身而退,在尽量不惊扰敌人的情况下给与他们最大的打击。谁都不知道这个外星人造物是什么,不过他打算帮Duke 将军找到谜底。

  部队迂回地深入,同时沿路安装定位器,好让他们完成任务后能顺利地撤出。Scott 看了一眼战斗服上的计时器。“全体注意,准备注射包,”他命令道,“我们要快点。”

  在每一位Marine 带有动力系统的战斗服和Firebat 的重型装甲内部,都装有化学药品注射系统,此时一剂强烈的肾上腺素内啡肽混合物被打入了所有人的体内。Scott 知道这样的行为有什么风险,会带来怎样的潜在的副作用,也清楚,这种精神药物会把人精神里侵略的一面放大,从而导致士兵的行为失去控制,但是现在,部队急需速度和机动,这正是注射包能带来的东西。


  这些Dragoon 好像正要离开人造物。Scott 忽然明白,如果他是Protoss 军队的指挥官,他也会派出这些半机械人作为侦察部队,所以它们也许已经得到了至关重要的情报。虽然他知道,眼前Dragoon 带着的存储设备里的加密编码,是人类科技所无法解读的,但Scott 同样明白,这样的信息也绝对不能落到Protoss 指挥官的手里。


  Dragoon 像被激怒的蜘蛛,迅速往后退,同时准备发射他们的相变武器。Goliath 则抢先一步启动了双管自动火炮,目标瞄准了其中的两个。通道是如此地狭窄,猛烈的炮火在那两个Dragoon 还没来得及攻击之前,就彻底地摧毁了它们。

  余下的两个则终于成功发动了位于他们精神立场之内的反物质粒子发射器。一个个光球激射出来,两名Firebat,三名Marine 和一个Goliath 的身体崩溃了,在强大的力量下被打地像果冻一样抖动。

  在杀戮欲和愤怒的驱使下,其余的Firebat 吼叫着冲了上去。他们的有效射程不及Marine的Gauss 来福枪,但是当他们冲到足够近的地方,便可以举起Perdition 火焰喷射器,把所有的等离子气体都喷射在Dragoon 圆形的身体上。在高热的作用下,浸泡着他们大脑的液体开始沸腾。

  一个Dragoon 终爆炸了,维生的液体和烤化了的灰色金属块溅落了一地,一部分还洒在了通道的墙上。另一个Dragoon 也侧着倒了下去,四条腿抽搐着,活像被杀虫剂杀死的臭虫。

  Scott 带着防毒面具,使劲挤了一下被刺激性烟雾熏的刺痛的眼睛,指挥活下来的士兵们继续前进。



  Octavia 一直在处理FreeHaven 里的伤员,可是在她工作的同时,她意识边缘处的呼声却越发强烈起来。似乎她越是想忽略那种精神呼喊,撕扯的感觉就越明显,像是一个散开的强力精神力场,不光拉扯着她,也扯着所有能听到这个呼声的人。

  在Bhekar Ro 的殖民者中,Octavia 不知何故地认为,只有她才能借着自己灵敏的直觉听到这个神秘的召唤。她抬头向四周看去,试图找出这个呼声的源头。精神信号紧急而轻微,像是某种耳语,从外星人造物所在的地方发出来。就在那里,两股外星力量正在为了那个杀了Lars的东西激烈交锋。


  整个FreeHaven 里的Marine 都在忙碌,互相叫喊,一个接一个地完成任务,迅速地执行接管程序,把曾经安静的殖民村变成军事基地。

  经历了昨天大战,Zerg 军队完全的撤走了,再也没有显现处任何进攻的迹象,甚至连从Rastin 家里扩展出来的,由活的生物构成的奇怪地毯也向后收缩了不少。Zerg 正把精力集中在遥远的山谷里,好应付另一群Duke 将军称为Protoss 的生物。Protoss,她记得,就是那个曾经送出被殖民者的旧Missile Turret 打下来的机械Observer 的生物。

  直到不久之前,Octavia 还认为自己的生活充满了各种变数,不得不每天面对各种各样的问题和困难。但是现在她明白了,Bhekar Ro 不过是整个星河里微不足道的一个小点。现在,虽然Zerg 已经不再攻击,AlphaSquadron 依然在加紧建立完备的防御工事,一点时间都没浪费。

  SCV 利用从殖民者现有的房子上抓下来的碎片,还有从殖民地周围肥沃的土地里开采出来的资源,在原来是栅栏的地方修建了新的围栏。他们飞快地建造着地堡和MissileTurret——新的,功能完全正常的Turret。刚刚建成的工厂里站满了Marine 和Firebat,其他的则占据了在Zerg 攻击中牺牲的殖民者原来的房子。

  更远的地方,在草草竖起的乱七八糟的防御工事周围,Siege Tank 在不断的巡逻,把残留下来的谷物碾成粉碎,还推倒了果园里所有的树,以寻求更佳的视野。重装甲Goliath 大步走来走去,寻找可以攻击的目标。Vulture Hover Bike 则在地上横冲直撞,充当侦察兵。它们发出的轰鸣声响彻天空,当聚在一起的时候活像一窝马蜂,跑来跑去地在地上扔下叫蜘蛛雷的小东西。这些微型机械****一旦碰到地面,就会快速地走来走去,然后找个合适的地方把自己埋下去,接着静静等待,直到有什么大型敌人闯入它们的探测网。

  此刻的FreeHaven 已经变成了武装营地,整个村子仿佛成了一个大监狱,村民都成了犯人。Duke 将军通过安装在前场周围最高的建筑上的巨型扬声器,命令所有的村民继续躲在防御工事后面。“为了你们自己的安全。”

  为了让村民觉得他在维护自己的利益,Nikolai 村长不断的向军方表达自己的不满。他谴责将军越权、毁坏殖民者辛苦建立的农场,还把他们四十年来储存的为数不多的资源消耗的一干二净。

  当然,Duke 将军和Alpha Squadron 根本不会理他。


  如果自己能明白这奇怪的精神信号到底想向她表达什么就好了,Octavia 想。直觉告诉她,那会是非常重要的东西。谜底正在静静地等着她……只要她能离开这儿。


  但是Octavia 却在户外的阴影里等着,寻找机会,想偷偷地从人类士兵眼皮地下溜出去。

  虽然殖民者对将军“呆在防御工事里”的命令大发牢骚,不过还是很少有人想跑到防御栅栏的外面去,尤其是在夜里。那些Marine 应该会全神贯注地观察Zerg 的动静,应该不会有人注意到她这样一个在栅栏周围晃来晃去的姑娘,沿着新的MissileTurret 边缘飞快地跑进无边的黑暗。哪怕Duke 将军看到她试图闯入禁区,估计也不会觉得有必要把她抓回来。

  此刻,Octavia 并不怕Zerg。到现在为止,它们的进攻都是声势浩大的,她感觉在这样的晚上,它们不会伏在石头后面,等着一个或者两个像她一样的可怜殖民者送上门来。从****仪的记录来看,人造物那儿才是主战场,现在Zerg 和Protoss 都应该把精力放在那儿才对。

  当她终于接受了脑海里的召唤,开始动身寻找它的时候,呼声变得清晰起来。Octavia 穿过平地,知道这也可能是陷阱,她听到的精神信号可能是引诱她迈向死亡的歌声。但是她旋即打消了这个念头,敌人何须如此麻烦?一个像她这样的殖民者对正在激战的三股力量来说,都是毫无疑义的。

  她加速在路上前进,感到身上和腿上的肌肉都绷的紧紧的。几天来,她一直都承受着巨大的压力,吃的却很少,睡的就更少了。不过即使如此,Octavia 依然觉得自己很清醒,整个身体的感觉很好,仿佛体内的激素给了她保持精力需要的一切。

  栅栏挡不住她,Octavia 偷偷摸摸地走了出去,守卫并没有发现。当她慢跑过崎岖的地面时,心里最担心的反而是那些Vulture 埋下的危险的蜘蛛雷。不过这些东西只会去检测大型敌人和地面重型装甲机械,她希望——或者说祈祷——年轻的女性人类踮着脚尖走过并不会引发这些东西的注意。



  除去弯曲的回廊和封闭的地区,整个Xel'Naga 人造物内部和外面的山谷一样,也变成了激烈的战场。

  在Kukulkan Brood的Overlord领导下,一部分的Zerg军队已经从整个群落中分了出来,直插进Protoss 的防线之中,甚至开始闯进绿色有机树脂墙中上的通道口。

  Executor Koronis 正独自指挥着主战场上自己的陆军部队,Judicator Amdor 则派出一部分的ProtossZealot 执行自杀式袭击任务。与此同时,Terran 突击队里的幸存者也由Scott副官带着,快速在通道内推进,不断拍照和记录情报,好把它们作为战术信息带回给Duke 将军,以备不时之需。

  作为Marine,Scott 也曾接受过多年的军事训练,学会了通过扫一眼来了解当前情况。而现在,他们不得不接连几个小时把本能和感官推向极限。他希望小队再也别发生任何伤亡,不过这愿望明显有些不切实际。

  尽管身处被困的外星人造物体内,四周都是未经探索的神秘地区,他们依然牢记着自己是Alpha Squadron 的人,牢记着自己的座右铭,“最先加入战斗,最快凯旋归来”。这个任务,他们是欣然接受的,任何的紧张和多虑都是多余的,Scott 不希望他的士兵表现的和……殖民者一样。

  通道是如此的矮,Goliath 不得不低下身子,一步一步重重地沿着走。它们的武器早已上膛,随时都可以发射。四周的墙壁上嵌满了珠宝一样的东西,突出的水晶,还有埋在里面的发光的东西。真是个奇怪的建筑,Scott 在多年的服役生涯中到过数不清的Confederacy 行星,看到过各种各样奇怪的环境和异种生物,却从来没遇到过这样的。

  当Goliath 在前面领头,整个小队绕过一个表面呈波浪状的拐角时,他们骤然发现前面出现了一股敌人。六只蜥蜴一样的Zergling 早已弓起自己带刺的外壳,发出咝咝声,摆好了进攻的姿态。它们身后赫然是一头Hydralisk,此刻它也弯起甲壳,伸出长着爪子的前臂。

  “开火!”Scott 副官毫不犹豫地下令。

  士兵们早已做好了准备,Firebat 带头冲了上去,Perdition 喷射器怒射出猛烈的等离子火焰。高温迅速地将Zergling 变成好几团跳动的火球,接着倒向弯曲的墙面上,只留下几堆冒烟的有机残渣。

  Goliath 也启动了双筒重机枪,冒着如雨的毒刺把子弹射往那只Hydralisk。

  又有三名Marine——或者应该说是沾满了血,扎满了刺的战斗服——扑倒在地,壮烈牺牲。其他的则大吼着冲了上去,端起手中的Gauss 来福枪疯狂地射击,想给他们三个报仇。Scott副官也举起了自己的武器,加入了战斗。

  正当他们把怒火倾泻在Zergling和Hydralisk身上时,更多的敌人从它们身后涌现了出来。从一个光滑的通道里钻出了一头巨大的Ultralisk,它有如猛犸象一般巨大身体上的锋利骨刃,瞬间就穿过了两名正掉转喷口准备攻击的Firebat 的身体。对它们来说,人类喷出的高温火焰就像搔痒一样,丝毫也阷挡不了前进的步伐。更多的士兵倒在了这样的庞然大物脚下。

  “围成防御圈,”Scott 高叫道,“快!”

  Marine 们接连地换着弹夹,一步都不肯后退,仅余的两个Goliath 不顾自己已经被Hydralisk 扎地千疮百孔的护甲,转而向Ultralisk 开火。Firebat 略退后了一些,继续喷射等离子火焰。

  Ultralisk 浑身冒着烟,流着血,陷入了狂暴的状态,完全不顾自己的身体,继续往前冲。它猛烈地摇晃着身体,锋利的骨刃一个接着一个穿过幸存的Firebat 的身体。

  一个Goliath 疯狂地攻击着这头Ultralisk,不断用重机枪作出近距离的直线射击。猛烈的炮火已经在它的身上打出了一个深深的洞,但即便如此,它还是用骨刃刺穿了这个Goliath 的外壳,把它切成了碎片。

  小队正在被快速地屠杀,这一切Scott 副官都看在眼里,可他依然没有撤退,还是指挥小队剩余的成员继续射击。Ultralisk 转身向最后一个受损的Goliath 走去,不过终于,在Goliath和最后五名Marine 联合的火力下,怪物轰然倒下,压在一名受伤倒地,还在呻吟的Marine身上。

  寂静顷刻笼罩下来,像雷暴一样可怕。Scott 呆呆地站在原地,看着刚刚发生的一切。他深深的吸了一口气,试图赶走心中的恐惧。自信已经所剩无几,Scott 停了一会儿,尽力去理清自己的思维,试着在其他的士兵还没回过神来之前,作出下一步的决定。


  Scott 走在最前面,带着余下的人继续往走廊深处前进。接到的命令,要求他们去看看这奇异的外星人造物最核心处到底有什么。

  可是此刻,Scott 却清楚的知道,随着他们越走越深,任务将会变的越来越艰难。


  要去哪里?Octavia 自己都不知道答案,只知道,有什么东西在呼唤她,拉着她。对方应该是外星生物,对,Octavia 不顾一切的往前走,心里觉得也许应该相信它——或者说,必须相信。

  夜色越来越深,Octavia 觉得自己有些像在梦游。她走过饱经践踏的焦土,脚下全是Zerg利爪和骨刺留下的痕迹。果园里纤细的树枝就像柴火一样杂乱的散落在地上,像是被愤怒的Hydralisk 或者Ultralisk 切碎的。

  即使Zerg 怪物曾经出现并吃掉了大部分同类的尸体,还是可以看到遍地的Zerg 碎片。有像从巨大甲虫身上扯下来的腿,有凹凸不平的硬壳的碎片,甚至也有几具破损的Zergling 尸体,内脏都露了出来。满是泡泡的粘液早已渗入土壤里,只留下略带粘性的小块,像贴在地表的补丁;其中某些完全干燥了的,此刻已经有如水泥般坚硬。

  经过了好几个小时,Octavia 终于来到了一个山脚下偏僻的矿井——这儿就是那个焦急的精神召唤的源头。她小心翼翼地一步步往上走,边走边向四周张望,只不过周围只有一片伸手不见五指的黑暗。薄纱似的亍又一次盖住了星星。

  Octavia 爬上了一座大概两百米高的石壁。就是这儿!她稳稳地、慢慢地向上爬,从一块巨石爬到另一块,直到她终于爬上一块从平地上高耸起的巨型板状岩石,像庞然巨斧插进了地表。

  心里的声音告诉她,就是这儿,于是Octavia 停了下来,但是周围什么都没有。

  “好了,我到了。”尽管不清楚这个外星人能不能理解人类的语言,Octavia 还是大声说道,“你想要什么?”她急需知道,这个奇怪的人能不能帮她,能不能让殖民者摆脱现在的三军混战——Zerg,Protoss,还有Terran 军队。


  “不,不是的。”Octavia 依旧大声回答着。



  那张脸上长着发光的眼睛,却没有嘴,突起的颧骨让它看起来特别的与众不同。Octavia感到,这个生物是女性的,和其他的Protoss 外星人非常像,但又不是降落到山谷那儿的军队的成员。

  “是你叫我的。”Octavia 说。

  是的……“我叫Octavia Bren,是个殖民者。你是谁,为什么要喊我?”

  我叫Xerana,我是Protoss Dark Templar。发出的信号我也收到了,我相信自己已经知道了它的起源。我之所以来这里,是为了警告——

  “真的?”Octavia 打断了她的话,“只可惜你来晚了一点,你们的那个东西已经把我哥杀了,村里也因为Zerg 死了好几百人。”

  即使不懂如何理解这个叫Xerana 的外星人脸上的表情,Octavia 也从她的心灵语言里感到了一丝惊讶。真的?你的哥哥被……吸收了?Xerana 略低下头,往前倾斜了一些身子,似乎是想更好的研究一下Octavia。但你们Terran 对它来说是没用的,你们不是它的一部分。

  Octavia 咬紧了牙,“不,从那个东西分解了我哥哥的一刻开始,我就成了它的一部分。”


  “你也没想到会有Terran 对你的召唤作出反应,是吧。”Octavia 扬起了眉毛。

  在她的脑海里,Xerana 的声音变得更加激动。我知道此行会非常困难,我来的目的是为了拯救我的族人,不管他们有什么雄心壮志,也不管他们会不会理睬我。当我到达你们的星球的时候,我把自己的精神延伸开去,寻找和我站在一起的人,最终找到了一个。我发出了召唤,但是没想到你会回答。

  Octavia 大为惊讶,谁能想到这个和自己如此不同的外星生物居然会把自己当作盟友,还和自己拥有同样的目标。

  “我知道你来这儿是为了救你的人,不过如果你肯帮我救回我的同类,我就站在你那边,只要你需要,我可以尽我一切的可能来帮你。”Octavia 的目光从Xerana 身上移开,往FreeHaven 的方向往去。村子里,惊恐的人们正在黑暗里瑟瑟发抖,担心着下一次袭击。

  没问题,那就这样吧。我们互相帮助对方。你必须要相信我,那个遗物并不会主动攻击人类,除非人类首先伤害它。它只对Xel'Naga 的后代,Protoss 和Zerg,有危险。Octavia 从她的话语里感到了一股暗暗的悲伤。

  一只夜鹰从她们头上飞过,尖叫着俯冲往一只在平滑岩石表面爬行的黑蜥蜴。Octavia 后退一步,那只鸟却叼着它还在挣扎的战利品飞走了。这种Bhekar Ro 上土生土长的动物显然对三个强大种族之间的战争毫无兴趣。

  “那,你打算怎么做?”Octavia 问道。


  Octavia 回道,“那儿还有另一个……东西,我能感觉的到,就像我能感觉到你的召唤一样。”



  Xerana 再次低下头,以一个奇怪的角度看着Octavia。你真是个与众不同的Terran,Octavia,谢谢你的关心。她站在原地,长长的学者腰带在微风中飘动,宽阔的领口处放着一块有奇怪记号的薄板。但我的生命也许早该结束了,我不得不去告诉其他的Protoss 小心,如果有办法,我甚至会警告Zerg Overlord,只是不确定能不能直接和它们沟通。现在我得马上去遗物那儿,命令它们全部离开,唉,不知道它们会不会听。

  至于你,必须去劝服你的Terran 军队。这并不是你们的战争。

  Octavia 的脑海里浮现出Duke 将军的样子,说道,“我怀疑我恐怕也找不到愿意听我说的人。不过那个人造物到底是什么?我们没法永远都避开它,如果它一直在Bhekar Ro 上,会不会永远是一个危险?”

  不管怎样,那个遗物过不了几天就会从你们的星球上离开,Xerana 说,在那之前,你我都要尽力保护自己族人的安全。说完了这些,DarkTemplar 转过身去,从Octavia 的视野中消失了。她就这样……一下子就看不见了。

  Octavia 惊愕地站在原地,许久,才再次喊了出来,只是这次没用声音,而是精神。Xerana?




  随着Free Haven 外围的防御围栏修建完毕,Edmond Duke 将军觉得,保护殖民者安全所需要的一切都已完成。一天前,由Scott 副官带领的第一队人马已成功渗透进了外星人造物,现在,将军也准备好了发动一次全面的军事进攻。

  该是Alpha Squadron 耀武扬威的时候了。

  将军动员起了他所有的Battlecruiser,Wraith,Dropship,Arclite Siege Tank,所有的地面部队,甚至还包括Vulture Hover Bike。他觉得没必要再保留什么,相信只要简简单单地冲进去,就能漂亮地解决混战。Protoss 和Zerg 打了这么久,现在应该已经两败俱伤了。

  Duke 坐在从前村长的房子里,命令大军向外开进,自己则摸着下巴,透过侦察卫星传回的影像,看着自己的军队穿过山脚的分界线,刺入山谷中混乱的战场。

  战斗的第一枪由直接进入战争中心地带的Marine 和Firebat 打响,侧翼的Siege Tank 也同时辅以火力掩护。这些坦克迅速地启动了攻城模式,从而可以激活冲击加农炮,对更远的敌人进行打击。此时,所有能动的外星生物都成了他们的目标。

  Marine和Firebat 肆无念惮地横冲直撞,迅速地消灭着周围的一切敌人,像一把滚烫的匕首插入了一块凝固的黄油中。Terran 的士兵们把速度提升到了极致,狂热地冲锋,战斗带来的愉悦,把他们之前因长久以来执行比如标记殖民地、探查小行星带资源这样无聊的任务带来的不快一扫而空。Alpha Squadron 的每个人,现在都很渴望能给这些外星混蛋带来沉重的打击。

  透过观察屏幕,Duke 将军看着正在进行的战斗,兴奋地拍起了手。不过就在这时,传来了一声敲门声,一名低级Marine 带着Octavia Bren 进来了。将军瞥了她一眼,不悦道,“小姑娘,你难道看不出我很忙吗?我在指挥战斗。”


  Duke 皱起眉毛,似乎是不太相信眼前这个乡巴佬能掌握到什么连他自己的人都没了解到的情报。于是他不耐烦地示意把Octavia 留在房间里,然后转身继续看着外面的战斗。

  最前线陆军的进攻似乎给Protoss 和Zerg 的防线造成了不可挽回的损失,不过马上将军就发现了那只是自己一次严重的误算,这顿时让他的兴奋消减了大半。

  “不,不!”他忽然冲着屏幕大叫道,原来Marine 和Firebat 前进的太快了,以致于后方作为火力支援的Siege Tank 和重甲Goliath 有些跟不上。

  Duke 一把抓过通讯器,朝着里面大声吼叫,心里希望他们能从刺耳的杂音中听出他的命令。“保持队形!给我退回到——”

  蜘蛛一样的Protoss Dragoon 从小丘陵的碎石地上爬了过来,从孤军深入的人类陆军背后向他们接近。Zealot 则眼冒怒火,挥舞着手中致命的PsionicBlade,往Marine 们的正前方冲过去。这当然是陷阱,很快,Zealot 和Dragoon 就从三个方向包围住了这批Marine 和Firebat。纵使火焰喷射器和Gauss 来福枪的威力同样可怕,但Protoss 士兵却毫不退缩,随着Dragoon 把Terran 步兵冲散成小块,Zealot 破入他们之中,Marine 和Firebat 一个接一个地倒在它们的Psionic Blade 之下,变成碎块。

  “我要空中掩护!空中掩护!”Duke 大吼道。

  过了许久,Wraith 战斗机才急忙飞来,和身后跟上的Battlecruiser 一起从空中开火。

  Marine和Firebat 为了自救,持续不断地射击,但几乎在同时,一名穿着长袍的ProtossTemplar 爬上一堆石头,向天空高举起自己三根指头的手,释放了一场声势浩大的心灵风暴。单人驾驶的Wraith 战斗机顿时陷入了混乱,其中好几架像是被无形的巨大苍蝇拍猛打了一下一样,直接坠落到地面上。

  Battlecruiser 和Wraith 损失惨重,连忙试图后退,不过在山谷的另一侧,又有一名HighTemplar 召唤了第二场心灵风暴,从东面再次对他们予以沉重的打击。

  只有三架Wraith 和一艘Battlecruiser 成功逃到了边上安全的山脚下,接着全速从危险的山谷中撤退,只留下破碎的Terran 飞船,散落在战场的每个角落。

  见终于脱离了危险,这些Alpha Squadron 的飞船决定在空中盘旋一会儿,检查一下受损的情况。可就在此时,数十只Hydralisk 像是凭空出现一样从地底下钻了出来。它们没留给Battlecruiser 舰长和Wraith 驾驶员任何逃离的时间,直接撒出一波接一波的毒刺,向飞船激射去。Battlecruiser 厚重的外壳被刺穿了,引擎彻底破损,这艘庞大的飞船径直坠进粗糙的山脚下。另外三架Wraith 则瞬间化为了漫天的金属碎片和血肉,甚至还没来得及发射出一颗子弹。

  “看起来好像不大顺利啊,将军。”Octavia 说道。

  “闭嘴!”Duke 高声叫道,同时焦急地查看战区地图,不知道下面应该命令什么。

  余下的Marine 和Firebat 被硬生生的和坦克还有Goliath 割裂开来,场面变成了令人绝望的大屠杀。他们的枪口都最着正对面的Protoss,Zerg 军队却从侧面涌了上来,将他们全部淹没。

  Duke 将军认出了Zergling 和Guardian,但Zerg 军队中还有大批体型巨大的四足动物,它们的嘴里长着尖锐的犬齿,身上的蓝毛中夹杂着尖刺,从来没在哪儿看到过。此刻这些猛兽像狂暴的野狼一样,嗅着地面,左右转动着眼茎,与拣Marine 防守的弱点进攻。Duke 将军此前看到过各种各样的Zerg,可这看起来应该是一种全新的。

  OctaviaBren 盯着屏幕,忽然大惊失色道,“那些东西看起来真像OldBlue!那些外星人肯定是从它身上吸收了什么东西。”



  “狗?”Duke 嗤了一声,“你们殖民者还会养宠物?”他拿起麦克风,准备发号施令。虽然就算没有他的命令,Marine 们也已经在竭尽所能了,Duke 还是说道,“Zerg 正给我们造成越来越大的伤亡,伙计们。集中火力,解决掉那些……Roverlisk。”(译者注:Starcraft 里Zerg 的兵种多数以-lisk 结尾,例如Hydralisk 或Ultralisk。此处Duke 将军自己创造了一个新词Roverlisk来表示这些由狗变来的生物。Rover 的本意是流浪者。)一名Marine 举起手,做了一个很不雅的手势。见此,Duke 不禁大窘,只好自欺欺人地想,他也许是在抵御天上的什么敌人。

  混战中,八只Protoss Reaver 慢慢地从东北部开来,像是八只由重型装甲组成的大毛虫,远远地向战场爬来。Duke 清楚,如果不能获得更多的空中支援,这些Marine和Firebat 肯定要输掉眼下的战斗。

  姗姗来迟的Goliath 和SiegeTank 终于抵达了战场,可以和Zealot 还有Dragoon 交火了,一些Goliath 甚至动用了防空导弹来对付那些Dragoon。一名Marine 猛冲向一只Dragoon,身上结识的盔甲直接撞破了它装有大脑的体腔。

  Siege Tank 把自己固定在Zealot的Psionic Blade 的攻击范围之外,一炮接一炮地开火,当然Marine 和Firebat 也没闲着。Duke 将军欣喜地看到,战斗的局面正在慢慢扭转,Terran力量终于占到了上风。


  随着Protoss Reaver 的赶到,情况再次急转直下。它们放出许多Scarab Drone,径直向目标飞去,牢牢地附在上面并随后爆炸。两个Goliath 顷刻倒地,数十名Marine 也被另一颗炮弹炸的粉碎。于是剩下的坦克和Goliath 被迫把注意力转向那些Reaver,但随后西边的地平线处飞来了两艘Protoss Carrier。成群的Interceptor 从里面飞了出来,子弹像雨点一样倾泻下来。

  “这不可能!”Duke 将军嚷道,“这绝对不是AlphaSquadron,这绝对不是我的王牌雄狮!”


  ProtossCarrier 的目标非常明确,它们把所有的火力都集中在摧毁Goliath 上。很快Goliath 就一台都不剩了,只留下孤立无援的Siege Tank,像标上了同心圆的罐头瓶一样,毫无还手之力。

  此刻Duke 将军能做的,只有看着他剩下的部队任人宰割。



  战事正如火如荼地进行,Executor Koronis 一心指挥自己的Protoss 军队,完全没注意到空气中那点细微的扰动。那似乎是一个隐形的陌生人,在一旁看着这一切。

  他的身后就是裸露着的Xel'Naga 遗物,微微发着光。Judicator Amdor 站在离它不远的地方。Zerg 和Terran 胆敢在他面前公然争夺这个祖先的财宝,让Amdor 非常的不满,他的精神立场此刻正汹涌澎湃,好像沸腾一样,向敌人表达着自己的愤怒。在他看来,这个遗物只能属于他一个人。

  Zealot 和Carrier 互相配合,前者在地面上进攻,后者则飞临上空,释放出成队的Interceptor。Koronis 忽然感觉到了什么,好像是一个冰冷的幽灵——感觉很熟悉,但却不属于Khala。他不禁转过身,心里充满了好奇和困惑,Amdor 也在四处张望,应该也感觉到了同样的东西。

  一个高大的女性Protoss 的身影在他们之间的碎石土堆上现身出来,四周包裹着流动的暗影,像流过不锈钢表面的油滴。随着周围光线扭曲的消失,她从隐身状态里显现出来。

  “DarkTemplar!”JudicatorAmdor 浑身一震,精神和面孔骤然改变,现出强烈的厌恶。“邪恶的叛徒!”他用精神力大声叫道,引得附近的Judicator 和HighTemplar 都向这儿看来。

  不过那个DarkTemplar 并不为他的憎恶和精神冲击所动。“我之所以来是为了警告你,还有这儿所有的Protoss”,她缓缓说道,“我叫Xerana,不管像你这样的Judicator 怎么迫害我们,我依然终于First Born。”这位灰皮肤的强壮女性静静地看着Amdor,丝毫不顾念后者正气得浑身发抖,恨不得马上找来什么武器冲她开火。

  Executor Koronis 清楚Dark Templar 可怕的力量,于是他心神不安地招来了地面援军。他并不像Amdor 那样憎恨Dark Templar,只是出于谨慎起见,尤其是在现在这样危险的战争时刻。

  四名Zealot 响应了他的召唤,前来支援,手上的Psionic Blade 已然开启,正闪着寒光。一个Dragoon 也转过身,向指挥官站的地方疾跑过来。

  “你根本不知道自己在做什么。”Xerana 的目光转投向Koronis,希望能他能理解。“你们一点都不了解这个遗物真正的来历和隐藏在它后面的目的,所以你绝不能干扰Wanderersfrom Afar 的计划。离开这里。”

  “我们是Xel'Naga 的长子!”Amdor 道,“可你和你的追随者,竟然背离了Khala,自甘成为一群叛徒。你们干过的坏事已经够多了,别想再来我这儿捣乱。”

  不过Executor Koronis 更感兴趣的是为什么像她这样的流浪者会来到一群敌人的中间,她不可能不知道Judicator 必然会惩罚她。“Dark Templar,你打算告诉我们什么呢?”

  Amdor 眼冒火光,愤怒的看向他。“Executor,我相信你不是想去听人胡言乱语,尤其是这些——”

  Koronis 伸出手,打断了他的话,道,“我是这儿Protoss 军队的指挥官,我不会愚蠢到仅凭来源就决定是否接受重要的情报。”

  Xerana 往Executor 那儿走了几步,一点都没理会怒不可遏的Amdor。“我了解到一条信息,还有可怕的警告。这个……东西”——她举手扫过那个神秘结构露出的高耸表面——“非常危险。Xel'Naga 制造了它,就像你猜到的一样,它被设计地比Protoss 和Zerg 都要强大。一旦你们唤醒它,它就会把你们全部消灭。”

  “一派胡言。”Amdor 嗤道,“我们是First Born,Xel'Naga 选择了Protoss——”

  “也抛弃了Protoss,”Xerana打断了他的话。“显然我们没达到他们的期望,于是Xel'Naga继续尝试去制造完美的种族。Zerg 算是迄今为止最具有破坏力的,也是他们最成功的实验品。但那些先人启动了许多实验,也留下了同样多的秘密。”

  “那你想要我们怎么做?”Koronis 道。Dragoon 和Zealot 正在慢慢接近Xerana,等待的只有一个命令。更远的地方,激烈的战斗还在进行。“是不是说,把那个东西留给敌人?”

  “你必须得让那个东西自己呆着,”她说,“所有人,所有的种族,不管是Protoss 还是Zerg,都在试图唤醒那个危险的东西。你们要立刻撤退,让所有的军队都回来。如果你在什么都不知道的情况下就把那个东西当玩具,你肯定会后悔的。”

  Koronis 眨了眨眼睛,不太相信她的话,Amdor 则冷笑了一声,接着大声地发出了命令。“抓住这个叛徒!”他的话里透出强烈的憎恶。

  Dragoon和Zealot 立刻包围了Xerana,可这位Dark Templar 学者却安静地站着,只感到深深的失望。如她所料,她的同胞拒绝接受她的警告。

  “就是你们这些恶劣的人,玷污了伟大的Tassadar!”Amdor 抱怨道。“Dark Templar打开了通往Void 的大门,引诱其他的Protoss 离开Khala。”

  虽然已经成了俘虏,Xerana 依然保持镇定。Judicator 自豪地转向Koronis,道,“马上我们就能夺下这个遗物,Executor,而且我们还活捉了这个Dark Templar 叛徒。Qel'Ha 这次远征将因此从彻底的失败变成光荣的胜利。”


  Scott 副官领着他所剩无几的Marine 和Firebat,通过弯曲盘旋的通道,往人造物神秘的核心走去。外面山谷里的战斗正打的天昏地暗,里面的Terran 突击队却还是遇到了数不清的Protoss 和Zerg 侦察小队。而且不管是哪一边,似乎都收到了和Scott 的小队一样的命令,那就是去侦察。



  Scott 不知道等他们到了目的地之后能发现什么东西,不过他也怀疑Zerg 抑或Protoss 能否了解的比Terran 更多。不管怎样,他会为Duke 将军保护这些珍贵的情报,如果有可能,他还会阻止任何外星人获得这些信息。

  在通道里他们遇到过另一群Zerg,只是并没有停下来交火。相反的,Scott 现在命令士兵们全速向前沿着走廊跑,哪怕他们能听到身后怪物追击的声音。Marine和Firebat 当然更愿意战斗,但他们的杀戮欲早已被遭受到的巨大人员损失所冲淡了。现在他们想做的就是尽快完成任务,然后活着回去。

  突击队向着前方发光的地方跑去,依然不忘沿途布下“面包屑”定位器,以便不久之后全身而退。Scott 心里希望那时Dropship 能及时赶到出口把他们接走,却也没有担心,毕竟AlphaSquadron 的成员们都很清楚自己的任务。

  墙面中脉动的光线形成了一种催眠的召唤,像是把飞蛾从黑暗里吸引出来的灯光。Zerg 和Protoss 明显也感觉到了。它们沿着不同的通道前进,目标却是同一个地方,那就是人造物的中心,仿佛在那里能找到所有人都想要的答案。

  Marine和Firebat 终于到达了人造物的核心,Scott 也紧跟着跑了进去。在他们眼前的,是一个巨大而可怕的洞穴,一个像太阳一样的东西发出刺眼的强光,照亮了整个内壁。但那光线却是冷的,充斥着电能,而且还是有生命的。

  在洞穴的墙壁和天花板的反射下,白光变成了五彩斑斓的彩虹。参差不齐的水晶碎片,向各个方向伸出。Scott 张着嘴站在那儿,被眼前伟大而纯粹的力量惊的一动不动,什么话也说不出来。虽然他按照命令来到了这儿,现在却找不到任何词语去描述看到的东西,甚至不知道该如何去总结,如何告诉将军他想知道的东西。

  Zerg 和Protoss 也出现在了大厅内壁其他通道的幽暗开口处。可当它们走进这个洞穴之后,所有的人,不管是Hydralisk 还是Zealot,都忘记了移动和攻击。Xel'Naga 人造物燃烧的核心展现出的无尽的畏惧感,让三个种族的生物都只知道呆站在原地。

  忽然,火光变得愈发强烈起来,好像什么人按下了点火按钮。光线像触手一样,射向四周,被墙上高高低低的Khaydarin 水晶反射回来。噼噼啪啪声中,所有的水晶仿佛都像是被点燃了一样,形成弯曲的光索,充斥了整个洞穴。

  一名Firebat 尖叫了起来。Scott 副官知道自己应该命令大家撤退,但却没法说出任何一个字。他的脚像是被固定在了地上,全身的肌肉都锁在了现在的位置。

  光线变得更强了,猛烈的能量从里面释放出来。Xel'Naga 人造物跳跃的核心变成了一团燃烧的光球,发出令人睁目如盲的白光。蓦的光线向外爆发开来,瞄准了附近所有的生物。

  光球刺入了Firebat和Marine的身体里,也同时淹没了站在一旁的Zerg和Protoss。Scott副官张着嘴想叫,但能量随即倾泻过了他的身体。光束像是在扫描和吸收所有的这些入侵者,Scott 看到Zerg 一个一个的消失,身体包含的一切信息都被吸收殆尽。很快,洞穴里所有的东西都被擦除了——Protoss,Zerg,还有他的整个小队。

  接着他眼里最后一丝影像也消失了……洞穴里再也没有了生物;Xel'Naga 遗物吃掉了所有刚才在里面的标本。Terran 的遗传信息虽然没用,但剩下的那些Xel'Naga 的孩子却是人造物急切需要的东西。


  长久以来被掩埋在此的Xel'Naga 人造物终于发动了足够的能量,开始了重生之前最后的准备……


  看到自己的部队被彻底的击溃——击溃!——Edmund Duke 将军再也没心情听一个没经受过训练的、满身灰尘的女移民讲她可怕的谣言。不过Octavia Bren 可不想自己被忽略。她告诉将军Dark Templar Xerana 的事情,还有那位Protoss 学者关于远古的人造物的紧急警告。

  现在倒不是Duke 想不想处理的问题了,只是她还想自己怎样做呢?将军刚刚看到他精心策划的进攻大计变成了一长串的伤亡名单,长到十几个电脑显示器都显示不下。不过,至少现在,他得到了一点最新的信息……已足以让他感到深深的惭愧。

  当Alpha Squadron 追踪到那个外星人的信号并响应了殖民者的援助请求,到达这儿时,将军以为那个暴露出来的人造物只是另一个BDO——一个BigDumbObject(译者注:BigDumbObject 意为“巨大而没价值的东西”,Dumb:笨的,Object:物体。)——一点都不值得为它牺牲Terran 士兵的生命,除非有这样的命令。奇怪的人造物和神秘的建筑物经常会出现在被遗忘的世界里,但通常它们都没有任何价值。

  但现在的情况很清楚,Zerg 和Protoss 都试图以最糟糕的方式占有那个人造物——而Duke 却已经失去了为Arcturus Mengsk 大帝夺取它的力量。


  “多谢你的评估,女士。”他怒道,接着开启了和地面部队联系的频道。“我非常清楚应该怎么处理现在的情况。把最好的Ghost 叫来。我相信应该是MacGregor Golding。叫他立刻到我这儿来。”他抬头看了看还站在他办公室里的发狂的殖民者。“还有什么事么,Brown小姐?”

  “Bren。”Octavia 说,“我的名字是Octavia Bren。”

  Duke 大感不悦,心里奇怪村民的名字究竟会有什么意义。“如果没有更多的战术信息,女士,就请离开。现在,希望你原谅我,我还要赢得战争。你知道反败为胜并不容易。”

  Octavia 刚想离开,从Nik 村长那儿霸占来的房间的门弹开了,走进来一名苗条的,穿着金属盔甲的人。他长着一张很普通的脸,不是很大,颧骨却很高。一双棕色的眼睛出奇的大,看起来让人感到难以置信的老,好像这位年轻人已经看到过太多的事情,足以让他厌倦了宇宙里的一切。MacGregor Golding 安静地站着,等着将军和他说话。不过很快,他转向了Octavia,好像后者身上有什么值得注意的东西。

  Octavia 立刻觉得自己像是暴露在大功率的扫描仪下。在她的大脑里,感觉到一种心灵感应在四处游走,像是一个野蛮人在洗劫她家。

  “别在意村民,Agent Golding。”Duke 的话打断了Octavia 集中的注意力。

  这名Ghost 转回向将军。“但她非常明显地值得仔细看看,长官。我曾经被联邦政府隔离,并接受训练以控制自己的精神力,我能感觉到其他人的天赋。这个女人就拥有难以置信的潜力,她也许能成为出色的Ghost。”

  Octavia 浑身一冷。“做梦吧你。”她说。透过连接他们两个人的精神连接,Octavia 试着去感觉这个人,这个叫MacGregor Golding 的人,感觉他是怎么被培养,又被训练去做什么。她也感觉到了一点点眼前Alpha Squadron 指挥官脑海里想的东西。

  “Agent Golding,”将军说,“命令更改。我们本想为Terran 兵厂征服那个人造物,但通过刚才的事件,我必须承认这个目标已经不太可能实现了。因此,我不得不启动B 计划。”

  “是,将军。”Ghost 回道,“B 计划。如果简简单单的输掉战斗,就会让那个东西——不管它是什么——落到邪恶的Zerg 或Protoss 之手,这会是非常糟糕的。现在的选择,是确保没有任何人能得到它。”

  Ghost 站在他装有C-10锁定来福枪的Hostile Environment Suit 里,已经准备好了行动。“我装备有个人隐形设备,长官,只需要一架Dropship 把我带到战场边缘,我会自行前往那儿,标明目标。”

  Duke 将军点点头,把手叉在一起,放在村长干净的桌子上。“叫一艘Battlecruiser 停在高空,准备好发射余下的弹头。”

  Octavia 彻底的愤怒了,他们在讨论如此可怕的毁灭时,居然还能这样的冷静和置身事外。“你们不能在Bhekar Ro 上用核弹!这是我们的世界,我们的家,是我们工作过,流汗过,而且——”

  Duke 将军给守在一边的Marine 使了个眼神,示意他把她从办公室里拖走。Octavia 反抗着,却还是在将军不以为然的目光下被拖出了门外。

  “你是不是想让我输掉战争,Brown 小姐?”他明知故问道。


  这么多年来,Judicator Amdor 的目标一直是去搜寻并抓捕那些Dark Templar 叛逆者。对他来说,那些人的信仰和行为都是可恶的,而且,他们在Void 里犹如影子一样的存在、逃亡和躲藏,让他感到极度的反感。

  对于一个像他这样忠诚的Judicator 来说,这甚至比探索Xel'Naga 的遗物更有吸引力,Amdor 非常急切的想把他们一个个都找出来,以免他们继续把族人带离Khala 的连接。在Xel'Naga 的眼里,他们是失败的实验品,但Protoss 已经学会了团结合作,学会了怎样联合大家的精神,让整个种族变成牢不可分的整体。

  除了那些Dark Templar。他们只想保持独立,试图把统一的精神排斥在外,削弱了FirstBorn 的统一。Amdor 无时无刻不感到,必需要阻止这种对Khala 的破坏。

  而现在这位可恶的女性,Xerana,却自愿向他们投降,在最伟大的战争中现身在他们中间。Amdor 希望回到Qel'Ha 以后,能有时间进行一次彻底的审问。

  至于Xerana,虽然被囚禁了,却依然没有一丝恐惧。相反的,她一边制造影像,一边抽出一张写有远古文字的渎神的卷轴。“你们必须看看我的证据。”她的精神直指Amdor和Koronis,不过音量也足够其他所有人听到。Xerana 举起一小块找到的记录碎片。“自己看看这证据。你们必须了解到Xel'Naga 究竟留下了什么,否则一定会做蠢事。不要让那个种子苏醒过来。”


  Amdor 从她手上夺过那块记录,捏成了粉末。“我们对你的谎言没有任何兴趣。我不知道你们这些DarkTemplar 想耍什么鬼把戏,你是不是想叫更多的叛徒过来,然后用这个伟大的宝物来完成摧毁Khala 的目标?”

  Xerana 大方的面对Amdor 站着,冷静地凝视着他。“Dark Templar 对摧毁Khala 才没有任何兴趣,那从来都不是问题。当然,你们也从来没兴趣来理解我们。一开始,你们Judicator之所以要把我们赶尽杀绝,是因为我们让你们感到颜面无光,之后当英勇的Protoss 拒绝执行你们的大屠杀时,你们把我们放逐出去,并对其他的First Born 隐瞒了Dark Templar 的存在。你们让我们离开家园,而现在我却回来,冒着生命危险告诉你们正在做的是怎样的蠢事。”

  Xerana 举起手,指向那个奇怪的东西。“不要进到它里面去,你们根本不了解,它和你们想的完全不一样。”

  Amdor 冷笑了一声道,“恰恰相反,你的话让我确信,我个人来说必须得进去探查一番。”他向Koronis 投去冒火的一瞥,继续道,“当然,Executor 也会和我一起去。我们会自己决定怎么处理这个宝物,同时为了Khala 探索它所有的秘密——而不是你们这些叛徒。”

  Judicator 现在正处于一种狂热的状态,在他挑衅的眼光刺激下,Koronis 别无他法,只得同意。

  Xerana 低下了头,肩也垂了下来,知道自己的努力已经失败。她真的没想到结果会是这样,自己冒着被抓获的危险,尽了全力去避免潜在的危机,却还是一败涂地。

  “现在这样的战况下,看守一名叛逆者会很危险。”Amdor 一边说,一边招来四名Zealot和Dragoon,要他们准备武器。“DarkTemplar 早已接受过审判。他们受到Void 的吸引,不顾Khala 的召唤,这些人的生命理应终结。”他作出一个处决的手势,续道,“等我和Koronis进入那个发光的遗物里以后,执行这个命令。”

  他走到Koronis 身边。正在发光的庞大建筑物好像在召唤他们,吸引他们接近。Amdor感到自己迫切地想要走进那儿通道的深处,亲自感受它的伟大和神秘。

  Xerana 的眼神里充满了深沉的失望,向Koronis 看去。“你知道的是如此的少,却下了如此之多的命令。”

  接着,她发动了Void 的能量,重新获得了自由。利用自己在漫长的虚空旅行的研究中掌握的神秘力量,Xerana 的精神伸入了四通八达的Khala 连接网,短暂地断开了Khala 所有的连接,当然,并不伤害那些Protoss 人——DarkTemplar 也从来没想过要伤害同胞。她切断了所有的联系,Executor,Judicator,还有附近每一名Protoss 之间的联系。Xerana 知道,这样的行为会给他们带来多大的混乱。

  长久以来的Khala 连接断开了,Protoss 顿时感到了遗弃……孤独……和恐惧。一些Zealot在精神中发出了哀嚎,最近的Dragoon 开始左右摇摆,再也不能控制自己的机械身体。

  Judicator Amdor 跪倒在地上,双手在空气中乱挥,似乎想抓住Khala 的精神连线。“我看不见了!我被抛弃了!”

  然后,Xerana 再次使用了她来时的技巧,召唤出围绕身体的阴影,扭曲了附近的光线,从视野中消失不见,在一片混乱之中,离开了战场,只留下她的人们,为自己错误的选择付出代价。



  一艘Dropship 悄悄地从FreeHaven 启程,低空掠过不远处的岩壁,沿着奇怪的线路,穿过喧嚣的战场边缘,然后像蜜蜂找到了花朵一样停了下来。过了许久,它又静静地起飞,径直往回,在被任何人发现之前,全速飞离了敌人的火力网。


  MacGregorGolding 穿着特制的隐形盔甲,轻轻地落在了地面上,接着化为一阵微风和阴影,快速奔跑起来。发了疯的Zerg 和Protoss 军队正打地不可开交,谁也注意不到这样一个Ghost 的存在。这给了Golding 很好的机会,他可以安心带着放射性旗标直接前往目的地。

  Golding 往腿里打了整整两剂从Marine 仓库偷来的注射包,接着飞跑起来。这已经远远超过了推荐剂量,不过对于他这样的,经受住了Confederacy 数年与世隔绝的残酷训练的身体来说,承受这点药物还是没问题的。他的人生从出生起就已经被决定了,那就是成为一件有生命,会自己移动的武器,或者说,一枚精神****,就像现在一样,蕴含了所有的人生目标——或者说宿命。


  Golding 横穿过战区边缘,映入眼底的都是AlphaSquadron 死去的战友的鲜血。SiegeTank 爆炸后的残余散落在地上,Marine 和Firebat——也许仅仅是他们的肢体——混着鲜血和泥土,零星躺在山谷间的碎石和弹块旁。

  厚厚的云层纠结在天上,为遥远的空间打击提供了绝佳的掩护。也许一场风暴就要来了,Ghost 可以感觉的到。从与Octavia 潜意识里的精神波的短暂联系里,Golding 获知了有关Bhekar Ro 上猛烈风暴、闪电和雷声的记忆。但即使是最猛烈的风暴,也无法洗清这场战斗留下的一切,不论是鲜血,还是回忆。

  不过MacGregor Golding 的任务却可以清洗掉这一切,让整个地区回复死寂。


  当Golding 慢慢地接近那个巨大而可怕地人造物——所有冲突的焦点——他能感到那种脉动的召唤,在他头骨里盘旋。那个沉睡的精神体出奇的庞大,似乎拥有超越一切的力量,足以淹没一切正在它脚下打斗的生命。

  Ghost 不知道那个东西是什么,况且现在的任务也不是叫他渗透并侦察情报,虽然通常他需要这么做。对于Duke 将军的命令,不存在理解不理解的问题,只需要去执行就可以了。


  来回巡视的飞船和峭壁上可以反隐形的探测器让MacGregor Golding 不得不停了下来。看起来他们封锁了所有可以接近的通路,他看到一只Reaver 在头顶Observer 的陪同下往他的方向走来。那种Protoss 设备能探测出他的存在,那样的话自己就不可能继续接近了,于是Golding 端起了C-10锁定来福枪。这种枪虽然体积细小,却像火箭筒一样,可以容纳大量的弹药,尤其是一种具有锁定能力的高爆弹丸。Golding 举起枪,填装了一些那种弹丸,准备射击。他有一种预感,这些小球马上会非常管用。

  在可以扭曲周围空间的力场保护下,Golding 仔细地选择着最佳的侵入路线,接着,他压低锁定来福枪,发射了一枚锁定弹。

  Golding 看着锁定弹的烟雾拉出一条弯曲的弧线,带着火苗往目标飞去。好几个Protoss和Zerg 抬头看去,不过一切都太迟了。锁定弹当空爆炸,制造出一个特殊的力场,瘫痪了附近的那只Reaver。这台巨大的战争甲虫顿时动弹不得,所有的系统都停止了工作,连让里面负责驾驶的Protoss 出来的机构都失效了,这也让Golding 免去了和敌人近身搏斗的危险。

  Ghost 迅速开始移动,随即射出第二枚,击中了头顶上的Observer,封闭了它所有的传感器。

  这下MacGregorGolding 知道自己安全了,于是他径直跑过混乱的Zerg 和Protoss 军队。只要不发生接触,现在没人看的到他。

  由于意外失去了机械火力,Protoss 立刻变得被动起来,Zerg 军队在Overlord 的指挥下往前涌去,瞄准Protoss 防御的缝隙猛烈进攻。MacGregorGolding 自顾自往前跑去,快速地接近闪光的人造物,全然不管身后凶猛的Hydralisk、Guardian 和Zergling 正疯狂地攻入Protoss 部队内部。

  眼前的混乱给了他非常好的机会,让他可以把全部的注意力都集中在这次任务上。站在目的地,Golding 感到自己像是站在人生的顶峰一样,再过不久,这一切都会结束。他启动了用于标定目标的激光器。

  通过加密的信道,Golding 与Duke 将军取得了联系。“一切就绪,长官。我已经就位,正准备标出目标。”



  Golding 激活了激光器。一道激光穿过空气,投向巨大的人造物的表面,形成一个红色的光点。核弹头会丝毫不差的落在那儿,这一切都要归功于他。任务成功完成。

  高空中,Alpha Squadron 幸存的一艘Battlecruiser 开启了武器仓的门,一枚核弹即将发射。

  此刻MacGregor Golding 站的地方正好是爆炸中心,不过还有几秒钟的时间可以逃生。



  Octavia 很清楚接下来会发生什么,一枚核弹马上就要掉下来了。更可怕的是,如果Terran军队率先进攻那个外星人造物的话,肯定会招致它的反击,很难想像会有多少Terran——还有Protoss——会因此丧命。不过Zerg 不在同情范围之列,Octavia 想,不管它们会不会全军覆没,都无所谓。

  在Duke 看来自己就是一个兴奋过头的小孩,根本不知道面对的是什么情况,但Octavia却深知,虽然她不了解多少Terran 帝国之外的情况,但就现在,针对这里的事情,她知道的绝对比将军多的多。

  可惜说服将军放弃他并不明智的进攻的努力没有收到成效,此时Octavia 只想去一个地方。于是她跨上一台小型巡逻车,全速驶往她和Dark Templar Xerana 初次相遇的地方,那个巨斧形状的岩石。很快,岩壁就在眼前,Octavia 扔下巡逻车,径直爬上斜坡,大声喊道,“Xerana!Xerana!”

  当然,没有人回答。Dark Templar 不可能料到Octavia 还会返回此处和她说话。

  当她集中注意力时,Octavia 又发现了那个徘徊在她脑际的幽灵,但那不是Xerana。它更像一种紧张的感觉,一个许许多多感情混杂在一起,以致于根本无从理解的东西。所有的一切都在越来越高的啸叫声里不断增强着,很明显,一个拥有无穷力量的东西即将出生。

  不过现在管不了那么多了,Octavia 把所有的思绪都赶出脑海,只是全力去想一个词,Xerana!

  不知道站了多久,忽然她的脑海里起了一点波动——Xerana!Xerana!——然后突然的,Dark Templar 学者出现在了她眼前,看起来很不安,而且十分疲惫。

  看到Xerana,Octavia 立刻脱口而出道,“Xerana,我失败了,军队根本不听我的。马上就会发生核爆,你得阻止它。”


  一股绝望扫过了Octavia 的全身。“但这样下去他们都会死,这是你说的。我们必须要阻止他们。”


  “但Free Haven 的人不应该因为某些人的愚蠢而丧命。”Octavia 不满道。

  不是的。Dark Templar 闭上了发光的眼睛,似乎是在沉思。

  就在此时,Octavia 又一次感觉到了那个意识边缘的幽灵。这次它是如此的强大,如此的不可阻挡,在它面前,任何希望都不可能存在。Octavia 不由得用手紧紧按住了自己的太阳穴。



  当Dark Templar 从他眼前消失——逃走!——时,Judicator Amdor 感到无以复加的愤怒。几秒钟之前,她还是俘虏,还是Amdor 想要盘问拷打然后处决的对象,而现在,她却已经不见了。Judicator 失去了一个活生生的例子,一个教导其余Protoss 继续忠于Khala 的例子。

  Xerana 使用了Void 的力量,开启了被严禁的黑暗资源,这是对所有忠诚的Zealot、Judicator和High Templar 的公然侮辱。Amdor 绝不能容许她比自己还强大。

  当DarkTemplar 学者离开之后,她制造的精神混乱也渐渐消逝了。但在刚才被切断了精神联系的那一刻,Amdor 看到他的手下变得极度恐惧和迷惑,这是他从来没见过这样的场面,哪怕是Zerg 的进攻,都没造成这么严重的沮丧和惊慌。被切断和Khala 的联系造成的打击实在是太大了。

  他转向了Executor Koronis。执行官在此之前已经仔细地把思想深藏起来,现在看起来很冷静,Amdor 猜想自己刚刚的失态也许会和Dark Templar 的逃走一样令他发笑。

  “叛徒的花言巧语是不会动摇我进入Xel'Naga 宝藏的决心的。”Amdor 下决心道,“你派去的地面部队和探查小组已经够多了,那些Dragoon 一个都没回来,Zealot 也是。这次我要自己去,时机已经到来,不可以再错过。你会和我一起去吗?”

  很意外的,Koronis 却拒绝了他的邀请。“我很想和你一起去,Judicator,但这儿需要有人来布置战术,指挥军队,所以我不得不留下来继续战斗。”

  Amdor 看了他好一会儿,才漏出一个不屑的表情,同意道,“你也不配和我一起探索Xel'Naga 之谜。我会为了整个Protoss 族,自己承担起占领它的责任。”

  骄傲的Judicator 转身走上斜坡,离开了。Koronis 独自一人,命令部队在刚刚出现的那个瘫痪了Protoss 所有机械单位的锁定弹周围拉开防御阵线。Zerg 军队正从缺口涌入,四处突击。Koronis 用精神联系,命令更多的Reaver 堵住缺口,同时让Carrier 在高空发起进攻……Judicator Amdor 站在遗物的开口,感到里面脉动的精神体变得愈发强大。光线也在增强,在半透明的走廊壁里跳动,像是冰冷的火焰。他能感觉到Xel'Naga 的存在,那是一种难以言传的奇特的标志。Amdor 敢肯定,这个伟大的遗产意义重大。

  所有毫无结果的搜寻,所有Qel'Ha 浪费掉的时间,都是由于Executor Koronis 的短见和犹豫不决。等远征军飞回残败的Aiur 时,带给Protoss 希望和力量的会是Amdor,Conclave也肯定会好好奖赏他的。

  Judicator 快步走进通道,沿着脑海里定下的黄金路线往前走。他能清楚地分辨出这个东西的核心在哪儿,那是它所有力量的源泉,似乎还在向他召唤,吸引他往更深处前进。像是响应它的召唤一样,Amdor 跑了起来,那个核心肯定会告诉他关于Xel'Naga 的一切,他想知道的一切。

  但奇怪的是,Amdor 也感到除了它本身的精神脉动以外,这遗物里没有任何其他的精神波,像是所有侵入里面的生物——比如Protoss Zealot,Terran 突击队,Zerg 生物——都不见了一样空空荡荡。不过Amdor 并不觉得有什么危险,只感到兴奋,因为这一路肯定不会遇到障碍了。

  他终于走进了中央大厅。冰冷的火焰充满了空间,膨胀着,成长着,源源不断地释放着能量,扫过洞穴螺旋状的内部。Amdor 停下了脚步,脑海里一片空白。他再也感觉不到Khala,只有眼前的火球,它的精神强过任何一个Protoss,也许也强过整个联合起来的Protoss 族。它就是极致的华丽,无比的崇高,极端的宏伟。


  站在它面前,Amdor 无法用语言形容自己的震惊。忽然,一个声音穿过了远古遗物庞大无匹的存在,在他脑海里响了起来。那是可恶的Dark Templar 的精神信号,从遥远的地方传来,向他低语。“现在你该相信了,Judicator。这只是开始,你眼前的东西是Xel'Naga 的另一个作品,它知道,你我都是互相连接的,共同构成了华丽画布的一部分。而Xel'Naga 的计划,需要这儿所有的人,所有的DNA 片段,欠缺的只有能量。”

  Amdor 猛地回头,想看看Xerana 是否胆敢跟着他,用自己堕落的灵魂玷污这个圣洁的场所。不过学者并不在,在的只是她的声音。事实上她早已远远离开了。“你本该听我的,JudicatorAmdor。”

  接着声音沉寂下去。Amdor 再次凝视那颗闪亮的核心,发现它变地更亮了,正紧锁着他,检视着他——接着向他卷来。



  一枚核弹头刺破BhekarRo 灰蒙蒙的天空,寻着Ghost 标出的路径,准确无误地向人造物地表面投去,像一个愤怒的神灵从天堂投下的光球。

  Ghost,MacGregor Golding,此刻正手忙脚乱地翻过外露的岩层,远离巨大的人造物而去。他关闭了隐形力场,一些外星人注意到了他,一些的注视着从深空中的飞船里坠落的火球,另一些则感到了一场即将到来的灭顶之灾。


  在跳下崖壁的前一刻,Golding 举起了手,好像是在召唤那些厉害的武器。他能听到弹头高速穿过空气带来的咝咝声,随后所有的弹头精准地落到了发光的人造物的顶端,像一把庞大的锤子,向它砸去。

  Golding 找到一个巨石上的裂缝,闪了进去,挑了一个最黑最寒冷的角落躲了起来。不过即使如此,他也必须要紧闭上眼睛,因为哪怕隔了一层眼皮,爆炸后的世界也会如正午般明亮。


  但几乎同时,即将苏醒的人造物剧烈地搏动了一下,如饥似渴地饮用着庞大的能量,将它们吸收的一滴不剩。一瞬间内——短到任何钟都无法测量——正向周围蔓延的核子风暴停下了,接着倒卷而回,以Xel'Naga 之子为中心,形成了一个巨大的能量的漩涡……被冲击波震得东倒西歪的Executor Koronis 站在Protoss 军队边,不敢相信自己还活着。他完全不知道发生了什么,也不明白那个遗物对高空核打击的回应意味着怎样,但现在,在一片刺眼的光辉中,它彻底重生了。



  被意料之外的冲击波震晕的Zerg Overlord 在天上打着旋,再也无法控制庞大的军队。从Old Blue 变来的Roverlisk,在地上狂蹦乱跳,向其他Zerg 发起了攻击。失控的Mutalisk 在天上盘旋,往地面投下海量的Glave Wurm。

  幸存下来的Protoss Judicator 和Zealot 呆站在原地,只知道抬头,盯着头顶那个被祖先制造并掩埋,而现在却闪耀着光芒的遗物,好像他们的宿命即将到来。


  Koronis 注视着遗物,惊诧万分,大脑陷入了过载状态。但他可以感到在周围所有Protoss的心中,恐惧正像暴雨后的河水一样快速上涨。他想再次用古老的Khaydarin 水晶去集中自己的注意力好冷静下来仔细思考,但这信息实在是太多了,多到甚至连整个Khala 都无法承受,无法理解。

  Dark Templar Xerana早就警告过他们。她尝试过向他们解释这个东西决不是简单的遗物,而是一个生命的种子,是另一个Xel'Naga 基因工程所研发的原型生命。现在,他和他的军队,还有Zerg和Terran,都没能征服它……而是将其唤醒。


  Koronis 呆站在原地,在他悠长的一生中,从来没见过这样的东西,甚至连一点想法也没有。这生物像是Terran 蝴蝶、水母和海葵的混合体,而且似乎注定的,Xel'Naga 要它攀上生命的新的高峰,甚至超过了他们自己之前的杰作,Protoss,和Zerg。

  觉醒的新生命快速伸展着,卷碎了满地的水晶,也扫平了战场。它的歌声,Xel'Naga 人创造的旋律,在每个人的精神中响起。Koronis 觉得自己仿佛已经成了它的一部分,那脉动的节奏像是和他身上每个DNA 分子都结合了起来一样,显得无与伦比的和谐。

  但Koronis 同时也感到自己和Protoss 绝不仅仅是旁观者。重生的凤凰需要他,也需要Zerg,所有的一切都是资源,用来进行下一步关键的蜕变。燃烧的茧已经在这儿沉睡了数以时代记的岁月,成长,孵化,等待……直到这一刻。

  旋风和光球在它身边形成,像复仇女神,然后幻化成彩色的光带,穿过整个战场。Protoss和Zerg 无助地站在地上,看着Xel'Naga 后代射出的扫描光束准确无误地穿过自己的身体,分解、吸收着同样是Xel'Naga 孩子的他们的基因、思想、灵魂……一切。方圆数里的范围内都充满了亮光,不是核爆,而是澎湃的生命力。


  在它离开的路上,有几艘幸存的Alpha Squadron Battlecruiser。

  受伤的Napoleon 号的船长早已得知陆军在三军混战中败下阵来,紧张之中也顾不得等候呆在行星表面的Duke 将军的命令,就向它发射了一轮Yamato 炮。

  其他Battlecruiser 的船长也作出了同样的决定,顷刻间数枚Yamato 炮的火团向直冲而来的凤凰样生物飞去。但他们不知道,这么做只能增强它的力量,让它变的更明亮,更滚烫……转眼间,火凤凰飞过,吸尽了Terran 飞船所有的能量。庞大的Battlecruiser 顿时如冰雪般消融,变成大块闪光的熔融碎片,在冰冷的空间里迅速冷却。

  Protoss 和Zerg 部署在行星高空的后备军力也没能逃过这没顶之灾,也紧随其后被吸收的一干二净。

  终于,急于享受全新生命的异生物离开了居住了几个时代的Bhekar Ro,远远飞向星系间前阔的神秘地带。


  Octavia 大口喘着气,两腿不断发抖,在Dark Templar Xerana 的催促下一路慢跑着越过山坡。所有的外星人都被吸引到山谷里的战场去了,此刻周围完全看不到任何的Zerg 军队。

  她们刚刚爬上山顶,Xerana 就感到了迫近的危机,于是她赶紧全力用手把Octavia 按倒在地上,然后蹲下来,一起躲在突出的岩石下面。空气中爆出了一团黄白色的明亮火光,接着又迅速地消失不见。

  你们的Marine 投下了核弹,Dark Templar 说道,但结果也许和你们的指挥官想的不太一样。

  当光和火渐渐消退之后,Xerana 和Octavia 一起站了起来,远远地看着那个巨大的燃烧的茧慢慢破开,从里面飞出一只火凤凰,冲天而去,在短短几分钟内扫平整个战场,吞噬了一切。Octavia 不由庆幸自己和那些战士们离的足够远。

  欢迎来到宇宙,Xerana 的声音充满了敬畏,像是对那个正在飞升的生物说的。

  Octavia 感到了一股炽烈的自由和圆满之情,直到现在,她才终于了解了那个长久以来呼唤着她的存在,被它的神秘彻底折服,哪怕它杀死了Lars。这个外星生物展现出的是一种极致的美,纯净得不含一丝杂质,Octavia 找不到任何头脑里的东西可以与之比拟。新生命眩目的光芒填满了整个山谷,虽然自己离开它这么远,明亮的白光依然让Octavia 的眼睛感到刺痛,但她还是目不转睛地看着,直到它消失在天空中。

  跟我来,Xerana 转过身,我们还应该去看些其他的东西。

  她们走下粗糙陡峭的岩壁,刚刚还是战场的山谷,依然在颤动,在发光。一片奇怪的雾笼罩着大地,像漂浮着的钻石粉末,充盈着仿佛是残留生命的力量,从石头和土地里渗出来。曾经遍布在人造物周围的Khaydarin 水晶,如今都被炸成粉末,变成满地的沙粒……满地的种子。

  两人一起来到了山谷底,往前走去。几分钟之前,Octavia 还觉得筋疲力尽,现在却忽然又精神焕发,好像重新补充了能量一样,甚至比过去几年来的任何时候都好。她并不在意高大的DarkTemplar 独自一人快步前进,只是时不时小跑一下,跟在她身边。地上遍布的是战争的痕迹,毁坏的机械掉落下来的扭曲变形的零件,却没有一具尸体——甚至连血迹都没有。

  Xerana 肯定是听到了她的想法,回道,新生的Xel'Naga 生物带走了接触到的所有生命,你们军队投下的核弹更增强了它的能量,甚至比预想的更强大。这些能量,将会用来进行一次融合,把Zerg 和Protoss 的基因结合到一起,从而让它变成成熟的生命。不过,在开始自己新的旅途之前,它留下了一些自己的生物能,就留在这儿。

  Octavia 没有说话,但经历和看到的一切却让她的心中再次燃起了怒火。“那它为什么要这么对待Lars?它要人类的DNA 有什么用?”

  Xerana 的情绪黯了下来,你哥哥,那只是一个错误,新生命并不需要Terran 的能量。当时它还在沉睡,还很幼小,根本不知道自己在做什么。

  这么说来……Lars 的死,仅仅是因为他去了本不该去的地方。

  可惜这样的解释依然无法让Octavia 感到稍许的安慰,她继续往山谷深处走去。时间一分一分地过去,忽然,Octavia 发现四周的环境神奇般地发生了些许变化,起先还是微不可察,随后却越来越明显。土壤不经意间充满了春意,弯曲的小草嫩芽从里面伸了出来,到处都是。它们生长的速度快到几乎能看清,好像是迫不及待地想要探出地面,将生机重新带回饱经战火洗礼的BhekarRo。Octavia 不禁跪了下来,摘下了地上的一颗小花骨朵,看着它在自己手中绽放,变成三片长满斑点的红色花瓣。

  这是生命。Xerana 淡淡道。Octavia 也能清楚地感觉这一切,不光是通过眼睛和皮肤,也通过自己的心灵。



  Octavia 的心里骤然涌起滔天巨浪,犹豫着,不敢面对心中的希望。他们之中,大部分人都是Terran Marine,只有一个,穿着殖民者的连裤工作服……就像她哥哥以前经常穿的那种。一瞬间,Octavia 的喉咙像是被什么东西塞住了,她睁大了眼睛,却没法相信自己看到的东西。

  为了完成最后的进化,那个生物需要吸收其他Xel'Naga 后代的基因,作为动力。Xerana解释道。你们人类的是没用的,所以它肯定是把那些从自己的DNA 矩阵中排了出来。

  “Lars!”Octavia 忽然大叫了一声,随即往那群人狂奔而去,心头的兴奋之情一时间超越了一切,甚至连呼吸都忘了,只知道开心地笑。山谷里的鲜花展现出各种各样的颜色,好像是一场盛大的烟火晚会。Lars 站在它们之间,转过身来,目光向奔来的Octavia 投去,脸上同时泛起难以置信的神色。Octavia 猛地冲进他怀里,Lars 先迟疑了一下,接着紧紧抱住了她。

  “到底发生了什么?”Lars 的声音里充满了疑惑。

  “真不敢相信你竟然回来了!”Octavia 抓着他的肩头,盯着他嚷道。在经历了这么多难以想象的事情之后,Octavia 深深感到,眼前才是其中最神奇,最无法相信的一幕。

  Xerana 一人远远地站在一边。这里的事情都已经结束了,她看到了,也了解了这一切,尽管没能拯救自己的Protoss 兄弟,但也许这才是最好的结果。那凤凰也是Xel'Naga 传奇的一部分,Xerana 很高兴自己能亲眼目睹它的诞生。




  Kukulkan Brood 全军覆灭的消息像一把尖刀,在Sarah Kerrigan 身上划出深深的伤口,就连她坐镇的Hive 的有机外壳,也闪着跳动的微光,像是同样无法接受这个事实。


  这只是小小的挫折而已……迄今为止她一直都在不眠不休地引导Zerg 变成一股可怕的力量,进而征服整个宇宙。对Kerrigan 来说,占领Xel'Naga 遗物,仅仅是一次过程中的练兵。她已经向世界证明,Zerg 是一股不可战胜的力量,Overmind 的死不过是一场意外。取而代之的刀锋女皇将会更强大,更勇敢,也更有野心。

  只是现在她需要重新审视计划,制定出新的目标,好让一片死寂的Char 重获生命,变成一朵绽放的黑色鲜花。

  Hive 已制造出数量足够多的幼虫,它们都会经过仔细而特殊的设计,最终变异成适合整个作战计划的各色军队。

  虽然失去了整个KukulkanBrood,SarahKerrigan 依然拥有强大的实力——Tiamat,Fenris,Baelrog,Surtur,Jormungand,众多的Brood,每一个都由不同的脑虫领导,有自己社会结构中不同的任务:命令,狩猎,恐吓,攻击。而且,不论是哪个,都拥有数以千计的,甚至是数以百万记的,永远忠于Zerg 的士兵。

  它们之中的一些,已然在之前同Terran和Protoss 的战斗中屠杀了无数敌人,把这两个种族,甚至还有自己,推向了灭绝的边缘。不过刀锋女皇却把它们重新召集到了一起。

  终于,Kerrigan 决定不再理会BhekarRo 上的失利。那根本无关紧要。绝望是只有人类才有的情绪,Sarah Kerrigan 早就不认为自己还是人类了。


  不久,Brood War 就将爆发。


  在Scott 副官和他幸存的Marine——同样被新生的凤凰所重组——的陪同下,Octavia和Lars 一路走回了Free Haven。

  Duke 将军孤身一人留在村里,看起来十分失落,Nikolai 村长则在不远的地方,猛敲着自己房子的门。“把我的办公室还给我。”

  一只手数的过来的Marine 还在村子周围继续执行任务,只是看起来像是漫无目的。Duke将军打开门,没有理会村长,直接把他推开,走了出去,站在路中间。

  Nik 则快步跑进屋里,开始清理桌上将军的东西。

  Alpha Squadron 被彻底逐出了战场,Duke的Battlecruiser,Wraith,还有所有的地面部队都被消灭了,一部分死在了轨道上,当然大多数还是在人造物附近阵亡的。就在他扔下核弹,引发了人造物那些没有预料到的奇异反应之后的不久,连留在外空的船队也联络不上了,没有任何人对指挥信号作出回应。

  他希望他们只是被冲散了,可能其中有几艘已经直接向Mengsk 大帝报告了情况,也许不久就会有飞船回来找他。


  当Octavia 和Lars 结伴回到村里的时候,村民们热烈地拥了上去,为至少有一个同伴好好地回来而高兴着。其中最开心的是Cyn McCarthy,她径直跑向Lars,一把抱紧了他,激动地流出了眼泪。在Octavia 的惊诧中,Lars 低头轻吻了那位铜色头发的年轻女士,当场向她求婚——Cyn 再次流出了开心的泪水。


  Octavia 的声音打破了沉默。“等你们看到山谷,会更开心的!”她开心地道,“那儿已经成了肥沃的土地,到处都是植物,想种什么都行。我敢保证,今年的收成肯定会超过移民历史上的任何一年。这是新的机遇,新的希望,我们肯定能靠自己的力量,重新繁荣起来。”

  Duke 将军却板着脸,像是觉得Octavia 在责怪他一样。“我的军队特地赶来救你们,现在大多数人却被杀了。”他冲着不久前还是指挥中心的房子吼道,“Nikolai 村长,我命令你立刻和Terran Dominion 取得联系,我要一整队人马,还有战场分析师,把我幸存的人都接走。”

  村长的头从门里探了出来,脸上满是让Duke 难以接受的喜悦,轻松道,“不好意思将军,所有的长距离通讯装置都在战斗中被摧毁了。”

  Duke 像是要把石头捏成粉末一样咆哮起来,“你就没有机场?没有星际旅行的技术?”

  “我们只是一群殖民者,将军。”Nikolai 摇摇头,“‘只是肮脏的农民’,这好像是你说的吧。”

  “是乡巴佬。”Octavia 接口道,“不过不用担心,我相信他们最后还是会来找你的。”


  “让我们实际一点。”Octavia 走到一座房子的墙边,捡起一把沾着Zerg 血迹的锄头,塞给不知所措的将军。“你可以锄草啊,我们现在有很多的地要耕呢。”

  Duke 咕哝了几声,却不知道怎么回答。Octavia 朝他坏笑了一下,接着道,“很简单的,将军,随便找一个小孩,他会教你怎么做的。”

  在Lars 和Cyn 的帮助下,她找到Jon,Wes,Gregor,Kiernan,Kirsten 和其他一些殖民者,前去那个富饶的山谷,向他们展示了哪儿能种下新鲜的谷物。英俊的Scott 副官很有兴趣地看着Octavia,自告奋勇地和他们同行,看起来很解脱很开心,仿佛已经厌倦了征战的生活,想要在这儿住下来……殖民者开始一点点重新拾起破碎的世界,与此同时,Octavia 真心地希望,这里再也不会引起其他人的注意了。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-30 22:35:09 | 只看该作者

Shadow Of The Xel'naga

Gabriel Mesta


AS A SMOTHERING BLANKET OF DARKNESS descended over the town of Free Haven, the rugged settlers scrambled to avoid the storm. Night came quickly on the colony planet of Bhekar Ro, with plenty of wind but no stars.

Pitch-black clouds swirled over the horizon, caught on the sharp mountainous ridge surrounding the broad valley that formed the heart of the struggling agricultural colony. Already, explosive thunder crackled over the ridge like a poorly aimed artillery barrage. Each blast was powerful enough to be detected on several still-functioning seismographs planted around the explored areas.

Atmospheric conditions created thunder slams with sonic-boom intensity. The roar itself was sometimes sufficient to cause destruction. And what the sonic thunder left unharmed, the laser-lightning tore to pieces.

Forty years earlier, when the first colonists had fled the oppressive government of the Terran Confederacy, they had been duped into believing that this place could be made into a new Eden. After three generations, the stubborn settlers refused to give up.

Riding in the shotgun seat beside her brother Lars, Octavia Bren looked through the streaked windshield of the giant robo-harvester as they hurriedly trundled back to town. The rumble of the mechanical treads and the roar of the engine almost drowned out the sonic thunder. Almost.

Laser-lightning blasts seared down from the clouds like luminous spears, straight-line lances of static discharge that left glassy pockmarks on the terrain. The laser-lightning reminded Octavia of library images she had seen of a big Yamato gun fired from a Battle-cruiser in orbit.

“Why in the galaxy did our grandparents ever choose to move here?” she asked rhetorically. More laser-lightning burned craters into the countryside.

“For the scenery, of course,” Lars joked.

While the bombardment of hail would clear the air of the ever-present dust and grit, it would also damage the crops of triticale-wheat and salad-moss that barely clung to the rocky soil. The Free Haven settlers had few emergency provisions to help them withstand any severe harvest failure, and it had been a long time since they had asked for outside help.

But they would survive somehow. They always had.

Lars watched the approaching storm, a spark of excitement in his hazel eyes. Though he was a year older than his sister, when he wore that cocky grin on his face he looked like a reckless teenager. “I think we can outrun the worst of it.”

“You always overestimate what we can do, Lars.” Even at the age of seventeen, Octavia was known for her stability and common sense. “And I always end up saving your butt.”

Lars seemed to have a bottomless reservoir of energy and enthusiasm. She gripped her seat as the big all-purpose vehicle crunched through a trench and continued along a wide beaten path between plantings, heading toward the distant lights of the town.

Shortly after their parents' death, it had been Lars's crazy suggestion that the two of them expand their cultivated land and add remote automated mineral mines to their holdings. She had tried, unsuccessfully, to talk him out of it. “Let's be practical, Lars. We've already got our hands full with the farm as it is. Expanding would leave us time for nothing but work—not even families.”

Half of the colonists' eligible daughters had already filed requests to marry him—Cyn McCarthy had filed three separate times!—but so far Lars had made plenty of excuses. Colonists were considered adults at the age of fifteen on this rough world, and many were married and had children before they reached their eighteenth birthday. Next year, Octavia would be facing the same decision, and choices were few in Free Haven.

“Are you sure we want to do this?” she had asked one last time.

“Of course. It's worth the extra effort. And once we're established there'll be plenty of time for each of us to get married,” Lars had insisted, shaking back his shoulder-length sandy hair. She had never been able to argue with that grin. “Before we know it, Octavia, it'll all turn around, and then you'll thank me.”

He had been certain they could grow crops high on the slopes of the Back Forty, the ridge that separated their lands from another broad basin and more mountains twelve kilometers away. So the brother and sister had used their robo-harvester to scrape flat a new swath of barely arable farmland and plant new crops. They also set up automated mineral mining stations on the rocky slopes of the foothills. That had been almost two years ago.

Now a gust of wind slammed into the broad metal side of the harvester, rattling the sealed windowports. Lars compensated on the steering column and accelerated. He didn't even look tired from their long day of hard work.

Laser-lightning seared across the sky, leaving colorful tracks across her retinas. Though he couldn't see any better than his sister, Lars didn't slow down at all. They both just wanted to get home.

“Watch out for the boulders!” Octavia said, her piercing green eyes spotting the hazard as rain slashed across the windows of the impressive tractorlike vehicle.

Lars discounted the rocks, drove over them, and crushed the stone with the vehicle's treads. “Aww, don't underestimate the capabilities of the machine.”

She snorted indelicately. “But if you throw a plate or fry a hydraulic cam, I'm the one who has to fix it.”

The multipurpose robo-harvester, the most important piece of equipment any of the colonists owned, was capable of bulldozing, tilling, destroying boulders, planting, and harvesting crops. Some of the big machines had rock-crusher attachments, others had flamethrowers. The vehicles were also practical for traversing ten- to twenty-klick distances over rough terrain.

The hull of the robo-harvester, once a gleaming cherry red, was now faded, scratched, and pitted. The engine ran as smoothly as a lullaby, though, and that was all Octavia cared about.

Now she checked the weather scanner and atmospheric-pressure tracker in the robo-harvester's cabin, but the readings were all wild. “Looks like a bad one tonight.”

“They're always bad ones. This is Bhekar Ro, after all—what do you expect?”

Octavia shrugged. “I guess it was good enough for Mom and Dad.” Back when they were alive .

She and Lars were the only survivors of their family. Every family among the settlers had lost friends or relatives. Taming an uncooperative new world was dangerous, rarely rewarding work, always ripe for tragedy.

But the people here still followed their dreams. These exhausted colonists had left the tight governmental fences of the Confederacy for the promised land of Bhekar Ro some forty years before. They had sought independence and a new start, away from the turmoil and constant civil wars among the inner Confederacy worlds.

The original settlers had wanted nothing more than peace and freedom. They had begun idealistically, establishing a central town with resources for all the colonists to share, naming it Free Haven, and dividing farmland equally among the able-bodied workers. But in time the idealism faded as the colonists endured toil and new hardships on a planet that did not live up to their expectations.

Nobody among the colonists ever suggested going back, though—especially not Octavia and Lars Bren.

The lights of Free Haven glowed like a warm, welcoming paradise as the robo-harvester approached. In the distance Octavia could already hear the storm-warning siren next to the old Missile Turret in the town plaza, signaling colonists to find shelter. Everyone else—at least the colonists who had common sense—had already barricaded themselves inside their prefabricated homes to shelter from the storm.

They passed outlying homes and fields, crossed over dry irrigation ditches, and reached the perimeter of the town, which was laid out in the shape of an octagon. A low perimeter fence encircled the settlement, but the gates for the main streets had never been closed.

An explosion of sonic thunder roared so close that the robo-harvester rattled. Lars gritted his teeth and drove onward. Octavia remembered sitting on her father's knee during her childhood, laughing at the thunder as her family had gathered inside their home, feeling safe. . . .

Their grandparents had aged rapidly from the rigors of life here and had the dubious distinction of being the first to be buried in Bhekar Ro's ever-growing cemetery outside Free Haven's octagonal perimeter. Then, not long after Octavia had turned fifteen, the spore blight had struck.

The sparse crops of mutated triticale-wheat had been afflicted by a tiny black smut on a few of the kernels. Because food was in short supply, Octavia's mother had set aside the moldy wheat for herself and her husband, feeding untainted bread to their children. The meager meal had seemed like any other: rough and tasteless, but nutritious enough to keep them alive.

Octavia remembered that last night so clearly. She had been suffering from one of her occasional migraines and a dire sense of unreasonable foreboding. Her mother had sent the teenage girl to bed early, where Octavia had had terrible nightmares.

The next morning she had awakened in a too-quiet house to find both of her parents dead in their bed. Beneath wet sheets twisted about by their final agony, the bodies of her mother and father were a quivering, oozing mass of erupted fungal bodies, rounded mushrooms of exploding spores that rapidly disintegrated all flesh. . . .

Lars and Octavia had never returned to that house, burning it to the ground along with the tainted fields and the homes of seventeen other families that had been infected by the horrible, parasitic disease.

Though a terrible blow to the colony, the spore blight had drawn the survivors together even more tightly. The new mayor, Jacob “Nik” Nikolai, had delivered an impassioned eulogy for all the victims of the spore plague, somehow rekindling the fires of independence in the process and giving the settlers the drive to stay here. They had already lived through so much, survived so many hardships, that they could pull through this.

Moving together into an empty prefab dwelling at the edge of Free Haven, Octavia and Lars had rebuilt their lives. They made plans. They expanded. They tracked their automated mines and watched the seismic monitors for signs of tectonic disturbances that might affect their work or the town. The two drove out to the fields each day and labored side by side until well after dark. They worked harder, risked more . . . and survived.

As Octavia and Lars passed through the open gate and drove around the town square toward their residence, the storm finally struck with full force. It became a slanting wall of rain and hail as the roboharvester ground its way past the lights and barricaded doors of metal-walled huts. Their own home looked the same as all the others, but Lars found it by instinct, even in the blinding downpour.

He spun the large vehicle to a halt in the flat gravel clearing in front of their house. He locked down the treads and powered off the engine, while Octavia tugged a reinforced hat down over her head and got ready to jump out of the cab and make a break for the door. Even running ten feet in this storm would be a miserable ordeal.

Before the robo-harvester's systems dimmed completely, Octavia checked the fuel reservoirs, since her brother never remembered to do so. “We'll need to get more Vespene gas from the refinery.”

Lars grabbed the door handle and hunched his head down. “Tomorrow, tomorrow. Rastin's probably hiding inside his hut cursing the wind right now. That old codger doesn't like storms any more than I do.”

He popped open the hatch and jumped out seconds before a strong gust slammed the door back into its frame. Octavia exited from the other side, hopping from the step to the broad tractor treads to the ground.

As she ran beside her brother in a mad dash to their dwelling, the hail hit them like machine-gun bullets. Lars got their front door open, and the siblings crashed into the house, drenched and windblown. But at least they were safe from the storm.

Sonic thunder pealed across the sky again. Lars undid the fastenings on his jacket. Octavia yanked off her dripping hat and tossed it into a corner, then powered up their lights so she could check one of the old seismographs they had installed in their hut.

Few of the other colonists bothered to monitor planetary conditions or track underground activity anymore, but Lars had thought it important to place seismographs in their automated mining stations out in the Back Forty foothills. Of course, Octavia had been the one to repair and install the aging monitoring equipment.

Lars had been right, though. There had been increasing tremors of late, setting off ripples of aftershocks that originated deep in the mountain range at the far side of the next valley.

Just what we need—another thing to worry about , Octavia thought, looking at the graph with concern.

Lars joined her to read the seismograph strip. The long and shaky line appeared to have been drawn by a caff-addicted old man. He saw several little blips and spikes, probably echoes of sonic thunder, but no major seismic events. “Now that's interesting. Aren't you glad we didn't have an earthquake tonight?”

She knew it would happen even before he finished his sentence. Maybe it was another one of Octavia's powerful premonitions, or just a discouraged acceptance that things would get worse whenever they had the opportunity.

Just as Lars formed another of his cocky grins, a tremor rippled through the ground, as if the uneasy crust of Bhekar Ro were having a nightmare. At first Octavia hoped it was merely a particularly close blast of sonic thunder, but the tremors continued to build, lurching the floor beneath their feet and shaking the entire prefab house.

Lars tensed his powerful muscles to ride out the temblor. They both watched the seismograph go wild. “The readings are off the scale!”

Astonished, Octavia pointed out, “This isn't even centered here . It's fifteen klicks away, over the ridge.”

“Great. Not far from where we set up all our automated mining equipment.” The seismograph went dead, its sensors overloaded, as the quake pounded the ground for what seemed an eternity before it gradually began to fade. “Looks like you're gonna have some repair work to do tomorrow, Octavia.”

“I've always got repair work to do,” she said.

Outside, the storm reached a crescendo. Lars and Octavia sat together in weary silence, just waiting out the disaster. “Do you want to play cards?” he asked.

Then all the lights inside their dwelling went out, leaving them in pitch blackness lit only by flares from the laser-lightning.

“Not tonight,” she said.



Her name had once been Sarah Kerrigan, back when she'd been something else . . . back when she'd been human.

Back when she'd been weak .

She sat back within the pulsing organic walls of the burgeoning Zerg Hive. Monstrous creatures moved about in the shadows, guided by her every thought, functioning for a greater purpose.

With her mental powers and her control over these awful and destructive creatures, a transformed Sarah Kerrigan had established the new Hive on the ashen ruins of the planet Char. It was a gray world, blasted and still smoldering from potent cosmic radiation. This planet had long been a battlefield. Only the strongest could survive here.

The vicious Zerg race knew how to adapt, how to survive, and Sarah Kerrigan had done the same to become one of them. Raised as a psi-talented Ghost, a telepathically powered espionage and intelligence agent for the Terran Confederacy, she had been captured by the Zerg Overmind and transformed.

Her skin, toughened with armor-polymer cells, glowed an oily, silvery green. Her yellow lambent eyes were surrounded by dark patches of skin that could have been bruises or shadows. Her hair had become Medusa spines—jointed segments like the sharp legs of a venomous spider. Each spike writhed as plans continuously burned through her brain. Her face still had a delicate beauty that just might lull a human victim into a moment of hesitation—giving her enough time to strike.

When she caught a reflection of herself, Sarah Kerrigan occasionally recalled what it had been like to be human, to be lovely—in a human sort of way— and that she had once even begun to love a man named Jim Raynor, who was also very much in love with her. Human emotions and weaknesses .

Jim Raynor. She tried not to remember him. She would have no scruples now against killing the burly, good-natured man with his walrus mustache, if such was required of her. She did not regret what had happened to her, since she had a more important mission now.

Sarah Kerrigan was much more than just another Zerg.

The various Zerg minions had been adapted and mutated from other species that they had infested during their history of conquest. Drawing from a sweeping catalog of DNA and physical attributes, the Zerg could live anywhere. The swarms were as much at home on bleak Char as they had been on the lush Terran colony world of Mar Sara.

A truly magnificent species. The Zerg swarm would sweep across the worlds in the galaxy, consuming and infesting every place they touched. Because of their nature, the Zerg could suffer overwhelming catastrophic losses and still keep coming, keep devouring.

But in the recent war against the Protoss and the Terran Confederacy, the almighty Overmind had been destroyed. And that had nearly spelled the end for the Zerg swarms.

At first, their victory had seemed secure as the Zerg infested the two Terran fringe colony worlds of Chau Sara and Mar Sara. Their numbers grew while the rest of the Confederacy remained oblivious to the danger. But then a Protoss war fleet—never before seen by humans—had sterilized the face of Chau Sara. Though the unexpected attack obliterated the Zerg infestation there (and also slaughtered millions of innocent human colonists), the Terran Confederacy had responded immediately to this unprovoked aggression. The Protoss commander had not had the stomach to destroy the second world of Mar Sara, and so the Zerg infestation grew there unchecked.

Eventually, the Zerg minions had wiped out the Terran Confederate capital of Tarsonis. And Sarah

Kerrigan, human Ghost, a covert psi-powered operative, had been betrayed by her fellow military comrades and infested by the Zerg. Recognizing her incredible telepathic powers, the Overmind had decided to use her for something special. . . .

But then, on the nearly conquered Protoss home planet of Aiur, a Protoss warrior had killed the Overmind in a suicidal explosion that made a hero of him and decapitated the Zerg Hive.

Leaving Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, to pick up the pieces.

Now the control of the vicious, swarming race lay in her clawed hands. She faced the tremendous challenge of transforming the planet into a new nexus for the perfect Zerg race. The swarms would rise again.

Under her guidance, a few surviving Drones had metamorphosed into Hatcheries. Kerrigan's Zerg followers had found and delivered enough minerals and resources to convert those Hatcheries into more sophisticated Lairs . . . and then into complete Hives. With the numerous new larvae generated by the Hatcheries, she had created Creep Colonies, Extractors, Spawning Pools. Before long, the organic mat of Zerg Creep spread over the charred surface of the planet. The nourishing substance offered food and energy for the various minions of the new colony.

It was everything she needed to restore the wounded, but never defeated, Zerg race.

Kerrigan sat surrounded by the light. Her mind was filled with details reported to her by the dozens of surviving Overlords, huge minds that carried separate swarms on missions dictated by their Queen of Blades. She did not relax, she never slept. There was too much work to do, too many plans to lay . . . too much revenge to achieve.

Sarah Kerrigan flexed her long-fingered hands, extended the rapier-like claws that could disembowel an opponent— any opponent , from the treacherous rebel Arcturus Mengsk, who had betrayed her, to General Edmund Duke, whose ineptitude had led to her eventual capture and transformation.

She looked down at one claw, thinking of how she could draw it across the throat of the jowly iron-edged general and watch his fresh hot blood spill out. Though they had not intended it as a favor, Edmund Duke and Arcturus Mengsk had made it possible for her to become the Queen of Blades, to reach the full power and fury of her potential. How could she be angry with them for that?

Still . . . she wanted to kill them.

In the Hive around her, Zerglings moved about, each the size of a dog she had once owned as a young girl. They were insect-shelled creatures shaped like lizards, with clacking claws and long fangs. Zerglings were fast little killing machines that could descend like piranha onto an enemy army and tear the soldiers to pieces.

Sarah Kerrigan found them beautiful, just as a mother would view any of her precious children. She stroked the gleaming greenish hide of the nearest Zergling. In response, it ran its claws over her own nearly indestructible skin, then dusted her with the feathery touch of its fangs, a caress that might have been fondness. . . .

Hideous Hydralisks patrolled the perimeter of the colony, some of the most fearsome of the Zerg minions. Flying, crablike Guardians soared overhead, ready to spew acid that would destroy any ground-based threat.

The Zerg swarm was safe and secure.

Sarah Kerrigan wasn't worried, and certainly not afraid, but she was careful. She moved about restlessly on powerful muscles, though she could see everything through the eyes of her minions if she chose.

Along with her remaining human ambition and the emotional sting of betrayal, she also felt the relentless conquering urge that came from her new Zerg genetics.

In aeons long past, the mysterious and ancient race of the Xel'Naga had created the Zerg race, their perfect design relentless and pure. Kerrigan smiled at the delicious irony of it. The Zerg had been so perfect they had eventually turned on their creators and infested the Xel'Naga themselves.

Now that the leadership of all the swarms was in her own hands, Kerrigan promised herself that she would lead the Zerg to the pinnacle of their destiny.

But when she sat back in her Hive and watched the swarming creatures going about their business, gathering resources and preparing for war, the Queen of Blades felt the tiniest remnant of human sympathy stirring in her heart.

She felt sorry for anyone who got in her way.


AS IF TAUNTING THEM WITH THE WEATHER'S capriciousness, the next morning on Bhekar Ro dawned bright and clear. It reminded Octavia of the photo-images the original survey crew had shown her grandparents to lure them and the first group of desperate settlers here.

Maybe it wasn't all lies after all. . . .

As she and Lars cracked open the door seal of their dwelling, a trickle of rainwater ran down from the entryway, pattering onto the soft ground. High overhead, the angular shape of a glider hawk cruised along, searching for the flooded-out bodies of drowned lizards.

Octavia trudged across the drying muck to the robo-harvester. With a shake of her short brown curls, she set to work. She ran an experienced eye over the hull and noticed dozens of new hail craters pounded into the metal, making it look like the rind of a sourange. Of course, nobody on Bhekar Ro cared much about shiny paint jobs, as long as the equipment worked. She was relieved to find that the storm had done no serious damage to the machinery.

Up and down the town streets, ragged colonists woke up and emerged from their houses to assess the damage, as they had done so many times before. From a nearby dwelling, Abdel and Shayna Bradshaw were already squabbling, dismayed at the amount of repair work they would have to do. From across the street Kiernan and Kirsten Warner waved to Cyn McCarthy, who trotted toward the mayor's house at the center of town, an optimistic smile on her freckled face in spite of the disaster. Good-natured Cyn had a habit of offering her help wherever it might be needed, though the copper-haired young woman often forgot to do what she had promised.

Because the rough weather came at unpredictable times, with no identifiable storm season, the settlers had a continuous battle to repair what was broken. They constantly planted the cleared fields, rotating crops from whip-barley to triticale-wheat to salad-moss, hoping to harvest more than they lost, striving to get two steps ahead before they had to take one step back again.

Among the casualties of the devastating spore plague had been four of the colony's best scientists. Cyn McCarthy's husband, Wyl, a second-generation chemical engineer, had been one of them. For the first decades, the scientists had worked with the planet's resources and environment, concocting biological modifications of the crops and animals to increase their chances of survival. Free Haven had been stable for a while, the arable land slowly increasing.

But the deaths of these educated people left the rest of the untrained settlers too busy with simple survival to learn any new specialties. The colonists went about their tasks as farmers, mechanics, and miners, their daylight hours filled with urgent matters that left no time for exploration or expansion. The general consensus, voiced by Mayor Nikolai, was that investigation and scientific pursuits were a luxury they could return to at some later date.

“Any real damage?” Lars asked his sister as she finished her inspection of the big robo-harvester.

Octavia rapped her knuckles on the pitted and scarred door. “A few more scrapes. Just cosmetic.”

“Beauty marks. Adds character.” Lars opened the door, and melted hailwater ran out of the cab and down through the flat metal treads. “We need to get out to the Back Forty and check on those seismographs and the mining stations. That quake hit them pretty hard.”

Octavia smiled, knowing her brother well. “And, since we're out there, you'll want to see if the tremors uncovered anything.”

He gave her that grin again. “Just part of the job. We registered some pretty hefty seismic jolts. Could be significant. And you know none of the other settlers is going to bother taking a look.”

The decades-old weather stations and seismographs the scientists had set up at the valley perimeter continued to take readings, and occasionally Lars would retrieve the data. For the most part, the settlers stayed within their safe cultivated valley, growing enough food to stay alive, mining enough minerals to repair their facilities, but never expanding beyond their capabilities.

In the past, other colonists had tried to establish settlements beyond the main valley. Some had moved away from Free Haven, searching for better farmland. But one by one each of those distant farms had fallen to blight, plague, or natural disaster, and the few survivors had made their way back to the colony town in defeat.

Octavia climbed aboard the robo-harvester with Lars as he powered up the engines. She swung the door shut just as the thick treads began to move. Other settlers set out in their own vehicles to inspect their fields, clearly anticipating the worst.

Octavia and Lars took the robo-harvester far out toward the foothills. Lars had the true pioneer spirit, always wanting to find new mineral deposits, productive Vespene geysers, fertile land. He would be happy just to make discoveries, while Octavia hoped to fulfill her parents' dream and actually transform Bhekar Ro into a place where they could be proud to live. Someday.

As the big vehicle trundled across the valley floor, she could see that many of the fragile crops had been hammered by the storm. The hail and sonic thunder had battered tall stalks to the mucky ground or bruised unripened fruit; the laser-lightning had set stunted orchards on fire.

A few hardy farmers were already out trying to salvage what they could. Gandhi and Liberty Ryan, sweating in their overalls, worked hard to erect protective bubbles over the seedlings, assisted by their adopted hand, Brutus Jensen, and three children of their own. The family members were too tired even to talk to one another as they went about their labors. Brutus Jensen managed to give them a half-hearted wave, while the Ryans could barely nod.

Kilometers farther along, the road dwindled to little-more than a path marked on a navigation screen. They paused briefly at the far edge of the officially settled area.

Lars kept the robo-harvester's engine running as he called out in the direction of a shack and some storehouses. “Hey, Rastin! Get out of that puttering refinery and hook us up so we can fill our tanks. Or have you been sniffing too much Vespene gas?”

The lanky old prospector strode around the hissing and throbbing stations he had built around the cluster of chemical geysers where he had staked his claim. Old Blue, his mastiff-sized dog, came out from his sleeping hole under the corrugated metal porch.

The dog's lips were curled back and his sky-blue fur bristled as he growled, but Octavia climbed out of the robo-harvester and clapped her hands. “You don't fool me, you grouch of a dog.”

With a happy bark, Old Blue bounded toward her, his thick tail wagging. She patted his head and high shoulders, trying unsuccessfully to keep his muddy paws off her jumpsuit.

Rastin and Lars exchanged complaints and insults—because that was the way the old prospector conducted business—but Rastin wasted no time filling up their vehicle. Octavia had never been able to decide whether the codger was an efficient worker or just anxious to get rid of any visitors so he could go back to his solitude.

One of the few surviving original settlers, Rastin had been independent and alone on Bhekar Ro for forty years. He had always wanted to get away from the Terran Confederacy, and might actually have preferred an empty habitable world all his own; the small group on this planet had been the best he could do.

Rastin lived in an often-repaired shack made out of spare components. He had erected his refinery over a cluster of four Vespene geysers, one of which was already played out. The remaining trio of geysers produced enough of the fuel to meet the colony's modest needs.

Having fueled the robo-harvester, the old prospector sent them off with a gruff wave that looked very much like a gesture of disgust. Octavia patted Old Blue's big head again before she stepped back up onto the vehicle's muddy treads. The dog bounded off with the grace of a jumping mule as it spotted a hairy rodent dashing between broken rocks.

Rastin went back to tinkering with his equipment, grumbling because after the earthquake another of the geysers had stopped producing. He delivered a swift kick to the pumping station, but even this tried-and-true repair procedure did not wake the geyser.

Leaving Rastin's homestead, Lars and Octavia ascended into the steep foothills toward the boundary ridge. The terrain became much rougher. Their Back Forty extended far past where the potential cropland had been demarcated by the cooperative families. Out here, the mineral and resource rights had been up for grabs to anyone with the spare time or ambition to increase their acreage. So Lars and Octavia had staked out a claim, in addition to the fields their parents and grandparents had tilled.

As the morning grew warmer and the orange sun climbed into the sky, bleaching away shadows, the robo-harvester clawed up a steep ridge, following paths that only Lars had ever driven. “Our mining stations are still off-line,” he said, his voice flat. “And that's the most I can say.”

As he brought the robo-harvester to a halt, Octavia could see to her dismay that the automated installations were tilted on their anchor pads, obviously damaged and unable to function.

“Go to it, Octavia—you're the expert.”

With a sigh, she descended from the vehicle and hunkered down to see how much repair the mining stations would require. She studied the control panel of the processing turret, surprised at how many red warning lights were illuminated at the same time.

Under normal operation, the clunky machines would wander over the rocky slopes, taking mineral samples and marking desirable deposits. Then processing turrets would be erected so that the mining and extraction activities could continue until a valuable vein had been processed, while the mechanized scout continued to search for more sites.

Lars left his sister to her work. “I'm going up to the top of the ridge to see about those seismographs. Maybe I can fix them myself.”

Octavia suppressed a disbelieving snort. “Be my guest.”

Her brother climbed up the slope from boulder to boulder, until he topped the saddle and stared across the next valley. She didn't notice how long he stood in silent awe before he started yelling for her. “Octavia! Come up here!”

She looked up, slammed the service door shut on the mining turret, then stood. “What is it?”

But Lars bounded up onto a higher rocky outcropping, from which he could get a better view. He gave a low whistle. “Now this is interesting.”

Octavia scrambled after him while the back of her mind ran through the different tricks she'd probably have to use to get the mining stations functional again. She knew Lars got distracted easily.

From the top, she got a good look into the next valley, quickly seeing the changes the previous night's earthquake had wrought. Numerous new Vespene geysers steamed into the air, curls of silvery-white mist that could provide the colony with more than enough fuel for the next several decades.

But that wasn't what had caught her brother's eye.

“What do you think it is?” He gestured wildly toward the next rugged ridge across the bowl-shaped valley, twelve kilometers from Free Haven.

Before the quake, a prominent conelike peak had jutted into the sky, a distinctive landmark on the continent. But that was yesterday.

The terrible storm and severe tremors had sparked a huge avalanche, breaking off an entire side of the mountain. The stones had fallen away, split off like a scab ripped from a ragged wound, to expose something very strange—and completely unnatural—inside the mountain.

And it was glowing.

The two of them rushed back to the robo-harvester. The big vehicle crunched across the rough terrain and over the mountainous saddle, then toiled headfirst down the easiest switchbacked path into the adjacent valley. Lars drove faster than she had ever seen him try, but Octavia didn't complain. For once, she felt as eager to investigate as her brother did.

He raced past the hissing geysers and clouds of eye-stinging gases, leaving deep tracks in the soft valley floor. Small animals of species Octavia had never seen—they probably weren't edible anyway— scampered out of the way.

Finally, the vehicle crunched to an abrupt stop at the base of the avalanche field where the mountainside had collapsed. Octavia peered up through the dusty windshield at an enormous structure. She and Lars both stared at it in fascination and confusion, before jumping simultaneously out of the roboharvester for a better look.

Neither of them had any idea what the object could be.

Once buried deep within the mountain, the amazing artifact now pulsed like a huge resinous beehive. Its swirled walls and curved faces were lumpy and pocked with open air vents or passages. There seemed to be no functional design, no sensible blueprint, no purpose that Octavia could fathom.

But the thing was obviously of alien origin. Possibly organic.

“I guess we're not alone here on this planet,” she said.


THE ABANDONED WORLD HAD NO REMEMBERED name. The planet was so obscure that it did not show up on even the most detailed of Protoss charts.

The scholar female Xerana stepped on the dusty, time-worn remnants of what must once have been a Xel'Naga outpost, probably the first living being to stand here since the ancient progenitors had vanished into history and legend. She marveled at the idea and felt a stab of disappointment that she could never share this with the rest of the Protoss race.

Her broad, knobbed feet crunched on tiny pebbles and rubble. No doubt, all of this had been a magnificent city, ages ago. The smell of dust and mystery hung thick in the still air.

Xerana, like the others of the Dark Templar, had been banished from Protoss society, exiled from their beloved homeworld of Aiur. When the Protoss Judicator class had commanded that all members of their race must join the way of the Khala, a telepathic union that connected the Protoss in a sea of thought, the Dark Templar had refused to follow. They became outcasts, persecuted because they feared the Khala would strip away their individuality, melding them into an overall subconscious mind.

Although the stern Judicators had driven them off and even now continued to hunt them down, the exiles bore the Protoss no ill will. The fabled Xel'Naga race had created all of them. The followers of the Khala disagreed with the Dark Templar on fundamental issues, but Xerana and her comrades still considered the First Born—the Protoss—their brothers and sisters.

And because they strove to better themselves in ways that the other Protoss refused to consider, the Dark Templar had discovered new sources of information. Xerana herself had unearthed many artifacts of the Xel'Naga and secrets of the Void. The other Protoss did not have such things, and they might never learn unless they stopped hating the Dark Templar. . . .

On the silent, haunted landscape, Xerana stepped out under an orange sky and continued to walk among the powdery ruins. Even among the Dark Templar, she was a loner, a scholar. She was obsessed with finding any information about the ancient race that had created the Protoss, and much later the hideous Zerg.

But the ruins on this abandoned planet had been worn down by erosion, erasing the most dramatic of remnants. Xerana did not give in to discouragement. She continued to dig.

She looked up, saw a gauze of grayish clouds crawl over the orange sky, and wondered if a storm was coming and if she might be in danger. But the gray clouds, like visual static or smoke, soon dissipated. Xerana bent back to her work, searching the rubble.

As twilight came, she allowed herself to imagine the evening activities that the Xel'Naga must have enjoyed. She knew the ancients had walked here in the shadows, and she now followed in their footsteps.

The Xel'Naga, also called the Wanderers from Afar, were a peaceful and benevolent race, driven by the goal of studying and then spreading sentient evolution throughout the universe. After many experiments on other worlds, the Xel'Naga had come to the jungle world of Aiur and concentrated their efforts on the indigenous race there, secretly guiding them through evolution and civilization until they became the Protoss, the First Born.

But when the satisfied and triumphant Xel'Naga finally revealed themselves, they unwittingly caused world-spanning chaos. The Protoss tribes split apart, each finding different ways to advance themselves. Some even turned upon the ancient Xel'Naga, finally driving away the Wanderers from Afar and then attacking each other in a protracted and bloody civil war known as the Aeon of Strife.

Eventually, the Protoss healed their civilization by bringing the race together in a religious and telepathic bonding known as the Khala. For many centuries, the Khala allowed the Protoss to grow strong again, although it engendered a rigid caste system, limited independent thought, and blurred the distinction between individuals. Adherence to the path of the Khala was strictly enforced by unwavering religious-political leaders called Judicators.

A few Protoss tribes refused the Khala, separating themselves from it and holding to their precious individuality. For a long time, the existence of these rebels remained a dark secret. And then came the persecution, until finally the Judicator Conclave banished all of the Rogue Tribes, placing their members aboard a derelict Xel'Naga ship and sending them off into the Void.

These exiled rebels had become the Dark Templar, like Xerana, still loyal to the race that had driven them out but voraciously inquisitive, burning to understand their origins. Xerana needed to know why the Xel'Naga had considered the Protoss failures, why they had never returned, and why they had later devoted their efforts to creating the vicious Zerg.

Like the others of her group, Xerana was a warrior as well as a researcher and scholar. So far, she had deciphered a great deal of Xel'Naga lore. Other Dark Templar had also tapped into the powers of the Void, learning secret psi techniques that the rest of the Protoss race did not understand. . . .

Even when darkness fell on this unnamed world, Xerana still did not return to her large ship in orbit. Her golden gemfire eyes adapted to the dark, her telepathic senses extended, and she continued to search. Her slender, muscular body was covered by dark robes held in place by a wide hieroglyphic-inscribed sash that signified her scholar's profession. She wore her clothing as a matter of formality and function, never for comfort. Affixed to her wide collar was a thin, etched tablet, a fragment she had found on an earlier excavation, displaying indecipherable words that had been inscribed by the hand of a long-forgotten Xel'Naga poet. It was her most prized possession.

Traveling farther, Xerana found broken pillars, weathered columns of stone that time had polished smooth. She could make out the arrangement, though, similar to that of temples she had seen on other worlds. The pillars of rock had been placed in a precise pattern, as if to focus the energies of the cosmos.

The columns had slumped under the weight of ages, battered by cosmic rays and pounding heat, scoured by millennia of wind that, on this world of unexpected colors, was as faint as a baby's breath. All around her in this place, Xerana could sense their presence with her psionic powers. She felt the whispers acknowledging her, guiding her.

She kicked over a crumbling boulder on impulse, and there, underneath the protective barrier of rock, saw a curved light stone, facedown in the ashy earth.

Ah . . .

Xerana pried it up and found a small fragment of an obelisk. A few faint pictographs still remained on the weathered and burned chunk of stone. This was what she had come here for. She could feel it.

Before dawn, pleased with her prize, Xerana returned to her wandering ship and began studying her treasure as she set off into the lonely darkness again.

Keeping to herself, for she had no companions, Xerana sat among all the artifacts she had collected. As she roamed the stars in her ship in search of answers, she had compiled a repository of Xel'Naga artifacts. She did not hoard these treasures or keep them merely as her personal possessions. They were for research, and each tiny item held one small part of the key to the understanding that the Dark Templar so desired.

Xerana spent hour upon hour meditating, trying to piece together what was known of the ancient lost race so that she could derive fresh insights. She had already spent nearly a century digging up answers in the cold Void and in the vibrant genes of her race. In a separate chamber, where she went when she allowed herself to feel lonely, Xerana also kept many mementos of her beloved planet, Aiur, which she would probably never see again.

As her ship cruised along, Xerana studied the worn, broken piece of the obelisk. After studying it almost to the point of putting herself into a trance, Xerana finally found a comparison among her other tiny specimens, and was able to decipher a set of runes. She translated a fragment, perhaps a bit of poetry or a legend that the Xel'Naga progenitors would have told each other as darkness gathered.

Maybe with this additional piece of data she could add to the history the Dark Templar already knew. She might use it to make a connection with other seemingly disparate artifacts.

She felt excitement and pride build within her, though she knew there were many secrets left to uncover. As her ship moved along, continuing its search, Xerana felt that a breakthrough was near, that the answers to her most important questions were so close she could almost touch them.


UNDER THE COMMAND OF GENERAL EDMUND Duke, the warships of Alpha Squadron were always ready for battle. In fact, the troops were eager for it.

The devastating first conflict with the Zerg and the Protoss had obliterated the fringe colony worlds of Chau Sara and Mar Sara, the Confederacy government world of Tarsonis, and the Protoss home planet of Aiur.

Duke hated aliens—of any flavor. He woke up at night in his flagship cabin trying to strangle the sweaty sheets on his bunk.

In the upheavals of the recent war, the charismatic rebel Arcturus Mengsk, leader of the violent Sons of Korhal, had seized command of what had been the Terran Confederacy and crowned himself the new emperor. Duke didn't think the man was particularly honorable or trustworthy or even talented. Mengsk was a politician, after all.

Different government, same military. General Duke just did his job.

Since he wanted to keep his command, Duke had no compunction about obeying whatever Emperor Arcturus Mengsk told him to do. The general knew who issued his orders.

Many of the vessels had been damaged in the conflict, including his flagship, the Norad II . Since then, however, the new Emperor Mengsk had spent a lot of money to pump up the military. Alpha Squadron's damaged ships had been refurbished, their weapons had been reloaded, and they had been sent out into space again.

His fleet consisted of Battlecruisers, Wraiths, Science Vessels, and Dropships, a full-fledged force ready for a dangerous galaxy. The cursed Protoss and Zerg were still out there somewhere.

Alpha Squadron had left Korhal, the emperor's new capital planet, which had been damaged by Confederacy vengeance many years before. But Arcturus Mengsk had had the last laugh . . . and General Duke still had his military command. Nothing else mattered much to the general.

For months, the ships of Alpha Squadron had been out on routine survey missions, mapping potential colony worlds, reestablishing contact with others that had fallen by the wayside. Duke could not have imagined a more boring assignment—not for a brilliant strategist like himself, and not for his loyal soldiers either.

But the political situation with the newly formed Terran Dominion was still unsteady, and Mengsk had picked his own men to form the Imperial Guard close to home. Presumably, General Duke had not yet convinced the emperor of his loyalty, so he and Alpha Squadron were dispatched far away, where they could cause little trouble.

Duke preferred to avoid politics anyway, and if those two malicious species wanted to come back for another dogfight, he'd be happy to give it to them, all right. Damned aliens! In any case, the general expected to uncover more information and more strongholds of the evil Zerg or the treacherous Protoss—he didn't care which—out here in the uncharted areas than he would ever find back home in the civilized sectors.

After so much time on patrol, General Duke had assessed the fleet's resources, looked at their military capabilities, and given orders for Alpha Squadron to stop at the next Vespene-rich asteroid field. He intended to stuff his ships to the gills with more resources than the emperor had allowed him. Now, he stood on the flagship, the rebuilt and completely repaired Norad II —now named Norad III —a Battlecruiser with all the punch General Duke could ever wish for.

Ready to go.

He just wished he had something to fight against, rather than doing this continuous . . . social studies homework assignment. Did Emperor Mengsk really want to know about the status of podunk colony worlds? Surely the new ruler of the Terran Dominion had more important things on his mind.

Duke looked out the portholes of his flagship and watched the activity around him in space. All his soldiers moved efficiently—not because they were trying to impress their commander, but because they were truly that good . He had seen to that himself.

On Vespene-rich asteroids in the belt, faint wisps of the silvery gas escaped into space from the low gravity, making the floating rocks look like played-out comets. Mobile Space Construction Vehicles found the most powerful geysers and set down, using asteroid materials to build impromptu refineries, which captured and distilled the gas into usable form. The SCVs bustled about like honeybees in a field of flowers, harvesting the gas and returning to the fleet with clear barrels of the fuel.

Soon Duke's ships would be more than ready for anything . . . and, again, with nothing important to do.

The task took no longer than necessary, following standard operating procedures. Still Duke paced the deck, glancing at status screens, barking orders to his officers, prowling about looking for something useful for his ships to do. Scouts in powered suits retrieved other valuable minerals from the asteroids in order to bring all of Alpha Squadron's ships and supplies up to optimal levels.

During a lull, his helmsman and weapons officer, Lieutenant Scott, chose to speak up. “General, sir, might I ask you a question? Permission to speak freely?” Tall, handsome, and forthright, Scott was well respected by the other Marines.

“I assume all my officers have brains in their heads, Lieutenant. Otherwise, I'd just commission a crew of robots.” Duke was bored enough to give the young man his permission, though normally such boldness would have earned him a reprimand.

“I assume you have a plan, sir?” Lieutenant Scott said. “Are we waiting to make our move?”

“I always have a plan,” Duke said gruffly.

“What kind of plan, sir? Are we going to strike back at the unlawful Dominion and overthrow Emperor Mengsk? Are we going to help establish a government in exile for the overthrown Terran Confederacy?”

“Enough, Lieutenant!” General Duke said, raising his voice to a roar. “If the emperor hears such words he will convict you of treason.”

“But, General, sir—they are rebels .” Scott seemed dubious. “Sons of Korhal. They were our enemies.”

Duke pounded his fist on the command console of the Norad III . “They are currently the lawful government of all Terrans. Would you have me become a rebel myself, just so that I can wreak vengeance on another pack of rebels? May I remind you that our duty is to follow the orders of our commander in chief. After the destruction of Tarsonis, and now that we've finally driven back the Zerg, our legal political leader just happens to be Emperor Mengsk. You would do well not to forget that, son.”

Lieutenant Scott realized it was time to hold any further comments in check.

Duke lowered his voice, knowing that all of his Marines were impatient to strike against the vile aliens. “We are engaged in a fight for the human race, Lieutenant. Let's keep our priorities where they belong.”

The other officers on the bridge, many of whom probably felt the same as Lieutenant Scott, took the reprimand to heart and very quickly found urgent duties with which to occupy themselves.

The general sat back in his command chair, watching the remaining tedious operations taking place out in the asteroid belt. A military leader must always remain focused on his goal. He did not neglect attention to details. A conflict could be won or lost because of a tiny item that someone had overlooked.

Alpha Squadron had always prided itself on being the first military unit into a fight, and also the first group out. Right now, though, there was no place to go. Even when the mineral and Vespene operations were completed in the asteroids and the ships withdrew to begin their slow journey through space again, General Duke knew that nothing exciting would happen.

He retired to his quarters after turning over command to a surprised Lieutenant Scott. He saw no tactical advantage to their current mission and decided to take some time to hone his skills.

General Duke spent the next three days at his own computer screens, challenging himself with exciting tactical war games in order to sharpen his edge. He played scenario after scenario, beating the computer every time.

Still, he was getting tired of nothing happening. He was, after all, a man of action.


OCTAVIA AND LARS STOOD AT THE BASE OF THE steep, crumbled slope where great rocks and cascades of soil had broken away and tumbled down to expose the alien object.

Octavia leaned against the robo-harvester. Brownish gray dirt fell away from the side of the gigantic tractor. Running a hand through her brown curls, she continued to assess the ominous, pulsing construction from a distance. But Lars, as usual, bounded ahead, his eagerness and curiosity overwhelming his common sense.

Her brother had always wanted to be first, to run the fastest, to build the tallest structure, to reach the top of the hill before Octavia or their few other young settler companions could. Now Lars used hands and feet to clamber up the sharp, raw edges of rock that had fallen down during the previous night's storm and earthquake.

She followed him, her breath coming heavy in the sour-smelling air. The freshly overturned dirt had an odd taint, as if it had spoiled long ago. The colonists knew from experience that only a few crops could survive in Bhekar Ro's soil. Octavia was used to the smell, of course, and rarely noticed it except after a hard rain. In filmbooks, she had seen lush agricultural worlds, verdant fields heavy with crops. She never knew whether to believe such fantasies.

Now she climbed after her brother, her hands and clothes growing dirty. Dirt was just another part of their harsh daily lives as farmers.

“Hey, look at this!” Lars called, and in a few moments she had clambered up closer to the smooth, curving walls of the bizarre structure.

Protruding from the newly exposed area were giant snowflake crystals, shards of transparent material that seethed with strange energy, each fragment longer than her arm. Octavia pressed one hand against the slick surface, finding it achingly cold, but not icy. A strange sensation like an electric tingle ran through the whorls of her palm and fingertips as if some energy were mapping her cellular structure and studying it.

“Now these are interesting,” Lars said, his hazel eyes alive with wonder. “What do you think we could use them for? I bet we could take a full load of these crystals back on the robo-harvester.”

“Why? To make giant necklaces for the old farmwives?” Octavia said, pulling her hand away from the crystalline formation. Her fingers continued to tingle.

Lars grinned his cocky grin. “I don't know about those farmwives, but I have a feeling Cyn McCarthy might like one.”

Octavia raised her eyebrows. So, her independent brother had actually noticed that the pretty young widow was interested in him romantically. Far be it from Octavia to discourage him. Maybe he wasn't as dense as she had thought!

“All right, Lars, I admit the crystals might be useful. But before you start making grandiose plans, let's be practical, here—just for a few minutes, please? I suggest we look around. And be careful not to change anything until we understand more.”

Lars grinned at her and climbed up the slope again toward the gleaming, labyrinthine structure. “Well, the way to find out more is to do some poking around. Let's split up and we can cover more ground.”

“Splitting up is never a good idea,” Octavia said, knowing the warning would be ignored by her enthusiastic brother.

“You be careful, and I'll be careful,” he said, “and we'll be back in time to fix the seismographs by midday.”

Octavia clamped her lips together and didn't bother to contradict him. She wasn't worried about the seismographs in the least.

The beautiful crystalline protrusions stuck out all around them at odd angles like the spines of a ruffled urchin lizard. Lars moved toward the eerie facade of the object itself, fascinated by the mysteries that drew him.

Octavia moved more slowly, pausing to study the crystals, trying to understand how they grew, where they came from. It seemed as if they had been planted around this buried object as . . . markers? Defenses? Some sort of message?

Puffing and sweating, though the effort did not diminish his exuberant grin, Lars reached the strange swirling shapes that formed the walls and openings of the giant object. The structural material was a pearles-cent green, lit from within like some sort of hardened bioluminescent slime. He stood back, appraising the enormous structure. From his furrowed brow and quickly moving eyes, Octavia could tell that her brother wasn't trying to understand the artifact, but was merely trying to choose the best means of getting inside.

Lars touched the exposed material. All of the soil and dust had flaked off, as if the object had a kind of static charge that repelled grime and dirt. He rapped against the wall with his knuckles, then held up his hand. “It sort of tingles. I can't tell if the material is plastic or glass or some kind of organic extrusion. Interesting.”

“You promised to be careful,” she called. “And I've got a bad feeling about this.”

He looked down at her with raised eyebrows. “You always have bad feelings, Octavia.”

Her brother dismissed her concerns, but then Lars had never been as sensitive as she was. Octavia often had a knack for foreseeing events, for feeling when to avoid a certain situation. She had no hard proof, of course, but she was confident that her premonitions were correct. “And when have I ever been wrong, Lars?”

He didn't answer.

She knelt by one of the largest crystals and touched it again, running her hands over the slick surface. The odd cold tingle of energy called out to her, trying to communicate something that she couldn't comprehend. Overall, around this entire structure, Octavia felt a brooding, sleeping presence, something indescribable, buried and not yet awakened.

A frisson of inexplicable energy touched her mind, but she didn't know how to pursue the feeling, to explore it. It was an odd probing sensation, but whatever produced the feeling clearly didn't understand her or recognize her humanity.

Octavia swallowed hard in a dry throat and withdrew from the powerful crystal. The connection in her mind faded, but did not go entirely away.

Lars happily continued his explorations, poking his head into the smaller openings and then finally walking into a large, curving orifice that led deeper into the structure.

Octavia moved slowly, reaching the top and looking into the dark, cool opening where her brother had disappeared. Odd odors wafted from inside, like a rich mulch, something sizzling and alive. Though the power contained within the artifact intimidated her, she didn't feel that it was particularly evil or threatening. Just . . . unlike anything she had ever encountered before.

His voice called back to her, echoing yet damped by the solid walls of the structure. “Octavia, come in here! You won't believe the amazing things.”

She stepped forward, peering into the shadows. She heard footsteps as he came hurrying back toward her. His eyes were aglow. “These passages are studded with more crystals and other strange objects, treasures, resources! We could use a pickax or a laser cutter to chop them out of the walls.”

“You don't even know what they are, Lars,” she said.

“I'll bet they'll bring a lot of credits once we sell them.”

She didn't enter the artifact, but instead put her dirty hands on her hips. “Who would you sell them to, Lars? For what? Crops? Equipment? Nobody in Free Haven has anything to spare. And our colony hasn't traded with anybody since before you and I were born.”

Grinning, Lars lowered his voice as if afraid someone might be eavesdropping. “This goes far beyond what Bhekar Ro can handle, Octavia. I think as soon as we get back, we need to contact the Terran government. We'll be rich! Imagine what we can sell this for. Even you have to admit that this is interesting—the find of a lifetime. Our colony can acquire new equipment, new seed stock, maybe even new workers to bolster our population. We've lost so many families in the past few years.”

Octavia felt her heart sink as she remembered their dead parents and all the specialists and just plain good people who had died in the spore plagues or in natural disasters or in any number of other tragedies that had beset Bhekar Ro since its formation. She felt her brother's optimism and imagined all the wonders he had described, realizing that—for once—Lars might actually be right in his ambitions.

Then she made a disbelieving sound. Even if this artifact turned out to be something truly remarkable, meeting all of the hopeful criteria Lars envisioned, the colony's communication link with the Terran Confederacy had been left unused for thirty-five of the forty years Free Haven had existed as a human settlement. The colonists had come here to get away from Terran governments, to live for themselves and be self-sufficient. Their parents and grandparents had hated any interference or oppression, and few of the colonists would choose to call attention to themselves again.

“I don't think the others would agree, especially not Mayor Nik,” Octavia said. “I'm not convinced that even something like this is worth bringing the Confederacy back to breathe down our necks. You've heard the stories Grandfather used to tell. It could damage our way of life.”

Now Lars looked at her in astonishment. “Our way of life ? Could it get any worse? Do the list of pros and cons for yourself, and you'll be convinced.” He turned around and quickly moved deeper into the glowing corridors.

Octavia followed him, still sensing the oppressive mental presence around her, feeling it grow more powerful. Lars hurried farther along, stopping to rap against walls with his fist, listening to the echo, trying to discover differences.

Striations of color ran through the walls like veins of ore . . . or maybe like the blood vessels of an alien creature. He sniffed, then studied the wall carefully. He tried to scratch it with his fingernails, but could make no mark. He shook his head and moved on.

Lars had always dreamed of being a prospector, an archaeologist, an explorer here on this largely unmapped world. But nobody on Bhekar Ro had much chance to be more than a simple farmer, working through every hour of gloomy daylight just to keep the colony functioning. Octavia didn't have the heart to drain away her brother's enjoyment right now. He had been waiting for an opportunity like this all his life.

Octavia felt a sudden reluctance to go deeper into the chambers of the artifact, as if the air were thickening around her. The odd psychic energy formed a wall, slowly pushing her back.

Lars didn't seem to feel it at all. He turned to examine an arch in the tunnel where it hooked to the left, and saw a cluster of beehive-shaped objects made of something smooth and translucent. They looked almost like large, faceted jewels that grew out of the walls.

“Come on!” Standing in the arched opening of the side tunnel, Lars reached up with one hand to the cluster. As soon as he grasped one of the brightly colored protrusions, though, the entire light and atmosphere in the artifact changed slightly. It was as if he had triggered something.

His hand remained fastened to the nodule. His face fell, and an instant later, he froze. Octavia sensed a crackle of energy flowing through him. All of the crystal shards protruding from the walls and those outside the artifact glowed brighter, as if they had been switched on.

“Lars!” she shouted.

But he couldn't move, couldn't even make a sound.

Sizzling beams shot out like lightning bolts, linking one crystal after another in a webwork. Bright light ricocheted down the corridors, blinding Octavia. She tried to move, but it all happened so fast.

Lars stood within the arched opening like an insect trapped on a microscope slide, and the brilliant beams from the crystals flooded over him like spotlights, scanning him, crashing into his body. In a flash, his skin turned completely white. His bones and his muscles glowed from inside, as if he had become a luminous substance through and through, every cell converted to pure energy.

Then the walls themselves took on the same blinding white glow, as if they were absorbing Lars down to the last atom. Suddenly the lightning stopped. All the lights faded to their former eerie dimness.

And Lars was gone. Not even a shadow remained.

Two of the large crystals outside the artifact shattered, and sparks flickered down the corridors, bursting other crystals in a chain reaction, as if Lars had been something unpalatable, a substance this artifact could not digest.

Smoke curled through the tunnels. The deafening sounds quieted, leaving only the faint echo of a scream. Octavia couldn't tell if it was the last sound made by her brother or her own wordless cry.

After a lull of less than a second, the walls brightened again, the larger crystals shimmering. Lightning bolts crackled. Lars had awakened something ominous, and Octavia wondered if his death might bring about the destruction of them all.

Octavia turned and scrambled down the smooth tunnel to the opening. Toward daylight. She ran faster, terror making her eyes wide, her mind numb. Too many things were happening. She wanted to go back and search for her brother, to see if anything of his body remained.

But her drive for self-preservation kicked in. She knew the artifact wasn't done yet.

Octavia bounded out of the opening and down the boulder-strewn slope, somehow keeping her feet under her, dropping from one rock to another, steadying herself with her hands and spreading her arms to keep her balance.

The hillside vibrated harder. Now all the large crystals that had seemed so beautiful a moment ago looked like loaded weapons, tapping energy reservoirs that summoned lightning from within their atomic structure.

Her retreat was a blur. Somehow, faster than she had ever imagined she could move, Octavia found herself back at the robo-harvester, leaning against the mud-encrusted treads. Behind her, on the steep hillside, the tall crystals ignited. Lightning bolts that sparkled like blue spiderwebs connected them all, drawing their power together and weaving it into a knot of energy until all the stray threads converged.

Finally, a beacon of sound and light—some sort of giant transmission—speared upward into the sky and far out into space. It was not directed at her at all, but somewhere distant. To something not human.

The shock wave knocked Octavia flat, sending her sprawling on the broken ground. She could barely hold on as the pulsing signal rippled and tore through the air.

Out of breath, frantic, she crawled up the treads of the robo-harvester. As she grabbed the door of the armored cab, her head throbbed and her ears rang. She threw herself inside, slammed the door, and collapsed on the seat. She could barely hear anything.

For the moment she felt protected, but not enough. Moving blindly, she started the engine of the enormous vehicle, wheeled it around on its treads, and crunched over the broken ground at top speed, sending rocks and dirt clods flying as she raced across the valley. She had to get back to Free Haven.

Octavia couldn't think straight, could not yet address in her mind what had happened to her brother, what she had seen with her own eyes.

But she knew she had to warn the other colonists.


OUT IN DEEP SPACE, SURROUNDED BY THE MOST powerful warships of the Protoss expeditionary force, Executor Koronis sought the privacy and refuge of his own quarters aboard the flagship Carrier Qel'Ha . There he could contemplate his mission, his destiny, and the fate of his race.

He could sense through his nerve appendages all of the loyal Protoss who served aboard the ships in his fleet: the industrialists, scientists, and workers in the Khalai class; the ferociously dedicated Zealots and other soldiers in the determined warrior class, called the Templar. He even sensed the stern governmental-religious caste of Judicators, who oversaw the prosecution of this mission and maintained focus on the Khala.

But as he tried to find peace and contemplation, Koronis could feel the utter misery and failure of his entire crew. The Executor's shoulders slumped, causing the stiff pointed pads of his uniform to sag. The Protoss homeworld of Aiur had suffered a devastating attack by the Zerg and had very nearly been destroyed, but Koronis's expeditionary force had been far from the scene of carnage, far from their families and homes. They had not helped at all. They had failed. And the entire Protoss race had teetered on the brink of extinction.

It was a difficult burden to bear.

Koronis sat in his polished curved meditation seat and held in his scaly hands a small fragment of a worn but still glittering crystal. The gem merchant had told him that the ancient prophet Khas had used this shard when he discovered the telepathic Way of the Khala. The Khala had finally unified the Protoss, brought them together through their mental abilities, and ended the Aeon of Strife that had torn their civilization apart for so long.

Koronis did not know if the myth surrounding the origin of this Khaydarin crystal was true or merely a story concocted by a trader wishing to get a better price, but the Executor took comfort from the possibility. He stared into the crystal, concentrating his mental energies. His depthless golden eyes burned like small suns, looking deep within the crystal structure, far into the corners of the universe. His textured gray face rippled as he concentrated, brow ridges furrowing, ornamented shoulders hunched. His mouth-less chin remained firm.

Many decades ago the Protoss Conclave had sent out Koronis and his expeditionary force on a long-term mission far beyond the fringes of the Koprulu Sector. Since the Protoss were a long-lived race, they did not worry about decades or even centuries, and he had been proud to be chosen. Before departing, Koronis had been named Executor, a high rank held by very few, for his mission had been considered extremely important.

He and his crew had been dispatched to search for any sign of the heretical Dark Templar, who had refused to join the Khala and kept themselves separate from the unified mental presence of the Protoss. The Judicators in the Conclave could not accept such a blight on Protoss society. They commanded that the Dark Templar must be either brought into the fold or destroyed. Koronis had never considered the Dark Templar to be a great threat and would have preferred to leave the exiles alone, but the fanatical Conclave politicians made such decisions, not he.

Koronis was far more interested in the second part of his mission: to search for any remnants of the ancient progenitor race, the Xel'Naga, who had created the Protoss as their special children, their First Born.

Recent discoveries proved that the Xel'Naga had created the hostile Zerg as well, perhaps intending the Zerg to supplant the First Born. Executor Koronis did not know what to think of that, but it seemed to bespeak the continued failure and disappointment of his people.

As he contemplated, the Khaydarin crystal began to glow with a warm humming. At first Koronis took strength from it, until the power of the crystal artifact also amplified his ability to sense the anguish and despair that ran rampant through his crew.

He closed his gleaming eyes and withdrew his mind from the Khaydarin crystal. So far, after decades of searching, the Qel'Ha had uncovered no evidence of the Xel'Naga. Nor had they found any of the Dark Templar.

His expeditionary force was a mighty fleet that could have made a difference in the defense of Aiur against the Zerg; instead, for years they had wasted their time out here on the fringes of inhabited space. Koronis had nothing to show for it. With his three-fingered hand he held the long, colorful sash that designated his rank and office, a proud symbol that now seemed meaningless to him.

The shield door at the entry to his quarters slid upward, and the imposing figure of Judicator Amdor stood in the corridor, his red-orange eyes blazing. A deep purple robe was draped around him, flowing as if in reflection of his moods or mental energies. Jeweled shoulder pads and metal-scaled headgear made Amdor look ominous and impressive. On purpose.

As a powerful political representative of the Conclave, Judicator Amdor did not feel the need to show Koronis courtesy. There would have been some friction between the two of them if the commander had allowed it, but he was loyal to his race and to his mission and did not rise to the occasional criticisms that the stern Judicator heaped upon him. Amdor seemed to think the expedition's failure was the Executor's fault.

With no lips to move, no mouths to form words, all Protoss communicated through tight, telepathic bursts. The Judicator focused his conversation closely enough that no eavesdroppers could pick up even a hint of his sentences, though at times the mental spike was so sharp that it caused Koronis a faint twinge of pain. He showed none of it, however, simply turned and listened to what the Judicator had to say.

“This disgrace has gone on long enough, Executor. Our expeditionary force must return to Aiur. We are too late to help with the great battle against the Zerg, but we can assist with rebuilding. Turn the Qel'Ha around, and we will voyage back home. We must salvage what we can.”

The Zerg Overmind had been obliterated, and Aiur was saved, though at the cost of devastating much of the land. Tassadar, the accused traitor, had combined the powers of the Khala with secrets learned from the Void. Judicator Amdor called Tassadar's actions a despicable heresy taught him by the Dark Templar, but Koronis could not fault the hero for his results.

He wished he had been there to see the end. It would have been a marvelous sight. . . .

Without hurrying, the Executor put away his crystal-fragment and rose from his meditation chair. He straightened his sash and adjusted his extravagantly pointed shoulder pads.

Koronis's mental control was not as precise as that of the Judicator's, and Amdor caught some flicker of his musings. “Tassadar was no hero!” he said, his thought-words sharp. “He sacrificed his dedication to the Khala in order to achieve glory for himself and short-term gain.”

Surprised, the Executor faced Amdor in the ship's corridor outside of his quarters. “But he saved the Protoss and sacrificed himself in the process. I hardly believe you can ascribe selfish motives to what Tassadar achieved.”

“The greatest thing he achieved,” Amdor snapped in return, “was that by eradicating the Zerg and devastating Aiur, he cleansed the Protoss race! In the aftermath of this disaster, we now have the opportunity to rebuild, to burn out the cancerous heretics that have corrupted our dedication to the Khala. I am eager to return home so that I can help the Conclave to ensure that we do not slip down this dark and ill-advised path.”

Seeing no point in arguing, Koronis acquiesced. He, too, wanted to return home, even without Amdor's insistence. “I exist to serve the Khala.”

When the two of them reached the bridge, the Executor took over the Qel'Ha 's egg-shaped command chair. Judicator Amdor stood beside him like a grim parent, as if not convinced the commander would do as he had promised.

With the psychic booster, Koronis sent a message to all the Protoss minds in his fleet. “We will go home. We have work to do with our families and our cities and our world. Since we could not help when Aiur needed us most, we must be willing to give our lives and our minds to assist now . . . to make up for not being there.”

Through the mental link of his nerve appendages, Koronis felt a surge of relief and enthusiasm ripple through the crew, a hope that raised them above their gloom. The engines of the fleet's Carriers and flanking ships powered up. The navigators calculated a course that would take them back to the heart of Protoss space.

But before they could embark, the psychic communication loops—broad spiderweb transceivers woven into the hulls of the ships—received a powerful message pulse. A distant, alien signal.

The eerie notes vibrated through Koronis's mind, through the ships, through the entire crew. A cry, a shout, an indecipherable message.

The throbbing signal continued to pound, grating on the Executor's nerves, haunting yet somehow familiar. Judicator Amdor stood stiffly, confused at first, then startled.

When the distant call finally stopped, all the Protoss remained stunned. The Executor directed his thought-speech to Amdor, although others in the vicinity caught the fringes of his excited thoughts. “There is something of the Xel'Naga in that signal! I recognize the symbols and the tones. Do you not hear it? The message is . . . urgent.”

“And quite powerful,” Amdor said. “But what Xel'Naga device could broadcast a signal so strong and clear as to reach this far?” The Judicator turned his sharp gaze to the technical Khalai working at the communications equipment on the Qel'Ha' s bridge.

One of the officers sent a quick mental burst. “We have tracked the signal back to a small planet. Uninhabited, as far as we know.”

Koronis studied the coordinates, quickly calculated how long it would take the expeditionary force to go there. He sent his thought clearly to Amdor. “Judicator, this signal offers us the opportunity to return to Aiur with some measure of honor and success—not as complete failures. If we can indeed find an important Xel'Naga device, we will accomplish our mission of discovery and return to Aiur as heroes. We can bring hope to our people.”

The Judicator nodded. “If the signal came from the Wanderers from Afar, it may well be an omen. We are the First Born, and our destiny is to retrieve our race's lost glory. Finding whatever sent this signal could be a huge step toward achieving that goal.”

“En taro Adun,” Koronis said, using the honor salute that meant “in honor of Adun,” a great Protoss hero.

“En taro Adun,” the Judicator responded curtly, as if distracted and already making plans.

Feeling confident for the first time since he had received the terrible news about Aiur, Executor Koronis summoned a robotic Observer and commanded that it be dispatched immediately to the source of the mysterious Xel'Naga signal.



The thought beat at Octavia's mind in rhythm with the thumping treads of the robo-harvester as she careened across the long, rugged kilometers toward the settlement. Her hands and feet operated the heavy equipment without any help from her conscious mind, for she had room for only one thought there: Lars is dead! She could hardly wrap her mind around it.

The robo-harvester lurched and bounced, crashing over dirt piles and mounds of rock debris. The rocking motion twisted her neck and shoulders, but she gritted her teeth.

Overhead, the same glider hawk still rested on high breezes, scanning the ground in a fruitless search for food. . . .

The massive vehicle ground its way up the steep slope, back and forth against the grade as boulders and loose dirt sprayed beneath the flurry of treads. Octavia's view of the stark landscape in front of her dimmed and grew blurry, as if a fog had rolled into the broad valley. She tried to clear the windshield but soon realized that the problem was with her own eyes.

Octavia was not given to bouts of weeping, and she didn't have time for it now. She had to get back to Free Haven to sound the alarm. To tell the other settlers about the ominous, murderous artifact that had been uncovered by the storm. She had always been far too practical to waste time on useless displays of emotion—not because she didn't care when a friend or family member died. It was a survival mechanism. Those colonists who allowed themselves to become easily depressed by the cruel vagaries of life here soon became listless, careless. And carelessness on Bhekar Ro usually meant a speedy death.

As far as Octavia could recall, she had cried only a few times before: once after the death of her grandparents, another time about a week after her parents' deaths from the spore blight, during the next thunderous storm when the realization had hit her like a slap in the face that her father would never be there to comfort her again. Tears were such an unaccustomed sensation that she hardly recognized it. Lars is gone!

But then, as salty drops flowed down her cheeks, her anger began to flow as well. What a ridiculous waste! It didn't make any sense. And what was that thing out there on the ridge? It obviously wasn't of Terran origin.

Why had she allowed Lars to talk her into going out there? What had they stood to gain from it? Yet Lars, with his insatiable curiosity, had felt the need to go. He had only been exploring.

And the thing had murdered her brother. Murdered. Stolen Lars from her forever—and for what? Who could say?

One thing she did know, however. She had to warn the other colonists before the artifact could claim any more lives.

The village meeting hall was filled to overflowing with nearly two thousand grumbling settlers. Octavia could hear snatches of conversation from around the hall.

“What kind of emergency? Wasn't the storm emergency enough?”

“I have crops to replant. Couldn't this wait?”

“I heard Lars Bren found something.”

“I heard he's disappeared!”

“. . . better hurry it up or I'll be leaving.”

At last, Mayor “Nik” Nikolai took his place on the low platform at the front of the room and called the meeting to order. He was a distractible and not overly charismatic person under normal circumstances, but at the age of twenty-eight he was already considered an established, respected administrator, more or less. He banged on his podium, trying to get the audience to settle down.

“Excuse me! Hello? Octavia Bren has some serious news for us.” He paused a moment, looking around. “Serious enough that I thought we might need to take a vote about what to do after you hear what she has to say.”

“Can't you just sum it up and we'll take a vote and get out of here?” Shayna Bradshaw yelled from the audience. “My irrigation system is clogged again, and—”

The mayor shook his head. “I think it'll be best if I let Octavia tell you in her own words.”

Octavia gritted her teeth at the grumbling in the room and stepped onto the platform. She clung to her anger instead of her grief. How hardened they had all become to news of tragedy or calamity. Somehow she had to make them understand how important this was. She cleared her throat and put as much volume and authority into her seventeen-year-old voice as she could. “I know most of you believe there's nothing important enough, nothing urgent enough to justify calling all of you here. Shocks and disappointments, even death, have become part of our everyday life.”

“So get to the point!” old Rastin called from the center of the room.

“Where's your brother?” called Cyn McCarthy, looking hopeful.

Octavia drew a deep steadying breath and started again. “Lars is dead.” She held up a hand to forestall the automatic murmurs of sympathy from the gathered crowd. “He was killed by something out on a ridge about twelve klicks from here. An alien artifact that was buried inside the mountain. Something huge.”

“Did you say alien?” Mayor Nikolai was surprised.

“Yes, alien! We are not alone here on Bhekar Ro!”

Octavia described what had happened. Haltingly, she told about their exploration of the artifact, and when she got to the part with the bright beams of light spearing across her brother's body, flashing around him as he disintegrated, her throat seized up and refused to work. She felt a hand on her arm and looked up to see Cyn McCarthy standing next to her, a stricken look on the young widow's freckled face.

“Seems to me the answer's simple,” old Rastin said dismissively. “Nobody in the colony goes near that thing again. Leave it alone. If we expand, we just go th' other direction.”

Octavia gritted her teeth again, and anger gave her back her voice. Unless she convinced the settlers that this was serious, they might all die.

“Ignoring it isn't good enough. Something else happened out there. As I was leaving that thing, it sent a signal up into space. Some kind of transmission, or alarm, or homing beacon. The light was so bright it almost blinded me, and the sound shook the ground and threw me off my feet.”

“Hey, was that right before noon for about two minutes?” asked Kiernan Warner from the front row. “I think I heard that! If it was twelve klicks away, it must've been really loud.”

“Do you think the artifact was trying to communicate with us?” Lyn's younger brother Wes asked in an alarmed tone.

Octavia shook her head. “The beacon went straight up into space, as if it thought someone was out there waiting to get its signal. It might have been trying to communicate with someone, but definitely not us.”

The room erupted with exclamations, questions, and suggestions, and Octavia knew she had gotten their attention.

Mayor Nikolai took the stage again and held up his hands for quiet. When the room settled down slightly, he said, “Octavia believes we should contact the Terran Confederacy. Let them know what we've found here.”

A few of the colonists began to voice objections, but were quickly shushed by their neighbors.

“We don't know if that was a comm beacon or not, but if more of those things show up on Bhekar Ro, we may not be able to handle the situation ourselves,” Mayor Nikolai said.

“This is our planet!” Wes's cousin Jon said.

Octavia spoke up again. “Even if the artifact is the only one of its kind, we don't know what it can do. Now that it's been unearthed, it might become aggressive and go after our settlement. It might even cause earthquakes that could wipe us all out.”

“Put it to a vote,” Jon yelled.

“Yeah, we've heard enough,” Kiernan added.

“My irrigation system is still leaking,” Shayna Bradshaw grumbled.

To Octavia's relief, with the exception of three colonists, the vote was unanimous. A message would be sent to the last-known Terran government. Maybe the Confederacy had experience with such matters.

Octavia paced anxiously outside the communications turret that stood at an intersection across from the plaza at the center of the village. The comm system was like the antique Missile Turret at the center of the plaza in that no one knew if the equipment still worked. It had not been used for long-range communication in dozens of years, only for contacting outlying farms and settlements during emergency situations.

The mayor had insisted on complete privacy inside the turret while making the transmission attempt. He had been shut inside the tower for forty-five minutes now. Octavia hoped that was a good sign. Or maybe he couldn't figure out how to operate the transmitter.

Finally, Mayor Nikolai emerged wearing a bemused expression. He ran a hand through his spiky blond hair, looking very satisfied with himself.

“Did you get through?” Octavia asked. “Did you talk to the Terran Confederacy?”

“Well, not exactly. It seems the Confederacy fell apart and now the government is called the Terran Dominion. The guy I talked to called himself the emperor—pretty impressive, I suppose. Name of Arcturus Mengsk. He seemed interested in what we found, asked a lot of questions. Told me they'll probably send a military force out to investigate immediately.”

Octavia heaved a sigh of relief. “Good. Then help is on the way.”

Their troubles were over.


AS HE LOUNGED BACK ON THE THRONE, NEWLY installed in the restored capital of Korhal, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk felt vindicated for all the years he had spent in guerrilla activities, scheming against the repressive Terran Confederacy.

The throne felt right to him, as if he had always deserved it. And he felt powerful.

In the background, a holoprojection was playing, repeating the magnificent speech he had given to all human beings on the event of his self-coronation. Mengsk never got tired of hearing the words.

“Fellow Terrans, I come to you, in the wake of recent events, to issue a call to reason. Let no human deny the perils of our time. While we battle one another, divided by the petty strife of our common history, the tide of a greater conflict is turning against us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished.”

Very dramatic. Very compelling. Mengsk had practiced the speech many times in front of numerous advisors.

It had been months now since the overthrow of the Terran Confederacy, when Mengsk himself had arranged to lure the evil Zerg minions to the capital planet of Tarsonis. There, the voracious aliens had done Mengsk's destructive work for him. And better still, he had managed to make it appear that he was the hope of all humans, a knight in shining armor.

His image continued to speak. “It is time for us as nations and as individuals to set aside our long-standing feuds and unite. The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us, and we must seek refuge upon higher ground lest we be swept away by the flood.

“With our enemies left unchecked, who will you turn to for protection?”

Good words, he thought, a nice slogan. Worth repeating.

Much remained to be done, though. Emperor Mengsk had worlds to subdue, governments to reestablish, figureheads to put into place.

And now he had received this odd message from the forgotten colony of Bhekar Ro.

Mengsk shifted in his throne, looking at a transcript of the communiqué. He wanted to review every word of his conversation with the colony's mayor, Jacob Nikolai. Never heard of him before.

Running his well-manicured fingers down his bushy whiskers, Mengsk frowned, wondering what to do about the situation. His initial instinct had been to ignore the request for assistance. Bhekar Ro was not on the list of important worlds on which the new emperor needed to secure his grasp. Even the Confederacy had left them alone. Why should he really be concerned about a bunch of dirt farmers from a backwater world nobody had ever noticed?

Distracting sounds drifted to him from the rooms surrounding the throne chamber: loud hammering, buzzing diamond cutters, and sparking laser welders. Now that he had control of the Terran government, Mengsk had ordered construction on a vast scale to begin on the devastated worlds, such as the restoration here on Korhal, which remained scarred from previous Confederate atrocities.

Over the din, his holo speech continued. “The devastation wrought by the alien invaders is self-evident. We have seen our homes and communities destroyed by the calculated blows of the Protoss, we have seen firsthand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish Zerg. Unprecedented and unimaginable though they may be, these are the signs of our time.”

Infrastructure damaged by the Zerg invasion and the Protoss strikes on Mar Sara and Chau Sara needed to be healed and rebuilt—but those unimportant places could come later. First the emperor had to figure out how to squeeze more taxes from the populace so that he could restock his imperial treasury. Any planet that did not cheer Mengsk's presence loudly enough would find it far more difficult to receive funding and civil engineers for their construction projects.

“The time has come, my fellow Terrans, to rally to a new banner. In unity lies strength. Already many of the dissident factions have joined us. Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole, under the authority of a single throne. And from that throne I shall watch over you.”

He decided to make sure that this coronation speech was taught to all young students in the new Dominion. Revising history could well become a fulltime job. . . .

Mengsk poured himself a glass of rich purple klavva wine, drank it down quickly, then poured a second glass that he could savor. The decision about the strange alien object on Bhekar Ro rested squarely on his shoulders. He couldn't pass it off to anyone else—that was the dis advantage of being emperor. But Arcturus Mengsk had earned the right, earned this position, and he chided himself for complaining about the minor duties of a great ruler.

What exactly had those backwater settlers found? He had agreed to send assistance, but was it really worth his while to investigate?

One of his uniformed aides marched briskly into the opulent throne room and gave him a smart raised-fist salute that had been used by the Sons of Korhal. If Emperor Mengsk had his way, the salute would soon be accepted throughout the Terran Dominion.

The aide handed him a rolled document, which Mengsk opened and studied. Ah, the daily list of scheduled executions! The emperor ran his fingernail down the numerous names and recognized few of them. He didn't remember what their crimes were, and right now he didn't have the time to check up on everything. Too many annoying details. Most of them must have been political prisoners or mutineers who refused to give up the old reins of the Terran Confederacy.

He began to check the cases one by one, but then decided he had more pressing matters to attend to. Mengsk simply stamped the entire list “Approved” and handed it back to the aide, who raised his fist in the Dominion salute again and hurried off to present the duly signed document to the Executioners Guild.

Another job done for the day.

His holo speech wound toward its conclusion. “From this day forward let no human make war upon any other human. Let no Terran agency conspire against this New Beginning. And let no man consort with alien powers. And to all the enemies of humanity: Seek not to bar our way. For we shall win through, no matter the cost.”

Mengsk stared again at the summary of the conversation he'd had with Mayor Nikolai. What to do? he mused. There was no point in being suspicious that these settlers were lying to him or overblowing their discovery, since they were so far out of galactic politics that they hadn't known who Emperor Mengsk was, had not even heard of the Terran Dominion.

Still, who really cared if some clodhoppers dug up a big shiny rock and didn't know what to make of it?

Unless the thing had some value to it. Emperor Mengsk never reacted too spontaneously. What if this alien “thing” was actually something important, something he shouldn't ignore? It could be a new threat, something sinister left by the Zerg or the Protoss, strange races that still brought fear to his heart, even though he had used them to his own ends in order to crush his former rivals.

Did he dare dismiss this discovery without investigating it? What if the pulsing artifact were a powerful repository of knowledge? What if it contained valuable resources . . . or even a weapon? Alien artifacts were exceedingly rare. Emperor Arcturus Mengsk knew he needed all the help he could get while he cemented his hold on power.

He went into his war room and called up the glowing three-dimensional star maps that showed the Koprulu Sector. He glanced at the familiar stars and planetary systems, then had the computer add a tiny dot to mark the Bhekar Ro colony, using coordinates backtracked from the communications signal. The colonists had been quiet for so long that they had fallen off regular Confederacy records. Mengsk muttered at the incompetence of his predecessors.

He studied the surrounding area, then called up a tactical display that showed where all of his ships in the sector were currently stationed. With a smile on his bearded face he decided to dispatch General Edmund Duke and his Alpha Squadron to investigate. They needed something to do anyway.

The gruff general, who was already in the vicinity, was expendable at this point. The mission would keep the man and his Marines occupied, and Mengsk doubted the colonists would complain overmuch to the hard-as-nails officer. The emperor didn't mind giving General Duke a more interesting assignment— as long as it kept him safely away from Korhal for the time being.

Though Duke had taken an oath to the new Dominion, he had fought on the side of the Confederacy for many years. Mengsk remained uneasy about having such a forceful military leader with so much firepower at his disposal just sitting around and getting bored.

The general was a hardened military leader who had sworn to defend his new government—and such men did not take oaths lightly. Still, he didn't distrust the commander entirely. The emperor decided to give Duke and Alpha Squadron a chance to prove themselves.

The holoprojector reset itself and began to play the coronation speech again. “Fellow Terrans, I come to you, in the wake of recent events, to issue a call to reason. . . .”

He considered shutting it off, but decided to listen just one more time.

Mengsk wrote out orders and transmitted them to the communications facility, dispatching Alpha Squadron with all due haste to Bhekar Ro.


AT DAWN OVER THE GREASY GRAY SKIES OF Bhekar Ro, thin clouds swirled and then rippled like a tainted oil stain atop stagnant water. The wastelands were quiet . . . too quiet.

With a crack of thunder in the dry air, the fabric of space tore and a warp-rift opened. A glider hawk reeled about, disrupted in its endless search for food.

As the echoes of the boom rippled across the valley, startling small rodents that eked out an existence among the hardy scrub brush, a Protoss Observer from the Qel'Ha appeared and hovered high in the sky. Observers were reconnaissance vessels sent out to gather information, but not to participate in actual combat.

Automatically following its programming, the Observer switched on a micro-cloaking field and vanished from view. The drone craft descended, activating the complex sensor array that drained most of its operational energy, leaving nothing for system defenses. Three-fold wing shields opened, guiding the single, cyclopean eye.

Then it began to search. The Observer proceeded across the uninhabited areas of Bhekar Ro, unchallenged and unnoticed. While flying headlong across the vast distance of space, it had not been able to pinpoint its coordinates precisely. But now, as the Observer homed in on the location of the artifact's transmitted signal, it planted navigational beacons so that the Qel'Ha and the rest of the Protoss expeditionary force could arrive precisely on target.

The Observer spent hours circling overhead, approaching the broken mountainside where the half-uncovered organic oddity lay exposed in the morning light. Sending regular real-time reports back to Executor Koronis, the reconnaissance drone imaged and analyzed the artifact protruding from the mountainside. After its initial transmission, the object had lain quiet. Waiting.

Once the small drone had inspected every angle and approached as closely as its programming allowed without risk of disturbing the artifact that had sent the signal, it proceeded to make a wider reconnaissance. In compiling its overall tactical survey, the drone acquired images of the mountain ranges and detected—with no hint of surprise in its robotic mind—cultivated fields and outlying settlements of prefabricated buildings.

Assessing the situation, the Observer closed in, still cloaked, until it hovered over the central colony town on Bhekar Ro. It began to collect data on the human settlers, the resident population, and their defenses. . . .

It was a morning like any other morning, but Octavia Bren had to face the day without her brother Lars.

The other colonists left her alone, even Mayor Nikolai, who was better known for talk than for practical action. She sat in the octagonal town square remembering Lars and their time together, how they had often discussed which unmarried colonists they each might consider as a mate, how hard they had worked, what they had hoped to accomplish, how the two had teased each other as young children. . . .

It had been long enough now that the scars of her parents' deaths had healed. The other colonists were so familiar with unexpected tragedy that they sympathized with Octavia, but were not paralyzed with grief. Free Haven had suffered enough before, and would continue to endure the pain. It was their lot in life. But Octavia's grandparents had been convinced that this was a better existence than living under the Terran Confederacy. Here they were free—though at the moment Octavia could not be entirely sure that she preferred the constant uncertainty and brevity of life on Bhekar Ro.

Octavia wished she and her brother had never gone out to inspect the seismographs and automated mining stations, but Lars had been so excited about the discovery. She wished he could have been like the other colonists, never curious, never striving for more, just holding on to life as long as he could manage.

But then he wouldn't have been Lars.

As the morning brightened, Octavia stayed near the ornamental old Missile Turret, constructed there over an abandoned bunker by the first colonists. It was meant to be a sentry station, an automated defense that would watch the skies and protect Bhekar Ro—though from what, she didn't know. The Missile Turret had sat there silently for more than forty years. Nobody even believed it worked anymore.

Now, instead of being seen as a defense, the turret served as a reminder and a monument to what they had left behind in the Confederacy. Occasionally some colonists proposed dismantling it for parts, power cells, and materials, but the mayor had never gotten enough ambition to gather a crew.

Now, as Octavia sat there alone, thinking of her brother and staring up into the unpleasant, featureless sky, the Missile Turret suddenly clicked, hummed, and moved. System lights winked on, sputtered, then glowed bright.

She leaped to her feet and scrambled away with a shout. A few colonists came out of their homes to look at her, then saw the activation lights on the clunky metal structure and saw the turret move.

Its hydraulics hummed as components opened, rattled, and locked into place. A brilliant light shone from its top as the turret's tracking scanner swiveled. The automatic sensors centered in and targeted something invisible in the sky. Missile Turrets were designed to automatically target and fire on incoming enemy aircraft, but they also served as sentry stations; their powerful sensors could detect even cloaked vessels.

This turret had not stirred in decades, but now it locked on, selected a missile, and loaded it into the launch rack, its mechanisms clattering and groaning. Its detector systems flickered and sparked, not working properly. But it had detected something.

With a pulse of energy, the turret fired its missile into the sky. Smoke streamed from an access hatch on the Missile Turret as its long-dormant systems began to fail.

Other colonists, rushing out in response to the strange noise, were astonished to see that the military hardware still functioned at all.

“Could've been a misfire,” the mayor said. “We should have deactivated that a long time ago.”

The projectile shot upward like an exploding javelin, cruising in a smooth, perfect arc until it struck something that looked like a ripple and a halo in the air.

But Octavia stretched her forefinger toward the sky. “No, look! It's hit something.”

With a flicker, the Observer's cloaking field broke down, and the damaged drone wavered through the sky, its hull split open, one of its three wing covers blown away. Losing altitude, the device spun and sputtered until it crashed like an unwieldy bullet into one of the roughly tilled fields outside of town.

Without even looking to see if the other settlers were following, Octavia ran out to the crash site, where she found a bowl-shaped crater gouged into the dirt. The twisted, blackened wreckage had slammed into the ground. There was very little of the Observer left to examine.

Studying what was left of the object while the colonists rushed to join her, Octavia noticed the strange alien markings on the outer covering of the drone, the broken angled panels over the sensor arrays, the large central eye.

“Either the Confederacy has changed its designs an awful lot, or that's nothing a Terran ever built,” Mayor Nik announced, stating aloud what everyone else had already realized.

Octavia felt a stab of ice inside her. First the storm and earthquake had exposed the huge buried artifact. Now, from out of the sky, an invisible alien device had been shot down—though what its purpose might be she could only guess.

The colonists began to mutter uneasily, looking down at the crashed object. Octavia turned away from the alien wreckage and bit her lower lip, wondering what could possibly be going on here. And what could possibly happen next.


WHEN THE DISTANT ARTIFACT'S INSISTENT SIGNAL reached the Zerg swarms on Char, it sent a shockwave like a mental avalanche through the Queen of Blades. As she sat in her growing hive, the pulsing transmission hammered Sarah Kerrigan's temples with an electromagnetic shriek. Somehow this blaring call was attuned to the new resonances in her head, the genetic reception signal that had been incorporated into the Zerg from the primal foundation of their DNA.

The thrumming signal caused her hive's organic shell to shimmer, as it too received the long-forgotten awakening call. The exoskeletal material that made up the hive walls began to resonate in response.

Around her, Zerg minions reacted with frenzy as the signal triggered some instinctive memory deep inside. The monstrous Hydralisks reared up, hissing and slashing with their claws, their pointed spines extruded, ready to fire a rain of deadly darts at any creature they perceived as an enemy.

The doglike Zerglings went wild, streaming about and attacking Drones and larvae, tearing them to shreds. The alien signal pounded in Kerrigan's head, but she gritted her teeth and imposed order upon her mind. With all of her psi power, she reached out and attempted to control the instincts of her Zerglings. She needed to stop them from killing more members of her Hive.

In her earlier life, she had been trained in the Confederate Ghost program. The Terrans had given her agonizing neural processing treatments to pacify her latent psi powers. They had surgically implanted a Psychic Dampener to control her, to make her into a good espionage and intelligence agent. Sarah Kerrigan had been forced to murder countless enemies and learned to treat life itself as a fleeting, disposable commodity.

It had been good training for her. But Kerrigan had been betrayed by the humans she served, who had left her for dead on the Zerg-infested battlefield of Tarsonis. The woman who had been Sarah Kerrigan became the Queen of Blades, and she alone held the future of the Zerg.

If she could control them.

The signal continued, relentless. From the outer regions of the spreading Hive, she could hear the vibrating bellows of an Ultralisk as it roared its confusion and fear. She calmed the mammoth-sized monster, then moved on to other minions that were causing too much destruction. With an iron hand, she forced discipline upon her hive again.

Finally the pulsing signal-scream stopped. Blessed, frightening silence fell like an avalanche onto the Hive. Kerrigan drew a deep breath, letting her biological systems settle, feeling the Hive return to a normal, but still agitated, state. Then she began to think.

The transmitted siren song spoke to some involuntary instinctive memory that the Xel'Naga had planted inside them. The Queen of Blades knew deep within her own mutated body that the origin of this signal must be incredibly ancient, designed by the same race that had created the Protoss and the Zerg.

Though she used much of her mind to keep watch on the restless race of the Zerg—billions upon billions of creatures—she let part of her thoughts ponder what she had experienced. She knew that the Zerg must investigate—must possess —whatever had sent this powerful signal.

Finally reaching a decision, Kerrigan summoned all the components of the finest new brood she had assembled after the destruction of the Overmind. She had a mission for Kukulkan Brood, which she had named after the powerful Mayan feathered serpent god from the ancient Terran legends. She considered the title to be fearsome and fitting. Kukulkan Brood was one of the most fearsome assault swarms in the scattered Zerg race. She could depend on them.

When Kukulkan Brood was assembled, with all its Overlords, Mutalisks, Hydralisks, Zerglings, Ultralisks, Queens, and Drones—everything necessary for an impressive assault force—Kerrigan dispatched them from the smoking ruins of Char to fly across space like deadly insects.

Her orders, made perfectly clear even to the murky minds of the various Zerg minions, were to find the object that had sent the signal—and take possession of it at all costs.


THE FREE HAVEN MEETING HALL WAS CROWDED once again with confused and disgruntled colonists. This time, though, they needed no one to tell them that things were changing on Bhekar Ro. Things that could affect their lives. Things over which they had no control.

And this time, with the exception of a few children too young to understand what was going on, every colonist was there, even families from outlying farmsteads.

Octavia sat in the front row close to the speaking platform. Many of the younger colonists had chosen to sit near her for support, including Jon, Gregor, Wes, and Kiernan and Kirsten Warner. On Octavia's right sat Cyn McCarthy. The young woman's copper hair hung limply around her somber face as if she had not washed it for several days. And the usual optimism had faded from her dark blue eyes; that scared Octavia the most.

Octavia could sense that the worst of the crisis was yet to come. The Bhekar Ro colonists would need every gram of stubbornness and determination they could muster to get through it. When Mayor Nikolai hopped onto the speaking platform, Octavia was surprised at how quickly the room quieted.

“Now then, we're tough people, and we've been through a lot,” he began. “And for a long time we've prided ourselves on being just about unshakable. We deal with weather disasters, tectonic disturbances, plagues, and unexpected deaths, taking it all in stride and moving on. But in the last few days we've seen some things that fall completely outside our understanding. In all our years on Bhekar Ro, we've never had the need to deal with hostile aliens. In other words, we need to prepare for the unexpected.”

Rastin the prospector stood up. “Kind of ridiculous to say that, don't you think, Mayor Nik? How can we prepare if we don't know what we're preparing for?”

Shayna Bradshaw spoke next. “If you mean we need to defend ourselves, we don't have any decent weapons. We're colonists—we've got field implements and the occasional projectile gun for shooting game.” She gave an emphatic nod of her head. “Not that this planet has any game worth shooting!”

Anger flared in Octavia. “First a huge artifact disintegrates my brother and then sends a beam out into space. Then our Missile Turret comes to life and shoots an alien object out of the sky. It could be a message, a weapon, or a spy. We need to prepare for an emergency. That weird transmission has attracted some attention, and we don't know what's coming next. So I suggest we start thinking about what we can do and stop whining about what we don't know or don't have.”

As Octavia subsided onto the bench beside her friends, she was surprised to see Cyn rise to her feet. “What about those Terrans you contacted, Nik? Can we expect help from them? Aren't they coming soon?”

A perplexed frown creased Mayor Nikolai's forehead. “The Terran Dominion, ah, yes. Their emperor said he would send someone immediately.” He thought for a moment and then flushed. “Of course, that was days ago. And even if they're on their way, we don't know if they'll arrive before the next alien thing shows up in the sky over our heads.”

Cyn straightened her shoulders, and Octavia saw a look of fierce determination sparkling in her eyes. “In that case, we'll just have to get ready to fend for ourselves.”

Kiernan Warner stood now. “What about the explosives we use for leveling fields and for mining? Couldn't we use those as some sort of weapon?”

A murmur of approval and hope rippled through the room. Wes bounced to his feet. “Hey, and most of us own pulse pistols that we use for hunting lizards.”

His cousin Jon stood next. “I'm pretty good with machinery. Maybe between us, Octavia and I can do something about fixing the Missile Turret in the main square.”

Octavia shot him an approving grin. Things were getting better by the moment. “My robo-harvester has a boulder-blaster on it, and a lot of the others have flamethrower attachments. Those could do some pretty significant damage.”

Old Rastin interrupted the flow of positive suggestions. “You're all a bunch of lame-brained Vespene wasters, if you ask me. Half-buried artifacts, alien ships—are you really convinced we're being invaded? Who do you think these aliens are, anyway? Truth is, we don't know what's going on, and until we do, I'm not gonna sit around here on my butt just yakkin' about it.” He pushed past several people toward the exit. “And don't expect me to be givin' all of you free Vespene gas just because y'all think the sky is falling.” He gave a grunt of disgust, stalked to the exit, and let himself out.

Mayor Nikolai stood for a moment open-mouthed at the old man's audacity before pulling himself together. “Well, of course we shouldn't panic. Mr. Rastin has a point. After all, Emperor Mengsk of the Terran Dominion has been apprised of the situation, and help is probably on its way. . . .” His voice trailed off.

Unwilling to see the settlers slip back into complacency, Octavia stepped up onto the platform beside the mayor. “Nik's right. This is not a time to panic. It's time to do something constructive.” She smiled as Cyn and her other friends joined her on the platform to show their support. “We've all heard some things we can do to prepare ourselves for what might be coming.”

The crowd rumbled its approval and headed back out toward their homes and farms.


ON THE BRIDGE DECK OF THE QEL'HA , EXECUTOR Koronis studied the high-resolution images in fascinated silence. The Observer drone transmitted view after view of the magnificent organic structure. The curves and angles gave the uncovered artifact the appearance of a cathedral built by overambitious insects. Swirls and curves, glowing lights, an obviously complex, unfathomable design.

Judicator Amdor stood beside him, radiating excitement and eagerness—a great change from the dour skepticism he had shown for the past several years of their fruitless search.

Koronis was fascinated to see the jagged shards of transparent gleaming rock that protruded from the rubbled terrain all around the exposed object. “Those are Khaydarin crystals,” he said, trying to imagine the sheer power that fragments of such size would possess. He recalled the tingle of energy he experienced whenever he touched the tiny shard he kept in his private quarters. Even without the secrets of the strange artifact, massive crystals such as these would be an important weapon and resource for the Protoss.

Amdor seemed more intrigued by the strange shapes and runes marked around the outer shell. “Those clues, plus the original encrypted signal, are undeniable proof that this object had its origin with the Wanderers from Afar. We have found a legacy of the Xel'Naga.”

The Judicator shed his blazing glare upon all the other Protoss on the Qel'Ha' s bridge. His mental being thrummed with enthusiasm, which affected the other Khalai, inspiring them to greater fervor. “We must retrieve this treasure left by our forefathers, the Xel'Naga.” Acting as if he were the commander of the fleet, Amdor gestured forward. “Proceed with all possible haste! We must take possession of this artifact and preserve it for our people.”

Executor Koronis stiffened. Amdor had no place in the caste hierarchy to give such an order. So he repeated the order himself, as if the instructions had come from him all along. “We will not be going home immediately. Yes, even though Aiur has suffered in a terrible war, a discovery such as this may help the First Born rise again.”

Amdor stared down at the images once more. “The Zerg infestation encroaches upon Protoss space, and though they share our origin with the Xel'Naga, we First Born can never accept them as brethren. We dare not allow the Zerg to capture this artifact or any knowledge it contains. The legacy of the Xel'Naga must belong to us.”

The distant Observer continued its survey, sending fresh images of the unremarkable world of Bhekar Ro. Executor Koronis was surprised to see the organized Terran colony and the structures erected by the small group of human settlers trying to scrape out an existence there.

However, when the old Missile Turret activated itself and shot the cloaked drone out of the sky, the Executor reared back in his command seat as if the shot had been fired at him personally. The blast incinerated the delicate sensors on the Observer's wide arrays, and the reconnaissance drone crashed.

The loss of the Observer annoyed Judicator Amdor—not because of any insignificant Terran threat, but because he would receive no more images of the Xel'Naga artifact until their ship arrived at the colony world.

“Once we reach the planet, perhaps we should proceed with caution,” Koronis said. “We do not know how much military prowess these Terrans have, or what sort of defenses they can mount against us. I suggest we drop our fleet back and enter the system more slowly so that we can reassess the situation.”

Now the Judicator turned his ire on Koronis. “Unnecessary! You saw the images. It's a fledgling colony, with only a few scraps of technology. Besides, they are human. Terrans are irrelevant.”

Koronis conceded the point, and the Qel'Ha launched forward along with the rest of the expeditionary force, streaking through space at the highest speed possible.

The Executor reviewed the images the Observer had transmitted, staring down at the haunting, fascinating Xel'Naga structure. After missing the great battle to protect Aiur and failing in their search to find the Dark Templar, Koronis believed that this artifact could accomplish the third part of their mission. Perhaps this would be a redemption for him.


OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS, WHILE THE colonists prepared for another impending emergency, Octavia found herself growing more and more restless. The tension at the back of her mind kept growing. She felt a presence there, as if something alive were trying to communicate with her.

Another premonition? Or just her imagination?

If not for the strange events of the past week, she might have dismissed the uneasy feeling, but she knew it was more than that. She still mourned the loss of her brother Lars, but it was not his ghost or his presence that hovered so insistently at the edge of her awareness.

The tension continued to build like slow psychic pressure until it became unbearable. She worked her fields alone. She had already gathered her small hand weapons and donated what spare food supplies she had to the community kitchen Abdel Bradshaw was organizing.

There had been no sign of reinforcements from the Terran Dominion, and no one in the colony had reported any alien ships or artifacts.

But still, the dread and uneasiness hammered at her mind, making her jump at shadows.

Finally Octavia could take it no more. Hardly knowing what she intended to do, she climbed into the robo-harvester and set off toward the artifact. She needed to see it again, confront it somehow, and find some answers.

All the way there she felt a thread, a growing connection to the thing at a subconscious, almost telepathic level. Could the artifact itself be alive?

With each clank of the robo-harvester's heavy treads, she could feel it, hear it. Something sleeping, stirring. Something enormous and alien.

It had seemed to devour Lars—absorb him, perhaps—and then it had seemed to find him wanting. Yes, the presence in her mind seemed to say. It hungered. It needed to feed on life.

But not Terran life. Something . . . different.

As the robo-harvester descended into the second valley and rolled across the basin toward the slope where the artifact lay half unburied, the feeling of hunger grew stronger, more insistent. Hunger for life.

Angrily, Octavia tried to push the presence out of her head. If it didn't want Terran life, why had it killed her brother? The thing had casually murdered him and then—what? Discarded his essence? She didn't know, and it no longer mattered to her. All that mattered was that Lars was dead because of this thing.

She brought the robo-harvester to a halt at the base of the slope and stared at the enormous, eerie artifact with a hard, calculating gaze. Hungry, was it? Well, she had a hunger too—for vengeance. And she needed to do something practical for a change.

From the cockpit of the robo-harvester she powered up the boulder-blaster. She herself had suggested at the town meeting that it could be used as a weapon. Well, now she was going to find out.

Octavia took careful aim and triggered the small explosive launcher that was normally reserved for clearing boulders from fields. She held on and watched, already feeling satisfied.

The blast struck its target dead on. The familiar explosion was loud and powerful, smashing many of the tall crystals that grew like weeds in the rubble. A rain of pebbles and dirt pattered around the robo-harvester for nearly a full minute.

When Octavia was sure the shower of dirt was over, she cleared the robo-harvester's windshield and peered out to survey the damage she had done.

There was none. Not a scratch.

If anything, the artifact appeared glossier . . . healthier than before. Octavia had only succeeded in clearing more caked soil from its exterior. As she stared in frustrated fascination, the artifact began to pulse. The forest of surrounding crystals lit with an inner fire. Crackling energy skittered across the smooth, sinuous surface of the thing, flashing and growing in intensity until threads of lightning wove themselves together into a solid beam that speared out at the robo-harvester.

She yelled and ducked, covering her eyes.

The retaliatory bolt hit the heavy vehicle like a meteor. Octavia grabbed the seat inside the cab and held on as the robo-harvester rocked on its treads. She wanted to dive outside for cover, but decided that might be even more dangerous.

The vehicle's control panels sparked and sizzled. The alien artifact continued its pummeling lightning blast, as if to make certain its message was received. Octavia's hair lifted away from her head, alive with static electricity. She let out another loud yell, halfway between a panicked scream and a curse, at the towering object in the cliffside.

Finally the blast ended, leaving her half deafened and the big machine completely dead. Her eyes swam with brilliant smears of color from the dazzling lights. Ozone and smoke filled the cabin, and crackling steam drifted up from the harvester's engine compartment.

Octavia scrambled out of the cab, burning her hands and the side of one leg on the hot metal. In awe, she backed away from the damaged vehicle. She could tell by looking at it that there would be no way to repair the behemoth. The electrical systems were completely gone, and many of the moving parts had fused. The vehicle would never start.

But at least she was alive.

The artifact had destroyed the robo-harvester, though it had not harmed her, even after she had knowingly attacked it. What did it mean? Octavia shook her head and chided herself for having tried something so foolish.

Running a hand through her brown curls, she looked behind her at the sun lowering toward the horizon. It would be a long, long walk home.


AS HER SHIP MOVED THROUGH THE VOID OF space, the Dark Templar Xerana sat surrounded by her intellectual resources, the library and museum she had compiled. Her treasures.

She had no need for sleep now that she had a mystery in her grasp.

Xerana had received and recorded the loud signal from the distant and unremarkable world. She had studied the transmission, searching for nuances, trying to decode it. She took the ancient, incomprehensible electromagnetic patterns and organized them into layers of subtle meaning. She doubted many others alive in the entire galaxy would be able to fathom such things.

But the Dark Templar scholars had access to resources and arcane Xel'Naga texts. She knew scraps of history that the rest of the Protoss had forgotten long ago. Xerana alone, among all her race, had the best chance of deciphering the true meaning and origin of this alien transmission.

She let her ship drift, allowing the currents of the Void to carry it wherever the vagaries of gravity and solar wind and space might direct it. She played the signal over and over until every cell of her body was awash with the pulsing rhythms, until her mind was filled with the hypnotic tone—and finally, using every shred of knowledge she had in her archives, Xerana was able to comprehend the deep secret of the strange awakening object.

Roused at last from her obsessive concentration, the Dark Templar scholar felt the thrill of understanding surge through her body. But as she made her way toward the bridge of her wandering vessel, she felt weak and shaky. Xerana paused a moment to marshal her energies. She had so much to do, a mission to accomplish. Then she hurried to her controls and sank into the guidance chair, feeling as if she had become one with her craft.

Though she had translated the mysterious signal, Xerana also knew that other Protoss—and perhaps even Zerg—would have heard the beacon, too. But none of them would understand what the artifact was.

She had no choice but to do her duty.

Long ago, the Judicator Conclave had ostracized the Dark Templar. Although her people had been exiled from Aiur, driven away from the rest of their race and persecuted, Xerana and her comrades maintained their loyalty. Even now, honor required her to bear a warning, no matter the cost to herself.

Xerana powered up the engines of her Scout vessel and set off at reckless speed into the emptiness, navigating toward the coordinates she had traced as the origin of the signal. Aside from her knowledge and her confidence, she had few weapons.

She traveled alone, fully aware that other Protoss might even now be converging on the site. Any Judicator would be eager to capture a Dark Templar like herself. This journey would be very dangerous for her, but Xerana had no time for fear. She had no choice but to take the risk.

Her vessel rapidly closed the distance to Bhekar Ro.


DISPATCHED FROM CHAR, KUKULKAN BROOD traveled across the empty vacuum between the stars. Even out in the cold darkness, their armored bodies turned the Zerg into a fleet of monstrous living spaceships. Groups of different creatures controlled by numerous Overlords, the Brood followed the directives of the Queen of Blades, who had envisioned this scheme to investigate, capture, and exploit the Xel'Naga artifact.

It would belong to the Zerg by right of conquest.

Massive Behemoths flew under their own energy, like star-spanning manta rays, the largest creatures ever known in the charted galaxy. With superdense hides, the Behemoths could contain many other Zerg minions within the folds and pockets of their sprawling bodies. These creatures had no weapons, not even any defenses, but they carried the full strength and horror of all the Zerg subspecies.

Ages ago, when the ancient Xel'Naga tinkerers had experimented with creating the Zerg, they had adapted the ferocious and highly competitive indigenous life-forms on the planet Zerus. These prototype Zerg had rapidly adapted and assimilated all of the native species there, and as their race grew more powerful and more intelligent, the fledgling Zerg Overmind had reached a critical point, a roadblock that prevented it from expanding further. The Zerg were planet-bound—until the star-sailing Behemoths had wandered into the system.

Immense and docile creatures of the airless void, the Behemoths drifted close enough that the Overmind had called out to them with its great telepathic powers. After it had lured the unsuspecting life-forms within reach, the Zerg minions had attacked and infested them. Before long, the genetic plan of the starfaring Behemoths had been incorporated into the Zerg DNA.

Thus, the fearsome Zerg developed the ability to travel from star system to star system. They became unstoppable.

Now, after being dispatched by the Queen of Blades, the Behemoths of Kukulkan Brood carried Sarah Kerrigan's strike force to Bhekar Ro. The huge creatures converged in orbit, an organic cloud that blotted out the light from distant suns. They descended lower to the veiled fringes of the atmosphere, scraping tendrils of air as their skins opened up to disgorge the Overlords, the main carriers of the Zerg forces.

The Overlords were immense creatures, exoskeleton-armored carriers shaped like ridged crustaceans with enormous mandibles and dangling claws. But even so they were dwarfed by the sprawling flesh of the Behemoths in the sky overhead. The Overlords emerged from carrying pouches and dropped in freefall through the thickening atmosphere and buffeting winds.

Since the Xel'Naga artifact had only briefly broadcast its compelling beacon, the Zerg did not know the precise location, only a general area. But the Overlords of Kukulkan Brood were patient and very thorough. Under their own power, they cruised through greasy clouds and patches of thunderstorms, scratched by lightning but unharmed.

Finally the spreading swarm arrived in the vicinity of the large artifact. Only a small portion of the Brood remained in orbit with the Behemoths, a second wave prepared to descend once the first monstrous troops had accomplished their objective.

The Overlords spread out, seeking to release groups of Drones that would establish numerous Hatcheries and then several Creep Colonies. The heart of the new Zerg colony, the Hatchery would generate enough larvae to spawn all the minions Kukulkan Brood would need to take over this planet.

The Overlords would overwhelm the mysterious artifact itself and seize what could be taken. But first, in preparation, they intended to find local victims, organisms that the Zerg could infest, and thereby increase their numbers. . . .

* * *

Though he had set up his dwelling and his gas refineries over the Vespene geysers, far from the town, the old prospector Rastin had been seeing too much of people for the past week. First Lars and Octavia Bren had come by to get more fuel, then he'd been called into Free Haven for not one but two all-colony meetings.

He had grudgingly driven his only vehicle—a clunky old field crawler—into town. That was more socialization than he liked to do in a year. On both occasions he'd stayed for only a few hours before driving back to his refineries and his dog, Old Blue.

But after the last storm and earthquake, one of his three remaining geysers had given out, and no matter how much he poked and probed and kicked at his machinery, he could not get the thing functioning again. He had heard that there were several new geysers over the ridge and into the next valley, but Rastin had lived in the same place for almost forty years and just didn't have the gumption to pack up his belongings and move out there.

Although the idea of being even farther away from Free Haven had its appeal. . . .

Old Blue came out from his cool resting spot under the corrugated porch and sniffed around. The big mutated mastiff stood almost as tall as his master's chest. Rastin had originally hoped to turn the horse-like canine, with its bristly blue fur and an appetite like an elephant, into a beast of burden. Man's best friend combined with a draft animal to haul mineral samples and supplies. Instead, the dog was just a companion, a big, lovable creature that drooled a lot and growled occasionally, but never meant it.

Rastin distractedly patted the dog, who galloped around looking for urchin lizards or crab beetles to chase. Once he'd gotten a muzzleful of needles from an urchin lizard, and the dog knew better than to bite when he played.

Rastin banged at the refinery equipment with his worn old tools, grumbling and cursing the engines. But the machinery was not impressed, even with his harshest language. He stood in disgust, hurled his spanner wrench off into the rocks as far as it would go, then berated himself for doing such a stupid thing, because now he'd have to go fetch it.

Beside him, he was surprised when Old Blue sat on his haunches and howled up at the sky. The big blue dog's lips curled back, exposing his teeth as he growled and then whined.

“Now what?” Rastin said. “You afraid of a little mound-hopper again, you big sissy?”

But Old Blue did not calm down. He continued to growl, then lowered himself on all fours and began to wriggle backward, as if to slink away. Rastin looked up and saw a swarm of shapes in the sky, a flock of creatures—unbelievably large creatures—descending through the clouds and moving like an armada of organic battleships. “What the—?”

With an ominous buzzing sound like a hive of infuriated wasps, the swarm of invaders came down, dozens of armored and multilegged creatures that split apart, some of them descending toward the foothills where Rastin made his home.

The Vespene geysers continued to boil and steam into the air, advertising their resources. They seemed to attract the strange alien invaders. Old Blue yelped and finally ran out of canine courage. He bolted back under the corrugated porch to hide in the shadows.

Summoning his surly anger to combat a paralyzing blast of fear, Rastin lunged into his shack and grabbed an old blunderbuss projectile launcher, a pellet weapon that he used for picking off rodents that ate too many of his stores. He came out and held up the weapon, gritting his teeth in defiance.

The Zerg Overlords dropped low over the foothills, approaching the vital Vespene geysers. Their carapaces cracked open and released a rain of hideous monsters that seemed to be all spines and armored exoskeletons and clacking jaws. As the Zerglings poured out in a stampede of vicious claws and fangs, Rastin stood his ground for a moment, then backed toward his shack.

Behind the Overlords, a new type of creature descended—a mass of thrashing armored tentacles, a sinuous head, and a stretched skin membrane that extended like bat wings to connect some of the tentacles.

A Queen. And it seemed intent on coming directly toward him.

Rastin discharged his first round of hot metal pellets into the oncoming swarm, reloaded, and fired again. He knew his weapon was too weak, knew that in a thousand years he could never find enough ammunition to fight off this threat, but he swore and fired again. And again. When he had no pellets left, he hurled curses as the ravenous Zerglings swept toward him like a tidal wave of death.

And then they were upon him.


OCTAVIA DID NOT LIKE TO BE OUT ON FOOT AT night, but with the robo-harvester unable to function, she had no choice but to walk. She traversed the many kilometers across the valley, climbed up over the ridge panting and sweating, skipped through the scree, and stumbled her way back down toward the colony town.

She hated every second of it.

The ground was uncertain, full of shadows and hidden potholes, crevices between rocks that seemed to reach out and grab her feet. If she twisted an ankle, she would have to limp all the way back to Free Haven.

The night was dark, the skies murky and overcast. Clouds smothered the stars, but at least they held no storms. Strange flashes of light rippled across the sky like auroras or distant lightning, but the colors and energy patterns were different from the exotic weather fronts she normally witnessed on Bhekar Ro.

Too many strange things were happening lately.

She increased her pace down through the foothills, glad to see the dim lights of old Rastin's Vespene refinery. The reclusive prospector probably wouldn't welcome company, especially this late at night, but Octavia had no choice. He had a vehicle, a Vespene-powered field crawler that had endured for decades. Maybe he could give her a ride into town.

If nothing else, Old Blue would be happy to see her, and after the miserable times she had just endured, it would be a relief just to pat his bristly fur and see his thick tail wag with delight.

She stumbled onto a path the hermit must have used. With relief she worked her way down toward the homestead, feeling a spring in her step from the hope that her ordeal might be over soon.

As she approached, Octavia saw only a few automatic lights burning around the refinery superstructures, lending a strange silvery glow to the Vespene geysers that curled into the air. The place seemed abandoned, haunted. . . . Perhaps old Rastin had already gone to bed. She had no idea what time it was.

“Hello, Rastin?” she called. “It's Octavia Bren.” She paused, but only silence answered her. Even the fiddler beetles and the throaty humming lizards were silent in the night—which was very strange. It made the darkness seem more oppressive.

“Hello, Rastin? I need your help.”

Although she normally would have walked up to his door and pounded, this uncharacteristic silence made her uneasy. Reclusive Rastin was unpredictable at times, and it wasn't hard to imagine that he might come out with his weapon to “defend” his home against late-night intruders. She didn't want to get a backside full of rodent shot.

She drew closer, her eagerness dwindling. “Hello? Is anybody home?” At least she expected Old Blue to start barking at her. If anything, the silence grew heavier.

She wondered if perhaps Mayor Nik had called another colony meeting. In that case, Rastin might have gone to the village, taking Old Blue with him. Yes, that was probably the answer.

When she saw his vehicle sitting by itself in a clearing not far from his shack, she knew her explanation was wrong. The old man never went anywhere without his vehicle, so he must be home. This didn't make any sense at all. Her stomach filled with the ice of growing dread.

Inside her head, she felt a rising static, an echoing clamor of countless alien voices, discrete entities but somehow all the same. Her skin crawled. What did it mean? She had felt something similar—the strange background hubbub of an alien presence—back at the buried artifact that had disintegrated Lars and wrecked her robo-harvester.

But this was . . . different somehow. More evil. Menacing. Hungry.

Approaching the prospector's dwelling, she saw that the broken rocky ground was now covered with a creeping film, thick and slimy like a carpet of biomass. The substance was an organic growing mat that spread out from the Vespene geysers, the refinery, and the shack itself.

She bent down to touch it and was immediately sorry. Her fingers felt soiled, as if she'd never be able to wipe the feeling off. The creeping mat smelled of rot and decay, unlike any vegetation that had ever grown here on Bhekar Ro. The carpet of biomass flexed and grew and expanded even as she watched.

On bare patches of dirt where the growing mat had not yet spread, she saw scratches—sharp, clawed footprints of several varieties, as if a mob of insectlike monsters had swarmed over the site.

Concern for Rastin overcame her fear, and she tiptoed closer to the prospector's house. Silence still reigned. She called out one more time, ready to run as her deep-seated uneasiness swelled to a terror pitch.

“Rastin? Please answer me.”

As she stepped on the creaking sheet of corrugated metal that formed the porch, she heard something stir beneath it and saw a large creature moving in the shadows. “Old Blue!” she called, mentally telling herself to be relieved, though she felt no decrease in tension.

She backed away when she saw a flash of matted sky-blue fur and rippling muscles as the beast hauled itself out from the shadows where it lurked. And though it had once been Old Blue, the giant mutated dog was now something else entirely.

It was infested.

Spines thrust from its back. Above each leg, jointed, armored limbs sprouted from its shoulders, ending in clacking claws. Old Blue's original eyes had sunken in, and a new set—four of them—protruded on waving stalks, sweeping around to focus on Octavia. It curled its lips back, showing fangs that had grown into tusks. The drool that boiled out of its rabid mouth was thick and gelatinous, like a green acidic slime.

Now Octavia heard more things stirring around the homestead, bodies moving about. The dog-thing made a deep liquid roar in its throat, and Octavia stumbled away. Old Blue's paws split open to reveal a new set of claws as large as scimitars, and its muscles coiled like well-oiled pulleys and cables.

Octavia turned to run into the darkness. Old Blue lunged after her.


THE PLANET DID NOT LOOK LIKE MUCH AS THE Qel'Ha approached, flanked by the Protoss expeditionary fleet. But appearances hardly mattered. Right now Executor Koronis was interested only in the origin of the signal that had summoned the Protoss here. The Xel'Naga message.

Judicator Amdor stood beside him, glaring out the viewports with his orange-yellow eyes. He seemed to believe he could conquer the blistered brown-and-green world below through sheer force of will alone.

“I want no failures, Executor. Not this time,” Amdor said sternly, his telepathic message sloppy enough that others on the flagship's bridge could hear the undertone of threat. This annoyed Koronis. Bad for morale.

Smug in their position of political and religious power, Judicators often did not understand how the rest of the Khalai responded to undercurrents and subtleties. But Koronis would not provoke a confrontation now. Such matters were better dealt with behind telepathic shielded walls, so that even the loudest arguments and mental shouts could not be picked up by others aboard the ship.

That conflict could wait until later. He had a more important mission now.

“We will maintain a defensive fleet in orbit,” he said. “Three Carriers will track our position from the high ground while the rest will descend to claim the Xel'Naga object. We do not know if we will encounter any resistance.” He looked around the bridge, felt the excitement and loyalty thrumming through his crew.

“I will send Scouts first to clear out any resistance, while Shuttles will follow immediately behind to carry our Zealots, Dragoons, and enough Reavers to maintain supremacy on the ground. Judicator Amdor and I will ride down in the lead Arbiter, while other Judicators will take twenty more Arbiters and provide shields and cloaking cover for our forces.”

Amdor looked annoyed that the Executor had not consulted him first, but nodded his smooth, grayish head, agreeing with his own role in the important operation.

Like falcons, the Scouts separated from the remainder of the fleet in space and streaked down through the atmosphere of Bhekar Ro. Aboard the high-speed fighters, dual photon blasters and batteries of antimatter missiles were armed and ready for resistance.

Executor Koronis hoped such an aggressive posture would prove to be an unnecessary precaution, since he was sure his fleet had arrived here first, before any enemies could have responded to the artifact's beacon. He moved from his command bridge, followed briskly by the tall and imposing form of Judicator Amdor. They marched down the flagship corridors to the launching bays. Koronis climbed aboard the lead Arbiter.

When the ships were launched, flying in the wakes of the fast Scouts, Koronis's Arbiter ship dropped away from his fleet, the Executor feeling uneasy at parting with the magnificent Carrier Qel'Ha . It looked like a long, smooth pod in space, an ellipsoid split into half-closed petals. The Executor had been aboard the giant flagship for decades in his fruitless search, and now his impending triumph, the end of their hunt for knowledge, was tempered by a dim sense of foreboding. Somehow he didn't believe this mission would be as simple as the Judicator claimed it would be.

He transmitted instructions that the descending fleet was to avoid contact with the not-too-distant Terran colony. He had no fear of any weapons or defenses the settlers might bring to bear, but he had learned not to ask for trouble. Koronis avoided distractions and conflicts, concentrating on what was necessary to accomplish his objective.

Surrounded by their blanket of invisibility, the Arbiters, Dropships, Carriers, and Scouts swooped down into the stark valley at the foot of the exposed artifact. Mineral outcroppings and a fresh field of sputtering Vespene geysers showed Koronis that he'd have the resources necessary to build all the Reavers, photon cannons, and local defenses he would need.

After the Arbiters had landed, looking like beetles with broad carapaces, most of the Protoss remained aboard, giving Executor Koronis the honor of being the first to set foot on the soon-to-be-conquered world.

To Koronis the air smelled dry and gritty, as if too much rock dust hung in the air. He paused, just feeling the place. Judicator Amdor strode up beside him so that the two of them stood together at the base of the slope where the massive exposed face of the mysterious Xel'Naga artifact filled the mountainside.

“Magnificent!” Amdor said, his knobby headgear gleaming in the diluted light. “Can you feel the power? Can you sense how great our victory will be when we return to Aiur?” His three-fingered hands clenched into fists.

The Judicator stepped forward and raised his long arms, extending his hands in an all-encompassing gesture. His dark robes curled around his body like a living thing. “I claim this worthy object for the First Born. It is a triumph for the Protoss. Let no one doubt our sole possession. En taro Adun!”

Executor Koronis knitted his craggy brows, thinking that Amdor was premature in his celebration. “En taro Adun,” he responded. He ran his fingers down his long sash of office. Yes, acquiring this amazing artifact was a glorious accomplishment, but he wondered what the strict Judicator bureaucracy would do with it. And how would they excavate something so huge and bring it back to war-ravaged Aiur?

Then, from the Arbiter he had commanded, Koronis heard a desperate signal transmitted on a tight telepathic band. It was Templar Mess'Ta aboard the Qel'Ha. “Executor Koronis! We have detected a large fleet of Zerg Behemoths in orbit, coming around the rim of the planet. They were hiding on the night side! The Zerg have arrived here first.”

Koronis immediately assessed the threat even as Judicator Amdor reeled with anger at the affront of the enemy invaders.

“What is the strength of the Zerg fleet?” he asked.

“A complete Brood, Executor—as many minions as we have ever seen. This is no simple scout force, but a full-scale invasion.”

Koronis remained grim, and Judicator Amdor turned to him, eyes blazing. “They must have responded to the signal as well! Executor, we must not lose possession of this Xel'Naga artifact. The Protoss will defend this.”

Koronis transmitted back to Mess'Ta, “You know what to do, Templar.”

“Yes, Executor. Defenses mounted. Flights of Interceptors prepared and targeted. I have given orders to engage the enemy.”


AS SHE STOOD FACING THE INFESTED MONSTER, Octavia hoped that some primitive part of Old Blue's brain would recognize her and hesitate. But that hope was dashed in an instant as the huge dog-thing lunged.

She ducked and rolled off the corrugated porch so that the giant slavering monstrosity leaped over her. Its additional angular limbs thrashed and flailed to grab her. The razor-sharp claws along its back clacked, slicing the air. The eye stalks protruding from its head swiveled to watch her so the blue-furred dog could see where to strike next.

Her exhaustion and despair forgotten, Octavia scrambled from the porch, tearing open her hands on the rusty corrugated metal. The dog-thing spun about on the broken rocks around Rastin's shack, long claws spraying pebbles.

She ran in the other direction, flying across the stones. “Rastin!” she shouted, but in her heart she already knew that no help would come from the old prospector.

Octavia raced for the meager shelter of the low refinery towers that covered the Vespene geysers. The hideous mutation that had once been Old Blue bounded after her, and she put on more speed than she thought she possessed. Her muscles felt tense enough to snap, but somehow adrenaline held her together.

She reached the small refinery structure and ducked between the laced metal bars of the scaffolding just as the canine horror struck the superstructure. He was too large to fit through, and she felt safe for a moment.

Old Blue crashed again against the metal framework, bending the heavy paristeel. Two of his long, spindly arms lashed forward like striking snakes, trying to reach her. Hot spittle and slime splattered against the framework, where it began to sizzle, releasing corrosive foam.

Wasting no energy on a scream, Octavia backed into the refinery piping and controls. As Old Blue tore two girders apart, she found a release nozzle and wrenched it open, blasting the monstrous dog with a mouthful of concentrated, superheated Vespene gas.

Howling and roaring, the creature thrashed backward, ripping open its hide on a sharp metal edge.

Seeing her chance, Octavia ran again, this time toward old Rastin's beaten-up vehicle. If only she could get inside and start it . . .

When she was halfway across the gap, sprinting headlong with her eyes fastened on the door latch of the field crawler, she realized that the surly old codger might keep his vehicle locked so that no one else could start it. It seemed impossible and foolish on a small colony such as Free Haven, but Rastin was unpredictable.

Her hand slammed against the door handle—it was unlocked! She wrenched the vehicle open and nearly collapsed with relief. Octavia lurched headfirst into the driver's seat and slammed the door after her.

Old Blue was limping now, either injured or exhausted—or possibly dying from the horrific infestation that crawled through his muscular furred body. The dog-thing came toward her with faltering steps. Powerful jaws snapped and slashed at the air, as if chomping on an unseen enemy. Its spiny outgrowths flailed, as if grasping for something, hungry, wanting to tear apart any object within reach.

Octavia fumbled under the field crawler's steering column and found a starter button. She pressed hard with her thumb.

The engine coughed but did not catch. The vehicle seemed to sigh, as if it had already given up. She punched the starter button again. “Come on!”

Old Blue came closer, weaving, snarling.

Just then, the door of Rastin's shack was torn open from inside, literally ripped from its hinges and thrown to the ground ten feet away. A lumbering hulk strode into the faint light that seeped through the murky darkness. But this one was a humanoid form—or at least it had been. The figure looked as if it had been redesigned by a madman who had too many spare parts left over from a variety of species.


Growths and snapping tentacles protruded from the man's ruptured, festering skin. What had been Rastin's face now hung low, sunken into his chest, and the only recognizable features were two wild eyes—agonized, even frightened. But other alien eyes, black and covered with scaly carapaces, peered out from his shoulders and from the top of his skull.

On heavy feet, Rastin plodded forward, his human arms extended, though the muscular bestial limbs thrashed, claws clacking.

Old Blue staggered to a halt near the thin-hulled field crawler. From the way the monster had torn apart the scaffolding around the Vespene refinery, Octavia knew that this monster could easily peel away the scant protection. Old Blue could rip her out of the vehicle like the soft meat of a thin-skinned berrynut.

She locked the door anyway.

But the dog-thing collapsed in front of her, seeming to choose its position carefully. Beneath the dog's blue-furred hide, sores began to boil. His hulk expanded, puffing and throbbing. Old Blue raised his distorted head and let out a long, thin whine.

Octavia punched the starter button again. The field crawler's engine ground and ground, picking up speed, humming, almost catching. . . .

Rastin careened off the porch of his shack and slogged toward her, arms extended. Old Blue shuddered and let out a last animal howl of pain.

The vehicle's engine finally roared, and Octavia did not wait around. She shifted the field crawler into gear and tore off, spraying stones and gravel, racing away from the trap.

Behind her, Old Blue's infested carcass erupted in an explosion of high-powered gases, flying chunks of meat, and splattering slime. The shock wave from the explosion and the rolling fist of poisonous fumes swept outward and smashed into her vehicle, rocking it sideways and rattling the windows. Luckily, the driver's cabin remained sealed, although gouts of ichor spattered the windows and doors.

Under the onslaught, the capricious engine coughed and almost died, but she coaxed it to life again and roared ahead, escaping Rastin's homestead.

Behind her, the infested prospector stood as if in despair, his unnatural limbs thrashing, his human face wailing with grief for his dead dog.

Octavia pulled away, barely allowing herself to feel safe—and then the ground in front of her swirled and split and boiled, as if giving birth to creatures from the depths of her nightmares.

Two gigantic reptilian monsters surged up from the dry, cracked ground in front of her. They resembled enormous cobras with skeletal heads, fangs like daggers, and blazing eyes that held too much intelligence. The creatures reared back, their rounded carapaces gleaming in the starlight, and moved to flank her. They hissed and rattled as they prepared to strike, reaching out with heavily armored limbs.

Octavia swerved the field crawler from one side to another, amazed at how responsive the innocuous-looking old vehicle was. She sped past the two creatures even as the ground broke and surged behind her. More attackers rose from underground.

With a sound like a thousand air bullets, the creatures bent over and unleashed a volley of long, spear-like spines that slammed into the back of the field crawler. Some of them protruded through the metal body.

Octavia did not dare slow down to check for damage. As she raced off into the night, another volley of the deadly spines peppered the vehicle, making it a pincushion.

With every second, her distance from the Vespene refinery increased. She drove blindly into the night, out of the foothills and toward the distant town, eyes wide, throat dry, heart pounding.

It did not yet occur to her that she had survived. She only knew she had to get to Free Haven to warn the rest of the colony. If there was anything left of it.


CHEWING ON IMAGINARY STEEL NAILS—THOUGH he probably wouldn't have noticed if he'd had actual hardware between his molars—General Edmund Duke sat upright in the uncomfortable command chair of the Battlecruiser Norad III. He was ready for action, and so were his men. He had ordered them so.

They had an alien artifact to investigate and helpless colonists to rescue. If they were lucky, the mission might turn out to be even more than that.

He knew better than to rally his Marines by making gruff and patriotic speeches in a misguided attempt to fire them up enough to put their lives on the line for Arcturus Mengsk. The general himself wasn't entirely comfortable with the politics of the situation, but he tried not to dwell on it too much. He knew the appropriate carrot to dangle when he wanted to inspire his troops to give him their personal best.

“Colony world Bhekar Ro on screen, General,” said Lieutenant Scott from the tactical station. “Approaching orbital insertion.”

General Duke nodded.

“I'm extending our sensor net, General,” said Lieutenant Scott. “Scanning ahead for defensive positions.”

Duke gave the handsome young officer a smug look, raising both eyebrows. “I figure our fifteen Battlecruisers can pretty much take care of any little farming trouble, Lieutenant.”

“Sir! Enemy vessels!” the Lieutenant shouted, double-checking his tactical readouts as the Battlecruiser fleet homed in on Bhekar Ro.

On the screen he displayed a full analysis of what lurked high above the colony world. The soldiers on board the Norad III saw the display and muttered in surprise.

Duke clenched his jaw and leaned forward. “I thought those little slimeballs might be laying an ambush for us.” He recognized the smooth-shelled, split-ellipsoidal Protoss Carriers. The general had never been able to determine whether the ships' mottled discoloration was intentional or just ion stains from generations of service in the rigors of space.

“Power up the fleet's Yamato guns,” he said. “We'll go in and ring their bells before anybody even knows we're here.”

General Duke smiled and knotted his hands together as if a scrawny enemy throat were clenched between them. “All right, men,” he broadcast through the long corridors of the Battlecruiser. “Let's go kick some alien butt!”

The men cheered so loudly that the metal hulls rang with their enthusiasm. Alpha Squadron had been born to fight, and Emperor Mengsk had wasted their potential on pointless busywork for far too long. The Marines were as bored as the general was.

“Sir, it's unlikely that the Protoss fleet was just lying in wait for Alpha Squadron,” Lieutenant Scott pointed out. “They have already engaged another opponent.”

As they observed, the Protoss Carriers launched waves of robotic Interceptors toward a hideous swarm of insectoid aliens, monstrous creatures that survived in the vacuum of space.

General Duke had seen those awful things before. “The Zerg and the Protoss! By damn, they've made an alliance!”

Then the Protoss Interceptors smashed into the Zerg minions. In seconds, the alien battlefield turned into a chaos of weaponry discharges and exploded hulls.

“I don't think that's much of an alliance, sir,” Lieutenant Scott said.

“Fine with me if they tear each other apart,” the general growled. “I hate 'em both.”

The Protoss Carriers launched more waves of Interceptors that sought out and attacked all of the Zerg creatures within reach. At first the robotic Interceptors were like a swarm of stinging insects, concentrating on the massive Zerg Overlords. Nearby, they made quick work of the crablike Guardians, whose ability to hurl corrosive acid would have been devastating against ground targets but who were almost defenseless in space. The Interceptors moved fast, striking, destroying, then searching for new targets.

Seeing the carnage, the loss of numerous Overlords and Guardians, a group of flying Zerg creatures known as Scourges broke through and attacked the Carrier itself. Reckless but determined, the group of Scourges careened into the Protoss ship and exploded on impact, sacrificing themselves to take out an opposing alien vessel.

Cheering silently at seeing the loss of each Protoss craft, General Duke said, “I've had a grudge against those alien bastards ever since Chau Sara.” In their first contact ever with the human race, the Protoss had come in giant ships and without warning had killed every living thing on the Terran colony planet, exterminating millions. General Duke himself had barely escaped from its infested sister planet of Mar Sara, the first place he had ever laid eyes on the hideous Zerg. “Serves them all right.”

Duke had no love for the Zerg either. In fact, he hated all aliens on general principle. And now the Zerg and Protoss were tearing each other apart in space. He couldn't imagine a more entertaining sight.

As the alien firefight continued in orbit, General Duke narrowed his eyes. He waited a moment, watching the destruction, then a smile crept over his face. “Attention, Alpha Squadron!” His booming voice broadcast through all fifteen Battlecruisers. “Battle stations! We're gonna come in with all guns blazing and let them alien bastards have it.”

Lieutenant Scott watched the frenzy on his tactical screen. “Sir, shouldn't we wait, send in some reconnaissance to gather tactical data before we make our move?”

The general gestured toward the screen. “You can see with your own eyes, Lieutenant—and I've never been one to sit around on my hindquarters gathering background information when it's time for action.”

He rose from his hard command chair, knowing that standing would give him a more powerful leadership presence. “Emperor Arcturus Mengsk has declared Bhekar Ro to be of vital Terran interest.” He worked to keep a straight face, knowing that none of the Marines had ever heard of the place before now.

“Therefore, it is our duty to protect the colony and all of its resources from any enemy power. The presence of these alien scumbags can only be interpreted as a threat to the Terran Dominion, and we're not gonna let them endanger a single speck of dust on this colony!”

General Duke ordered all of his ships forward. With the Norad III in the vanguard, Alpha Squadron plunged into the fray.


TERRIFIED, BRUISED, AND EXHAUSTED, OCTAVIA had no time to rest or to hesitate. Free Haven was in danger, and adrenaline burned like laser-lightning through her veins.

It was after midnight when Octavia careened past the low barricade fence and down the street into the village. Sounding the alarm, she drove poor Rastin's field crawler directly to Mayor Nikolai's house at the center of town and roused him out of a sound sleep. Despite his bleary eyes and the rumpled state of his spiky blond hair, he came instantly awake as Octavia related what had become of Old Blue and Rastin.

“I don't know what those creatures are, Nik, but they're alien—and they were following me.”

He groaned. “Octavia, I've never known you to have an overactive imagination. But how many times have you come running into town now, raising the alarm about aliens?”

She dragged him over to Rastin's field crawler, where he saw the dozens of poisonous spines protruding like a pincushion from the back wall. The last set of monsters had shot them at her. The man could not deny the evidence of his own eyes.

Leaving Octavia to notify the people in the village proper, Mayor Nikolai excused himself and spent the next two hours at the communications station inside his home office, trying to contact families at outlying farms via the short-range comm system.

Octavia rousted Cyn McCarthy as well as Kiernan, Kirsten, Wes, Jon, and Gregor from their beds. She sent the young men out as runners from house to house in Free Haven to let the other colonists know of the approaching danger. Then she ran to the storm siren and turned it on to alert the surrounding farms as quickly as possible, even though they wouldn't know yet what kind of danger they were in until the runners got to them.

By the time the first hundred or so colonists had gathered on the street outside the meeting hall, Octavia was pleased to find that Abdel Bradshaw was already inside. His wife, Shayna, instead of arguing or criticizing, had taken it upon herself to begin setting up cots and laying out medical supplies.

“In case we have wounded,” she explained.

Octavia nodded. “Let me know if you need any help.”

While Cyn and Kirsten stayed to help the Bradshaws, Octavia went out to the street to speak to the sleepy-eyed colonists. A crowd had gathered around the damaged field crawler, muttering in fear and amazement. A boy of about twelve reached forward to one of the protruding spines, but Octavia snapped at him to stop. “Those could be poisonous!” she said. The others stayed away.

Next, she organized the waiting villagers into task groups, each with a different assignment. She sent a dozen of the younger teens into the meeting hall to take care of the colony's youngest children so that their parents could go about their duties without worrying.

For what felt like hours, Octavia issued orders, answered questions, took suggestions, made snap decisions, and directed traffic as villagers brought supplies and weapons to the central gathering area. She sent Cyn with a work crew to fortify the fences on the perimeter of the village. After a couple of hours, Mayor Nikolai came out of his house, looking very disturbed.

“Did you reach everyone?” Octavia asked.

He frowned. “Most of them, except for thirteen families. Those, I couldn't contact at all.”

Octavia's stomach clenched. She had seen what had happened to Rastin and his dog, somehow infested with the alien menace. Had other colonists met the same fate already?

“Maybe a few of them heard the storm siren,” she suggested, knowing it was a long shot.

Mayor Nikolai glanced around at the bustling colonists. Although dawn was over an hour away, the village was wide awake and embroiled in frantic activity. “I certainly don't see any of them.”

“You've got to keep trying,” Octavia said.

Just then, her runners returned from their errands and raced up to Octavia, waiting for their next instructions.

“Jon, you're good with machinery. Go to the mayor's comm station and keep trying to reach our missing families until you've raised someone. Wes, you have good eyes. I want you up in the observation turret. Kiernan and Gregor, go find all the people who brought their robo-harvesters into the village and fix any boulder-blasters and flame throwers that aren't functioning properly. Make sure that at least one of our big farm machines is stationed on each of the main streets just inside the eight gates to the village.”

The young men ran off on their separate errands. Cyn McCarthy returned to report in, addressing both the mayor and Octavia at once. “The fence around Free Haven is reinforced, but they're still using several of the robo-harvesters to dig a trench around the perimeter.”

Mayor Nikolai gave a grim nod. “Good thing I was able to talk the colonists into being prepared. Yes indeed.”

Octavia and Cyn exchanged a look, but before Octavia could reply, Wes gave a shout from the observation turret. “Here they come! Aliens! You'd better get up here and see this for yourself.”

Mayor Nikolai, Cyn, and Octavia ran to the turret and climbed the metal-runged ladder to the lookout tower. With dawn just beginning to break over the horizon, they were able to get a good look at the approaching menace.

No more than two kilometers away, a wave of creatures marched, scrambled, skittered, and loped toward the village.

The mayor swallowed convulsively.

“It's . . . it's an army,” Cyn whispered in horror.

Hard, glossy carapaces provided armor for some of the creatures. Smaller ones raced forward like lizards with red eyes, lashing long tails. Some flew in the air, spreading wide leathery wings like dragons. Every type seemed to have more claws and teeth than any reasonable living creature needed to survive.

These monsters had been bred for only one thing.

As daylight brightened, the settlers could see that a good score of the shapes approaching them were distinctly human—or once had been. The colonists were infested by the creatures, just like Rastin. They all sported extra limbs, tentacles, eyes.

Sick at heart, Octavia said, “I think we know what happened to our missing families.”

In stunned horror, Mayor Nikolai watched the relentless army approach. “There must be thousands of those things out there. How can we fight against that?”

Octavia gritted her teeth. “I don't think we have any choice.”


WHEN GENERAL DUKE'S BATTLECRUISERS PLOWED into the space battle in orbit, it reminded him of an expert break in a game of billiards.

Protoss craft and Zerg minions scattered in all directions, reeling from the sudden strike of the unexpected Terran forces. General Duke broadcast no warnings and requested no surrenders, just ordered his Marines to inflict all the damage possible on the aliens.

He let out a loud whoop as the first shots were fired.

The Yamato guns blasted quickly, taking out Zerg Overlords and one of the damaged Protoss Carriers. Before the big energy weapons could recharge, General Duke launched his full fleet of impressively maneuverable Wraiths.

He paced the bridge of his flagship, keeping an eye on the tactical displays, getting updates from Lieutenant Scott and occasionally watching the battle through the viewport windows.

“Have you ever seen so many explosions in your life, Lieutenant? Witnessed so much carnage?” Actually, Duke knew that Scott and the rest of Alpha Squadron had seen the dark and dirty side of war during their battles against the Zerg in the defense of Mar Sara. But that didn't diminish his exhilaration one bit.

He turned to the comm officer. “Contact the settlers down there. We need a tactical update from the surface. I can't imagine how it can be any worse in the colony town than it is up here, but I need to set my military priorities.”

“Yes, General.” The comm officer bent over his station and tried to open a channel to the colonists on Bhekar Ro.

The Wraiths launched from the Terran fleet immediately cloaked before engaging a harried group of visible Protoss Scouts. The alien ships had superior air-to-air firepower, as Alpha Squadron knew from previous engagements in the recently ended war, but the Scouts were obviously at a disadvantage against an adversary they could not see.

The Wraiths pounded them, damaging their shields and hulls, taking out a handful of the vessels with their Gemini Missiles. After heavy pummeling from the Terran weapons, the Protoss Scouts retreated, inadvertently passing close to a mass of dragonlike Mutalisks that completed the slaughter with an attack move that Duke's earlier briefings had called a “Glave Wurm,” expelling waves of symbiotes that chewed and sliced their way through any hull they touched. The Protoss Scouts were doomed.

Their work done, the Wraiths streaked off to engage more alien targets.

From the bridge of the Norad III , General Duke raised his fist with a shout, cheering the victory. The bridge officers applauded.

“Our Yamato gun is recharged and ready to fire, sir,” Lieutenant Scott said. He tapped a voice receiver in his ear and acknowledged, then turned to look at the general. “Battlecruiser Napoleon also says their Yamato is ready to fire again.”

“Good. Let's both target the same Protoss Carrier,” the general said. He stared at the broad selection of targets on the tactical screen. Dancing his fingers through the air, he muttered, “Eenie, Meenie, Minee, Mo,” and jabbed his index finger forward. “That one.”

“Targeting, sir,” Lieutenant Scott said. He opened a link to the Napoleon. On cue, both Terran warships fired their powerful guns, intense magnetic fields focusing a small nuclear explosion into a cohesive beam of energy. The concentrated onslaught hammered through the Protoss shields. Within seconds, the Carrier's hull failed and the giant alien vessel exploded.

General Duke let out another victorious hoot. “Who'd have thought those things could come in so many different pieces!” Next he watched the Wraiths take out four more Protoss Scouts. He rubbed his stubby hands together and looked around at his bridge crew. “I think we can pretty much rest assured of a victory here, men.”

Lieutenant Scott frowned. “Perhaps that would be a bit premature, General.”

Two Protoss Arbiters moved toward General Duke's fifteen clustered Battlecruisers. Duke looked at them with a sneer. “And just what do they think they're doing? Move the fleet forward. Take the Napoleon and the Bismarck closer with a squad of eight Wraiths to mop up the mess.”

But as the two Battlecruisers separated from the rest of Alpha Squadron, the darkness of space suddenly wavered. The Arbiter fired a stasis field, an unfolding energy blanket that captured both Battlecruisers along with three of the Wraiths. Although the Napoleon and the Bismarck couldn't be attacked while seized by the stasis field, neither could they make any moves of their own.

With the stasis field in place, the five Protoss Carriers and eight Scouts—all of which had been cloaked by the Arbiter—moved forward to attack the now-exposed Wraiths like angry hornets pouring out of a nest that a foolish child had beaten with a stick.

The Wraith pilots attempted to cloak, but remained vulnerable when a Protoss Observer exposed them again, stripping away their invisibility. The human pilots had no choice but to fire all their Gemini missiles in a last-ditch attempt to drive off the alien attackers, but streaking Protoss Interceptors defended their ships. Without mercy, the alien fleet destroyed the five Wraiths and moved into position, ready to open fire again as soon as the stasis field wore off. . . .

The commanders of the Napoleon and the Bismarck howled at the treachery and launched their weapons. Once the stasis field was gone, forty more robotic Interceptors spilled out of the uncloaked Carriers and hammered like shotgun pellets into the two separated Battlecruisers. The Interceptors would normally have been little more than a nuisance, but in such a concentration they managed to inflict heavy damage.

Then, before General Duke could come to the defense of his ships, the Zerg attacked Alpha Squadron's flank without so much as letting up in their offensive against the Protoss. Flying through space, the hideous living creatures struck the Terran ships.

Additional squadrons of Wraiths rallied around General Duke's ships, trying to change their tactics to deal with the new threat, but the flying Zerg Mutalisks launched repeated, insidious Glave Wurm strikes. A Glave Wurm struck one Wraith, ripping into the systems, then ricocheted off to another single-man fighter, causing primary and collateral damage.

The squadron commander of the Wraiths responded immediately by cloaking. After the ships vanished, they were able to turn the tide of the strike and return fire against the Mutalisks. A Zerg Queen and swarms of smaller self-destructive Scourges detached from the main battle against the Protoss and spread through space, searching for the rest of the cloaked Wraith squadron.

Duke was proud to see his own small fighters continue to blast the Zerg scum out of space, wreaking terrible damage. The dark vacuum was filled with broken carapaces and flash-frozen alien slime.

“Sir, the Zerg Overlords are catching up with us,” Lieutenant Scott said. “We know they can breach our cloaking fields. They'll expose all of our Wraiths. Should we withdraw them now?”

General Duke scowled. “Not on your life, Lieutenant. Just look at the damage we're doing to the enemy.”

Meanwhile, the barrage of Protoss Interceptors had managed to cripple the Bismarck, and the Battlecruiser Napoleon could not find enough power to retreat to safety. When the Overlords drew close to the unseen Wraith squadron, they exposed the swift Terran fighters so that a Zerg Queen could close in and choose her target. Thrashing herself into position, she launched a wide, rapidly spreading web of greenish goo. The thick resin splashed into the ion intakes of the fast fighters, dramatically slowing the Wraiths' controls, overloading their detectors, and clogging their weapons. Dragonlike Mutalisks attacked with even more frenzy than before.

Then the hordes of small but suicidal Scourge's slammed into them. The tiny Zerg beasts were like living cannonballs, thinking bombs that chose their targets and crashed against hulls, exploding and wiping out Wraith after Wraith.

“General!” Lieutenant Scott shouted, and Duke could no longer deny that he needed to reassess the situation.

“Pull back the fleet!” he said. “We need to regroup.”

Anticipating the command—or perhaps praying for it—Lieutenant Scott sent out the order before the general finished speaking. No crew member aboard would dare comment on General Duke's overconfidence, though they all must have been thinking the same thing.

With the Bismarck dead in space and the Napoleon trying to limp back under continued attack, General Duke drew together what remained of Alpha Squadron. “Send a Science Vessel to scan the main cluster of Protoss ships. I want to know how many more are out there hiding like spiders in a woodpile.”

As two Science Vessels glided forward, they employed their signature weapon, an electromagnetic pulse that rippled across space and washed over the battlefield like a tidal wave. The EMP removed the energy shielding from all the Protoss ships, leaving them vulnerable—if not to the weapons of Alpha Squadron, then at least to the Zerg.

General Duke swallowed hard and concentrated on covering his own ass, since his flagship was taking a pounding. “I want another Science Vessel to deploy a defensive matrix over the Norad III. Keep us safe!” He quickly realized his verbal blunder. “Uh, and the matrix should cover any other Battlecruiser within range, of course. We need to protect our men. All of them. We've got to stay alive even if it means retreat,” he said, though the words caught in his throat like a chunk of rotten lemon.

He fumed as he stared at the tactical screen, realizing that his forces might be in for a tougher fight than he had counted on.


THE COLONISTS' DESPERATE PREPARATIONS WERE completed none too soon. The alien monsters attacked at dawn.

Octavia stood inside the fence near the steel-walled prefabricated buildings at the perimeter of Free Haven. She was exhausted. Her eyes felt scratchy. She had not slept for two days, but could not imagine resting right now.

They might all be dead in a few hours.

A robo-harvester blocked each gateway to the village. Two of the rock-crushing mining machines could be put into service as makeshift tanks, if the situation got desperate enough.

Once she got a look at the approaching Zerg in the first rays of sunlight, heard the humming, clacking rumble of the hordes, and saw the clouds of dust they churned up while marching across the flattened agricultural plains, Octavia knew that their situation had become desperate indeed.

Next to her, Mayor Nikolai took a step back in astonishment. “My God.”

The settlers had distributed their stockpile of homegrown weapons, small projectile launchers, pulse pistols, and rarely used hunting guns. Some of them gripped farm implements—large scythes and sharpended weeding tools. A farmer with tough muscles could use them as effectively as any warrior used a spear.

Gasping, the other colonists gripped their weapons as if they were lifelines. Although Octavia herself had sounded the warning about the aliens, the menace of this swarm was orders of magnitude more powerful than she had imagined. The monstrous creatures seemed limitless.

“The perimeter fences are our first line of defense!” she shouted. None of the settlers had military experience, but she knew they had to stop the first wave, or all would be lost. “We have to keep them from getting into the town. Don't hold back on your weapons. If our lines break and we scatter, we'll each end up fighting by ourselves. They'll pick us off one by one.”

Ignoring her, two of the settlers bolted for the dubious shelter of their homes.

“Stand and fight!” Octavia yelled to the rest.

Mayor Nikolai muttered something about needing to check on the children, but Octavia grabbed his arm and held him in place.

The first scout ranks of aliens, low runners with sharp razor-limb sickles, reached the perimeter of the settlement. About the size of a dog, the aliens looked like big lizards with red eyes, sharp claws, and multiple rending arms. In a massive wave, they raced across the dirt with a pattering thunder like giant hungry crabs.

The colonists' first shots rang out, many of them going wild because the weapons were poorly aimed. But because of the sheer number of alien scouts, most of the shots struck something. The other scout aliens stampeded over their fallen companions, either ripping them to shreds with razor-limbs or ignoring them in their death throes. It looked like an unending wave of hideous death.

Octavia felt despair overwhelm her terror. What chance did they possibly have? She had brought a pellet blaster from home, which she fired again and again. At first she took a grim pride in watching the creatures she slaughtered, but then there was no time even to pay attention. She blazed out pellets until she exhausted her stockpile of ammunition. Many of the other colonists had also run dry of shotpacks for their projectile weapons or battery cartridges for their pulse pistols.

The first mob of small aliens attacked, breaking through the fence line and raising their scythe-claws to slash and tear. Colonists screamed. Octavia watched several people fall in bloody piles of dismantled flesh. And it was just the beginning.

Kiernan and Kirsten Warner—he a young stonemason, she a teacher and amateur engineer—fought side by side with the granite-chopping implements Kiernan used in his work. He swung the long tool from one side to the other, hacking sharp limbs off the creatures, splitting their thick leathery hides, and leaving a pile of twitching, mindless alien bodies around him. Kirsten fought just as hard, as if trying to keep up with the number of victims Kiernan scattered on the ground.

Mayor Nikolai turned and bolted. Octavia shouted for him to come back, but like a true politician, he had an excuse for his hasty retreat. “I need to send an urgent call to the Terran fleet! They should have arrived by now. I've got to tell them what's going on down here.” Without waiting, Nikolai ran and barricaded himself inside the communications turret.

Octavia didn't have time to worry about it. She hurled her empty, useless pellet gun at the closest lizardlike alien with such force that it smashed open the thing's head. Ooze splattered, but that didn't seem to bother the creature a bit.

As she stood for a fraction of a second, weaponless, Octavia remembered the old Missile Turret, the decorative monument that had surprised them all by activating itself and shooting the Observer out of the skies. Even with its automated systems burned out, the turret still had a few intact missiles. There should be enough explosives to cause some damage.

The Missile Turret was made for shooting at airborne targets, but it no longer functioned as it had been designed to do. Perhaps she could launch the rockets manually.

Octavia needed only one minute. It was all the time she had.

She raced for the center of town, a place that had once been peaceful, the closest thing to a park on Bhekar Ro. Behind her, the terrified colonists were forced to fall back, their lines crumbling as the bloodthirsty alien hordes attacked them. The makeshift weapons were beginning to falter, but Octavia concentrated only on the large piece of equipment.

Although she and Jon had managed to fix the mechanical parts of the gun, the electronics were completely unsalvageable. But these comprised mostly the sensors and the automated targeting systems, Octavia realized. She climbed up the metal-runged ladder and ripped open the access panel.

All she needed were the firing controls.

Using her legs and shoulder, she pushed upward, swinging the missile launcher down and swiveling it with brute force toward the oncoming alien troops. She had only two missiles left and didn't know exactly how much damage each one would cause.

Finding the trigger controls, she did her best to eyeball a trajectory, pointing the first of the small surface-to-air missiles at the center of the slavering monsters. It would be good to watch them blow up.

Squeezing one eye shut, whispering a quick prayer, she launched the first weapon. The explosive-filled projectile roared through the air, whistling and spinning. At first she thought her shot would miss, but then she saw it plow down into a cluster of the alien scouts. Flashes of fire and smoke and broken monstrous parts flew in all directions, sending the attacking creatures spinning like a hive of maddened ants.

In the moment of stunned surprise, Octavia saw no point in waiting. She swung the Missile Turret slightly to the left, where the lizardlike alien creatures were regrouping, then launched her second—and last— missile. She watched the new explosion with exhilaration. She had single-handedly wiped out hundreds of the attackers!

Unfortunately, the ravenous invading forces had many hundreds to spare.

As the dust and smoke settled, a brief silence hovered for a few seconds over the battlefield. Several colonists cheered at this. Others screamed in pain. The swarm of deadly aliens gathered themselves again, making hissing and buzzing noises.

Then Octavia saw what she feared most shambling out of the carnage—hulking forms, slightly man-shaped, yet twisted and distorted. The bodies had once been human. The farmers had been strong; the women had been beautiful in a coarse sort of way. But now these infested settlers had been taken over completely by the controlling alien invaders.

They plodded forward, a mass of tentacles, slashing claws, and hideous stingers that dripped venom. They looked as if a mad dollmaker had grafted extra parts onto what had previously been perfectly normal human forms.

Several of the front-line defenders wailed as the infested colonists came forward. “It's Gandhi, and Liberty Ryan! And there's Brutus Jensen.”

Octavia recognized these people with a twist of revulsion. The settlers had been her neighbors. They had all worked hard to plant seedlings, protecting and nurturing them out in the agricultural fields. Brutus Jensen had been a hardworking farm hand.

The infested colonists walked forward. Free Haven's defenders were uneasy, reluctant to fire upon people who until today had been their friends.

But now they were all monsters. Enemies. Just like the prospector Rastin.

When Octavia saw their skin begin to squirm, their bodies boil, their faces and stomachs swell and puff, she remembered what had happened to Old Blue—a buildup of toxic and explosive gases. “Get away from them!” she shouted, running toward the perimeter. “Don't let them come closer!”

But she was too far away. Some of the colonists heard her and turned to look, while others were too frozen with horror to listen.

Octavia threw herself to the ground, flinching instinctively as the infested colonists came as close as they could manage before their bodies exploded like biological bombs filled with poisonous vapors and chemicals.

The violent eruption of the Ryans and poor young Brutus Jensen knocked out the front line of the Bhekar Ro defenders. Three colonists were killed instantly. Thirty meters of fence and two entire perimeter buildings were knocked over by the shock wave. Other defenders who had stood too close fell rolling on the ground, gasping and choking, coughing blood as the poison worked its way through their systems in a quick but agonizing death.

Many alien scouts in the vicinity were also wiped out, but Octavia had seen by now that the invading forces considered each individual creature to be completely expendable.

She got to her feet and saw a new wave of monsters approaching, then glanced over to the sealed doors of the comm turret where Mayor Nikolai had barricaded himself. She hoped he'd been able to contact the Terran fleet.

If the military “rescuers” did not get down here soon, there wouldn't be any colonists left to rescue.


IN THE PROTOSS BASE CAMP IN THE SHADOW OF the magnificent Xel'Naga artifact, Executor Koronis stood beside the curved wing of the large Arbiter. With a flurry of telepathic signals, he tried to follow the complex battle among the enemy forces in orbit. He remained in contact with Templar Mess'Ta aboard his flagship, receiving tactical updates.

Koronis spoke through the all-fleet telepathic channel, knowing that none of their enemies could hear or understand the powerful mental transmission. “Show no mercy against the enemies of the First Born. You must protect this great prize for the Protoss race. Our success here will decide whether the Qel'Ha returns to Aiur in triumph, or as a thrice-beaten failure.”

Mess'Ta responded, “We all know what is at stake, Executor. We will not falter. Our resolve will never weaken.”

Koronis signed off, knowing he could not have left the Qel'Ha in better hands, unless he himself was in orbit. But he had another job to do here.

Flanked by four other Judicators, Judicator Amdor stood below the object, raising his three-fingered hands high and spreading his claws. They all clustered together, mentally chanting, sensing the vibrations from the Khala as they attempted to detect nuances from the glowing object.

Koronis stepped up to them, watching. Before being promoted to Executor, he had been a High Templar himself, proficient in many telepathic abilities. He could feel the emanations from the exposed object, but could not determine the origin, could not comprehend whether it was a message or a warning.

Amdor turned to the Executor and indicated the silvery clear spines of large crystal growths that rose like broken snowflakes from the rubble of the avalanche. “Look at the Khaydarin crystals! These alone are enough wealth to make the entire Conclave rejoice.”

“Those crystals, Judicator, are a mark of the Xel'Naga. Their very presence proves that this object is far more valuable than we had at first dreamed.”

Amdor fairly glowed with satisfaction and pleasure. “We must explore, Executor. Let us go inside with all possible haste.”

Koronis had made other plans, though. “I have ordered a group of Dragoons to prepare.”

Amdor looked frustrated, but bowed his gray head. Despite his personal ambitions, the Judicator could not argue with such a wise precaution.

Koronis turned and sent a signal to the nearest Arbiter. The wings of the big ship opened. With ponderous clanking movements that grew smoother as the cyborg warriors exercised and proceeded forward, four Dragoons came down the ramp.

Encased in a spherical body core and propelled by four large spiderlike legs, the Dragoons plodded along. These were veteran Protoss warriors who had been crippled or mortally wounded in combat. Rather than dying in service of the Khala, they had chosen to have their bodily remnants transplanted into these mechanical exoskeletons.

The walkers lumbered forward in their armored bodies. The brains of the shattered volunteers focused energies through the Khala in order to control the movements of Dragoon limbs. Their articulated legs were able to scramble over the rough terrain and climb the broken rock wall more easily than the robed Judicators ever could.

During the Qel'Ha 's long and fruitless search, these Dragoons had waited, unused, fearing they would never contribute to the overall mission. Their greatest concern was that their sacrifice in becoming these living mechanical walkers would be in vain.

Now the Dragoons had a purpose.

The first Protoss explorers to enter the exposed Xel'Naga artifact clambered upward until they reached the opening tunnels. Koronis and Amdor stood together and watched as the brave Dragoons entered the mysterious labyrinth.


THE BATTLE FOR FREE HAVEN CONTINUED WITHOUT any glimmer of hope for the struggling settlers. Octavia had no time to plan ahead or worry about the future—only to survive for the moment, and kill as many Zerg as possible.

But the ravenous alien invaders did not need to rest.

Some of the settlers fought hand to hand, using farm implements in a desperate attempt to stem the tide of monstrous creatures. Octavia had no more missiles to fire and no hand weapon. She raced toward the nearest robo-harvester, a big lumbering vehicle that Mayor Nikolai kept for his own use. She knew the man did not maintain it as well as she and Lars had kept their own vehicle, which now lay dead near the site of the alien artifact. But the robo-harvester could still cause a lot of damage.

She bounded up the treads, stepped on the metal running board, threw herself inside the huge vehicle, and powered up the engines. A snort of Vespene exhaust coughed out of the top stack like smoke from a dragon's nostril.

Across the town plaza, which now became a hunting ground for the Zerglings that had broken through the settlers' first defenses, she watched the stonemason Kiernan Warner and his wife Kirsten jump into one of the ponderous, slow-moving mining machines. They sealed themselves into the armored vehicle and began to plow forward.

Octavia found the harvester controls, knocked aside some clutter and trinkets the mayor had left in the driver's seat, and surged ahead, treads clanking through the streets. Clenching her teeth tightly together, she pushed the giant vehicle forward, ready to meet the next wave of Zerg. Behind the small stampeding attackers she saw bigger monsters, including nine of the hunched serpentine creatures that had shot needle spines at her as she fled in the little field crawler from Rastin's homestead. Hydralisks.

The monsters' fang-filled jaws opened all the way back to their stunted leather ears, and black soulless eyes stared at her as the creatures reared up in defiance of this mechanical foe.

Before she even moved close enough to fire a boulder blaster, the first Hydralisk bent its hunched, hard back and launched a volley of needle projectiles. She heard them spang and ricochet off the thick walls of the robo-harvester. Octavia flinched as one bounced against the windshield, leaving a snowflake of damaged glass. She pushed the growling engines to their limits and bore down upon the first Zerg monster as it prepared to fire again.

The creature was powerful and armed with more of the needle projectiles, but it was no match for the mass and momentum of the giant harvesting machine. It flailed its clawed arms, trying to grasp the robo-harvester and wrestle it to the ground, but she rolled over the thing with her heavy treads, squashing it into a puddle of crunched exoskeleton and spreading goo.

Next, two of the remaining Hydralisks converged on her from opposite sides, each hammering the vehicle with another volley of spines. She heard the pattering clang as the projectiles crashed into the metal walls, scratching and denting the hull. A few poked all the way through, leaving bright air holes, but Octavia did not cringe.

Instead, she activated the powerful combine arm, a huge rolling basket with sharpened blades that could mow down fields of triticale-wheat. She lowered the combine arm like a blurring flyswatter onto one of the spine-depleted Hydralisks. The monster flailed and thrashed even as it was chopped into a thousand pieces. Slime and blood splattered her machine's windshield.

Dizzy with her success, Octavia swung the combine arm to the left and bore down on the third Hydralisk, which lurched backward as if suddenly sensing its danger. She plowed over that one as well, then careened forward as three more monsters clustered in a concerted effort to stop her.

Octavia squeezed her eyes shut and drove ahead. She didn't know if the whirring blades of the harvesting arm or the crushing treads themselves destroyed the new batch of Hydralisks—but when the robo-harvester clanked past, she saw that she had left all of them dead, their few intact limbs and body parts still twitching on the crushed ground.

Kiernan Warner had brought his mining machine close enough to dig into the rocky ground at the edge of the battered perimeter fence. The boulder catapult seized hard stones and began to launch them like cannonballs into the Zerg forces.

Dozens of frantic Zerglings were pulverized into bloody spray. The rock thrower struck two more Hydralisks, punching boulders through their hard carapaces. In its death throes, one of the ferocious creatures sprayed a cloud of poison needles in all directions. Some of them struck the cumbersome mining machine, others flew like wild arrows into the sky, while the remainder of the spines slaughtered other enemy aliens that surged forward into the gap.

Stunned by the sudden turnabout and vehemence of the colonists' defense, the attacking forces hesitated. Octavia saw the creatures fall back, their numbers vastly diminished.

But soon the Zerg circled around the octagonal perimeter of Free Haven and approached from the northeast, where they massed, ready for a full-fledged invasion of the town.

“They're trying to break through to the fuel depot!” she muttered to herself, looking toward the industrial area where the colonists stored their tanks of refined Vespene gas.

Free Haven always kept a fuel stockpile “for emergencies,” Mayor Nikolai said, although Octavia was half convinced that the settlers had maintained such a large reservoir of volatile Vespene so that they didn't often need to deal with the grouchy old recluse Rastin.

She felt a pang of sadness, knowing that the prospector had been one of the first casualties of the Zerg swarm. Well, now maybe his painstakingly harvested Vespene could help with the defense of Bhekar Ro.

Octavia used the robo-harvester's front flamethrower to blast out a column of fire that withered the nearby Zerglings. The built-in flamethrower had originally been designed for clear-cutting dense forests to make way for new arable land. Now she used it to cremate a field of enemies.

One of the Hydralisks turned defiantly to face her, rising up tall and hissing, but she incinerated it with a fireball right in its ugly face.

The treads of the robo-harvester clanked over the uneven ground as she made her way toward the fuel depot. Perhaps the alien army sensed this was a weak point in the town's defenses, or maybe they just wanted the Vespene for themselves. The monsters clustered near the depot and moved forward together. The Zerg passed through the town's weakened fences as if they were no more than thin strings, and piled into the open area of Vespene storage tanks.

Octavia knew she would only have a few seconds, and she had to act now or her wild plan was doomed. She locked down the robo-harvester's treads and let loose with the full long-range stream of her flamethrower, trying to blanket the fuel depot. Dozens of the Zerglings shriveled and crisped. Two Hydralisks moved through the diluted flames, singeing their glossy hides, though the creatures did not appear to notice any pain.

Octavia's target, however, was not the hideous monstrosities.

After a few agonized seconds during which she doubted the heat would be sufficient, the first and nearest storage tank reached its critical temperature. The Vespene fuel erupted in a fireball that knocked out the next tank, setting it on fire, which in turn blew up the third, like a game of incandescent dominoes.

The enormous blast rippled outward, flash-crisping all the Zerg forces within the fuel depot, knocking flat any others on the periphery. The explosion continued to build, and Octavia held on to her seat as the robo-harvester bucked and rolled.

When the smoke and flames cleared, she saw to her amazement that the bulk of the attacking swarm had been annihilated through the fiery explosions, as well as the other colonists' continued efforts. The remaining Zerg troops on the fringe backed off, either from fear or a sense of defeat.

Dazed, Octavia climbed out of the robo-harvester. The surviving colonists emerged from their hiding places, some of them pale with shock, others drenched with blood—both red blood and inhuman greenish ichor.

Kiernan and Kirsten stumbled out of their mining machine, mouths open, looking amazed. No one seemed to believe the skirmish had been won, that they had driven off the implacable invading aliens.

Mayor Nikolai emerged from the shelter of his comm turret, grinning as triumphantly as a conquering hero. “I've done it! Good news. I've contacted the Terran forces. The military will be here soon.”

Some of the settlers groaned, others cheered. Octavia felt too numb to complain about the mayor's actions. She slumped against the dirty treads of the robo-harvester, heaved several exhausted breaths, then looked up in awe as she heard a new rumbling, hissing sound, much louder than the one they had heard at dawn.

The third and largest wave of Zerg marched across the plains—not just small scout creatures and a few Hydralisks this time, but gigantic monsters as well, like nightmarish versions of prehistoric woolly mammoths with enormous scythelike tusks that looked capable of slicing buildings in half.

In the skies, a cluster of twisted dragonlike creatures swept along the winds, heading toward the settlement. Dozens and dozens of Hydralisks slithered along in the front row. They kept coming. In addition, Octavia saw many other minions, twisted breeds, horrifying mutations, all of them looking deadly, all of them intent on wiping out the Terran settlers.

Octavia could only stare in defeat. This wave would be unstoppable.


IN ORBIT OVER BHEKAR RO, THE SHIPS OF ALPHA Squadron continued to be battered and pounded by the frenzied Protoss and Zerg space fleets.

General Edmund Duke paced the control bridge. “Well, men, it sounds as if we need to leave this little playground behind,” he said, looking at the message his comm officer had given him. “Those colonists need our help, so we'll have to go down to the surface and take care of that firestorm right away.”

Lieutenant Scott watched the flaming hulk that remained of the Bismarck and saw the damaged Battlecruiser Napoleon limping along, trying to break free of the converging alien forces. “Is that tactically wise, General? Our forces are in dire straits up here.”

Frowning, Duke turned his craggy face toward the tactical officer. “Lieutenant Scott, it would be quite an embarrassment if we came all this way to rescue colonists, and then let the aliens gobble them up before we could help.” He had learned long ago that becoming a war hero was due as much to public relations as it was to tactical brilliance. “Don't worry. We'll leave some ships in place, though, so they can keep fighting the enemy.”

The lieutenant gave combat orders, directing the main force of Terran battle vessels to break off their orbital conflict and descend to the surface. To the rest of the human ships left in space to defend against the Zerg and Protoss, it looked as if they were running away.

“This is not a retreat,” General Duke insisted. “We are initiating an offensive in the opposite direction.”

The vanguard of Alpha Squadron plunged through the dusty skies like a cavalry riding in to save the besieged Terrans of Free Haven. Below, Duke could see the town smoldering. A great deal of damage had already been done. But the colonists had survived so far.

The general saw the stampede of Zerg sweeping across the flat ground to surround and engulf the octagonal settlement. Some of the enemy creatures had already broken through the fence, but at the sight of the numerous alien bodies strewn around—not to mention the smoking craters and the flaming debris— General Duke was impressed that the settlers had been able to mount such an effective resistance, for a bunch of clodhoppers.

Now all he needed to do was save enough of them so he could show clips of his success on the Universal News Network. He smiled. “Alien scum.” He ordered his ships to fire.

Alpha Squadron entered the dirtside fray like a bull in a china shop, striking at anything that moved, though making an effort to avoid anything that appeared human. Ranks of airborne Zerg—a subspecies that General Duke recognized as Mutalisks— flew upward, spitting green acid slime through the air. For some reason, though, the Mutalisks did not engage the Battlecruisers. Instead, the flying monsters pulled away, ascending toward the orbital conflict. They had probably been summoned by the Overlords in space to engage the Protoss forces, now that the Terran military had broken off from that particular fight.

That was fine with General Duke.

Terran Dropships swooped low to the ground and delivered Arclite Siege Tanks, heavily shielded soldiers wearing Goliath combat armor, and scavenger Hover Bikes called Vultures. These military units advanced, prepared to engage any creatures on the ground.

The general made no attempt to reestablish contact with the political administration in the Terran colony. This was a military operation, and he would damn well do what he felt was necessary.

His men knew the drill. They spread out to build defensive perimeters while the small Wraiths and huge Battlecruisers provided air support against the advancing Zerg. Using full firepower, the Alpha Squadron ships struck repeatedly, pounding even the mammoth-sized Ultralisks, wiping out waves of the remaining Zerglings, crushing groups of Hydralisks.

“This is more like it,” Duke said, and took over some of the firing controls for himself just to keep in practice.

With the flying, acid-spitting Mutalisks gone and no enemy air attack imminent, Duke's assault became a one-sided rout. After hours of absolute slaughter, he ended up losing only eleven Wraiths, five Goliaths, and a handful of Marines and Firebats, all of whom would get honorable citations signed by Emperor Arcturus Mengsk himself—if the Dominion had new stationery printed yet.

As the Norad III landed outside the smoking town, General Duke disembarked with his shoulders squared, his chin held high. He expected cheers, though the surviving rescued settlers looked exhausted and stunned.

Frowning slightly, he saw that his Marines and Firebats had caused about as much destruction to the town buildings as the Zerg had. Unfortunate. Still, it was friendly fire, so the colonists shouldn't complain. “Collateral damage, that's all,” he muttered to himself as he marched down the street of his newly conquered town.

He looked for the mayor or, if the Zerg had killed the man, somebody else who could formally turn over control to this military operation. He looked around at the colonists, imagining that they viewed him as their savior.

“I'll make this my ground base of operations now,” he said as more Marines emerged from a just-landed Dropship. He debated whether to make a speech first or to order his Marines to help extinguish some of the fires in the town. In a gracious gesture, he dispatched battlefield medics to see if they could help any of the wounded settlers.

He smiled proudly and turned to the bedraggled colonists. “You civilians can all rest easy now.”


OUT AT THE SITE OF OLD RASTIN'S HOMESTEAD, the prospector's shack and refinery structures had evolved . They were now completely covered with living organic matter.

Hard exoskeletons grew up in tangled, twisted labyrinths following the genetic model of a Zerg Hive, a pattern that no human could comprehend. The fleshy biomass of Zerg Creep continued to spread, absorbing raw materials from the rough dirt and processing it into a nourishing substance.

While many Queens had landed with the arrival of Kukulkan Brood, this one had remained in the Hatchery established at Rastin's homestead. The only purpose of this place was to spawn larvae by the hundreds, each of which would evolve into one of the various minions.

Ducking her triangular head on a long, sinuous neck, the Queen raised her pointed arms. She knew her part in the mission. Sarah Kerrigan, the new Queen of Blades, had planted full instructions in the minds of the Kukulkan Overlords, which controlled all the Queens and their Hatcheries. The Queen, in turn, controlled all the wasplike Drones that moved about building the Hatchery, grasping material with their clacking claws. They evolved the Hatchery through the intermediary stage of a defensible Lair until, finally, this conquered outpost would become a full-fledged Zerg Hive.

Kukulkan Brood had a variety of minions to meet any resistance. Like giant insects, Drones went about their work, following instructions, utterly loyal. The larvae continued to mutate from spiny grubs into Zerglings, Hydralisks, even mammoth-sized Ultralisks. Newborn flying-dragon Mutalisks took to the skies, ready to launch aerial attacks with hurled acid.

And there was something new. The Queen, following her Zerg instincts, had absorbed the DNA of the large blue-furred dog that had been infested here. The Zerg considered the ferocious animal a potential candidate for an experimental new strain of minion.

Throughout their race's history, the Zerg had conquered other species and acquired superior traits from their genetics. When the swarm had first attacked the old prospector and his dog, the Queen had seen genetic characteristics and capabilities the Zerg did not have—yet.

Though Old Blue had already succumbed to the initial infestation, the Queen had catalogued and remembered the canine DNA. As an experiment, she began to incorporate the improvements in the dog's musculature—and, most important, an advanced sense of smell—into new larvae. In several test creatures, the Queen designed fearsome Zerg traits into large mastiff bodies that resembled the blue-furred dog. . . .

Under the old refinery structure, her Drones burrowed deep beneath the ground, moving buried boulders in crustal shafts to reawaken all four of the Vespene geysers. Then a Drone metamorphosed into a living Extractor over the spouts of valuable energetic gas. The Extractor collected the outpouring Vespene and packaged it in concentrated fleshy sacks, which were brought back to the Hatchery. Some of the gas was used to create other Zerg minions for the conquering force. Some was sent to Zerg soldiers, which consumed the substance, drawing power and nourishment to continue the fight against their enemies.

The newborn minions tunneled into the ground or spread across the surface, expanding outward in an unstoppable force. While the attack on the colony town had been a serious effort, it was only a small part of the overall strategy of Kukulkan Brood.

The human colonists were potential resources, but they were also life-forms that could offer resistance to the Zerg plan. Ultimately, though, the settlers were irrelevant.

The main Zerg objective was elsewhere, across the ridge and in the next valley, where Protoss forces had already landed. . . .


Walking like mechanical spiders driven by living brains, the Protoss Dragoons had disappeared into the cathedral shape of the Xel'Naga artifact.

But before Executor Koronis could receive a report on their explorations, his ground troops of fanatical Zealots sounded an alarm. They reeled backward as the valley surface began to ripple and crack.

Then a storm of Zerg attackers emerged from the ground, boiling up from hidden burrows. Hydralisks heaved upward, their curved backs bent forward so that their volleys of poisonous needle spines sliced the closest Protoss soldiers to ribbons.

Koronis's Zealots screamed and rushed forward into the fray. Though they had not yet reached the highest levels of the Khala, the Templar warriors were ruthless and fanatically dedicated to defending their race. Enhanced with cybernetic grafts, the Zealots wore sophisticated power suits complete with curved shoulder crests, breastplates, and padded greaves. On their thick forearm units they wore enhancements to channel their psionic energy, focusing it into a deadly Psionic Blade. The Zealots charged into battle with full fury, slashing with shimmering Psionic Blades to mow down the alien attackers.

Reacting to the sudden Zerg offensive, Executor Koronis summoned his ground forces, calling out his High Templars and launching the sluggish but deadly Reavers—armored units that looked like huge caterpillars—and more of his mobile cyborg Dragoons.

Following their leader's command without question, many Zealots sacrificed themselves in order to draw the Zerg together, concentrating them. Koronis saw his chance.

Standing on the rocky foothills beneath the huge pulsing artifact, the Executor summoned up the energies inside him. He used one of his greatest weapons, learned from decades of studying the most subtle nuances of the Khala by meditating on his small fragment of crystal on board the Qel'Ha.

A Psionic Storm.

The giant Khaydarin crystals littered around the Xel'Naga artifact reflected his telepathic energy, focusing his attack so that the mental storm continued to build, gathering power.

From higher up, closer to the fringe of the once-buried artifact, Judicator Amdor looked down with concern and amazement. Crackling, energy-saturated wind blasted his dark robes until they flapped around him like angry flames. His eyes blazed.

Below, Koronis did not hold back. He released his Psionic Storm with the most terrible blast he had ever conjured. The roiling energy roared down at the concentrated Zerg minions, and he felt a searing satisfaction when the blast incinerated dozens of the ferocious alien troops.

Weakened, the Executor fell back as the wind and the light began to fade into the sky. But the struggle was not over.

Again, his Zealots charged forward, their Psionic Blades ignited. The battle had just been joined. Koronis blinked with amazement to see other sections of the ground crack open, spewing forth even more Zerg attackers.

He ordered his Carriers to come down and form a solid fortification around the artifact—their prize. More help could not arrive quickly enough, as far as Koronis was concerned.

Right now he could see only more and more of the Zerg rushing forward in an unstoppable wave. . . .


WHEN THE BLUSTERY AND DESTRUCTIVE TERRAN Marines took over the town of Free Haven, Octavia Bren didn't see much of an improvement over the Zerg invasion.

While the surviving settlers rushed to put out fires, tend to their wounded, and bury their dead, General Duke commandeered the largest intact building in front of the town square and then pulled out a folding command chair from his Battlecruiser. He and his men moved with practiced military precision to set up their base camp inside the town limits.

While Abdel and Shayna Bradshaw took care of the injured colonists who had been carried to the meeting hall, Octavia saw to those who still lay where they had fallen. She moved from one bleeding neighbor to another, tending their cuts and broken bones with plastiscab bandages, flexsplints, and antibiotics, rapidly draining Free Haven's already small store of first-aid supplies.

Octavia looked around for help. Everyone was either wounded or occupied on urgent business— except for the Terran military. Indignant, she strode up to where the self-satisfied general sat in his folding command chair in the town plaza, directing military operations.

“The colonists are dying,” she announced. “We need medical supplies and personnel.”

General Duke hardly glanced at her. “My men are busy. We've got to set up the base camp.”

“Your men—and you, General—were sent here to help us.” Octavia was not about to give up. People were dying. Her friends were dying. She locked her gaze with the general's, refusing to be ignored.

Finally he dispatched a dozen more of his cruiser's field medics to assist in the operations and had another medic fetch an entire crate of field hospital supplies. Octavia knew Duke did it more to get rid of her than out of humanitarian concerns. For now, though, all she cared about was results.

The Marines of Alpha Squadron trundled down the Battlecruisers' loading ramps with a dozen SCVs to gather vital minerals and stock up on Vespene gas (since Octavia herself had been forced to obliterate the town's fuel depot).

Octavia splinted Jon's broken leg and moved on to a shocked twelve-year-old boy who had lost a lot of blood. She gave him an infusion of plasma and a potent pain reliever. Then she glanced up and watched with curiosity as a ruddy-faced Mayor Nikolai marched toward Duke, bony fists balled, scrawny arms bent as if for the first time in his life he could imagine punching someone.

“General, your men are gutting our buildings. They've stolen engines and supplies from our homes, and now you've sent them out on vehicles to raid our farm dwellings! We've survived the Zerg only to be plundered by our so-called rescuers. How dare you! Explain yourself.”

General Duke scowled. “You called for us to rescue you, Mayor. Alpha Squadron was in the midst of a difficult conflict in orbit, but we broke free, landed here, and saved your collective butts. I'd think you'd be a bit more grateful.”

Mayor Nik spluttered. “Of course we're grateful. But if we die from the Zerg today or die from starvation a month from now, we'll still all be dead.”

“Now, now, Mayor. Before Alpha Squadron departs we can leave you some of our prepackaged Meals Ready to Eat. Why, I'm sure we've got a couple thousand thermal packs of Chipped Beef Deluxe that are close to their expiration dates.”

Nik protested, but the general waved him away. “I assure you, we're only doing what is necessary to accomplish our objective. Alpha Squadron has its orders, you know. We've done our best to help you and these dirt farmers out, but I've got an enemy to defeat and an alien artifact to claim in the name of the emperor.” He turned a baleful look on the mayor and scratched his stubbly jowl. “I warn you, don't interfere with my men, or I'll commandeer another one of your town buildings and use it as a brig.”

Two Marines hauled Mayor Nik away as he struggled and squirmed like a child being taken from a favorite toy.

Once the general had been debriefed by a handful of colonists his troops acquired at random, he sent Marines to look specifically for Octavia Bren, who had sounded the original alarm and apparently had more close experience with the aliens than anyone else in Free Haven.

Without offering an explanation, he had her escorted to his new command center—formerly Mayor Nikolai's home—and sat back at his desk to assess her. He didn't offer her any refreshments. She felt a renewed dislike for him.

“Now, Miz Brown,” he said in a gravelly voice.

“Bren, General. It's Bren.”

“Yes, of course, ma'am. Now, it's time for you to do your duty as a citizen of the Terran Dominion.”

Octavia stood straight and gave him a small frown. “Here on Bhekar Ro we're independent, General. We'd never heard of your Dominion until we sent a message just a few days ago, so how could we be citizens of it?”

“Nevertheless, Emperor Mengsk loves and counts on all of his subjects—even the ignorant ones.” He drummed his thick fingers on the desktop. “I understand that you, more than anyone else in the settlement, know about this mysterious alien artifact. You've seen it with your own eyes.”

“It killed my brother, General.”

“Good, good,” he said. “Not about your brother, I mean, but that you've got up-close experience. Now, ma'am, tell me everything you remember. What does it look like? What are the defenses around it? What else did you observe about its potential as a weapon, perhaps? If this thing can help us conquer the enemy, then we can leave you and your fellow farmers in peace. Wouldn't you like to go back to doing . . . whatever it is you colonists do?”

Octavia wanted nothing more in the world, so she gave him the details. Starting with how she and her brother had found the object exposed after an avalanche, she explained how it had killed Lars and later fried her robo-harvester.

General Duke raised his eyebrows. “Interesting. Perhaps it could be adapted to putting enemy vehicles out of commission. Like a lockdown strike. Hmmm, I'll have a team of science specialists study it up close.”

“I think all those aliens that arrived have the same idea,” she said. “Your scientists may be in for a surprise.”

“Don't worry your pretty little head, my girl. We've had experience with both the Zerg and the Protoss before.” He looked around at various instruments he had rewired in the mayor's dwelling, including the seismographs taken from the Brens' own home.

Offhandedly, as if recounting his glory days, he gave her a bit of background about the first war between the Protoss and the Terrans and the Zerg. As Octavia listened to him brag, she looked over at the repaired seismographs and saw them jiggling, picking up numerous explosions, all of them centered around the artifact out in the distant valley. “It looks like there's a disturbance out there, General.”

Duke quickly studied the blips and pursed his thick lips. “I can ascertain that these are weapons signatures. Must be the echoes of a big battle—and my men aren't even out there yet!” He clenched a fist and pounded the mayor's desktop. “I'd better not have lost my chance at that object while I was wasting my time here rescuing helpless colonists!”


THOUGH FAR AWAY FROM THE BHEKAR RO BATTLEFIELD, Sarah Kerrigan watched the progress of Kukulkan Brood from deep within the quivering organic walls of her ever-growing Hive on Char.

During the battles, she felt the loss of each one of her minions, first as the pathetic colonists fought back, then as the Norad III and the hated General Edmund Duke brought Alpha Squadron down to devastate her advancing forces. And then the Protoss ground troops were fighting the Zerg for possession of the Xel'Naga artifact.

She experienced neither pain nor sorrow for the loss of those creatures, however. They existed to be sacrificed. Zerg minions were designed to be expendable. That didn't worry her.

However, in her progress toward replacing the full-fledged Overmind, the Queen of Blades maintained a tally of her living resources, counting each death as a number, a statistic.

With a twinge of anger, Kerrigan sent instructions to Kukulkan Brood, to the Overlords and Hatcheries, commanding the production of more larvae, more minions. And more. Sooner or later, in her plans for complete conquest of the galactic sector, she would need them all anyway.

And she would need the Xel'Naga artifact.

It infuriated her that the Protoss ships had arrived and established a base at the artifact first. As her anger flowed around her, several Guardians hissed and began to move up and down the tunnels, reflecting her agitation. Before they could damage the Hive, which would eventually heal itself, Sarah Kerrigan calmed her thoughts and focused instead on her growing plan, developing an overall scheme of betrayal and conquest that would become an all-out Brood war—the next step in her blueprint for domination and revenge.

Seeing Alpha Squadron, Kerrigan was again reminded of Jim Raynor, a man she might have loved. Raynor had been a special Terran, willing to forgive even her previous life's torment as a brainwashed telepathic Ghost. Jim Raynor, however, was part of her human past—before she had fallen victim to Arcturus Mengsk's betrayal, before she joined with the Zerg.

She did not resent Mengsk for bringing her together with the Zerg . . . though she would personally eviscerate him and rip the self-proclaimed emperor limb from limb as soon as she captured the man. For the sheer pleasure of it.

It was only a matter of time.

Kerrigan reviewed her previous encounter with the too-confident and overblown General Duke, during their rescue operation on the Norad II .

She did not regret that part of her life. Instead, she remembered every detail and considered how she could use it to her advantage—to the Zerg advantage.

As the war on Bhekar Ro continued, the Queen of Blades focused a small part of her expanded mind on the struggle, while devoting most of her attention to even more important matters.


BENEATH THE CRUMBLING MOUNTAINSIDE THAT held the coveted artifact, the Protoss forces battled the Zerg minions on the rugged valley floor.

But while the preoccupied alien armies fought each other, the three Dropships dispatched by Alpha Squadron streaked in, carrying their own infiltration squad.

Dropships were quirky vessels, difficult to maneuver and prone to mechanical failures, but the daredevil pilots flew above the echoing explosions of the battlefield. It required fancy maneuvering to ride the shock waves from the psionic storm unleashed by Executor Koronis.

The Dropships had no weapons and relied primarily upon speed and their hull armor. They dodged low, moving fast, trying to reach their objective without being shot down.

Flying Mutalisks, a few stragglers not directly engaged against the Protoss, came after them. Splitting up, the three Dropship pilots engaged in evasive maneuvers. Though the acid spray of the Zerg attackers pitted and damaged their thick hulls, the ships arrived at the broken mountain range and descended to where the huge pulsing alien artifact lay exposed.

Protoss and Zerg antagonists redirected their firepower, dispatching a few fighters to attack the Terran interlopers. As the Dropships hovered over the giant target object, the pilots knew they had little time.

Led by Lieutenant Scott from the Norad III , a group of Marines, Firebats, and four magnificently armored soldiers called Goliaths hurried to the deployment doors. The Goliaths looked as much like walking bipedal tanks as men. They dropped out first, their powerful armor suits absorbing the impact. Marines and thick-suited Firebats spun down on rappel ropes to land on the boulders around the shimmering surface of the artifact's convoluted exterior.

“Go! Go!” shouted Lieutenant Scott, a command issued both to his men—and to the vulnerable Dropships.

As soon as the last Marine released his rope, the first Dropship wheeled about and spun upward, racing away at full acceleration. The other four Dropships followed, forming a wing in the sky.

Running across the rubble, Lieutenant Scott directed his troops to the artifact's nearest opening. “Come on, let's get inside! Our orders are to map out this thing and bring back whatever reconnaissance and intelligence we can gather.”

Bent low, their eight-millimeter C-14 Gauss Impalers drawn and pointed ahead, the Marines raced forward into the opening. The entrance looked less like a passageway than some kind of bubble in a biopolymer resin. One Goliath went in with the first group, his heavy firepower ready to defend the team. The Firebats hustled in next, looking for something to blast with their plasma-based Perdition flamethrowers.

As Lieutenant Scott prepared to follow, he looked up and was dismayed to see the Dropships fleeing from a concerted enemy attack. Mutalisks converged on two of the quirky vessels, and though the pilots dodged and put on a fantastic show of aerial combat, the Zerg attackers proved too much for them. Before long, acid cut through the engines, and the armored hulls split open.

In a last strategic move, the doomed pilots both careened into a cluster of battling alien ground troops, wiping out a handful of Zerg and Protoss as the two Dropships exploded on impact. The last remaining Dropship, though damaged, valiantly got away, flew over the low foothills, and limped back to the Free Haven base.

Lieutenant Scott followed his troops into the convoluted passageways, and it wasn't long before they encountered a firefight of their own. Inside the topmost tunnel three powerful Protoss Zealots loomed out at them, eyes blazing, mouthless faces giving them a demonic appearance.

“Look out!” Scott shouted.

The Zealots raised their strangely gloved hands and activated deadly Psionic Blades. The Marines were already opening fire. Their Gauss rifles sent out blasts that drove the Protoss back, even as the Zealots slashed with their crackling scythes.

Lieutenant Scott hadn't had time to know all the men assigned to him for this mission, so he didn't immediately recall the names of the three Marines who fell screaming. While the fallen soldiers' Impalers still sputtered energy bursts into the translucent wall, the lieutenant motioned one of his Goliaths forward.

The Goliath advanced, his armor fully powered, his twin thirty-millimeter autocannons blazing. The weapon blasted without pause until the nearest Zealot toppled backward, dead.

Six Firebats converged on the other two enemy fanatics. Flames erupted from their Perdition weapons. In a last struggle, one Protoss Zealot killed a Firebat with his Psionic Blade, but then the flamethrowers crisped the surviving two aliens. They all fell dead next to the three Marines they had slaughtered.

Scott tightened up his squad and ordered them forward, sparing only a quick glance at the martyred Marines. “The clock is ticking. Let's keep moving.” He knew this mission depended on momentum and speed. He could not spare any time for a ceremony that would make their fallen comrades rest more easily.

Though the lieutenant's commando team was vastly outnumbered, he planned to get them in and out, causing damage to the enemy while drawing as little attention to themselves as possible. Nobody knew exactly what this alien artifact was, but he intended to find out and return to General Duke with that information.

The team wound deeper into the object, planting locator blips so they could find their way back out again. Scott glanced at his suit chronometer to see how much time remained until their scheduled rendezvous. “Stimpacks, everyone,” he called. “We need the extra boost.”

Inside each Marine's Powered Combat Suit and each Firebat's Heavy Combat Suit, the in-field chemical delivery systems injected a powerful mixture of synthetic adrenaline and endorphins. Lieutenant Scott knew of the risks and potential side effects, as well as the increased unruliness caused by the psychotropic aggression-amplifier drug, but right now his team required the increased speed and reflexes the stimpacks would allow.

They charged forward, moving deeper, spiraling downward, until they encountered four massive crablike machines. The strange alien cyborgs had four articulated claw-legs and round body cores, each encasing a brain not shaped precisely like a human's. Dragoons!

The Dragoons seemed to be on their way out of the artifact. Scott realized that if he had been the Protoss military commander, he would have sent these cyborg warriors in as a first reconnaissance party. These Dragoons might already be carrying vital information. He knew, however, that no Terran technology could ever read the alien encryption in any data-recording devices carried by the Dragoons. He also knew he dared not let this intelligence fall into the hands of the Protoss commander.

“Open fire!” he shouted.

Like angry spiders, the Dragoons had already drawn back, preparing their phase-disrupter weapons. The Goliaths activated their twin autocannons, targeting two of the four cyborg warriors. In the confined tunnels, the heavy ammunition caused more than enough destruction to take out one of the Protoss cyborg warriors.

The other two Dragoons, though, were able to fire their bolts of antiparticles sheathed in a psychically charged field. Two Firebats, three Marines, and one Goliath buckled, their bodies pummeled into jelly by the force.

Shouting with anger and bloodlust, other Firebats closed in. Their range was shorter than the Marines' Gauss rifles, but when their Perdition flamethrowers lanced out, they concentrated on the body core until the fluid containing the alien brain began to boil.

One of the tanks exploded, spraying life-support liquid and boiled chunks of gray matter onto the corridor walls. The other Dragoon fell over on its side, four legs twitching and thrashing, like a bug that had been drowned in insecticide.

Covering his mouth with a protective mask to block the burning stench of death in the corridor, Lieutenant Scott blinked the stinging fumes from his eyes and guided the surviving members of his team forward.

“We've got a job to finish,” he said. “Let's get to the core of this object and then go home to supper.”


AS SHE WORKED WITH THE WOUNDED IN FREE Haven, the tugging call in the back of Octavia's mind grew stronger. It seemed the more she ignored the mental call, the greater the tugging became, an insistent psychic pull that reached out—not to her, specifically, but to anyone who would listen.

Among the settlers on Bhekar Ro, Octavia somehow knew that because of her deep intuition she was the only one who could hear the weird call. She looked up and around, trying to pinpoint its source. The urgent summons whispered to her from the foothills on this side of the valley where alien forces were fighting over the giant artifact that had killed Lars.

This mental signal did not come from the artifact, though. It was much closer, and it . . . sounded different.

All around Free Haven, the Marines bustled about, calling to each other, moving from duty to duty in a rapid takeover and total conversion of what had once been a quiet colonial town.

After the great battle the day before, the Zerg attackers had fallen back and had not attempted any new offensives. Even the strange carpet of creeping biomass that had spread to engulf Rastin's land now seemed to have retreated. The Zerg were focusing their attention on the distant valley where they fought against another group of aliens that General Duke had called Protoss. The Protoss had apparently sent the mechanical Observer that the colonists' clunky old Missile Turret had shot down.

Until recently Octavia had thought her life was complicated, given the problems and difficulties she had to face daily. But now she realized the whole world of Bhekar Ro was just the tiniest blip on the vast galactic screen. Even with the Zerg gone from Free Haven, Alpha Squadron wasted no time in setting up full-fledged defenses.

The SCVs made quick work of creating a heavily armored perimeter where the fence had been, using pieces from existing colony buildings as well as mineral resources they ripped from the fertile ground around the settlement. They rapidly constructed bunkers and erected Missile Turrets—new, functional ones. Marines and Firebats filled the new facilities, while others were stationed inside the homes of some of the settlers that had not survived the Zerg offensive.

Farther out, beyond the ugly erected fortifications, Siege Tanks patrolled the area, crushing the surviving crops, knocking down orchards for better visibility of an oncoming alien army. Massively armored Goliaths strode about in search of something to fight. Vulture Hover Bikes cruised over the ground, acting as scouts. Their humming whine cut the air and they looked like wasps as they zipped along, crisscrossing the terrain and dropping sinister little packages called spider-mines. These small robotic bombs scurried about once they hit the ground, searched for an appropriate place to bury themselves, and waited with a sensor net for the approach of heavy enemy forces.

Free Haven had become an armed camp, and the colonists were prisoners inside their own village. General Duke, broadcasting his gruff voice over powerful loudspeakers mounted on the tops of buildings around the town square, instructed all civilians to remain behind the fortifications, “for your own protection.”

Mayor Nikolai made a show of complaining vigorously so the colonists could see that he was defending their interests. He chastised the general for overstepping the bounds of his authority, for damaging the settlers' hard-won agricultural land, and for devastating the meager stores they had managed to put by after forty years of eking out an existence.

General Duke and Alpha Squadron ignored him.

Trying to stay out of the general's way, Octavia felt the psychic call grow stronger in her mind. She'd already had her run-in with the commander and decided it would accomplish nothing if she argued with him. But perhaps there were other answers waiting for her, answers that surpassed anything this warmonger could comprehend.

If only she could understand what the strange mental presence was trying to tell her. She felt it was something deeply important. The answers were waiting . . . if only she could get out of here.

Later, as night fell, the colonists went back to their crowded homes. Some of them shared dwellings now to accommodate the Marines stationed there. Some just wanted the comfort of more people.

Octavia, though, waited outside in the shadows, looking for her chance to sneak past the Terran soldiers.

Despite their grumbling at the repressive orders of General Duke, few of the colonists would want to slip past the defensive perimeter, especially at night. The Marines would be looking for a Zerg attack coming toward the town. Nobody would be watching closely for someone like her, a single young woman creeping past the boundary, skirting the new Missile Turrets and dashing out into the night. Even if General Duke discovered that she was trying to go into the forbidden areas, he probably wouldn't deem it worth the effort to protect her against her wishes.

At the moment, Octavia did not fear the Zerg. Their attack had been open and blatant. She sensed they would not crouch behind rocks in the darkness, hoping to snatch up one or two helpless victims like herself. Judging by the seismic traces of the major battle occurring at the artifact, the Zerg and the Protoss both had more pressing concerns.

As soon as she had accepted the tugging in her mind and moved in response to it, the call became clearer. Octavia moved across the ground, knowing this could be a trap. The mental beckoning could be a siren song luring her to her death. But she didn't think so. Why would their enemies bother? A simple colonist like her was meaningless, irrelevant to any objective the three opposing forces might have.

She hurried up the street, feeling the taut muscles in her calves and thighs. She'd been through so much stress in the past few days, had eaten little and slept even less. Even so, her body felt fully aware, fine-tuned as if the constant flow of adrenaline had given her all the nourishment she needed.

The Terran military guards did not notice her as she sneaked past. The fence did not stop her. As she jogged across the rocky ground, she was most concerned about the scattered spider-mines the Vultures had planted. But those devices had been set up to detect large enemy forces, heavy ground vehicles, or creatures. She hoped—prayed—that one young female tiptoeing through the chewed-up fields would go completely unnoticed by their sensor net.

Still, she ran as fast as she could.


DESPITE ITS CLOSE QUARTERS AND CONVOLUTED passageways, the interior of the Xel'Naga artifact was as much a battlefield as the barren valley outside.

Directed by the Overlords of Kukulkan Brood, Zerg minions had split off from the main swarm and battled their way through Protoss defenders. The monsters entered the maze of wormwood passages within the greenish biopolymer walls.

Protoss Zealots were sent on vigorous suicide missions by Judicator Amdor while Executor Koronis bravely directed his ground troops in the main battle. Meanwhile, the surviving members of the Terran commando squadron led by Lieutenant Scott pushed their way through the passages, taking images and recording intelligence data so that they could return and provide General Duke with all the tactical information he might need.

During his years of training in the Marines, Scott had learned to assess a situation with just a glance. Now, the lieutenant kept his instincts and senses tuned to their highest pitch, hour after hour. He hoped his squadron would sustain no further casualties, but knew that was a faint hope.

Although they were deep within unexplored and mysterious territory, surrounded by hostile aliens, they were still members of Alpha Squadron. Their motto had always been “First in and first out,” and they had willingly accepted their assignment. Being nervous and jumpy wouldn't make them any more efficient, and Scott didn't want his men to act like . . . colonists.

The Goliaths bent low, barely fitting through the corridors as they clomped forward, weapons fully charged and ready to fire. The walls of this strange construction were studded with jewels, pointed crystals, and glowing inclusions. In all his years of service on numerous Confederacy planets, Lieutenant Scott had seen plenty of odd environments and mind-numbingly strange life-forms. But he had never been anyplace like this before.

With the Goliaths in the lead, the team rounded a weird rippled corner and suddenly encountered a group of Zerg already hissing and raising their spiny exoskeletons in an attack posture. Six lizardlike Zerglings bounded forward, followed immediately by a lurching Hydralisk that bowed its carapace and extended clawed hands.

Lieutenant Scott didn't hesitate. “Open fire!”

His men were ready for the order. The Firebats rushed into the lead and opened up their Perdition flamethrowers. Gouts of fire scorched the leaping Zerglings, turning them into flailing fireballs as they sprang, only to crash into the curved walls, leaving a smear of smoking organic residue.

The Goliaths launched heavy firepower of their own, using their twin autocannons to cut down the Hydralisk as it shot its volley of poisonous spines.

Three more Marines—now no more than bloody pincushions wearing uniforms—sprawled dead. Others ran forward, howling for revenge, opening up their Gauss rifles, screaming. Lieutenant Scott raised his weapon to his armor-padded shoulder and joined the battle.

While their fury was expended on the Zerglings and the Hydralisk, more alien enemies moved in from behind. Through one of the slick passages came a monstrous Ultralisk, a mammoth-sized beast with bony scythes that slashed from side to side, chopping through two Firebats as they turned around and opened fire at it. The blast of flame didn't even make the Ultralisk pause. It lumbered forward, an unstoppable juggernaut that attacked and crushed the Terran opponents.

“Defensive semicircle,” Scott shouted. “Now!”

The Marines unloaded hundreds of rounds, never backing away a step. The two remaining Goliaths, their clanking armor partially damaged by Hydralisk spines, expended their high-caliber ammunition into the Ultralisk's tough hide. The Firebats moved into range and unleashed their flamethrowers.

In a rampage, the smoking and bleeding Ultralisk stampeded forward, heedless of the cost to its own body. The beast swung the sharp, bonelike scythes that protruded from its back and slashed the three surviving Firebats, one by one.

One of the last Goliaths hammered the creature, firing and firing with his autocannons at point-blank range. And yet, even as the powerful blasts tore a huge hole in its body core, the mammoth Zerg slashed through the body-tank armor and broke the Goliath to pieces.

Lieutenant Scott watched his team being decimated, but he did not call for a retreat. He continued to pump rounds into the Ultralisk as it turned toward the final, damaged Goliath. But the powerful armored trooper and the last five Marines poured weapons fire into the lumbering hulk until finally the monster dropped in a heap, crushing one of the wounded and moaning Marines on the floor.

New silence sounded like thunder around them, and Scott stared in amazement at what had just happened. He drew a deep breath, forcing his fear away, and called on every scrap of self-confidence and training he had left. He paused just a moment to clear his mind and make his decision before his few soldiers could succumb to shock.

“Forward,” he said, and did not look at his fallen troops.

Taking the lead, Lieutenant Scott marched down the strange corridor. He had orders to see what was at the bottom of this bizarre alien object.

But he was sure this mission would only get harder as he and the remnants of his commando force continued deeper inside.


OCTAVIA HERSELF BARELY UNDERSTOOD WHERE SHE was headed. Something was calling her, drawing her. In spite of herself, she followed. The presence was alien, yes. Yet somehow she felt she could trust it—had to trust it.

And so, as the darkness deepened, she walked as if in a trance. She crossed the charred and trampled fields, the ground churned by thundering Zerg claws and tentacles. Thin trees in an orchard lay strewn about like kindling, trunks shredded by angry Hydralisks and Ultralisks.

Broken pieces of Zerg minions lay strewn about, severed limbs like legs torn from giant insects, jagged fragments of hard carapaces, even a few gutted Zergling bodies, though the monstrous minions had turned on and devoured most of their wounded. Foamy slime had seeped into the ground, leaving sticky patches of mud; some spots had already dried as hard as cement.

It took her several hours to reach an isolated mineral station in the foothills—the source of the urgent psychic plea. She stepped up, looking around, but the darkness was too great around her. Thin gauzy clouds had once again choked off the stars.

Octavia came to a rocky hill about two hundred meters high. This was the place! She climbed it slowly, steadily, picking her way over boulders, until she reached a huge sharp slab of rock jutting up from the ground like a gigantic ax blade chopping its way free of the dirt.

There she stopped. The mental voice had called her to this spot, but she saw no one—at first.

“All right, I'm here,” Octavia said out loud, not knowing whether the alien presence could comprehend her language. “What do you want?” She needed to know if this stranger could help her, if it could give the settlers some way to fight off this three-way invasion—Zerg, Protoss, and even the Terran military.

Suddenly a surprised voice spoke clearly in her mind. But Terrans have no psi powers.

“No, we don't,” Octavia answered, still aloud.

I'm glad you have come, the voice said.

Then a tall, gray-skinned creature stepped out from around the ax-blade slab of rock to get a good look at Octavia. Octavia looked back.

The face had blazing eyes but no mouth, simply bony plates that somehow gave it a superior presence. Octavia sensed that this creature was female, most likely one of the Protoss aliens, but not part of the alien military forces that had landed in the far valley.

“You called me,” Octavia said.

Yes . . .

“I'm Octavia Bren, a colonist. Who are you and why did you call me?”

My name is Xerana. I am a Dark Templar of the Protoss. I have studied the signal that was sent, and I believe I know its origin. I have come to bring a warning—

“Really?” Octavia cut in. “Well, your warning's a bit late. That artifact of yours already killed my brother. Hundreds of people in my town have been killed by the Zerg.”

Although she could not read the change of expression on the face of this alien named Xerana, Octavia thought she detected a tone of surprise in the Dark Templar's thought-speech. Truly? Your brother was . . . absorbed? Xerana tilted her head and leaned forward as if to study Octavia more closely. But it would have no use for Terrans. You are not a part of this.

Octavia clenched her teeth. “Well, I became a part of it when that thing disintegrated my brother.”

Ah. The voice was like a breath in her mind. I did not anticipate this .

Octavia raised her eyebrows. “You didn't anticipate a Terran answering your call, either.”

Xerana's voice in Octavia's mind grew even more agitated. I knew that my mission here would be difficult. I have come to save my people, despite their ambitions and their ignorance. When I arrived on your planet, I reached out with my mind, searching for an ally, and found one. I called out, but I did not expect that you would answer.

Octavia marveled for a moment at the idea that she and this alien being who was so unlike herself might actually become allies, that they might share common goals.

“If you're here to save the lives of your people, and if you can help me save the lives of mine, then I am your ally. I'll do anything I can to help you.” Octavia looked behind her, toward the valley where the frightened people of Free Haven huddled in the darkness, dreading another attack.

We are agreed, then. We will help one another. You must believe me when I tell you that the artifact will not attempt to harm humans unless they attempt to harm it first. It is a danger only to Protoss and Zerg, the children of the Xel'Naga. Octavia thought she detected a hint of sadness in the mind voice here.

A night bird flew overhead, hooting as it swooped down to snatch a blacklizard from where it prowled across a flat rock. Octavia flinched, but the bird flew off with its squirming, struggling prey. The indigenous animals of Bhekar Ro had no interest in the conflict between the three powerful races.

“So, what will you do?” she asked.

I will go to the artifact.

Octavia said, “There's another . . . presence there. I sensed it, sort of the same way I sensed you calling me.”

The artifact spoke to you?

“Not with words. Not as you're doing. Just with feelings . But there's definitely something there. A computer? A mind? A recorded signal? I don't know. Just be careful.”

Xerana tilted her head again and looked at Octavia from an odd angle. You are indeed an unexpected Terran, Octavia. Thank you for your concern . She stood, her long scholar's sash flapping in the light breeze. A thin tablet with strange markings adorned her wide collar. But my life may already be forfeit. I am compelled to tell the other Protoss that they must beware. If I knew of a way, I would even warn the Zerg Overlords, but I doubt I could communicate directly. I must go to the artifact and command all of them to leave it. Alas, I doubt that they will listen.

And you, in turn, must persuade your Terran military that this is not their fight.

Thinking of General Duke, Octavia said, “I doubt I could get anyone to listen either. But what about the artifact? We can't avoid it forever. As long as it's here on Bhekar Ro, won't there still be a danger?”

One way or another, the artifact will be gone from your planet within a few days , Xerana said. Until that time comes, we must both do our best to keep our people safe. With that, the Dark Templar turned and vanished from sight. She just . . . winked out of view.

Octavia stood still in amazement for a moment. Then she called out, not with her voice this time, but with her mind. Xerana?


It's good to have an ally.


WITH FREE HAVEN'S PERIMETER DEFENSES IN place, General Edmund Duke felt he had done all that was necessary to keep the civilian settlers safe. The previous day, his first infiltration crew had gone inside the alien artifact, led by Lieutenant Scott. Now Duke prepared for a full military assault.

It was time for Alpha Squadron to strut its stuff.

He mobilized his Battlecruisers, Wraiths, Dropships, Arclite Siege Tanks, all of the ground forces, even Vulture Hover Bikes. The general decided to hold nothing back. He hoped he could simply charge into the fray and mop up nicely, now that the Protoss and Zerg had weakened each other's forces.

Ordering his troops to move out, Duke himself remained at the command center in the mayor's former house. Scratching his chin, he watched the reconnaissance images as his forces crossed the boundary line of foothills and plunged into the beleaguered valley battlefield.

The assault began with a phalanx of Marines and Firebats who entered the middle of the war zone, flanked by the awesome power of Alpha Squadron's Siege Tanks. The tanks did not waste time by going into siege mode, which would have allowed them to use shock cannons for long-range attacks. Instead, the tanks simply pounded any aliens that moved.

Pushing forward relentlessly, the Marines and Firebats swept aside all enemy resistance, sliding through the combat area like a hot knife through congealed salt-pudding. The Terran ground troops picked up speed, pushing forward with enthusiasm, glad to leave behind their long and boring tour of duty, during which they had done little but map out abandoned worlds and survey asteroid belts for resources. The men of Alpha Squadron had been eager to do some damage to the alien scum.

Watching via view-screen, General Duke clapped his hands in exhilaration. A knock came at his door, and one of the low-ranking Marine guards let the civilian Octavia Bren enter. The general took one look at the young settler and said, “Can't you see I'm busy, girl? I'm directing a battle here.”

“Yes, General. But I've got some information you might need to know.”

He frowned, not sure that this dirt-scraper could possibly have learned anything that his own people hadn't already uncovered. Impatiently he gestured her inside, but turned back to watch the battle.

The progress of the front-line troops had left what appeared to be an irreparable hole in the Protoss and Zerg defenses, but the general soon saw that this was a grave miscalculation, that his excitement was a bit premature.

“No, no!” he yelled at the screen, watching the Marines and the Firebats advance so quickly that the ground support at the Siege Tanks and the heavy armored Goliaths could not keep up.

Duke grabbed his communications intercom and shouted into it, hoping that his orders would be heard through the cacophony of ground combat. “Close up ranks! Fall back to the protection of—”

Spiderlike Protoss Dragoons marched over rocky hillocks, approaching the rear of the exposed ground troops. In front of them, fiery-eyed Zealots powered up their destructive Psionic Blades and charged toward the Marines, trapping the ground troops. Dragoons and Zealots fell upon the Marines and Firebats from three different directions. Even though flamethrowers and Gauss rifles sent a blizzard of destruction into the air, the Protoss fanatics did not stop. Dragoons mowed down the Terran infantry, and Zealots waded in among them, slashing right and left, cutting the Firebats and then the Marines to ribbons.

“Get them some air cover! Air cover!” Duke shouted.

Belatedly, the fast Wraiths streaked in, attacking from above, followed by the slower heavy Battlecruisers that closed in from behind.

The Marines and Firebats continued to dish out destruction in self-defense, but then one of the robed Protoss Templars climbed onto a pile of rocks. Raising his three-fingered hands to the sky, he summoned an awesome Psionic Storm that battered the Wraiths into confusion, slamming the single-man fighters together, driving several down to the ground as if they had been hit by a huge invisible flyswatter.

Massively damaged, the Battlecruisers and the remaining Wraiths tried to pull away, but from the other side of the valley, a second High Templar called yet another Psionic Storm that hammered them from the east.

Only one of the Battlecruisers and three Wraiths managed to pull away to the relative safety of the foothills, limping back from the dangerous valley and leaving damaged and destroyed Terran vessels strewn all across the battlefield.

While the Alpha Squadron battleships hovered and tried to assess their damage, a dozen Hydralisks burrowed up from beneath the ground. Before the Battlecruiser captain and the Wraith pilots could ascend out of range, the Hydralisks had lashed out with wave after wave of penetrating needle spines that pierced the Battlecruiser's hull and shredded its engines. The enormous ship crashed down into the rugged foothills, while the three Wraiths were turned into a confetti of metal and blood before they could even fire a shot.

“That doesn't look good, General,” Octavia observed.

“Shut up!” he screamed, scanning the battlefield map and trying to decide what orders to issue.

With the remaining Marines and Firebats cut off from the tanks and Goliaths, they were caught in the middle of a bloodbath. Even as they turned their weapons on the Protoss that stood against them, Zerg minions closed in from the flank and fell upon them.

General Duke recognized the Zerglings and Guardians, but not the group of giant lumbering four-legged creatures with long canine muzzles and spiny blue fur. He had never seen anything like them. The new beasts charged in like rabid wolves, sniffing the ground, turning their eye stalks, and plunging into any weak point of the Marines' defenses. General Duke had observed many types of Zerg before, but these appeared to be a new form entirely.

Octavia Bren stared at the screen, shocked. “Those look like Old Blue! The aliens must have adapted something from him.”

“You know where those things come from?” the general asked, turning to her sharply.

“Those aliens . . . infested a big dog at one of our outlying homesteads. That looks like what was left of him—”

“A dog? ” Duke gave a snort of disgust. “You colonists keep pets around here?” He picked up his microphone, though the Marines seemed to be doing everything they could, even without his direct orders. “The Zerg are causing more damage, men. Concentrate your fire and take out those . . . those Roverlisks.”

One of the Marines raised a hand in an obscene gesture, and the General assumed he must be fending off an attack from the sky.

During the melee, eight Protoss Reavers slowly made their way down from the northeast, like huge armored caterpillars intent on reaching the fray. Duke knew that the Marines and Firebats would lose the skirmish unless they could get more air support.

Finally, the Siege Tanks and the towering Goliaths arrived to engage the Zealots and Dragoons. The armored Goliaths used anti-aircraft missiles to pound the four-legged cyborg walkers. One Marine even came forward in heavy, powered armor and smashed open the brain case that was directing a Dragoon walker.

Siege Tanks beyond the range of the Zealots' Psionic Blades pounded and pounded again. The Marines and Firebats never halted in their defense, and as General Duke watched, the battle changed course and finally the Terran forces gained the upper hand.

For the moment.

But it didn't last long. The Protoss Reavers at last crawled within range and released their Scarab Drones, flying bombs that zipped toward their targets and exploded. Two of the Goliaths fell. A handful of Marines were slaughtered in a single explosion. The tanks and Goliaths were forced to turn their attention to the armored Reavers. Then two Protoss Carriers converged from the west, raining down a firestorm with their small, robotic Interceptors.

“This isn't possible,” General Duke said. “Not Alpha Squadron. Not my best forces!”

The blinding light of explosions hurt his eyes as he stared at the tactical screen. Smoke and chaos made it impossible to see any details. The ground was littered with so many fallen troops, the general could barely discern how many of his men remained alive.

The Protoss Carriers seemed to know exactly what to do. They concentrated their aerial attack on crushing the Goliaths, and when the towering armored walkers had all been taken out, the Terran Siege Tanks were left defenseless, like sluggish tin cans with giant targets painted on them.

General Duke could only watch as the remainder of his assault troops got trounced.

His voice was hoarse, and he spoke as if to an empty room. “It seems I have . . . greatly underestimated the alien resistance.”


IN THE HEAT OF THE BATTLE, EXECUTOR KORONIS was too involved with directing his Protoss forces to notice the tiny ripple of disturbance in the air. A stranger, a hidden visitor.

Beside him, beneath the looming majesty of the naked Xel'Naga artifact, Judicator Amdor seethed, mentally spitting insults and fury at the Zerg and Terran enemies who were attempting to steal the ancient treasure. Amdor considered that the artifact belonged to him alone.

As the Zealots attacked the ground forces and massive Carriers flew overhead, dropping deadly squadrons of Interceptors, Koronis finally sensed a cold presence—something familiar yet separate from the Khala, the psychic link that bound all Protoss together. He turned, curious and troubled, just as Amdor whirled around, sensing the same thing.

In the air between them, standing on a raised mound of broken rock and scabrous dirt, a figure appeared. A tall Protoss female shed a camouflage of shadows, like oil dripping off steel. She phased out of invisibility, bending light around her.

“A Dark Templar!” Judicator Amdor reeled, his face and mind squirming with revulsion and disgust. “Foul heretic!” His psychic shout attracted the attention of other Judicators and High Templar nearby.

The female Dark Templar did not flinch from the insult and mental onslaught. “I come bearing a warning for you, for all the Protoss here,” she said. “I am Xerana, loyal to the First Born despite the persecution that Judicators like you have inflicted upon us.” The sinewy gray-skinned female looked squarely at Amdor, who drew himself taller, as if wishing he had a powerful weapon in his hands.

Uneasy, knowing the terrible powers the Dark Templar could use, Executor Koronis signaled for backup troops. He did not hate the Dark Templar, as Amdor did, but he was cautious, especially in this battlefield crisis.

Four Zealots bounded to his aid, Psionic Blades already activated and flashing. One Dragoon turned on its four legs and scuttled toward where the commanders had stood.

“You do not understand what you are doing,” Xerana said, looking to Koronis for understanding. “You have no inkling of the true origin and purpose behind this artifact. You must not interfere with the plans of the Wanderers from Afar. Leave here.”

“We are the First Born of the Xel'Naga!” Amdor said. “You and your traitorous followers have broken from the Khala and turned renegade to our race. You have caused enough damage already. Do not intrude in this place.”

Executor Koronis, though, was more interested in what could have drawn this fugitive into the den of her mortal enemies. She must have known the Judicators would want to punish her. “Dark Templar, what information do you have for us?”

Amdor glared at him, eyes blazing. “Executor, surely you don't mean to listen to the corrupted words of this—”

Koronis raised his three-fingered hand. “I am the commander of this Protoss force. I would be a fool to dismiss any vital intelligence, regardless of its source.”

Xerana leaned closer to the Executor, dismissing Amdor and infuriating him further. “I have a message and a dire warning. This . . . object” —she swept her hand upward to indicate the towering face of the mysterious exposed structure—“is very dangerous. It was created by the Xel'Naga, as you have guessed, and was designed to be more powerful than either the Protoss race or the Zerg. Beware what you would awaken, lest it consume all of you.”

“Lies,” Amdor sneered. “We are the First Born. The Protoss were chosen by the Xel'Naga—”

“And abandoned by them,” Xerana cut in. “We did not meet their expectations. The Xel'Naga made other attempts to create a perfect race. The Zerg were the most destructive and successful of their new breeds, but the ancient race began many experiments and kept many secrets.”

“Then what do you expect us to do?” Koronis said as the battle continued to rage behind them. The Dragoon and the Zealots pressed closer to Xerana, waiting for orders. “Should we let the enemies have it?”

“You must leave this object alone,” she said. “Everyone, of all races. Together, Protoss and Zerg are in the process of awakening a great peril. You must retreat, pull your forces back. You take a great risk by toying with things you do not understand.”

Koronis blinked his glowing eyes in disbelief, and Amdor looked momentarily amused. Then he mentally sent loud orders. “Seize this heretic!” Waves of hatred and revulsion emanated from the Judicator.

The Dragoon and Zealots surrounded Xerana. The Dark Templar scholar stood silent, deeply disappointed that her own people refused to listen to her message.

“It was your foul brethren who corrupted noble Tassadar!” Amdor growled. “The Dark Templar were the ones who opened doorways into the Void, luring other Protoss away from the Khala.”

Even as she was taken prisoner, Xerana did not struggle. The Judicator proudly turned to Koronis. “We will soon take possession of this artifact, Executor. And with this Dark Templar heretic held captive aboard the Qel'Ha, our great expedition has changed from complete failure to a glorious victory.”


PURSUED THROUGH THE ARTIFACT'S WINDING, creepy channels, Lieutenant Scott led his few remaining Marines and Firebats deeper toward the mysterious core. Though the larger battle continued to rage out on the valley floor, here inside the Terran commandos encountered numerous exploratory parties of Protoss Zealots and Zerg minions, all of which seemed to have received the same reconnaissance mission as Scott's team.

It seems to be a race, he thought. And we intend to win it .

The light within the walls became brighter, as if some inner fire were being stoked. The jewel clusters grew larger inside the curved biopolymer structure, deep crimson gems cut in strange facets and unusual shapes, as if they were internal organs.

Scott had no idea what they would find when they reached their destination, but he doubted the Zerg or the Protoss knew any more than the Terrans did. He would secure the information for General Duke and, if possible, prevent any aliens from acquiring the same data.

They did not pause to fight a group of Zerg that slithered and clattered through the hallways. Instead the lieutenant directed his men to sprint ahead, dodging through corridors even though they heard monsters in continued pursuit. The Marines and Firebats were willing to keep fighting, but their bloodlust had been dampened by the severe losses their troops had already suffered. Now they preferred to complete their objective and get back out alive.

The commandos followed the glowing light ahead, descending and curving, remembering to plant “breadcrumb” locators as they raced along so they could find their way back out. Scott hoped the Dropships would be there in time to pick them up. He didn't worry about that, though. The members of Alpha Squadron knew their own duties.

The throbbing light in the walls formed a hypnotic call, like a flame that drew moths out of the darkness. The Zerg and the Protoss seemed to feel the call as well. They followed different passages, but all of them converged toward the central mass as if every creature could find answers here.

Finally, with his Marines and Firebats rushing ahead, Lieutenant Scott and his squad emerged into the artifact's blazing core, an awesome, gigantic grotto filled with a light like a blazing sun. But the fire was cold and electric, and somehow alive.

The walls and ceiling of the grotto reflected the light in dazzling rainbows. Jagged crystalline shards protruded in all directions. Scott stood with his mouth open, transfixed by the grandeur and the sheer power in front of him. But though he had arrived here as ordered, he had no way to explain what he saw, could not begin to draw conclusions or provide any briefing that would be at all helpful to the general.

From other passages, dark bubbly openings in the organic resin walls, Zerg and Protoss emerged, monstrous Hydralisks and heavily armored Zealots. But as they all converged in the grotto, none of the alien enemies made any move to attack. The fiery core of the Xel'Naga artifact was too awe-inspiring, and all three species stood stunned and amazed.

Then the heart-glow grew brighter, as if some sort of ignition had been triggered. Tentacles of light rocketed out, reflecting like lightning from the jagged Khaydarin crystals in the walls, crackling arcs all around the grotto.

One of the Firebats screamed. Lieutenant Scott knew he should call for a retreat, but could not bring himself to form words. His feet were fastened to the floor, his muscles locked in position.

The energy bolts grew more powerful. The pulsing heart of the Xel'Naga artifact blazed into a blinding white ball. Suddenly the lightning struck out, targeting each of the life-forms within reach.

The bolts crashed into the Firebats and the Marines, while at the same time obliterating the Zerg and Protoss spectators. Lieutenant Scott opened his mouth to shout, but the energy washed over him, too, as if it was scanning and absorbing every intruder. He watched the Zerg disappear, uploaded and erased. Soon everything in the grotto was wiped clean—the Protoss, the Zerg, and all of his squad.

Then all vision winked out of his eyes. . . .

The grotto was empty of life-forms; the Xel'Naga thing had gathered every specimen within reach. The Terrans were not necessary, but the rest of these children of the Xel'Naga were exactly what the artifact needed.

In all the chambers and the walls, the glowing light increased to a living blaze. Jewel clusters exploded with the surge of energy. More dirt and rocks fell from the mountainside as a vibrating hum penetrated the biopolymer skeleton.

Powering up, the long-buried Xel'Naga artifact at last began final preparations for its emergence. . . .


AFTER WATCHING HIS FORCES BE COMPLETELY defeated—defeated!—General Edmund Duke was in no mood to listen to panicked rumors from an untrained, dirt-streaked colonial woman. But Octavia Bren insisted on being heard. She told the general about her encounter with the Dark Templar Xerana, a mysterious Protoss scholar who brought urgent warnings about the ancient artifact.

Not that Duke could do anything about it. How did she want him to deal with it? He had just watched his best-planned offensive get stomped into a list of casualties too long to fit on a dozen computer screens. At least now, though, he had a bit more information . . . enough to make him deeply nervous.

When Alpha Squadron had arrived here after tracking down that alien signal and the colonists' call for help, the general had assumed the exposed artifact was just another BDO—a Big Dumb Object—not particularly worth losing Terran lives over, unless he had orders to do so. Weird artifacts and mysterious structures often turned up on backwater worlds, but they usually didn't amount to anything.

In this case, though, it was clear the Zerg and the Protoss wanted possession of the artifact in the worst way—and Duke no longer had the firepower to capture it for Emperor Arcturus Mengsk.

In his professional military opinion, that was bad.

“Thank you for your assessment, ma'am,” he growled, then opened a troop communication link. “I know exactly how to respond to the situation. Call in our best Ghost. I believe MacGregor Golding will do. Send him to me right away.” He looked up to see that the distraught settler remained standing in his office. “Is there anything else, Miz Brown?”

“Bren,” she said. “My name is Octavia Bren.”

Duke scowled, wondering what possible difference this civilian's name could make in the grand scheme of things. “If it's not tactical information, ma'am, it's irrelevant. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a war to win. Not easy to pluck victory from the jaws of defeat.”

Before Octavia could leave, the door to Mayor Nik's commandeered quarters popped open and a slender, armor-clad man walked in. His small face appeared streetwise, and his overlarge brown eyes above high cheekbones looked incredibly old, as if the young man had already seen enough to make him weary of the entire universe. MacGregor Golding stood silent, waiting for the general to speak. Then, as if a nagging distraction tugged at him, the young man turned to Octavia.

Octavia felt as if she were under a high-powered scan beam. Inside the contours of her brain, she sensed a creeping telepathic presence, like a vandal ransacking her house.

“Never mind the civilian, Agent Golding,” General Duke said, breaking Octavia's concentration.

The Ghost turned back to the general. “But she is definitely worth a second look, sir. I was quarantined by the Confederate government and trained to channel my psionic energies. I can recognize the talent. This woman here has a great deal of natural potential. She might make a good Ghost herself.”

Octavia's skin crawled. “Not on your life,” she said. In the brief mental link they had shared, Octavia sensed what this man, this MacGregor Golding, had been bred and trained to do. She had also gained some insight into what the commander of Alpha Squadron had in mind.

“Agent Golding,” the general said. “Command decision. We originally wanted to acquire this artifact for the Terran arsenal. However, given recent events, I must admit that is not likely to happen. Therefore, I have no recourse but to activate Plan B.”

“Yes, General,” the Ghost said. “Plan B. Far worse than simply losing this skirmish would be to allow this object—whatever it is—to fall into the vile hands of the despicable Zerg or Protoss. Given the choice, we must ensure that no one has access to it.”

The Ghost stood at the ready in his polished Hostile Environment Suit, packing his long C-10 canister rifle. “I'm equipped with a personal cloaking device, sir. A Dropship can take me to the fringe of the battlefield, and I'll make my way in from there to paint a target.”

General Duke nodded, folding his hands over the mayor's now spotlessly clean desk. “Got a Battlecruiser in the high atmosphere, ready to deploy a full complement of warheads.”

Now Octavia raged at them both for the calm and dismissive manner in which they discussed destruction of such magnitude. “You can't nuke Bhekar Ro! It's our colony world. This is our home, where we've worked and sweated and—”

General Duke motioned for Marine guards to remove her from his office. Livid, Octavia thrashed and struggled. He looked at her with open disapproval.

“Would you rather have me lose the battle, Miz Brown?” he asked as if the answer were self-evident.


FOR YEARS, THE DRIVING GOAL OF JUDICATOR Amdor had been to hunt down and capture one of the Dark Templar heretics. Their beliefs and practices were abhorrent to him, and the very knowledge of their shadowy existence, running and hiding throughout the Void, made him feel psychically ill.

For a loyal Judicator, this passion took precedence over discovering Xel'Naga artifacts. Amdor wanted to stamp out the traitors who had led so many other Protoss away from the psychic link of the Khala. The Protoss were already failures in the eyes of the Xel'Naga, but they had learned to cooperate, to draw their minds together in a graceful, flowing stream of thought that bound the race into a single unit.

Except for the members of the Dark Templar, rebels who insisted on being independent. They tried to draw Protoss minds away, weakening the Khala by destroying the unity of the First Born. With his every breath, Amdor felt the need to prevent such damage from continuing.

Now this loathsome female, Xerana, had willingly surrendered herself, appearing before them in the midst of their greatest battle. Amdor wished he had time to perform a full inquisition back aboard the Qel'Ha.

Even held captive, though, Xerana did not seem frightened. Instead, she produced images, hauling out blasphemous scrolls filled with archaic writing. “You must look at my proof,” she said, her thoughts directed toward Amdor and Executor Koronis with enough mental volume that all the others could hear her. She held up a tattered scrap of a recovered document. “See the evidence for yourselves. Before you do anything foolish, you must understand what the Xel'Naga have left behind on this world. Do not awaken the seed.”

Behind her, the curling porous walls of the luminous green object glowed brighter from the mountainside, as if some buried furnace were already heating up.

Amdor snatched the fragment out of her three-fingered hand and tore it to shreds. “We have no interest in your lies. I don't know what Dark Templar trick you're trying to employ. Are you calling other heretics here to help you use this great treasure in your efforts to destroy the Khala?”

Facing him squarely, Xerana gazed calmly at him. “The Dark Templar have no interest in destroying the Khala. That has never been the case. Nor have you ever been interested in understanding us. First the Judicators ordered the extermination of our tribe because we were an embarrassment to you. Then, when valiant Protoss refused to commit such genocide, you ordered us banished, to hide us from the rest of the First Born. You drove us all from our homes, yet here I am, risking myself to warn you of the folly of what you are doing.”

Xerana raised a hand to gesture toward the weird unburied object. “Do not enter this artifact. You fail to understand its nature. It is not what you think.”

Judicator Amdor just sneered. “More than anything else, you have just convinced me that I personally must go inside and investigate.” He shot a blazing-eyed glance over at Koronis. “Accompanied by the Executor, of course. We shall decide for ourselves what to do with this treasure and claim its mysteries for the good of the Khala—not for outcasts like yourself.”

Goaded by the fanatical Judicator's challenging look, Executor Koronis had no choice but to agree.

Her shoulders sagging, Xerana hung her head, knowing she had failed. She had not really expected a different outcome. She had been morally bound to deliver her warning, to do her best to avert the potential disaster.

“In the midst of this battle, the heretic is too dangerous to hold,” Amdor said. The Judicator called forth Zealots and Dragoons and had them prepare their weapons. “All Dark Templar have been already judged, their lives deemed forfeit. They have turned to the lure of the Void and ignored the call of the Khala.” He made a decisive gesture. “Execute this one while Executor Koronis and I enter the glorious artifact ourselves.”

He moved to stand beside Koronis. The huge glowing structure seemed to call out to them, luring them closer. In his heart, Amdor felt an urgent need to go deep within its passages and experience the awe and wonder for himself.

Xerana turned a look of profound disappointment on Koronis. “You understand so little, yet you command so much.”

Then, disgusted, she called upon the energies of the Void and freed herself. Using mysterious powers that she had developed during her own search through the wildness of space, Xerana reached into the all-connecting stream of Khala, the mental link that bound all Protoss into a harmonious unit with different personalities but one linked psyche. Not harming them—for no Dark Templar ever wished to hurt one of their fellow Protoss—Xerana erected temporary invisible dams in the stream of the Khala. She cut off the Executor, the Judicator, and all the nearby Protoss forces. Xerana knew how much chaos her efforts would cause.

Severed from their precious Khala network, the Protoss felt abandoned . . . alone . . . terrified. Some of the Zealots wailed in telepathic voices. The closest Dragoon staggered, unable to control his cyborg body anymore.

Judicator Amdor fell to his knees and raised clawed hands as if he could physically draw down threads of the Khala from the air. “I'm blind! I'm lost!”

Then, using the trick that had brought her into their midst, Xerana bent the shadows around her, folding light so that she vanished from view. In the ensuing confusion, she fled the battlefield, leaving her people to the fate dictated by their own misguided choices.

She had a long distance to run so that she wouldn't be trapped within the holocaust.


THE TERRAN DROPSHIP FLEW LOW FROM THE BASE at the town of Free Haven and cruised over the barrier ridge. After dancing across the edge of the tumultuous battlefield, it paused just long enough, like a hummingbird dipping into nectar, then streaked away before the enemy alien forces could fire upon it.

It left a Ghost behind.

MacGregor Golding, wearing his special cloak-impregnated armor, touched lightly to the ground and raced along in a camouflage of wind and shadows. The fury and destruction of the Zerg and Protoss fighting forces kept the alien armies so occupied that Golding could have been carrying neon flags and they would have dismissed him.

The Ghost sprinted, his muscles pumped up by two full doses of Stimpacks he had secretly taken from Marine stores—much more than the recommended dosage, but it was well within the limits of what his tortured body had endured through years of training locked away in Confederacy isolation. MacGregor Golding's life had been shaped and pounded until he was a living, walking weapon, a psychic bomb who now fulfilled his life's purpose—his destiny.

If a weapon could have a destiny, that is.

As Golding traversed the edge of the battlefield, he saw the carnage that remained of the victims of Alpha Squadron. Siege Tanks lay blasted open, Marines and Firebats—or at least their body parts—lay strewn in the blood and mud of the valley floor among blackened craters and broken rocks.

Brooding knots of clouds thickened in the skies, providing cover from long-range aerial attacks. A storm would be building. The Ghost could see that. From his brief contact with the telepathically susceptible mind of Octavia Bren, Golding had stolen memories of Bhekar Ro's massive storms with their laser-lightning and sonic thunder. Not even the worst storm would wash away all the blood and carnage left here from the battle, though.

But MacGregor Golding's mission could wash it clean and sterilize the entire area.

All he had to do was call down a nuclear strike.

As he came closer to the large, ominous artifact— the focus of so much strife—the Ghost could feel the pounding, building call within his skull. Another gigantic telepathic presence, a powerful sleeping entity that seemed vast enough to overwhelm all of the puny life-forms that were fighting below it.

The Ghost didn't know what this thing was, and though his usual job was to gather intelligence and to infiltrate when necessary, that was not his mission now. General Duke had issued orders, and the Ghost wasn't required to understand, just to carry out the objective.

This artifact must be destroyed.

The concentrations of fighters and cloak-penetrating sensors near the cliffside forced MacGregor Golding to pause. They blocked his every line of approach. He saw a large caterpillarlike Reaver accompanied by an Observer overhead. Those Protoss devices could detect his presence and prevent him from coming closer. He shouldered his C-10 canister rifle, lightweight but bulky like a bazooka. Golding had prepared ahead, substituting some of the high-explosive rounds with special Lockdown rounds. He had a feeling they would prove extremely useful right now.

Still invisible, surrounded by the cloaking field that kept him free of casual observation, he chose his route carefully, gauging how fast he could run and what the clearest path would be. He would worry about a rapid retreat afterward. Then the Ghost lowered the canister rifle and launched his Lockdown round.

He watched the arcing plume of fire and smoke travel beyond the range of his personal cloaking field. Several of the Protoss and Zerg looked up, but it was too late. The Lockdown round detonated, spraying the area with a dampening field that disabled the nearest Reaver. The massive unit ground to a helpless halt, its weapons systems no longer functional, its powered hatches sealed so that the Protoss fighters inside could not boil out and fight hand to hand.

Moving fast now, he fired a second round, and the Observer overhead crashed, its sensors offline.

Knowing he was safe in his invisibility now, MacGregor Golding raced ahead through the chaos, dodging Zerg minions and angry Protoss. They could not see a Ghost.

At the sudden unexpected loss of Protoss mechanized firepower, Zerg minions surged forward, directed by Kukulkan Brood's Overlords to take advantage of the flaw in the Protoss defenses. MacGregor ran ahead, approaching the shimmering artifact, while behind him the vicious Hydralisks, Guardians, and Zerglings plunged into the Protoss with wild abandon.

Using the chaos to his benefit, intent only on his mission, on the pinnacle of his existence, the Ghost took up his position and powered up his special frequency-targeting laser.

Via an encoded communications link, he contacted General Duke. “All ready, sir. I'm in position. Preparing to paint the target now.”

“You may proceed, Golding. Good work,” the general said. “If you don't make it out in time, I'll see that you receive full commendations. Unfortunately, they'll have to be sealed in your classified personnel file.”

“Of course, General. I understand.”

Golding activated the laser and marked a target on the face of the giant artifact. The tactical nuclear warheads could come down with pinpoint accuracy, thanks to him. The objective was assured.

Overhead, one of Alpha Squadron's remaining Battlecruisers opened its weapons bay doors, ready to drop the atomic missiles.

MacGregor Golding was sitting right on ground zero, but he had a few seconds to get out of the way.

He started to run.


OCTAVIA UNDERSTOOD THE STAKES WELL ENOUGH. A nuclear attack was imminent. And if the Terran military attacked the ancient alien artifact, the object itself would strike back. She had no way of knowing how many Terrans—and Protoss, for that matter—might die in the backlash. Octavia could not muster enough compassion to care whether the Zerg swarm was wiped out or not.

General Duke had treated her as if she were a hysterical child who did not know what she was dealing with. Octavia had to admit she didn't understand enough about the situation outside in the Terran Dominion, but in this case she did know more than General Duke.

Now that her efforts to persuade him to give up his ill-advised plan had failed, Octavia knew of only one place to turn. Taking a small field rover, she drove at top speed out to the ax-blade rock where she and the Dark Templar Xerana had first met. Leaving the rover behind, she scrambled up the rocky slope, calling out, “Xerana! Xerana!”

There was no answering voice, of course. The Dark Templar could not have known Octavia would come here to speak to her.

Still, when she concentrated she felt a presence at the back of her mind. Not Xerana, though. It was more like a kind of tension, a mixture of emotions she could not begin to comprehend, all rising in a wordless scream. She could tell something powerful was about to occur.

Desperate now, Octavia blocked all other thoughts from her mind and focused all her concentration on one word: Xerana !

She had no idea how long she stood there, the thought pulsing through her brain— Xerana! Xerana!— but suddenly the Dark Templar scholar was there. She looked ruffled and tired.

As soon as she saw the alien woman, Octavia blurted, “Xerana, I've failed. The military wouldn't listen. There's going to be an atomic explosion. You've got to stop it.”

I too have spoken with my people. They too have chosen not to listen.

A hot ball formed at the pit of Octavia's stomach. “But they could all die. You said so yourself. We've got to stop them.”

Ah. But we can only offer them our knowledge. We cannot make their choices for them. Their greed and prejudice have killed their common sense. What comes after . . . is of their own doing .

“But the Free Haven colonists shouldn't have to die because of someone else's stupidity,” Octavia said.

No. The Dark Templar closed her blazing gemfire eyes, as if she were concentrating on a single deep thought.

Just then, Octavia felt that other presence again at the back of her mind, wiping out all hope of other thought or discussion. She pressed her hands to her temples as the telepathic shout grew and grew.

They were already too late.


WHEN THE DARK TEMPLAR VANISHED BEFORE HIS eyes—escaped!—Judicator Amdor was furious. He had lost the captive he had wanted tortured, interrogated, and then executed. All of the heretics must be made into examples for the rest of the Protoss race, to keep their faith in the Khala strong.

But Xerana had used foul Void powers, tapping into forbidden dark resources that were an affront to all loyal Zealots, Judicators, and High Templar. Amdor could not allow it to seem that she was stronger.

After the Dark Templar scholar fled, her mind-scrambling corruption had faded. But while mentally blinded, Amdor had never seen his rigorous followers so frightened or confused. Not even the Zerg attacks had caused as much disruption and dismay as being cut off from the gentle communal flow of the Khala.

He turned to Executor Koronis, whose thoughts were carefully masked. Amdor had the strange suspicion that the calm commander was as much amused by the Judicator's discomfiture as by the Dark Templar's escape.

Amdor made up his mind. “I will not allow this traitor and heretic to sway me from going inside the Xel'Naga treasure. Enough ground troops and survey teams—I will go myself. Your Dragoons never returned, nor did any of our Zealot scouts. The time has come to investigate this matter personally. Will you come with me?”

To his surprise, Koronis declined. “I wish I could accompany you, Judicator, but the requirements of strategy and military duty dictate that I stay here to direct our battle.”

Amdor looked at him for a moment, as if sneering, then accepted. “You are not worthy to walk in the shadow of the Xel'Naga. I will shoulder the responsibility for the enclave, and for the entire Protoss race.”

The proud Judicator climbed the slope, leaving Koronis behind to reorganize his troops and shore up a line of defense where a mysterious lockdown detonation had just wiped out all of the Protoss mechanized firepower. Zerg minions were flooding into the breach, pressing their advantage. Giving mental commands, Koronis ordered more Reavers to close the gap and a Carrier to strike from the sky with flying Interceptors. . . .

Judicator Amdor reached the opening of the artifact and sensed the pulsing presence inside growing stronger. The light increased, crackling like cold fire through the smooth translucent polymer of the labyrinthine walls. He could sense the influence of the Xel'Naga here, an intangible mark of the creator race. Amdor was certain this legacy was meant for him.

Their fruitless search, the long wanderings of the Qel'Ha had been a result of Executor Koronis's indecisiveness and lack of vision. When the expeditionary fleet returned to the ruins of Aiur, Amdor would bring hope and power to the Protoss race and the Conclave would reward him well.

Stepping into the tunnels, the Judicator walked quickly, choosing curves and following a golden path in his mind. He could tell where the core of this object lay, the center of its power. It seemed to call him, drawing him deeper inside, and he rushed to answer the summons. The entity would reveal everything he had ever wanted to know about the Xel'Naga.

Oddly, despite the throbbing pulse in his mind, Amdor found the artifact to be empty and silent, as if all the other infiltrators—the Protoss Zealots, Terran commandos, and Zerg invaders alike—had somehow gone away. But Amdor felt no threat in this, only a gladness that his way would not be hindered.

When at last he entered the grotto of the arctic-cold fire, it swelled and grew, drawing energy, licking the swirled sides of the cavern. Amdor stopped, and all the amazed thoughts in his mind drained away. He could no longer feel the Khala, but this presence was greater than even the combined mental power of the Protoss race. This was magnificent.

This was everything.

As he stood in front of the blazing, living heart of the artifact, Amdor could put no words to his astonishment. Then inside his head, piercing through even the awakening, utterly ancient presence of this thing, he heard the hated psi-voice of the Dark Templar, whispering to him from a distance: “Now you will believe, Judicator. This is only the beginning. This artifact is another creation of the Xel'Naga. It knows that we are all interconnected, part of the great tapestry. And the Xel'Naga plan requires all of us here, every scrap of our DNA. Their legacy needs only the energy to escape.”

Amdor whirled to see if Xerana had somehow followed him inside, if she dared taint this holy place with her foul presence. But the scholar was not there, only her voice. She herself had fled to safety. “You should have listened to me, Judicator Amdor.”

Then she fell silent in his head, and he looked once again toward the shimmering core, which even now blazed brighter, focusing on him, assessing him—then lunging out for him.

Brilliant bolts shot in all directions, lacing the grotto with a fiery webwork of connections, forming the final pattern as it disintegrated the Judicator and absorbed the last scraps of information that it needed for its full awakening.


FOLLOWING THE BRIGHT PATH PAINTED ONTO THE surface of the artifact by the Ghost's special laser, the tactical nuclear warheads plunged down through the hazy storm-breeding skies of Bhekar Ro. They were like lightning bolts hurled from the heavens by an angry god.

The Ghost, MacGregor Golding, scrambled over rock outcroppings away from the giant structure. He switched off his cloaking field and left himself exposed as all the aliens turned, some noticing him, some spotting the streaks of fire coming down from distant ships high above, some just sensing an awful doom approaching.

It was just a few tactical nukes. The GPIP ( guaranteed permanent incapacitation of personnel) radius wasn't too large. A stim-charged Ghost, running all out, could get to the other side of the ridge, dive down among some thick rocks, and hope the mountainside offered enough shelter.

Before leaping down through scree and boulders, Golding raised his hands as if beckoning the awesome weapons closer. He heard a hissing boom through the air and the scream of their passage, then all the warheads came down like sledgehammers on top of the glowing artifact.

He found a crack in enormous talus rocks, squeezed inside to where the shadows looked dark and cool. But even there, he had to close his eyes, and through his lids the world looked bright as day. . . .

In a growing burst of light, the three tactical nukes erased the front of the mountain surrounding the artifact. A flash of spreading disintegration rippled outward.

But faster still, the awakened and hungry artifact struck, drinking deeply of the energy, absorbing it all. Within a moment—too short for any clock to measure—the outward spread of atomic annihilation halted, then was sucked inside, drawn deep into the Xel'Naga creation like a whirlpool of power. . . .

Reeling from the sonic boom, not knowing what had just happened, Executor Koronis stood by his Protoss forces, unable to believe he was still alive. He could not grasp how the artifact had responded to the nuclear attack from above, but now all the translucent biopolymer convolutions awakened in a burst of radiance.

The mountainside was gone, like unlocked chains that had fallen away. Recharged and fully awake, the living artifact at last cracked and broke free, its substance no longer an armor-like material. Now the whole thing was charged with pulsing electrical fire, a life force.

Alive, and searching.

The Zerg Overlords, stunned by the unexpected atomic blast, reeled, losing control of their ravenous minions. The bristling, monstrous Roverlisks, based on the genetics of Old Blue, bounded about, tearing into their Zergling cohorts. Dragonlike Mutalisks flew in circles, out of control and spitting a rain of Glave Wurm destruction down on all frenzied fighters.

The surviving Protoss Judicators and Zealots stood in awe, looking up at the incandescent, stirring object buried by their ancient progenitors, as if a thunderous destiny were coming down upon them.

Then the web-laced blazing shell split with crackling lightning bolts as the casing spread wider, opening up like an eggshell . . .

Or a chrysalis.

As Koronis stared in astonishment, feeling the thoughts of all the Protoss around him swelling with terror and anticipation, his own brain reached an overload. He thought of how wonderful it had been just to take his worn shard of old Khaydarin crystal to focus his thoughts, to calm himself and meditate. But this was too much for his brain, even in the flow of the Khala, to comprehend.

The Dark Templar Xerana had warned them. She had tried to explain that this object was not simply an artifact, but the seed of a living creature, another prototype race developed through the genetic machinations of the Xel'Naga. Now he and his armies, along with the Zerg Minions and the Terran military, had not succeeded in conquering it . . . but in reviving it.

With a squidlike form of incandescent energy barely held within a luminous organic skin, the real creature, a glorious being, emerged from the broken shards of its cocoon. It rose like a phoenix made of giant feathery wings, grasping tentacles, and blazing suns for eyes.

Koronis stood watching the wondrous beast. It looked unlike anything he had ever seen, and yet there was nothing wrong about it. The creature combined elements of Terran butterfly and jellyfish and sea anemone. This being had a purity of purpose that seemed to reach a pinnacle higher than either the Protoss or the Zerg, which were the Xel'Naga's other primary creations.

The awakened entity moved quickly, rising out of the shattered chrysalis and hovering over the battlefield. Koronis felt as if he were a part of it. The creature sang a telepathic melody, a song written by the long-dead Xel'Naga, infused with a throbbing resonance that felt attuned to every strand of his DNA.

But Koronis sensed that he and his Protoss were not here just as observers. This phoenix monster needed him, and it needed the Zerg. They were resources to complete its grand metamorphosis. The buried cocoon had been placed here aeons ago, growing, incubating, waiting . . . until now.

A typhoon of wind and carefully targeted lightning bolts flew around the rising creature like a fury, and it struck out in a kaleidoscope of color across the battlefield. The Protoss and the Zerg stood helpless as the Xel'Naga-spawned being flashed them all with its high-powered scanning beams, disintegrating and absorbing them, gathering up their genetics, all the thoughts and souls of these other children of the Xel'Naga. The area for miles around glowed, not with nuclear radiation, but with a seething backwash of life force.

Now more than the sum of its parts, the magnificent phoenix creature rose through the sky, tearing apart clouds and turning them hot and orange. The adult life-form ascended into space, leaving behind the destruction and the shell of its chrysalis in the blasted mountainside.

On its way it encountered the few remaining Alpha Squadron Battlecruisers in orbit.

Already on edge, knowing that the ground forces had been wiped out in the titanic three-way battle around the artifact, the captain of the wounded Battlecruiser Napoleon opened fire with a blast of his Yamato gun. Seeing the dazzling creature hurtling toward him like a hurricane, he had no time—or desire—to wait for orders from General Duke down in his command center in Free Haven.

The captains of the other Battlecruisers came to the same conclusion. Yamato guns fired at the oncoming phoenix-thing, unwittingly increasing the being's biological power reservoirs. It glowed brighter, hotter. . . .

And as it swept past, the newborn entity vaporized, absorbed, and digested the Terran battleships, drinking their power, leaving only sparkling chunks of molten debris, which flash-froze in the cold vacuum of space.

Then it engulfed and absorbed the Zerg and Protoss secondary forces that had remained in reserve above the planet.

Finally sated and eager to begin its new life, the strange blazing creature departed from its aeons-long home of Bhekar Ro and soared off through the Void into the vast and unexplored gulf between the stars.


OCTAVIA PANTED, HER LEGS TREMBLING AS SHE forced her body to keep moving. The Dark Templar Xerana insisted that she maintain the desperate pace. They had climbed the slope together, no longer fearing any outlying Zerg infestation, because all of the aliens had drawn together into the valley war zone.

Sensing imminent danger just as they crested the ridge, though, the Dark Templar struck Octavia with the full force of her long arm, knocking her to the ground. Xerana ducked under a rock outcropping, sheltering herself and Octavia as a blaze of yellow-white fire lit up the sky and then faded . . . too quickly.

Your Marines have dropped their bombs, the Dark Templar said. But the result will not be what your commander expected.

When the light and fire began to fade, Xerana rose to her feet with Octavia beside her, and they watched from a distance as the enormous buried chrysalis cracked open and the phoenix-being hatched out of it, rose high in the air, and minutes later swept over the distant battlefield, absorbing everything. Octavia hoped they were far enough away from all the other combatants.

Welcome to the universe , Xerana said as if to the risen creature, her mental voice tinged with awe.

Octavia's mind sensed a glorious freedom and fulfillment. She now understood the presence that had been calling her for so long, and even though she hated what this alien thing had done to her brother Lars, she could not resist the pull of complete wonder. She had never before seen anything so beautiful or so utterly pure. Her eyes ached from the too-white light as the newly born luminous beast filled the valley with its incandescence and then eagerly shot up to vanish into the skies.

Come, Xerana said. There is more here we need to see.

They scrambled down the rough, steep slope. The battlefield valley itself continued to throb and glow. A strange pulsing fog crawled over the ground, like a nebulous remnant of life force seeping out of the stones and soil, a mist made of diamond dust. The crown of Khaydarin crystals that had surrounded the buried artifact was now pulverized and scattered about like myriad grains of sand . . . or seeds.

The two of them reached the valley floor and moved forward together. Only minutes ago Octavia had been exhausted, but now she felt recharged, more rested and nourished than she had been in years. She did not mind that the tall Dark Templar strode along at a rapid pace. Octavia bounded beside Xerana, practically running. She saw scars from the battle, the twisted wreckage of destroyed machines, but no corpses—not even any splashes of blood.

Xerana, who must have picked up her thoughts, responded. The Xel'Naga hatchling took all the life it could touch, and with the energy from your military's nuclear strikes, it had more life force than it could contain. It used that energy to combine all the genetics of the Zerg and Protoss in order to complete its maturation. Then, on its journey outward, the new hatchling shed some of its bioenergy, leaving it here.

Octavia bit her lip. As she looked around and saw so many wonderful things, her anger came back. “Then why did it take Lars? What possible use could that creature have for human DNA?”

Xerana seemed saddened. Your brother was a mistake. The hatchling had no use for your Terran energy. It was asleep and still young. It did not understand what it was doing.

So . . . Lars had died simply because he had been in the wrong place.

Not consoled by this, Octavia walked deeper into the valley, noticing a small change that grew more pronounced as minutes passed. The soil seemed springy, and she saw tendrils of grass, tiny shoots sprouting everywhere. They grew so quickly that she could actually see the plants moving, bursting up through the ground as if anxious to return an exuberance of life to scarred Bhekar Ro. She knelt on the ground and plucked a flower, which blossomed in her hand into a brilliant crimson bloom with three pointed petals.

It is life, Xerana said simply. Octavia could feel it in her eyes, her skin, her mind.

The powerful diamond mist began to dissipate, thinning to reveal a clear blue sky that seemed to reach all the way to the stars. Then, in the distance, Octavia saw several figures, people standing dazed and confused out in the middle of the burgeoning meadow.

They were human.

Octavia started forward, hesitantly at first, afraid to hope. Many of them wore the uniforms of Terran Marines, but one was dressed in settlers' clothes, serviceable coveralls . . . just like the ones her brother had worn. Octavia caught her breath, unable to believe what she was seeing. She blinked.

Xerana explained, For the final transformation, the embryo required the genetics of the other Xel'Naga children as a biological fuel. Because these Terrans were not necessary, the creature must have rejected them from the DNA matrix.

“Lars!” Octavia shouted, then rushed forward, breathless. She laughed. Her resurrected brother stood in the middle of a field of flowers that looked like a fireworks show of color across the grassy valley. He turned to see her, and his face lit up. She threw herself into Lars's arms. He looked confused at first, then hugged her tightly.

“Now this is interesting,” he said in a bemused voice.

“I can't believe you're back!” she said. Octavia grabbed his shoulders, just staring at him. Her knees felt weak. After all she had been through, this seemed the most unbelievable.

“I never thought I'd be glad to get back to this place,” Lars said. Octavia hugged him again.

The Dark Templar female stood alone and apart. There was nothing more for her here. She had come to see and to learn. Her warning had not been heeded, and she'd been unable to save her Protoss brothers, but perhaps that was for the best. The newly awakened phoenix creature was also part of the Xel'Naga mystery, and Xerana was glad that she had witnessed its birth.

Without a word of farewell, the Dark Templar scholar wrapped herself in shadows again, vanished from sight, and made her way back to her own ship.

Perhaps she could follow the newborn creature, or search for other sleeping embryos that had been hidden by the Xel'Naga. She had many questions to answer and much to do . . . and all the Void in which to search.


THE OBLITERATION OF KUKULKAN BROOD FELT like a wound ripped into Sarah Kerrigan's side. The sickly light pulsing from the living walls of the Hive around her seemed oppressive.

It was not so much anger at a humiliating defeat or sadness at the deaths of so many of her minions. What she felt was the loss of an ambitious dream, a loss of resources.

Only a setback . . .

So far, she had worked without rest to guide the Zerg back into a ferocious force that was destined to conquer the galaxy. This mission to confiscate the Xel'Naga artifact had been a test for her. She had wanted to demonstrate to herself that her Zerg were undefeatable, that the destruction of the Overmind had been merely a fluke. The Queen of Blades was stronger, braver, more ambitious.

Now, though, she would have to reassess her plans, redefine her goals so that the dead planet of Char blossomed into a dark flower.

The burgeoning Hives generated hordes of larvae, all of which were mutated into carefully chosen configurations, minions that would fit into an overall military strategy.

Even without Kukulkan Brood, Sarah Kerrigan still had other powerful Broods—Tiamat, Fenris, Baelrog, Surtur, Jormungand. Each one was led by a different Cerebrate. Each one had a general function in the overall Zerg social structure: to command, hunt, terrorize, attack. Each one had thousands, sometimes millions of loyal Zerg minions.

Some had been decimated in the recent war that had brought Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg to the brink of oblivion. But the Queen of Blades had brought them back together again.

She decided she would not concern herself with the setback on Bhekar Ro. It did not matter. Despair was a human condition, and Sarah Kerrigan no longer considered herself human.

This was only the beginning.

Soon she would launch her Brood War.


ACCOMPANIED BY LIEUTENANT SCOTT AND HIS surviving commandos—all of whom had also been restored in the backwash of the Phoenix-creature's birth—Octavia and Lars made their way back to Free Haven.

Inside the settlement town, General Edmund Duke seemed completely lost and alone. They found Mayor Nikolai pounding on the door of his home. “I want my office back.”

A handful of Marine guards continued their duties around the town, but they seemed completely bereft of goal or direction. General Duke opened the door and, ignoring the mayor, pushed past to stand out in the middle of the street.

Nik rushed back into his dwelling and began to clear the general's paraphernalia off his desk.

Alpha Squadron had been wiped out on the battlefield. Duke's Battlecruisers, Wraiths, and ground troops had been destroyed, some of them during the orbital battle, most in the abortive assault against the Zerg and the Protoss near the artifact. Now, shortly after the nuclear strike and the strange unexplained events that had occurred around the buried object, he'd lost contact with his remaining ships in space. No one answered his comm signals.

He hoped they were just scattered. Perhaps a few vessels had reported directly to Emperor Mengsk. Some might come back to search for him.

But he didn't think so.

When Octavia returned with her brother, the settlers, though beaten and in shock after the war, reacted with joy to see at least one member of their colony returned alive and well. The most joyful by far, though, was Cyn McCarthy, who ran to Lars, threw her arms around him, and burst into tears. To Octavia's surprise, Lars kissed the copper-haired young woman and proposed to her on the spot— prompting a fresh wave of happy tears.

The rest of the colonists watched in a daze. So many astonishing and terrifying things had happened to them in the last few days that they did not even question the miracles they were now seeing.

Octavia's exuberance began to awaken them. “Wait until you see the valley!” she said. “It's all fertile land now, bursting with plants. We'll be able to grow any kind of crops there. I guarantee we'll have a yield higher than anything in our colony's history. It's a new chance for us, a spot of hope. We can get back on our feet again.”

General Duke scowled at Octavia as if she were to blame. “My military force came to rescue you and now most of them are wiped out.” He shouted into the office that had, until recently, been his command center. “Mayor Nikolai, I demand that you contact the Terran Dominion and request a full extraction team, battlefield analysis, and relief for my surviving men.”

The mayor poked his head out the door, looking insufferably pleased with himself. He didn't seem terribly disappointed when he said, “I'm sorry, General. All of our long-range communications systems are down. They were destroyed in the attack.”

General Duke growled, as if he wanted to chew on some rocks and spit out sand. “And you don't have any spaceports? No star traveling technology on this rock?”

Mayor Nikolai shook his head. “We're just a fledgling colony, General. ‘Simple dirt-farmers,’ I think you called us.”

“Clodhoppers,” Octavia added. “Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come looking for you eventually.”

Duke balled his fists and planted them on his hips, glaring at all the townspeople. “Well, I'm stranded here then. Now what am I supposed to do?”

“Let's be practical.” Octavia reached over to the wall of one of the dwellings and picked up a long-handled hoe that was stained with Zerg blood. She shoved the farming implement into the flustered general's hands. “You can start weeding. We've got a lot of new arable land to cultivate.”

Duke spluttered and could think of no response. Octavia gave him a wry smile. “It's easy, General. Any child can show you how to do it.”

With the help of Lars and Cyn, she gathered Jon, Wes, Gregor, Kiernan, Kirsten, and a few other settlers, to lead them out to the lush, revitalized valley and show them where they could plant fresh crops. Handsome young Lieutenant Scott, looking at Octavia with undisguised interest, volunteered to accompany them. He seemed happy and relieved, as if he was tired of warfare and might prefer to settle down here. . . .

As the colonists worked together to pick up the pieces of their scarred world, Octavia sincerely hoped they would never draw outside attention again.
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