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[其它] Vision of the Future

发表于 2013-11-28 17:16:05 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Vision of the Future

By Razorclaw X

This campaign features a storyline intricately mixed with StarCraft: Brood War and Ranma 1/2. Its story is continued in Black Dream, Prophecy, and Final Destiny.

下载地址: of the Future.exe

The Battle of Aiur

Against terrible odds Executor Urust lead a sizable force of Carriers against Zerg reinforcements, shielding the Overmind encampment from the merciless enemy. Wave after wave of suicidal Zerg threw themselves against the air fleet, decimating airships one after another. Warriors fell below to rampaging Zerglings, innumerable.

It was time to die a glorious death for Aiur.

However, that was not to be; as the plating around Urust peeled away to the point of destruction a column of light overshadowed the battlefield, its source the Overmind itself. With Tassadar's noble sacrifice Urust's Carrier was spared from destruction, as was the remains of the Fleet of the Executor.

But that battle was only a prelude.

The UED Invasion

Attempting to seize control after the Overmind's death Daggoth and Kerrigan locked horns, waging their battles across Char in a bid for dominance. Using his terrible cunning to his advantage Daggoth tricked several minor Cerebrates into merging into a new Overmind, the symbol of authority of the Zerg. What this new Overmind did not know was that it was the puppet of Daggoth and the other ancient Cerebrates.

This puppet government, however, was unprepared for the onslaught of a new wave of Terran enemy: the United Earth Directorate. Time and again Daggoth's Zerg suffered defeat, pushing them all the way back to Char. The hour of defeat at hand, the UED succeeded in capturing the Overmind puppet.

It was time to lose complete freedom.

However, that was not to be; on the world of Aiur Cerebrates Alhonoth and Nargil succeeded in capturing several Protoss weapons and artifacts, ones that could guarantee the Zerg's future in the wake of this setback. With renewed determination Daggoth's faction retreats back toward the Galactic Core, preparing for the day for which they could reclaim the Koprulu Sector for themselves.

But that battle was only a prelude.

A Vision of the Future

An unholy alliance of Zerg and Protoss has emerged with the combined strength to threaten all! Zargil, a wicked Cerebrate, with an infested Protoss under his control, has devised a method by which to guarantee the future of the Zerg-- by securing the past of Terrans' history and preventing them from ever interfering in the Battle of Aiur.

Only an equally-desperate alliance of Zerg and Protoss can put an end to this madness, but ancient rivalries die hard.

The future of their universe relies on Terrans from the past.


Name: Ranma Saotome
Type: Marine
Weapon: Moko Takabisha, Tenshin Amaguriken
Allegience: Team Ranma

The hero of the story, and potentially the most powerful martial artist in the world. Though he does not like to admit it, he is in love with Akane. Ranma is the main reason why others-- Ryoga, Ukyo, Kuno, Shampoo, Kodachi, Mousse-- interfere with the couple's lives.

Name: Akane Tendo
Type: Medic
Weapon: Flash Grenade
Allegience: Team Ranma

Ranma's fiancee, Akane is a skilled martial artist herself, but nowhere near the likes of the others. Though she does not like to admit it, she is in love with Ranma.

Name: Ukyo Kuonji
Type: Ghost
Weapon: Spatula Throw
Allegience: Team Ranma

Ranma's childhood friend, Ukyo is perhaps the world's best okonomiyaki chef (though that is far from the limit of her abilities). Although she knows it is a doomed venture, Ukyo has vowed never to love another man, and therefore tries to convince Ranma she is the better fiancee as best as she can.

Name: Shampoo
Type: Infested Kerrigan
Weapon: Joketsuzoku Swords
Allegience: Team Ranma

Shampoo carries the tradition of Chinese Amazons, and therefore, by tradition, must marry Ranma, something which she delights in. She cares little in what other people think, but knows enough to realize that Ranma's opinion of her will be one of the deciding factors of her marriage.

Name: Mousse
Type: Ghost
Weapon: Chain Attack
Allegience: Team Ranma

A Chinese martial artist who specializes in Hidden Weapon attacks, Mousse blindly follows Shampoo, hoping one day she would notice him.

Name: Ryoga Hibiki
Type: Zealot
Weapon: Bakusai Tenketsu
Allegience: Team Ranma

The Eternally Lost Boy travels the countryside with a lousy sense of direction, but he often finds himself in the right place at the right time. He holds the deepest respect for Akane, and often blames Ranma for most of his (and Akane's) problems. He is Ranma's greatest rival as well as a friend.

Name: Tatewaki Kuno
Type: Dark Templar
Weapon: Ancient Kuno Sword
Allegience: Team Ranma

Girl-crazy Tatewaki is the undisputed Kendo champion in the high school world... perhaps even the entire world. His goals often cross with Ranma's, and he would love to date Akane Tendo and the pig-tailed girl. Recently, through unknown means, Tatewaki has learned an invisibility technique similar to Ranma's own Umisenken invisibility technique.

Name: Kodachi Kuno
Type: High Templar
Weapon: Gymnastics Ribbon
Allegience: Team Ranma

Boy-crazy 'Black Rose' Kodachi has set her sights on Ranma. While she knows Ranma does not love her, she believes she can persuade him to her side. Spirited and full of life, Kodachi often comes off as creepy and antisocial to those who do not know her well enough.

Name: Happosai
Type: Zergling
Weapon: Fists
Allegience: Independent

The founder of the Anything-Goes School of Martial Arts, Happosai delights in women's underwear. He can often be seen chased around in the streets by women he stole panties from.

Name: Pantyhose Taro
Type: Ghost
Weapon: Fists
Allegience: Independent

Given his name by Happosai, Taro harbors a grudge against the old man, and will stop at nothing until he gets a name he likes (only Happosai can change Taro's name). He has crossed paths with Ranma a number of times, and the two share no lost love for each other.

Name: Admiral Gerard DuGalle
Type: Battlecruiser
Weapon: ATS/ATA Laser Battery
Allegience: UED Strike Force

The skilled leader of the United Earth Directorate's forces in the Koprulu Sector, sent to tame the Zerg and subjugate the Terran Dominion.

Name: Templar Executor Urust
Type: High Templar
Weapon: Psi Assault, Psionic Storm
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

One of the many honored Executors of the Battle of Aiur, Urust's role was to keep Zerg reinforcements from interfering with Tassadar's final attack, a directive given to him by the now-destroyed Conclave. Though he disapproved of Tassadar's rebellion, Urust did believe the younger Templar was correct. In the days of the exodus to Shakuras Urust was charged with a fleet of Carriers to safeguard the remaining Protoss outposts far from Aiur. He yearns for the day when he may contribute to the Protoss race as Tassadar did, and hones himself and his men for the inevitable final battle against the Zerg Swarm.

Name: Judicator Imorih
Type: High Templar
Weapon: Psi Assault
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

As a Judicator of the Shelak Tribe, Imorih has studied the ancient Xel'Naga texts, and has taken a particular interest in Terrans. Terrans, he believes, have the potential to become as psychically-active as the Protoss within a few generations. However, his main interest is in the history of the Terrans; Imorih has a self-imposed goal to chronicle each and every psychic occurance in Terran history, and determine the point where the psionics became quite active.

Name: Judicator Chaladar
Type: High Templar
Weapon: Psi Assault, Phantom Warriors
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

Judicator of a remote Protoss outpost, Chaladar is a bored and sarcastic man. In his spare time Chaladar studies the forbidden texts of the Xel'Naga, of which only the Shelak Tribe can touch (he is not of their number). He developed the awesome Phantom Warrior technique-- a more powerful version of the Templar Hallucination that can cause actual harm. When the Conclave was destroyed on Aiur, Chaladar did nothing to hide his glee, for he blames them for sticking him in a backwater in the first place. His only true friend is Amukasier, who visits from time-to-time.

Name: Judicator Kizrath
Type: Scout
Weapon: Dual Photon Blasters, Anti-Matter Missiles
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

Kizrath was forced to become a Judicator because his father was one, but he yearned to become a Templar. To this end Kizrath taught himself the benign (relatively speaking) skill of Scout piloting in secret, until one fateful battle where he found himself in the position of saving his carrier from destruction: Kizrath hijacked a spare Scout. Though the Conclave disapproved of Kizrath's actions, they saw the skill and talent in his work, and granted him permission to create an elite Wing of pilots under his command. One of the few Judicator willing to lead his men into battle, Kizrath has proven time and again his worth. Ever since the Battle of Aiur, Kizrath has nursed a grudge against the Zerg known as Xaax for defiling the sacred Gardens on his watch.

Name: Khalai Amukasier
Type: High Templar
Weapon: Psi Assault
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

An artificer by trade, Amukasier is a skilled member of the Khalai caste, specializing in the construction and maintainence of artificial intelligence computers and weapons-- the most notable being Ziktofel's Corsair, and the Warbringer Reaver. He takes great pride in his inventions, and has taught himself how to pilot all the vehicles he has made/modified.

Name: Prelate Ziktofel
Type: Corsair
Weapon: Neutron Flare
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

Among the youngest of the Dark Templar Prelates, Ziktofel was only recently given her leadership position. In result, her experience in leadership is very limited, having never lead troops into the heat of battle. She is a skilled pilot as well as a powerful warrior, and pilots her own personal Corsair, which she named 'Dragon Tear' (the name is a translated equivalent of an ancient tongue). This ship responds only to the psychic signature of Ziktofel, a great modification installed by Khalai Amukasier, among other things. She commands a wing of Corsairs, who have yet to see the rigors of battle.

Name: Hhallahh
Type: Dark Archon
Weapon: Feedback
Allegience: Fleet of the Executor

The origins of the Dark Archon known as 'Hhallahh' is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that he is well over a thousand years old. Created before the Dark Templar banned their merging for a thousand years, Hhallahh's personality was formed out of the former gestalt personality of two Dark Templar warriors. He is in constant pain, but will never admit it to anyone save his old friend, Ziktofel.

Name: Daggoth
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Tiamat Brood

The undisputed master of the 'renegade' Zerg Swarm, Daggoth is the eldest of the remaining Cerebrates after the fall of the Overmind on Aiur. In the aftermath of the fateful battle, he and many other Cerebrates on Aiur lost control over their broods, but he eventually regained control. Daggoth rallied the Cerebrates to his side, and moved his base of operations back to Char, where he met his true opposition: the self-styled Queen of Blades.

Name: K'tulan
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Kraken Brood

Daggoth's eager lieutenant, K'tulan is the master of one of the smaller broods, an offshoot of the Tiamat Brood. As a willing subordinate to Daggoth, K'tulan operates as the elder Cerebrate's hand in areas beyond his control. The Kraken Brood mainly serves as remote command, and excels in hostile environments.

Name: Seithor
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Leviathan Brood

The Cerebrate known as Seithor was known among the Cerebrates and the Overmind as a loudmouth; in fact, such behavior continued even after the Overmind was destroyed. He is not afraid to voice his opinion, and will often back it up with force of arms. Seithor values only those who prove themselves in his eyes, but is a very demanding and harsh judge. This often leads to conflicts with the younger K'tulan, who Seithor sees as a kiss-up/toady. The Leviathan Brood's role is of secondary strike, but more often than not Seithor's brood remains in reserve.

Name: Alhonoth
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Nephilim Brood

A relatively young Cerebrate compared to ancients such as Daggoth and Nargil, Alhonoth commands one of the larger broods, ranking with numbers in the millions along with Kagg and Araq. His primary role is mainly deep-space exploration/hunting, which often coincides with the directive of the Fenris Brood. After the fall of Grendel Brood, Nephilim took over their former position in the command structure.

Name: Zelkin
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Thrym Brood

After the fall of his predecessor, Gorn (Baelrog Brood), Zelkin filled the vacuum once held by the now- deceased Cerebrate. Just like Gorn, Zelkin's forces serve mainly as shock/terror troops, often attacking without warning and mercy. Though the brood's numbers are few, it is often more than enough to get enemies heading for the hills in panic.

Name: Zargil
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Sennith Brood

The successor of the power vacuum left by the cunning Zasz and his Garm Brood, both destroyed on Char due to the efforts of Dark Templar Prelate Zeratul. Zargil is no less cunning, but he has a streak of rebelliousness that became quite apparent since the death of the Overmind. Though his methods are unorthodoxed, Zargil's motives and goals do coincide with that of the rest of the greater Swarm. Hot-tempered, he often becomes impatient with the cautious, old Daggoth.

Name: Araq
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Jormungand Brood

A veteran of the Battle of Aiur, it was Araq's duty to protect the Overmind on Char, a duty shared with Daggoth. The confusion backlash caused by the deaths of the Cerebrates of the Baelrog and Grendel brood through the Overmind reduced the powerful Cerebrate's effectiveness in the final battle. It is this inability to operate at full potential that fuels Araq's anger, for he often blames himself for the Overmind's demise. However, this self-blame manifests in an undying desire to eradicate every living Protoss he can kill, and Araq takes great pleasure in giving Protoss victims slow and dishonorable deaths.

Name: Kagg
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Surtur Brood

Though relatively active during the Battle of Aiur, rampaging across Protoss cities as if they were grass, Kagg's role as Primary Strike has diminished. In the wake of the Overmind's destruction, Kagg has become less aggressive and more careful, for he believes the Overmind died because of his overconfidence. Often he will volunteer to defend the Hive Clusters, as such a role allows him to ponder more than attack does.

Name: Nargil
Type: Cerebrate
Weapon: None
Allegience: Fenris Brood

Nargil is among the eldest of the remaining Cerebrates; only Daggoth is older. He commands a small, yet powerful, brood, tasked with hunting down new species to incorporate into the Swarm. This role often draws Nargil's brood away from the main Swarm, and it was for this reason he (and Alhonoth) was absent from the Battle of Aiur. However, upon his return, Nargil and his hunters brought back new, more powerful, strains of Zerg: the Lurker, and the Devourer.

Name: Hunter Xaax
Type: Defiler
Weapon: Acid Spray
Allegience: Fenris Brood

The oldest (most experienced) and most powerful hunter of Nargil's brood, Xaax's tracking abilities are legendary in the Swarm. Daggoth often borrows the highly-intelligent Defiler's abilities for surgical strikes. Though he must obey the every will of Nargil, as the Cerebrates once did for the Overmind, Xaax enjoys his job, and carries out every order with deadly enthusiasm. Over the centuries he has developed a strange sense of humor, and teaches the younger hunters in his spare time... all for the glory of the Swarm.

Name:Hunter Thakras
Type: Defiler
Weapon: Venom
Allegience: Sennith Brood

Zargil created Thakras in immitation of Nargil's team of Defiler hunters. Thakras must obey every will of Zargil, just as the Cerebrates must obey every will of the Overmind. He considers himself a rival of Xaax (the elder Defiler laughs at that thought), and gladly takes every chance he can to show him up.

Name: Matriarch Parakas
Type: Queen
Weapon: Infestation, Spawn Broodlings
Allegience: Sennith Brood

Though her primary role is to watch over the young larvae of the Sennith Brood, Parakas is often called upon to attack opponents as well, utilizing her family of creatures she carries around. As an advanced Queen, Parakas has developed the means necessary to exert a degree of control in victims she infests... a modified parasite that burrows into the victim and attaches itself to the brain. When she is done with her victims Parakas often directs the parasite to burst into a set of Broodlings, killing the infested victim. To infest brings Parakas great pleasure.

Name: Samir Duran
Type: Ghost
Weapon: C-10 Canister Rifle
Allegience: Independent

A man of mystery, he delights in throwing his enemies against each other, working on both sides at once. He has a greater goal, but what that is exactly is uncertain.

Name: Sarah Kerrigan
Type: Infested Kerrigan
Weapon: Claws
Allegience: Kerrigan's Elite Brood

The self-styled Queen of Blades, Kerrigan has control over a number of young Cerebrates, including the Cerebrate whose role is to protect her. She believes herself the successor to the dead Overmind's power, and will stop at nothing to attain that goal.

Music List:
Music used in this campaign is varied as much as the sources are varied. Sources are credited to the best of my ability.
Part 1: Prelude to Darkness

Title: The Third Castle: Mu
Source: Ranma 1/2 Big Trouble in Nekonlon, China
Mission: 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0

The brief overture heard at the beginning of each part.

Title: Grueling Fight (Battle Theme)
Source: Dragon Quest III Symphonic Suite
Mission: 1-2

Chaladar's Boss Theme.

Title: Fairy
Source: King of Fighters '96 Arrange Sound Trax
Mission: 1-3

This theme plays during the duration of the siege of Kodulas.

Title: Overture
Source: Ranma 1/2 Big Trouble in Nekonlon, China
Mission: 1-5

Music chosen to fit the choreography of the movements in this cutscene.
Part 2: The Invasion

Title: Here's Ranma
Source: Ranma 1/2 Background Music 1
Mission: 2-0

Your typical Ranma fanfare.

Title: Destruction
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 2-1

Running from the Zerg infestation.

Title: Battle Saber
Source: Matta-matta Saber Marionette J
Mission: 2-2

The Prison complex theme as well as the Warbringer Boss Theme.

Title: A Formidable Enemy's Appearance
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 2-4

Ambient noise during the defense mission.
Part 3: The Search for Friends

Title: Tatewaki Kuno, Age 17
Source: Ranma 1/2 Background Music 1
Mission: 3-0

Appropriately for the mission centrally-focused on Kuno.

Title: Don't Cry
Source: Ranma 1/2 Game Music
Mission: 3-1

A reflection theme.

Title: Sinister Shadow
Source: Ys V Original Soundtrack
Mission: 3-2

A dark theme suited for a dark cave.

Title: Phoenix Leaving the Nest
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 3-3, 5-1, 5-1 (a), 5-1 (b)

Shampoo Boss Theme, as well as Kuno Boss Theme later on.

Title: Anything Goes Martial Arts Decisive Battle
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 3-4

Great Phoenix defense mission.

Title: Twisted Sister
Source: Ranma 1/2 Background Music 1
Mission: 3-5

This plays during the briefing as Kodachi is brought up to speed on current events.

Title: Legend of Jusenkyo
Source: Ranma 1/2 Background Music 1
Mission: 3-5

Ryoga's theme, appropriately played during his part of the mission.
Part 4: The War Against Destiny

Title: Prelude
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 4-0

The suppression theme.

Title: The Second Battle
Source: Ranma 1/2 Big Trouble in Nekonlon, China
Mission: 4-1

Strassenburg's assault.

Title: Ballestine Castle
Source: Best of Ys III
Mission: 4-3

Section 14 fortress theme, as well as Sturgeon Boss Theme.

Title: Do or Die Mid-Air Battle
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 4-4

Battle against Chance Milon.

Title: The Wall of Chopsticks
Source: Ranma 1/2 Big Trouble in Nekonlon, China
Mission: 4-5

The final assault by the Section commandos.
Part 5: Endgame

Title: Phoenix's Birth
Source: Ranma 1/2 OVA and Movie 3
Mission: 5-0

The decision-making theme.

Title: Break Into Territory
Source: Ys V Orchestral
Mission: 5-3

This is the theme that plays if you saved neither girl back in 5-0.

Title: To Make the End of Battle
Source: Ys II ???
Mission: 5-3 (a)

This is the theme that plays if you saved Akane.

Title: Sanctuary of the Sun
Source: Best of Ys IV
Mission: 5-3 (b)

This is the theme that plays if you saved Kodachi.

Title: Gruelling Fight (Baramos)
Source: Dragon Quest III Remix OST
Mission: 5-3 (c)

You fight this boss if you saved neither Akane or Kodachi.

Title: Diamond
Source: Game Music Sailor Moon R
Mission: 5-4

The Temporal Gate Boss Theme.

Title: Field of Gale
Source: Ys V Orchestral
Mission: 5-4

Sennith Brood Boss Theme, played in the traditional orchestral style. Very heroic.

Title: You and I
Source: Ranma 1/2 Game Music
Mission: 5-5

The calm ending theme and insert song.

Title: Complex Two Thoughts (LIVE version)
Source: Ranma 1/2 DoCo 2
Mission: Bonus

It's a DoCo song, live in concert!

Bosses Guide:
Bosses are those guys that stand out from the rest of the pack, and no wonder why they're bosses. Here is a brief and rough guide and tips on tackling these guys.
Part 1: Prelude to Darkness

Mission 1-3: Chaladar is the boss of Part 1. He creates phantom doubles of himself, so only one is real. At the same time he summons help, but between your two Zerg armies there should be no problems. Keep fighting until Chaladar yields. Kraken Guardians and Queens will make the battle much simpler.
Part 2: The Invasion

Mission 2-2: Amukasier and Warbringer are the bosses of Part 2. Amukasier will send several sets of Warbringers at you, but only one is real. Destroy all the traps and phantom warriors, and utilize the healing beacon when necessary. Keep fighting until Amukasier runs out of Warbringers and flees.

Mission 2-5: It's just Shampoo against three Hunter Killer Lurkers; it does not matter who wins this battle. Psi Storm (for non-EX users) should take care of them in no time.
Part 3: The Search for Friends

Mission 3-2: Thakras and Parakas are the bosses of Part 3. Ignore Parakas and concentrate attacks on the regenerating Thakras until he retreats. Use Mousse to quickly dispatch with the Hydralisk reinforcements quickly.

Mission 3-3: You fight Shampoo 7-on-1, but she's cloaked, reinforcements are on the way, and you have no detectors! She'll immediately attack Mousse (most of the time) when the battle starts, so make sure to keep him moving until the cloak runs out. Ignore Chaladar, Parakas, and Thakras, as they are only illusions. Psi Storm the Mutalisks as they come.
Part 4: The War Against Destiny

Mission 4-3: Maximillian Sturgeon is the boss of Part 4. At first he will summon troops as Chaladar did before, but after a few rounds Sturgeon himself will join the battle. Fire a Magnet Missile to disable him and destroy as normal. Use the same strategy as when fighting the Warbringers.

Mission 4-5: Take out Mother Brain the same way you beat Sturgeon.
Part 5: Endgame

Mission 5-1 (a): The boss of Part 5 (a) is Kuno. He periodically blinks in and out of cloak, and this is the only time you can hit him. During the duel luring him to the bottom-right will reveal him for you to attack because of the new Overlord appearing there. The accompanying Hydralisks will also help you defeat him quickly. Use Tenshin Amaguriken if he gets too close, as it's all over in five blows.

Mission 5-3: Watch for the three Mega Torrasques that roam the dungeon, as they dish out a lot of damage.

Mission 5-3 (b): The boss of Part 5 (b) is Shampoo. Mind Control will not work on her, but it does work on the Torrasques. Eliminate the three Torrasques as you please, and defeat Shampoo as normal (as this time you have a detector present).

Mission 5-3 (c): The boss of Part 5 (c) is Ukyo; however, the goal is to not attack her. Keep running from Ukyo, being careful not to attack her but destroying the Machines as necessary; your goals are the Dragon Tear and the Metal Smasher, so as soon as you see them use Magnet Missiles and destroy them. Keep Xaax burrowed near one of the healing crystals and dark templar Hold Positioned away from Ukyo for easier control.

Mission 5-4: There are several aspects to this boss:

  Temporal Vortex. The missile turrets will regenerate Zerg constantly until destroyed. Defeat the sub-bosses and the towers, then concentrate on the main target.
  Temporal Beacon. The turrets are aligned in different positions and more lethal sub-bosses appear. Stun them with Magnet Missiles and repeat same procedure as last boss.
  Temporal Relay. The generators behind the target will prevent you from harming it. Destroying the turrets will cause different units to warp in, so it's not over until the target is destroyed.
  Temporal Nexus. The alignment of the turrets regenerate the target at an accelerated rate, so you must destroy all of them before you can destroy it. Magnet Missile the arbiter and carrier before they can do too much damage.
  Temporal Gate. Stun the siege tanks and the Metal Smasher as soon as they are within range. When the turrets are destroyed temporal demons (five in total) will start appearing from the gate, but the gate cannot be destroyed until the power generators in back are destroyed first. Stun the demons as they come through.
  Sennith Triumvirate. All three have phantom duplicates as well as constantly regenerate units, so take them out one at a time. Thakras represents the least threat as he's likely to die as soon as he tries to attack, but take out Chaladar as soon as possible. If Parakas runs away destroy the Guardians to make her return.
  Zargil. His only major defense is a constantly-regenerating Torrasque, so there shouldn't be any major problems.
  Neo Zargil 1. Protect yourselves from the Eyes and Hands with Dark Swarm, then take out the four Ears to prevent the regenerating units from appearing. Then attack the Hands and Eyes (destroying the Foci will eliminate the Eyes faster). Pound on Neo Zargil until....
  Neo Zargil 2. He changes tactics once his body is destroyed and constantly summons new troops. Occasionally he creates a psionic barrier; destroy it before resuming your attack on Neo Zargil. Keep attacking until he is destroyed and watch out for the replica Thakras, Parakas, and Chaladars when they appear.


Bonus Mission: You fight DoCo! It's a singing group made up of Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, Nabiki, and Kasumi, and only Shampoo and Ranma should present any sort of problems. Find as many heroes as possible, then meet Ukyo on the second floor (use the ramps to go up a floor). You will fight all five bosses at once, but with all the extra heroes it should be a piece of cake.

A rough guide providing tips for those of you having difficulty passing the campaign's difficult maps. When a boss is available refer to the Bosses guide for spoilers.
Part 1: Prelude to Darkness

Mission 1-0: This mission is designed to help refamiliarize people with Starcraft, if necessary. There is a time limit to bring Xaax to the Arbiter Tribunal, however. At the start immediately tech-up to Overlord speed and transport upgrades, then produce as many troops as possible. With a bit of distraction you could easily fly Xaax to the Tribunal (he doesn't need to actually get off the Overlord, btw).

Mission 1-1: Cutscene mission.

Mission 1-2: Start by producing multiple Zerglings and Hydralisks; the computer's primary target will be your Zerg allies so you will want to advance your fighting line to the entrance of your ally's base. Without Guardians this mission can be difficult, but techning to Ultralisks wouldn't be a bad idea, as they can disk and soak plenty of damage for you.

Mission 1-3: A rigorous defense mission. Unless you allow them to get pass your front line the Protoss will always attack from the larger west entrance. Concentrate troops here, and, when possible, try to push the line forward enough to block the bridge between your base and the Protoss's. Containing the bridge will defeat most of the ground troops, but some Hydralisks should be left behind to deal with incoming Scouts and Corsairs, which can bypass the block.

Mission 1-4: There is not much room for error, as resources are vastly limited. The real goal is to defeat the Zerg, but you may also want to deal with the Terrans and Protoss to secure their mineral patches. The Zerg base can become well-defended quickly, and it is suggested that an attack on their expansions be as soon as possible. Sometimes the Protoss may actually beat the Zerg for you, but keep in mind they will also attack you, too.

Mission 1-5: Sit back and relax; have fun picking out all the familiar faces.
Part 2: The Invasion

Mission 2-0: There is not much to this map other than to watch each characters' hit points; fast characters like Ryoga can die quickly if you're not paying attention. Also, you need to be quick when dealing with the Infested Terrans; any one of them can end your career as a Hero fast.

Mission 2-1: This map operates under the same suggestions as above, save that all the characters have just as much chance to get pasted. Again, watch hp levels and heal using Akane if necessary. If anyone becomes seriously injured keep them behind the others to help them survive longer.

Mission 2-2: The difficulty in this map is it's length and the scarcity of healing beacons. Try to conserve your hp whenever possible (ie don't blindly throw yourself at the enemy).

Mission 2-3: Cutscene mission.

Mission 2-4: This starts as a standard defense mission, but don't concentrate on it; the Zerg will overwhelm you no matter what. After the cutscene, however, you are free to annihilate the Zerg base (with ease using the Great Phoenix). The last-ditch attack can easily be deflected by your allies, so it is not too big a concern.

Mission 2-5: Cutscene mission with a boss.
Part 3: The Search for Friends

Mission 3-0: The primary focus here is the special abilities of Optic Flare and Disruption Web combined with other units. For the first half use Optic Flare on any Overlords you see as soon as possible to allow Kuno to defeat the sunken colonies. In the second half use Disruption web on the sunken colonies (not the spore colonies) in order to allow Kuno to topple spore colonies in peace.

Mission 3-1: There is not much to this mission; just stay alive. Also, it is not advisable for Mousse to be attacking around the estate, as he could easily destroy the Dragon's Tear himself.

Mission 3-2: While in the cavern the Dragon's Tear can be attacked without warning and be destroyed by a large group of Hydralisks; don't stray too far from the entrance until the Hydralisk group has been defeated first (you'll know when they're coming). Deal with the enemies as usual, and return to the Dragon's Tear to heal, if necessary.

Mission 3-3: After setting up the base the Zerg will attack relentlessly until you run out of resources; you must attack their bases early before they can mass a large assault and kill one of your Heroes. While your base is building the Great Phoenix should be clearing out Zerg structures by itself. Using just the Heroes to attack can speed up the process, but it is also risky; you can't heal them this time around.

Mission 3-4: A difficult defense mission. The primary concern is to keep the Zerg away from the Khaydarin core until the Interceptors are repaired. Watch your characters' hp and pull them to the back if they become too weak. Once the Interceptors are complete the mission becomes much easier.

Mission 3-5: The Carrier mission. Your primary weapon will be the Great Phoenix's Interceptors; use Kizrath's Wing to take out any Mutalisks attacking the ship. Slowly make your way through the map (it doesn't matter which path you go through) and don't put the ship at great risks. If it survives reasonably well it can also be used to clear out the central island, which is a great help.
Part 4: The War Against Destiny

Mission 4-0: This mission highlights the abilities of the High Templar: Psionic Storm and Hallucination can easily bring favor to your side in the right situations. Since you can't kill the Terran troops you will be limited to where you can go. Don't use the Attack-Move commands. After the incident at the Tendo Dojo one of the Terran guards will get killed by Lurkers, so now you can cross the river. It is possible to use Hallucinations to 'trick' your way across the bridges.

Mission 4-1: There are two entrances to your base, and you must defend both of them equally. Quickly build the Driller and enough support troops to escort it to the island (you WILL need those Mutalisks to guard it). During the second half when using the Great Phoenix be careful not to destroy Strassenburg's command ship, as she is quite eager to fly into battle.

Mission 4-2: Cutscene mission.

Mission 4-3: This mission highlights the abilities of the Defiler: namely, Dark Swarm, Plague, and Consume. Similar to the mission in part 2 this one requires you to be extra-careful with what you do with your Heroes (don't throw them into battle blindly). Dark Swarm is extremely useful for all your characters (they're either melee or deal splash damage, neither of which are affected by Dark Swarm).

Mission 4-4: This mission highlights the abilities of the Ghost: Cloak, Lockdown, and Nuclear Strike. A piece of cake; just build the nuke silo, the nuke, and the nuker. Use the Warbringers provided to help plow through the Terrans at the penninsula, and be sure to knock out all the Missile Turrets. Target your nuke on the command ship and you're set (make sure you're cloaked first). You may wish to Lockdown the command ship to prevent it from flying out of range.

Mission 4-5: The quickest way to beat this mission is to load your shuttle with your Heroes and Reavers and drop them in the enemy bases (not recommended for everyone, but it is possible). Otherwise, treat this mission like the last Terran mission in the Starcraft campaign; be ready for nukes and be ready to push yourself out of a corner pocket.
Part 5: Endgame

Mission 5-0: You just need to keep your Heroes alive.

Mission 5-1: Cutscene mission.

Mission 5-2: Simply another build and destroy mission, only with many allies. Take your time if you wish, and be sure to 'rescue' the extra Heroes from each of your allies' camps (they change depending on what path you took). In a four-way war the victory will inevitably fall to you.

Mission 5-3: The objectives are all the same, but the obstacles change depending on which path you took. Whenever a Hero gets beat up escort him/her back to the healing beacon at the entrance. This is otherwise similar to the mission in part 3; take it one step at a time and you will succeed.

Mission 5-4: All your skills as a Starcraft player are put to the test here. Suggestions can be found in the Bosses guide.

Mission 5-5: Cutscene mission. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

Bonus Mission: You can recruit many powerful heroes throughout the concert hall; they are not hard to miss. The more Heroes the easier the final battle becomes.

The hidden eggs in each campaign are revealed! Some require certain conditions to be met, while others make use of the built-in cheat codes:

  show me the money. Gives 10,000 minerals and gas.
  whats mine is mine. Gives 500 minerals.
  breathe deep. Gives 500 gas.
  black sheep wall. Removes Fog of War.
  radio free zerg. Plays special Zerg Theme (Zerg only).

Astute cheaters will also note that there is no cow level has absolutely no effect, as it immediately terminates the campaign. Also, power overwhelming sometimes has negative effects on certain missions, causing the mission to be unbeatable.
Part 1: Prelude to Darkness

Mission 1-3: After ten minutes of playing time, if no one has expanded to the northern expansion Zerg reinforcements will arrive in the form of an orbital drop, creating a new expansion for you. The added bonus is in addition to the expansion you are also given a Kraken Spire, giving you the ability to create Kraken Brood Mutalisks at will.

Mission 1-3 (a): The cutscene mission. Typing breathe deep will enable a hidden Programmer's Room.

Mission 1-4: Several minutes into the mission the Jormungand Brood will arrive from the south and eliminate the Terran base for you. This is not likely a secret, but does save on time and resources.

Mission 1-5: Watch for several cameo appearances here and there, including several well-known and obscure Ranma 1/2 and Starcraft characters.
Part 2: The Invasion

Mission 2-0: Show me the money will enable a special hero, Pantyhose Taro.

Mission 2-1: Show me the money a few times will enable Taro to appear here as well, but instead of helping he'll laugh and jeer at your predicament.

Mission 2-2: The Prison level is loaded with many hidden goodies.

  Show me the money a few times will enable Taro, but you must have disabled the prison door first in order to be useful.
  During the countdown sequence after the Warbringer battle touching the Teal Security Beacon will transport you to the hidden Programmer's Room (it is best to use a fast unit, like Ryoga, to run to the beacon). Strike up a chat with the programmers.
  During the countdown sequence you can quickly escape by bringing Ryoga to the thin wall at the left edge of the 'elevator room.' This takes you to an emergency elevator that takes you to the entrance.

Mission 2-4: Show me the money a few times will enable Taro. However, he will attack the Tiamat Zerg, proving quite useless overall.
Part 3: The Search for Friends

Mission 3-0: Show me the money four times will enable Taro. Flying the Dragon Tear directly to the estate will automatically end the mission, but there is a chance your units may get stuck.

Mission 3-1: Whats mine is mine or show me the money a few times will enable Taro, but instead of helping you he kicks you back to the first mission (1-0).

Mission 3-2: Show me the money five times will enable Taro.

Mission 3-3: Show me the money five times will enable Taro.

Mission 3-4: Whats mine is mine or show me the money immediately fails the mission, sending you to Mission 3-5 (a) immediately. Branch (a) can also be enabled by allowing the Khaydarin Power Core to be destroyed.

Mission 3-5 and 3-5 (a): Show me the money five times will enable Taro, and effectively gives you access to the Infested Arbiter much quicker.
Part 4: The War Against Destiny

Mission 4-1: Show me the money five times will enable Taro.

Mission 4-3: Show me the money five times will enable Taro. Mission 4-4 (a) can be enabled by entering the Silo room before deactivating the Security Beacon.

Mission 4-4 and 4-4 (a): Operation cwal dramatically increases build times, so the nuke and Mousse finish training quickly.

Mission 4-5: Show me the money ten times will enable Taro.
Part 5: Endgame

Mission 5-0: This is a bit tricky, and requires at least one High Templar. When you are presented with your choices, Hallucinate a fast aerial unit (ie, Mutalisk) and fly to the Zerg Controller. When it is under your control fly the Controller to the Great Phoenix without touching any of the beacons. When both are in your possession head for the northern caves, and upon completion the bonus mission will be enabled. This will not work if you lose control of either the Great Phoenix or the Zerg Controller, whether by their destructions or by touching any of the beacons.
Mission branch (a) is achieved by saving Akane, (b) by saving Kodachi, and (c) by saving neither.

Mission 5-1 (a): During the duel with Kuno luring him to the bottom-right will reveal him for you to attack because of the new Overlord appearing there. The accompanying Hydralisks will also help you defeat him quickly.

Mission 5-4: Show me the money multiple times will enable many characters depending on the number of times the code is entered. However, you cannot allow these heroes to die, either.
Breathe deep will disable termination of the game upon the death of any character except Ranma, who must survive. This only works if other heroes haven't been summoned.

Mission 5-5: Black sheep wall will reveal a hidden message held within a few units sitting in the city proper.

Hidden Song: Radio free zerg on any Zerg mission will enable The Ballad of Ranma and Akane They Didn't Want You to Hear! Only works on the full version executable of Vision of the Future.
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