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[其它] Prophecy

发表于 2013-11-28 17:16:55 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Dedicated to Wing Commander-- the game that changed everything, and
to its creator, Chris Roberts.
A Vision of the Future

The wicked Cerebrate Zargil attempted to alter the future of the Zerg Swarm by securing the Terrans' past. To that end he captured Judicator Chaladar in order to create a new timeline. However, the Protoss and Zerg of his time, along with the Terrans of the past, managed to thwart Zargil and his brood, and erase his timeline. It was an example of cooperation unparalleled in history.

Unfortunately, only three remember that even occurring: Prelate Ziktofel of the Dark Templar, Judicator Chaladar, and the Hunter, Xaax the Defiler. They would lay the foundation of a future alliance between Protoss and Zerg, but such a path is not without its peril.

A Black Dream

In the wake of that climatic battle a new peace was to be formed between the Protoss of Shakuras and the Zerg of Kodulas, but it was not to be; the corrupted Judicator Arestes of the Shelak Tribe, and member of the New Conclave, manipulated events that would dissolve the alliance before it could begin. He maneuvered his pawn Kabala into starting a great war using the power of the Zeji Cloning Cylinders-- artifacts of a civilization ancient when the Protoss were young.

However, the threat of Zeji Cloning Cylinders was countered by the Scantid Fleet, and their Black Dream, a powerful symbol of cooperation of all three races waging war in the Koprulu Sector. Kabala revealed that it was he who manipulated Arestes from the beginning, and it took the sacrifice of two great heroes, Urust and Asakiro, to end the madness, once and for all.

With Kabala's apparent death and Arestes' flight the alliance formed behind the Black Dream fell into shambles, forcing the handful of heroes and the Scantid Fleet back into exile. They continue to sail among the stars, hoping for the day when the three races can cooperate without the need of a dangerous symbol as the Black Dream.

A Dark Prophecy

Xaax the Defiler retains possession of the Remains of the Overmind, the last key artifact necessary for the Zerg Swarm to reincarnate the physical form of their master. Seeing the Black Dream as his opportunity to break away from his Cerebrate masters Xaax deserts his post, but it is not long before Zerg agents are sent to hunt him down and retrieve the Remains of the Overmind. The rogue Defiler feels his power growing within, as the Remains slowly awaken themselves....

Beyond the reaches of the Koprulu Sector, Kabala emerges from the darkness once more, and a dark experiment is underway that may decide the fate of the Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg, forever. His eternal hunt to find and destroy Arestes, the last pawn in his grand scheme, is about to take a turn for the worst.

Months passed since the Black Dream disappeared into exile after the final battle at Valis IV, and a new legend is about to be born....
Reflective Notes

The Zeji Imperium's warships are actually ships and structures used by the 'Nephilim' in Wing Commander: Prophecy. The title itself is a sort of homage to that same game, as well as deals with the subject of this story. I forgot to note who did it, but thanks to whoever extracted the ship models; seeing them available inspiried me to create this campaign, and finally create a worthy opponent for the Black Dream. Special thanks to Wing Commander CIC, as the source of these files, as well as reference to the ships themselves.


-- Razorclaw X


Ace Tarpals

Aliases:  Real name unknown
Birthplace:  Valis IV
Age:  36
Affiliation:  Scantid Fleet
Hobbies:  Admiring himself
Favorite Food:  Vali Dumplings
Favorite Sport:  None; he is not good at any
Most Valuable:  Leather jacket
Hates the Most:  Blood stains
Units:  Ghost, Wraith, Goliath
Distinguishing Trait:  Flight goggles

\"One good drink deserves another!\"

The notorious Ace Tarpals, famed as the daring Scavenger, takes flight once more as a member of the elusive Scantid Fleet.

Ace is notoriously overprotective of his favorite leather jacket, which he wears almost constantly. In a sense, it is also his good-luck charm, because he believes he can survive anything while wearing it. To that end, any speck of dirt, dust, grime, or blood that gets on it riles Ace to ends where his men try to distract him from dwelling on it.

He also sees himself as a dashing and daring man, akin to James Bond, but in reality very few women ever throw themselves at his feet. Ace's \"Man's man\" ideal contrasts with his somewhat cowardly behavior in battle-- if the fight goes against him he will not hesitate to flee at the first opportunity.

Ace comes from a family of wealthy Confederate prospectors, making their home on the trade world of Valis IV. Pampered in his youth Ace took as many advantages as he could of his wealth, and eventually took up pilot training when he finally enrolled in flight school. It was there he met Alan 'Deuce' Schezar, who entered the same year, and the two became fast friends. Carefree spirits, these arrogant young men became infamous throughout the school for their poor attitudes, yet unmatched flying ability.

It was not long after the Confederacy nuked the hotbed that was Korhal that Ace sobered up to reality; it was a day that would live in infamy. His mind was still reeling when Valis IV's senator, who harshly and openly criticized the action, disappeared. In a startling turn of events, Ace and Alan began serious talks of rebelling for such blatent cruelty. No one who caught wind of their plans took them seriously, but on their last day on Valis IV the two men disappeared, along with a sizable fortune from Ace's family, and a number of young men and women who rallied behind Alan Schezar.

The pirate group Schezar's Scavengers was born. They attacked the Confederacy without mercy, hoping to tear it apart slowly but surely. In retaliation the Confederates kidnapped Alan's younger kid sister, and her fate remained unknown. Eventually the Scavengers turned to raiding Confederacy Intelligence outposts, but one day, after attacking the thought-to-be impregnable Nova Station, Alan gave up the search, and the Scavengers resumed pirating.

Through a series of events Alan Schezar was killed, and Ace, the second-in- command, was left to the remaining pirates in the group. However, unlike Alan Ace was hardly charismatic or brilliant, and thus the Scavengers were nearly hunted to extinction, had not two others intervened on their behalf: the Scantid Fleet, and the renegade UED commander Tessa Strassenburg.

After encountering Strassenburg Ace knew it was his chance to redeem his poor leadership ability: he offered Strassenburg a deal. With his help Tessa Strassenburg turned into Serena Schezar, Alan's long-lost sister, and the new leader of the Scavengers. The Scavengers rallied behind this new symbol, and with a strong leader they once again became the feared pirate force.

The favor owed to the Scantid Fleet was repaid in full when Ace encountered them for the first time since they saved him-- the Scantid Fleet itself was on the brink of ruin. Although Serena was having her misgivings about trusting the Protoss pirates, Ace convinced her to devote resources into helping them rebuild their mighty fleet. It would turn out to be the greatest payoff ever.

Ace prefers to fly his personal Wraith, which he fondly nicknamed the Lady of Pain for the amount of damage he can do with it. Combined with his superior flying ability Ace tweaked the standard Wraith loadout by adding his own, personally-developed '007-Missiles,' which pack an expensive warhead.

Where aerial assaults are inappropriate Ace can resort to his backup vehicle: a personal Goliath loaded with the even more expensive Firespray Missiles.

Finally, when fighting demands a personal touch, Ace always carries a shotgun with him in the cockpit, for those rare occasions.

Kuwadora. Ace has found a valuable friend and ally in the eccentric High Templar. The two shared many battlefield experiences in the war against the Iron Hand, and Kuwadora has earned Ace's respect.

Tessa Strassenburg. Although Tessa returned to her military life after the Iron Hand war, and the two pirates parted ways, Ace still gives her a great deal of respect for saving his bacon. Any attempt to woo her still meets in failure.

Kabala. Kabala threatened to destroy Valis IV, therefore Ace would like nothing better than to give him a good one. Although he abandoned his home Ace's family still lives there.

Van MacDougal. Ace thinks Van as more of a footnote in his personal history, but as the years go by the former Nova Squadron commander is starting to irritate him with his constant dogging from behind.


Aliases:  Metal Nightmare, Metal Death
Birthplace:  Sumere Province, Aiur
Age:  374
Affiliation:  Scantid Fleet
Hobbies:  Studying the feats of Adun
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  The honor to have served Asakiro
Hates the Most:  His Dragoon body
Units:  Dragoon
Distinguishing Trait:  Dragoon armor

\"This shell is the result of the Khala's Way!\"

The self-styled Metal Nightmare of Death emerged from beyond the grave to serve the Scantid Fleet in the memory of Asakiro.

Adonis has a habit of making his opinion known to everybody, making him unpopular among those who do not understand the Way of the Warrior. During the Battle of Aiur Adonis served on the front line at the Citadel of the Executor, and it was through a chance encounter with a Sunken Colony that ended his life-- and for that, Adonis hates Sunken Colonies. He will often be reminded of how he died whenever he sees one.

Adonis is a proud and honorable warrior, and respects those who prove their worth on the battlefield most of all.

Adonis was one of the bravest warriors serving as the Conclave's personal shock troops, but his belligerent attitude prevented him from rising in position-- particularly since the Conclave didn't like his poor attitude. Insult turned to injury during the Battle of Aiur when he fell in battle, and it was then the Executor Asakiro's Carrier arrived to rescue him from slow death on the battlefield. When the fleet deserted Aiur Adonis was refitted into a Dragoon, and swore personal fealty to Asakiro for saving his life. From then on Adonis served the Scantid Fleet in whatever capacity necessary. When Asakiro died Kuwadora rose to command, and in honor of the late Executor Adonis continues to serve Kuwadora faithfully.

The fallen Templar has adapted Asakiro's broken attitude over the Khala on his own terms, and, true to form, makes this known to all around him.

Ever since his rebirth Adonis has fought in the cold shell of a Dragoon power armor. His personal drive allows him to focus an energy beam far stronger than any other Dragoon, and his will allows him to keep moving in battle despite heavy damages.

Asakiro. Adonis owes his life to the late Executor, and would do anything to honor his memory. In a way, he is fanatical about this as other Protoss may be over Tassadar.


Aliases:  The Khalai
Birthplace:  Giza Province, Aiur
Age:  328
Affiliation:  Scantid Fleet
Hobbies:  Tinkering weapons
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  The Warbringer schematics
Hates the Most:  Rude people
Units:  High Templar, Black Dream
Distinguishing Trait:  Blue skin

\"Battle is an art.\"

The chief Khalai artisan on board the Black Dream, circumstance has allowed Amukasier to become an invaluable member of the Scantid Fleet.

Amukasier is an artist obsessed with war machines, and not only does he wish to know how they work, but how to operate them as well. This places the Khalai in the unique position of being able to contribute directly to the battle at hand, which Kuwadora finds invaluable.

The Khalai caste makes up most of the Protoss population-- made up of civilians and artisans. Amukasier, despite his peers and younger-years friend Kuwadora, chose his own path by researching weapons development-- flying in the face of other artistans and becoming a Templar outright. To him, it was the best of both worlds, as Amukasier was fascinated with war and battle, but was by no means eager to play a direct part in it.

Early on he befriended then-Judicator Chaladar, who sponsored Amukasier's work. Eventually the Khalai devised a new class of Reaver: the Warbringer, which, while extremely powerful, was very expensive to produce. The achievement, however, was not lost upon the Judicator, and Amukasier was elevated to higher positions.

It was not until after the encounter with the Dark Templar on Shakuras that Amukasier-- one of the civilian survivors of Aiur-- that the Khalai's fascination with war machines truly flourished. In particular Amukasier was interested in the Corsair's main weapon, recognizing that, if the damage output were increased, it would become a formidable weapon. In this manner he met the new Prelate, Ziktofel, a skilled Corsair pilot, and provided her with the most powerful (and expensive) medium fighter in the Protoss fleets.

When Judicator Chaladar was assigned to a backwater fringe world Amukasier took the time to visit his old friend, and it was during one of these visits that Xaax the Defiler attacked. Amukasier was sent back to Shakuras with news of the attack, but it was too late to save Chaladar from being infested by the Zerg. From then Amukasier joined the Urust Fleet in order to get him back.

In later conflicts Amukasier would take a side role in the scheme of things until the Black Dream appeared, along with his old friend Kuwadora. Immediately the separated friends rekindled their old rivalries, each pointing out the other's inherent flaws in their 'master' designs. Between two ingenius minds, however, the Black Dream became stronger than ever.

The Khalai are not trained warriors, but if necessary Amukasier has his Warbringer Reavers to rely upon for personal defense. Due to his complex Amukasier is now the second-in-command of the Black Dream, as Kuwadora desires to lead his troops into battle rather than remain safe on the battleship. Having remodelled the ship himself Amukasier is one of the few crew members who truly understand what the Black Dream can do.

Chaladar. Amukasier befriended this jaded Judicator long before the conflict between the Terrans and Zerg. It was during this war, however, that the two would be lead through events that would lead both to the Scantid Fleet. Although Chaladar remains cold and detached from his experiences Amukasier keeps a close eye on him, for the day Chaladar can open up and face his scars.

Kuwadora. It was Kuwadora that brought up the base design, but it was Amukasier who refined the Black Dream to what it is today.


Aliases:  The Infested One
Birthplace:  Antioch Province, Aiur
Age:  537
Affiliation:  Scantid Fleet
Hobbies:  None
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  He is beyond such trivialities
Hates the Most:  He is beyond Hate
Units:  High Templar
Distinguishing Trait:  Zerg prosthetics

\"Terror all consuming....\"

The Zerg scarred this former Judicator, and now Chaladar serves as the liason between the Zerg and Protoss crews on board the Black Dream.

Chaladar is bored and sarcastic, and particularly eerie. Most people don't care to be around him whenever he feels the need to speak, particularly after his experiences in the Zerg Swarm. Chaladar does not care that he is an outsider among his own people, as he can only see the deaths of his critics in his mind. To him, life is fleeting, and everything that rose from dust shall become dust. Some consider him Death Incarnate.

Judicator Chaladar rose steadily in the ranks during a period when he was not consumed by Death. It was during this time he recognized a young Khalai named Amukasier, who was developing a new type of Reaver that would prove extremely powerful. From that point onward the two became more prominent in their respective castes, as Chaladar sponsored Amukasier's new design.

However, although the design proved successful Chaladar took the blame for the Warbringer's ridiculous cost, and became the Conclave's scapegoat whenever possible. If there was something wrong with any policy, it must have been Chaladar's fault-- and it was very easy to do this, as Chaladar had very little friends at all, and none of them were upstairs. Finally, the Conclave decided to play its last cruel joke, and sent Chaladar to supervise a colony on the fringe. It was punishment for stealing access to the Shelak Tribe's archives of the Xel'Naga texts-- a crime Chaladar truly did commit in order to achieve power.

Unfortunately for the Conclave, Chaladar got the last laugh, as he was not on Aiur when the Zerg attacked. In the end Chaladar survived all members of the Conclave save a handful, and he did not hide his inner torment any longer.

Chaladar further fell into the depths of despair when the Zerg captured him-- in particular for the Xel'Naga secrets. It was not until after Xaax freed him that Chaladar was free to choose his own path in life, but to him his fate is subject to the Astral Winds.

Although Judicator in caste the Zerg have forced Chaladar to devise means of defending himself from attack. Chaladar can focus his psychic energies into a strong, brutal, mental attack far stronger than any High Templar. In his constant quest to better prepare himself Chaladar has devised measures in which to counter Zerg tactics, including a defensive screen, a poisonous cloud, and a mana burner technique.

Amukasier. Chaladar is the Judicator responsible for Amukasier's rise in the Khalai ranks, as he was the first to recognize the Khalai's worth. From then the two became friends, looking out for one another despite troubled times.


Aliases:  The Scantid
Birthplace:  Giza Province, Aiur
Age:  326
Affiliation:  Scantid Fleet
Hobbies:  Mathematical equations
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  The Black Dream
Hates the Most:  Those who don't recognize his genius
Units:  High Templar, Scout
Distinguishing Trait:  Blue skin

\"Ready for battle!\"

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood Templar, Kuwadora is a tactical genius who has yet to be recognized by his peers, and Executor of the Scantid Fleet.

The Protoss people as a whole do not recognize that Kuwadora is a genius, and this drives the Templar to further prove himself with grander schemes. He has a vision of returning victorious to Aiur as the one who single-handedly liberated the world from the Zerg, and he has dreams of being recognized by his people. However, despite this Kuwadora shuns from any sort of idolization, and wishes to avoid becoming one on par with Adun or Tassadar for, despite his pride, Kuwadora is attention-shy.

In his younger years Kuwadora and Amukasier were two of the brilliant stars in their province; it was only one fateful night which they decided their paths in life. Although both sought the way of war, Amukasier did not like the idea of physical violence. Kuwadora did not, either, but became a Templar anyway, instead focusing on piloting. It was during his pilot training that the elder Templar recognized they had a phenom on their hands, and Kuwadora was soon trained by the best the Templar had to offer.

However, it was also during this time Kuwadora exercised his mind, getting a feel for his spacecraft and what it could do. This insight would later prove to become one of the foundations in his tactical mind.

Quickly rising in the ranks Kuwadora was soon awarded with command of his own Wing. However, the Executor he served under was jealous of Kuwadora's tactical genius, and took credit for the younger Templar's work. Kuwadora became upset over his commanding officer, but soon another Templar recognized him-- Asakiro.

Asakiro saw through his fellow Templar's deception, and asked Kuwadora directly to serve as his second-in-command. Eager for the chance to prove himself Kuwadora accepted, and was elevated to Carrier command.

While Tassadar carried on the war with the Zerg on the Terran front Kuwadora fought for the Protoss fringe worlds along with the rest of Asakiro's fleet, proving time and again his worth. He proved himself further by surviving against all odds when the same fleet became the Scantid Fleet, and beyond.

Kuwadora excels in battle, particularly when his plans are set in motion. His unorthodoxed, quick thinking allows him to survive conflicts normally considered certain death. He is an expert Scout pilot as well as a trained Templar, and is a formidable opponent anywhere on the battlefield.

Asakiro. Asakiro was the only one who recognized Kuwadora's talent, and for that Kuwadora is eternally grateful to him.


Aliases:  The Defiler, Old One
Birthplace:  Unknown Ash World
Age:  Unknown
Affiliation:  Scantid Fleet
Hobbies:  Exploring his newfound power
Favorite Food:  Newborn Ultralisk
Favorite Sport:  Zerg Soccer
Most Valuable:  His life and freedom
Hates the Most:  Kerrigan
Units:  Defiler
Distinguishing Trait:  Huge claws, teal scales

\"I tire of this waiting....\"

The ancient Hunter of the Fenris Brood, Xaax is one of the most powerful free agents of the Zerg Swarm. With his turning renegade, and possession of the Remains of the Overmind, he has become one of the most wanted fugitives ever.

Xaax's self-importance drives him to liberties unheard of in the Zerg Swarm; he is both ruthless and cruel to those around him. He in particular hates the thought of being pitied, or any 'happy' feelings, focusing on the negative side of things. In fact, it is perhaps when he insults he is most praising, causing Xaax to be rather difficult to understand.

He also has, not surprisingly, a strong desire to live, as he is uncertain of his own mortality.

Most of Xaax's personal history is unknown save for the Swarm, but it is known that he is the first successful Hunter-class Zerg created by Nargil of the Fenris Brood, the brood directed to hunt down and integrate new strains into the Swarm. Xaax's success proved to Nargil that more Hunter-class Zerg are feasible for his directive, and won approval from the Overmind itself.

The hunter's directive kept Xaax from participating in most of the Swarm's major operations; instead he served as a shadow role in the wars. He was briefly allowed to attack Aiur during the initial siege-- the area protected by Judicator Kizrath known as the Gardens of Khas. Xaax was directly responsible for the attack, and it was at this time he was first made known to the Protoss. For this defilement of a sacred garden he earned the everlasting hatred of Kizrath.

Xaax was also integral in securing a set of special experimental Arbiters from a Shelak stronghold held under Judicator Imorih, which would lead to rival Cerebrate Zargil's minor rebellion, and Chaladar's inductance into the Swarm. Thanks to the war fought against Zargil Xaax was elevated in power, exerting a greater degree of control over lesser Zerg than before. It was also during this time he came in contact with Xel'Naga artifacts that forced a mutation on Xaax, evolving him further and closer to the Cerebrates.

Despite this massive power increase Xaax remained unrecognized as a living entity on par with the Cerebrates, driving him mad. In order to break ties Xaax stole the Remains of the Overmind and fled on the Black Dream, becoming a valuable member of its crew. However, this bold act of defiance turned the once-loyal soldier into a dangerous fugitive.

Xaax has the same range of abilities available to all Defilers, save he is backed by a keen intelligence, and a stronger acid-like venom. In his drive to survive Xaax will not hesitate to Consume the nearest Zerg available, and perhaps this drive is what makes him such a dangerous opponent in battle.

Thakras. The younger Defiler believes himself Xaax's rival, but Xaax scoffs at this idea. However, despite this Thakras is perhaps his most dangerous opponent.

Chaladar. Xaax freed Chaladar from Zargil's control, and now Chaladar sees it fit to serve Xaax now. The Defiler himself does not care for Chaladar's service, but keeps him around nonetheless.


Aliases:  The Queen
Birthplace:  Unknown Ash World
Age:  Unknown
Affiliation:  Sennith Brood
Hobbies:  None
Favorite Food:  Stupid Terrans
Favorite Sport:  Zergling Round-Up
Most Valuable:  The Swarm
Hates the Most:  Kerrigan
Units:  Queen
Distinguishing Trait:  Orange Wings

\"Infest them. They will serve as willing servants for the Swarm!\"

This sadistic Hunter-class Zerg warrior was created with the Queen prototype by Zargil, and her role extends beyond overseer of the Hive Cluster. Her special ability is the creation of special Broodlings which she can use to remotely control an individual's thoughts.

Parakas has an obsessive desire to control everything through her infestation techniques. She particularly hates anything that tries to resist her control, often destroying them in the process in order to remain in the illusion of total control. In particular she is frustrated in being a servant herself, and tries to indulge herself as much as possible.

When the Fenris Brood's new Hunter-class Zerg showed promising success Zargil wasted no time in devising his own Hunter-class Zerg-- Parakas was the first successful creature. However, without any specific function Zargil abandoned his attempts at creating the sophisticated agents, as the Overmind never intended for the Sennith Brood to participate in the same sort of small-scale battles. Therefore Parakas, nearly free to do as she pleased, exerted a certain degree of control over the brood.

Parakas has the full range of parasites and brood spawn available to all Queens, in addition to a special Broodling: a cyst-like Cerebral Borer. These larval organisms burrow their way through to the victim's head and place themselves in the control area. In this manner Parakas achieved her own form of Mind Control. She has nearly complete control over her puppets, and can order the Borers to hatch-- causing instant death to the puppet.

Zargil. Since Zargil is the one who created Parakas she must serve his every will... although it has been noted that she will disobey orders whenever she gets the chance. As a free spirit Parakas would like nothing better to be her own master, but knows it to be a disgusting fantasy.

Thakras. Thakras could be considered a perverted version of a younger brother to Parakas... in Terran terms. In terms of power Thakras wields more, and is the cold reason that is the foil to Parakas' deadly enthusiasm.


Aliases:  The Unclean
Birthplace:  Unknown Ash World
Age:  Unknown
Affiliation:  Sennith Brood
Hobbies:  None
Favorite Food:  Bloodlusted Hydralisks
Favorite Sport:  Steal the Bacon
Most Valuable:  The Swarm
Hates the Most:  Kerrigan
Units:  Defiler
Distinguishing Trait:  Orange scales

\"You're too late, Xaax! Zargil has already achieved his ultimate goal.\"

The cold and calculating Defiler Thakras is the perfect foil to Parakas' deadly enthusiasm, and the pair are perhaps the most dangerous Hunter Zerg in the Swarm.

Thakras would like nothing better than to take Xaax's place in the Zerg Swarm. Although he somewhat achieved this goal due to Xaax's going AWOL Thakras has yet to relish his position, with the untold pressure put on him by the Swarm Cerebrates.

When the Fenris Brood's new Hunter-class Zerg showed promising success Zargil wasted no time in devising his own Hunter-class Zerg-- Parakas was the first successful creature. However, without any specific function Zargil abandoned his attempts at creating the sophisticated agents, as the Overmind never intended for the Sennith Brood to participate in the same sort of small-scale battles. Thakras, despite this, developed a small rivalry with Xaax, the Old One. He constantly hopes for the demise of the Fenris Brood in order for his own brood to take its place on the Command Wing.

Thakras has the full range of abilities as all other Defilers in the Zerg Swarm. However, unlike other Defilers Thakras is backed by cunning intelligence rather than instinct, and does not attack directly when he can help it. Thakras can exert a limited degree of control over lesser Zerg, and sends them in to take hits for him.

Zargil. Thakras has no particular interest in remaining loyal to anyone save himself, but he accepts his place in the grand scheme. He does not follow orders because he enjoys it; rather, because he has to.

Parakas. Parakas's flight ability can often be a useful tool to the calculating Defiler, and, as the only other member of the brood bearing some form of intelligence, Thakras often converses with her behind Zargil's back. Most of the time Thakras can force Parakas to do his bidding, using Parakas' sadistic nature against her.

Xaax. The eldest Hunter is the only one Thakras perceives as a rival, and that is due to the liberties Xaax takes while working for Nargil. Xaax has nearly free reign over his attacks-- something which Thakras thoroughly desires.

Van MacDougal

Aliases:  Commander
Birthplace:  Tarsonis
Age:  42
Affiliation:  Iron Hand
Hobbies:  Hunting down Ace Tarpals
Favorite Food:  Distilled blood moths
Favorite Sport:  Lacrosse
Most Valuable:  Key to the Nova Station
Hates the Most:  Pirates and thieves
Units:  Ghost, Battlecruiser
Distinguishing Trait:  Eyepatch

\"Let's see some action!\"

Van MacDougal-- an outcast of the Confederate Nova Squadron, is obsessed with hunting down the rogue Ace Tarpals.

The fallen commander is obsessed with killing Ace Tarpals, and does not care how he gets there-- only to get the deed done. To him, the ends justify the means, and the means lead him to join the Iron Hand against the Scavengers. When its leaders fell Van eventually fought his way to command, now having a personal army by which to hunt down Ace Tarpals. He cannot bear the thought of being beaten by such lowborn scum and laughed at by his peers-- failure is almost equivalent of death to him.

Van and Ace share a common history on the Nova Station-- the fortress of the last remnant of the Confederacy. For reasons unknown the Scavengers tracked down Nova Station and successfully stole a set of classified data disks from them. At the time Van was in charge... and, as punishment, was kicked out of the station, and ordered to get the disks back. That was three years ago....

Van has a small army at his disposal, and will throw them away, if necessary, in order to get his way. His Battlecruiser Avenger is outfitted with the sophisticated weaponry developed by Nova Squadron, as well as any technology found since leaving Nova Station. Van himself is a poor fighter, and will try his best not to get involved in such situations.

Ace Tarpals. Ace cost Van his position in Nova Squadron because he allowed Schezar's Scavengers to escape with certain classified data disks. Van believes he can redeem himself among his peers if he kills Ace and brings back the data disks.


Aliases:  That Bastard
Birthplace:  Scion Province, Aiur
Age:  358
Affiliation:  Kabala Fleet
Hobbies:  Devise defense tactics
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  Zeji Amulet
Hates the Most:  Any who threaten his people
Units:  High Templar, Carrier
Distinguishing Trait:  Forehead ridge

\"The crimson rhapsody begins!\"

The mysterious Protoss was one of the key players involved in the Iron Hand conflict, and, although it is believed he died in the last battle, Kabala has returned, stronger than ever.

Kabala fears for the future of his people... be they light or dark, they are Protoss all the same. It is undeniable fact to him that the Protoss are approaching the brink of extinction, and Kabala will stop at nothing to turn back the tide to ensure survival.

He also has an unusual fixation on music and art, which Kabala believes brings a certain harmony to the mind.

Most of Kabala's personal history is missing-- likely deleted from the Archives for his own protection, or a cover-up by the New Conclave. He conspired with Judicator Arestes to bring about the Iron Hand, which threatened the Koprulu Sector with the Zeji Cloning Cylinders. Kabala's name is synonymous with treachery.

Kabala prefers not to fight directly, and is usually found on his Carrier, the Crimson Rhapsody. If forced into battle Kabala has the same range of powers and abilities as other High Templar... and perhaps more.

Tipereth. Kabala's Aide has served Kabala ever since his rise to power in the Shakuras Space Defense Force. Kabala trusts Tipereth explicitly as a confidant and friend, and Tipereth is fiercely protective of his master.

Ace Tarpals. Ace in particular hates Kabala because he attempted to destroy Valis IV as an example of the Zeji Cloning Cylinders' power.

Kuwadora. Kuwadora admired Asakiro, one of the two Protoss who gave his life to defeating Kabala. If he were to discover Kabala was still living....


Aliases:  Kabala's Aide
Birthplace:  Scion Province, Aiur
Age:  278
Affiliation:  Kabala Fleet
Hobbies:  Preparing for his Trials
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  Khaydarin Amulet
Hates the Most:  Irrational beings
Units:  Zealot
Distinguishing Trait:  Khaydarin Amulet on his forehead

\"Tipereth reporting!\"

Kabala's Aide Tipereth continues to serve Kabala beyond his position as Executor of the Shakuras Space Defense Force to the best of his ability.

Tipereth is loyal to a fault, and will follow Kabala despite threats of death or dismemberment. He cares not for popular opinion, but only to serve; perhaps it is a carry-over from his training as a Templar.

Tipereth was training as a Zealot during the war on Aiur against the Overmind, and he was one of the handful of survivors of the great final battle. He was among those who Zeratul lead to Shakuras, and served the Executor without question. In time Kabala came to power in the new Shakuras Space Defense Force, and Tipereth was assigned to be personal guard to the new Executor. Over time Kabala fascinated Tipereth with his vision, and eventually Tipereth swore personal allegience to the Executor. Even during the Iron Hand conflict Tipereth remained at Kabala's side, and was instrumental in Kabala's revival after the final battle.

Tipereth does not fight personally, but when the need to defend his master arises he is trained in Zealot hand-to-hand combat. More often than not Kabala restrains him from entering battle, recognizing that losing someone such as Tipereth would be a costly blow.

Kabala. Tipereth has pledged allegience to Kabala, and promised to follow him until the day he died, and perhaps beyond. He is unquestionably loyal to his master despite any personal misgivings about what Kabala does.


Aliases:  The Fallen
Birthplace:  Sparta Province, Aiur
Age:  891
Affiliation:  Unknown
Hobbies:  Unknown
Favorite Food:  N/A
Favorite Sport:  N/A
Most Valuable:  Zeji Cloning Cylinders
Hates the Most:  The Zerg
Units:  Dark Archon
Distinguishing Trait:  His dark complexion

\"Repent, and be forgiven, impudent, inferior beings!\"

The mastermind behind the Iron Hand, the former Protoss Judicator Arestes survives... and has been busy.

Arestes was one of the surviving members of the original Conclave on Aiur, and has witnessed first-hand how incompetent his people have become. He no longer believes in the Protoss destiny, and seeks to replace them with a more perfect, worthy being to live in their place. The Terrans and Zerg are only ants waiting to be flushed out in the galaxy that belongs to him-- the one perfect being.

Rising to power hundreds of years ago Arestes became one of the members of the Conclave representing the Shelak Tribe. He was privy to the secrets of the Xel'Naga texts, and studied them at great lengths when his duties to the Conclave did not call. He learned of their many secrets, building in his mind the image of a perfect race. However, the Protoss were not it.

In these histories Arestes learned of another Elder Race... the Zeji Imperium that threatened to wipe out the other races in the galaxy. The Xel'Naga texts detailed a one-sided, observer's view to the Zeji conflict, and Arestes resolved to learn more about the ancient civilization that could cause so much destruction.

Arestes discovered the Zeji Cloning Cylinders in the process, as well as the ruins of the Zeji civilization. This ancient technology was integral in laying the foundation of the Iron Hand's army of superior clones, but little did he know at the time that he was being directed to these technologies through shadow agents. Arestes learned of their existance, and planned to turn the tables on the shadows....

Arestes prefers not to battle himself, and sends his minions to deal with any threats. However, despite this detest from battle Arestes has augmented himself with the recovered Zeji technology in order to make himself more than a match for the average Zealot.

Kabala. Arestes once believed Kabala his pawn in his bid for power, but Kabala proved to be cunning himself. Perhaps a bit too cunning....

Kuwadora. The Scantid Fleet greatly interests Arestes-- particularly the Black Dream. Although it is suicide to try and destroy it at this time, Arestes has an ace up his sleeve that could spell its doom....

New Units:

Scantid Units

Black Dream
Primary Weapon   Phase Transit Cannon   Damage   120+ splash
Secondary Weapon   Laser Batteries (16)   Damage   Unrated
Armor   Protoss Air Armor   Armor Rating   2000/12
Shields   Protoss Shields   Shield Rating   2000
Engine   Scantid Phase Engine   Speed Rating   1000
Ship Class   Dreadnaught   Hero   Amukasier
Ship Model   Prototype Scorpion-class Carrier/Battlecruiser Hybrid
Fighter Complement   12 Vakyries, 16 Scouts, 18 Corsairs, 26 Wraiths, 36 Interceptors + Zerg
Crew Complement   236 (not including Zerg passengers)
Owner   Kuwadora

Zerg Units

Primary Weapon   Suicide   Damage   120
Secondary Weapon   None   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zerg Air Armor   Armor Rating   50/1
Shields   None   Shield Rating   N/A
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   1707
Enemy Class   Advanced Scourge   Hero   N/A

Infested Ghost
Primary Weapon   C-10 Canister Rifle   Damage   25
Secondary Weapon   None   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zerg Carapace   Armor Rating   250/3
Shields   None   Shield Rating   N/A
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   N/A
Enemy Class   Infested Terran   Hero   N/A

Zeji Ground Units

Zeji Mechalisk
Primary Weapon   Subterranean Spines   Damage   40+splash
Secondary Weapon   Firespray Missile Launcher   Damage   60
Armor   Zeji Ground Armor   Armor Rating   800/8
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   500
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   N/A
Enemy Class   War Beast   Hero   N/A

Zeji Warrior
Primary Weapon   Zeji Plasma Sword   Damage   40
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Ground Armor   Armor Rating   120/2
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   300
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   N/A
Enemy Class   Soldier   Hero   N/A

Zeji Captain
Primary Weapon   Zeji Phase-Plasma Sword   Damage   100
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Ground Armor   Armor Rating   250/4
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   500
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   N/A
Enemy Class   Captain   Hero   Nemesis

Zeji Air Units

Zeji Moray
Primary Weapon   Cerberus Cannon   Damage   10x2
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   150/2
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   200
Engine   Zeji Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   2200
Ship Class   Medium Fighter   Hero   N/A

Zeji Stingray
Primary Weapon   Magna Pulse   Damage   20x2+ splash
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   350/4
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   500
Engine   Zeji Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   1707
Ship Class   Capship Interdictor   Hero   N/A

Zeji Squid
Primary Weapon   Hades Cannon   Damage   18x2
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   300/3
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   400
Engine   Zeji Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   2800
Ship Class   Interceptor   Hero   N/A

Zeji Devilray
Primary Weapon   Scylla Missile Launcher   Damage   24x2+ splash
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   400/6
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   600
Engine   Zeji Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   1200
Ship Class   Space Superiority Fighter   Hero   N/A

Zeji Hydra
Primary Weapon   Charybdis Cannon   Damage   68+ splash
Secondary Weapon   Acheron Laser batteries (12)   Damage   Unrated
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   1200/12
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   2000
Engine   Zeji Advanced Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   800
Ship Class   Cruiser   Hero   Nemesis

Zeji Leviathan
Primary Weapon   Moray-class Fighters   Damage   N/A
Secondary Weapon   Acheron Laser Batteries (16)   Damage   5 each (80 total)
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   1500/16
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   2500
Engine   Zeji Advanced Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   660
Ship Class   Carrier   Hero   Magnus

Zeji Tiamat
Primary Weapon   Tiamat Cannon   Damage   700+splash (?)
Secondary Weapon   Acheron Laser Batteries (28)   Damage   Unrated
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   8000/50 (?)
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   8000 (?)
Engine   Zeji Advanced Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   640
Ship Class   Dreadnaught   Hero   Arestes
Zeji Buildings

Zeji Stardock
Primary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   2500/10
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   3000
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   N/A
Building Class   Drydock   Hero   N/A

Zeji Spire of Eyes
Primary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   7000/12
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   5000
Engine   Zeji Advanced Plasma Engine   Speed Rating   Unknown
Building Class   Comm Relay Station   Hero   N/A

Zeji Circle of Bone
Primary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Secondary Weapon   N/A   Damage   N/A
Armor   Zeji Air Armor   Armor Rating   8000/20 (?)
Shields   Zeji Shields   Shield Rating   8000 (?)
Engine   N/A   Speed Rating   N/A
Building Class   Stargate   Hero   N/A

The Zerg Command Structure

Supreme Master:   The Overmind
Grand Proxy:   Unknown
Taskmasters:   The Cerebrates
Marshals:   'Hunter' Zerg
Experimental:   Evolutionary Mutations
Terror Trooper:   Torrasque, Unclean One
Chaos Trooper:   Mindless Aerial Greater Zerg
Shock Trooper:   Mindless Greater Zerg
Advanced Strain:   Ultralisk, Defiler
Air Superiority   Mindless Aerial Zerg
Foot Soldier:   Mindless Lesser Zerg

Document submitted to General Strassenburg:

Terran scientists only breached the surface of Zerg 'society' in the original report made by the Confederacy; with the wars having come and gone other 'cultural' nuances could be observed. Where the most apparent 'chain of command' would obviously place the Overmind on top, followed by its Cerebrates, then the mindless horde of Zerg, there is a more detailed structure. Thanks to information gathered by the Scantid Fleet previously-unknown details have come to light.
Mindless Zerg

It is apparent that the Zerg Swarm as a whole is suicidal; the mindless Zerg that make it up are not given much thought by those in command. Their lives are meaningless without the Cerebrate (or other command Zerg; see below), and, as such, will be used to the best the controller can exploit them. The higher strains tend to be valued more than the lesser strains, but this is known to vary among Cerebrates.
'Champion' Mindless Zerg

Although the lesser Zerg are far more common, every once in a while one may encounter a much more powerful strain of Zerg-- they are designated as 'Champions' for their immense combat ability. These creatures are far more resilient than their lesser brethren, and far more deadly in combat, but their major drawback is the amount of resources and time devoted in order to create them. Sometimes their costs make them wholly unfeasible, but more often than not the added ability can turn the tide of battle.

'Champion' Zerg, like advanced artificial intelligence, can carry out a number of tasks on their own, without the need for a controller to constantly monitor them. Some, such as the Torrasque, are monitored by the Cerebrate directly (this beast contains the same genes that make up the Cerebrate that created them, and is thus a physical extension of a Cerebrate's will rather than an extra strain of Zerg).
Experimental Mutant Weapons

Every once in a while a Cerebrate may experiment with a new strain of Zerg; these range from integrating new species into the Swarm, or modifying existing strains to boost their performance (many 'Champion' Zerg were likely created in this manner). The limit is the imagination or drive of the Cerebrate experimenting; some actively pursue advancing their experiments, while others prefer to let others do the work for them. New strains are introduced all the time; if they were not the Swarm would not be successful.

It is noted that mutations are valued highly, as their performance is monitored closely by their creator.
'Hunter' Zerg

Very few know of the existance of these 'Hunter' Zerg, as they are almost unheard of in the Zerg Swarm. They are notoriously dangerous to the Cerebrate who created them. Their original creator, Nargil, inteded to use remote agents in fulfilling his directive-- to hunt down and integrate, or destroy, new strains as candidates for the Swarm, thus the name. Unlike other Zerg, these creatures bear names, possess cunning intelligence, and have a limited degree of control over other lesser Zerg. However, unlike Cerebrates they are also highly-mobile, and are far more difficult to kill. It is unknown if these 'Hunter' Zerg have the ability to reincarnate, as very few have been documented or observed, and none have been known to be killed.

Only the Cerebrate Nargil appears to have had success with this type of Zerg; others have attempted to create their own 'Hunters,' but met with varying degrees of success. Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, is herself a 'Hunter' class; this is an example of how dangerous 'Hunters' can be.
The Cerebrates

These are the taskmasters that make the Zerg Swarm function; if the Overmind is the master, then the Cerebrate is the Overlord of a higher magnitude. Each Cerebrate was spawned in order to carry out a certain directive for the Overmind-- something that is not readily-apparent unless one observed a brood over a period of time. However, with the death of the Overmind these sluggish, gargantuan beasts have fallen into chaos, attempting to secure power on their own. Many Cerebrates, now free to do as they please, attempted to become greater powers themselves. However, most of the Cerebrates the Overmind left behind are now slaves again, under the banner of the Queen of Blades. Those free Cerebrates still remaining are in hiding, trying to cling to their newfound power.

It is said the Overmind's covenant with the Cerebrates is their inherent ability to reincarnate. This is achieved using an unknown, dark energy, and can only be severed by those wielding the same dark energy. With this knowledge in hand it is observed that Protoss assassins are dispatched specifically to terminate Cerebrates in order to weaken the Swarm, bit-by-bit. With this recent awareness of their own mortality the Cerebrates have focused on tightening their personal defenses, lest they fall victim to these assassins.
The Overmind's Proxy

This creature is a Zerg legend, if one could speak of it as that. Our information could not document any time which this 'proxy' could exist, but the idea exists in the Zerg Swarm. This being, creature... whatever it is, is empowered with the authority to act on the behalf of the Overmind, and the Cerebrates must follow this proxy as they would the Overmind. As, up until lately, the Overmind was directing the Swarm itself, there was more than likely no need for a proxy-- and there may never be one, save for those who are opportunistic.
The Overmind

The Zerg revere this being almost like God; perhaps he is God to them. The Overmind gave the Zerg Swarm a purpose-- a goal. However, with the destruction of its physical body the Swarms were thrown into disarray, leading into the Brood War that allowed the Infested Terran, Kerrigan, to emerge as the Swarm's new master. Perhaps this is a good counterexample to the Cerebrates' actual power in the Command Structure.
Xaax. This paper would like to take the opportunity to thank our most valuable informant. Xaax the Defiler was first documented appearing in the Garden of Khas on Aiur, and he refused to divulge any information prior to that event. His current wherabouts are unknown.

Thakras. It is said that this beast was encountered before the Brood War, in a contest of power over the Argus Stone. Little is known about this creature, save that it apparently commands a similar range of abilities as Xaax.

Chaladar. The most well-known example of an Infested Protoss; it appears the Zerg have had trouble infesting this alien race compared to the Terrans. Cosmetically and mentally-scarred Chaladar remains mostly-unaltered by the Zerg compared to the extent Infested Terrans are. Other Zerg Cerebrates may have more varying-degrees of success in infesting Protoss, but such beings are not well-documented.

-- Document submitted by Dr. Mariko Shimozuki

Record of the First Encounter

From the personal memory crystal of Khalai Amukasier:

I can hear the enemy firepower hammering the hull, long after we withdrew from the battlefield and hid amongst the shattered moon. I clearly remember Executor Kuwadora's last instructions, and his assurance that he will return alive. We lost contact with the boarding party soon after it was confirmed the Yggdrasill breached the command ship's hull.

Not only that, but the Terran commander Ace Tarpals went missing during the battle. Our last transmission from him indicated that he was ejecting from his spacecraft, but we have been unable to pick up the signal to his pod. We are uncertain if it is malfunctioning, or whether there was interference, but I am certain he is still alive.

I analyzed the data from our battle while my men busied themselves with repairing the Black Dream. It appears that Arestes' ships are made up of both biological and mechanical parts, intermixed together expertly like a woven tapestry. Their makeup is unlike anything I have ever seen, in reality or in history. Their biomechanical armor offers superior protection, fast regeneration, and nearly perfect protection from scanning. They also appear to generate a natural force shield, not unlike our own shields. Their engines are powered by some unknown, but powerful, plasma chamber, judging from their energy trails.

Their form and weaponry seem to indicate their function; their fastest fighter, faster than any known ship, is powered by a rapid, yet weak, cannon. Another craft has been identified, possessing a speed similar to Corsairs, and a beam weapon that explodes on impact. In that respect we have an interceptor and a swarm control, but the third identified fighter is armed with several missile-like warheads. We have also identified a cruiser-class and a carrier-class vessel, along with Arestes' dreadnaught. The range and capabilities of their capital ships remains unknown, as we were unable to gather enough data about these ships.

Without the Phase Transit Cannon the Scantid Fleet would have been destroyed completely. It appears to be our only weapon that is a match for these new enemies. Since we are without the resources to construct another Scorpion, it appears the Black Dream may be our only hope for survival.

I dare not dream of what may occur if these enemies appeared in the Koprulu Sector.

Theory of the Scantid Phase Engine

From the memory crystal of Khalai Amukasier:

The Phase Transit Cannon fires a high-energy pulse that can deal an enormous amount of damage in a short amount of time. Combining this fact with the quick refire rate, the Phase Transit Cannon stands to be the most powerful weapon known in the Koprulu Sector, but such a weapon is not without its price.

Kuwadora theorized this new weapon on the principle combination of light and dark energy; perhaps he was inspired by Tassadar. Since he was raised a High Templar Kuwadora had no problems introducing a light energy factor, but the other two factors would have to come from elsewhere.

The Terrans of the Terran Dominion recently developed a strong new engine for their Yamato Cannons--one that allowed a consecutive firing of their super weapon. This new engine functions on a rotating basis--that is, while one engine is firing, the remaining engines are preparing themselves for their own blast. Enough engines can be built for a continuous firing effect--similar to a gatling cannon, but it is far from inexpensive. The Dominion's prototype, Iron Raptor, utilized only three such rotating engines, as it appeared to be the maximum the Battlecruiser could house without removing other vital systems. In time they will be able to make such an engine smaller; Kuwadora himself looked over the designs at great length, and devised some shortcuts in order to generate a constant, rotating engine design without compromising ship systems.

Of course, the difference here is Kuwadora was being far more reckless in harnessing energies; he was counting on having a dark energy source, where the Terrans were not. Their Yamato Cannon operates on a different principle.

This dark energy is supplied by Xaax the Defiler, who also looked over Kuwadora's design of the engine. Kuwadora informed me that Xaax recognized immediately each and every flaw in the new design, as well as recognized that each required one of his own patches. In order to make up for the the enormous radiation and power output Xaax integrated biological elements into the ship's hull, inside and out, in order to siphon off this excess of light energy and absorb it with dark energy--generating a waste product. It was this waste product which Kuwadora hoped to use as the Black Dream's main weapon, in fact.

This light and dark energy intermix stores a great deal of potential energy as well as kinetic energy; some of this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy upon impact, allowing the blast to travel across multiple targets up to three times before expending all potential energy. However, the more the energy burst bounces, the less damage it does due to the loss in kinetic energy.

The Black Dream is literally a mismatch of technologies hastily put together; it is a wonder how Kuwadora managed to make it spaceworthy. I contantly attempt to devise a way to install a Recall device on board the ship, but any such effort is met in failure despite Chaladar's knowledge of operating that Judicator mechanism. I looked over the designs time and again, and it appears the intermix engine is somehow interfering with time and space. Perhaps it is not just the cannon that is operating in phase transition.

Record of the Prophecy

From the personal memory crystal of Templar Asakiro:

I could feel the warmth of the Archon's embrace no longer. My mind could not touch Urust's own. I could not feel the dark energy of the mutant Kabala serpent, nor the coursing energy of light. For a time, there was only darkness. I thought that this was how it felt to die.

However, it was not to be. I could detect Urust's presence nearby, and I heard his thoughts. He, too, was just as puzzled as I, as to how we still live... if this was indeed not the afterlife promised by the Khala. I am not certain as to why this mattered so much, since I threw away the Khala.

The entire time we were being watched-- watched by the Dark Ones banished in Adun's time. Dark Templar who wielded the dark energy the same as the Zerg, and of the mutant Kabala. Their thoughts were cut from us, but we knew they were talking about us. I stretched my mind, searching for these unseen Protoss, but to no avail.

Finally, one of them, their leader, broke the silence. He said his name is Qinthanas, and he is the leader of this group of shadow warriors, trained to save as many Protoss as possible. He said that our lives are no longer our own, and that, to the eyes of those we left behind, we are dead. Yet, we live. Urust was infuriated, but I retained my calm; I wished to learn more about our rescuers before lashing out at them. I will not be robbed of my final peace so lightly.

Qinthanas explained that he serves an order of Protoss existing far into the future; his people use special time-travel devices in order to time-hop to key locations in their history, and ensure the future of the Protoss race. Urust immediately thought of the experimental Arbiters that were the subject of the war with Cerebrate Zargil, and Qinthanas admitted that those Arbiters would eventually lead to the new temporal devices-- their armbands. In fact, they said Judicator Imorih was one of those directly responsible for their order's founding, but Urust, being one of the Judicator's long-time friends, had difficulty believing this, choosing to believe that Qinthanas' people stole Imorih's research.

The truth of the matter was, I was interested, no matter how this order came about.

Our rescuers offered us a chance to join their organization, but Urust would have none of it; he accussed Qinthanas of robbing others of their honorable deaths, but Qinthanas denied this, pointing out that he could have extracted much more worthy heroes, such as Fenix, or Adun. It was clear to me that Urust would not accept easily, and I myself would not, either. However, I needed to know what this Qinthanas was up to; if his people would give Adun a final rest, then why save us?

I allowed Qinthanas to believe I was willing to listen; his men took Urust away to a holding cell to cool off. They said they would gladly give Urust his wish if he did not behave.

Qinthanas took me to the Records Tribunal, and demonstrated to me, via memory crystals, the feats his people have accomplished. I bore witness to the assassination of certain Protoss lords during the Aeon of Strife, and the temporal report analysis granting a rise in overall Protoss population. I saw a record of the sudden 'miracle' cure that seemed to come from the gods to one ancient Protoss hero-- something Qinthanas' people were directly responsible for. I even saw one temporal warrior kill a Bengalaas in order to save a young Khas. This was too much information to bear.

Nevertheless, I had to retain my composure. \"Then what of Kabala?\" I asked.

Qinthanas, his coals of eyes glowing malevolently, replied, \"Kabala is not what he seems. We must be extra careful in altering the timestream, such that we do not inadvertently unmake our civilization; such would undo all the changes we made in time.\"

Although I could not believe it, I took it to mean that Kabala is somehow instrumental to this... this...time. Qinthanas recognized that I realized this, and explained to me that, without Kabala, the catalyst, the Black Dream would not exist as it is today, and that the Black Dream is infinitely more useful in this verion of time. Even villains such as Arestes must be spared, because, despite the harm he has done, they turned out greater benefits in the end.

I dare not think of the intent in Qinthanas' words, but they disturbed me nonetheless. It was obvious to me that he found the Black Dream useful in whatever his plans were, and I determined I had to discover what this was. So much, in fact, I lied to Qinthanas, and agreed to join his people as a temporal warrior.

Many days passed before I could reach Urust, and I related the events to him. As usual, Urust would not compromise his honor, even if it went against the Way of the Khala or the Protoss people. He ultimately believed he was meant to die, and has, thus far, been thwarted in all attempts at ritual suicide. I assured my comrade that I had a plan formulated, but that required me having access to the Records Tribunal.

I allowed myself to be trained as a warrior; I determined that submission, if only for a brief time, was a necessary sacrifice if I was to learn why I was saved, and what Kuwadora and his ship had to do with it. Most likely, Kuwadora had no idea what was going on in the shadows, and I had to warn him somehow. It was becoming more than obvious to me that Qinthanas had plans for the Black Dream.

In time I learned of these special temporal missions Qinthanas' people embarked on; there was certain times when most of the warriors were called away, and it was at this time I broke into the Records Tribunal. It was not easy to find the proper crystals, but I kept their location in memory. I would not have enough time to view them all before Qinthanas returned; therefore I had to space out my self-teachings between missions. I related as much to Urust as possible, and, for his sake, he stopped trying to kill himself. At least now he recognized that there were greater things at stake than his own death.

It seemed that Qinthanas, some months after the final battle with Kabala, stole the Black Dream from Kuwadora and his men, in order to use it on one of his missions. He took the ship, and its crew, back to the distant past, during a time when the Xel'Naga still walked amongst our peoples, to eliminate an ancient threat-- the Zeji Imperium.

The Zeji Imperium was in the midst of fighting a colossal civil war, fought by clones and biomechanical nightmares. Left unchecked, the Imperium's war would have destroyed several Xel'Naga worldships. While this immediately doesn't seem to affect the Protoss, these same worldships would have brought greater enhancements to our peoples, and raising our population and power in the long run. Whole worlds which would be used as future colonies would be spared from the ravages of war. It was deemed appropriate to alter time to allow this change, and to sacrifice the Black Dream.

The Black Dream appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the midst of the Zeji war, and single-handedly wiped-out every last warring soul. Not one Zeji survived the appearance of these new Star Gods. However, Kuwadora's people eventually retook enough control of the ship, and initiated the self-destruct sequence, but Qinthanas and his men escaped. Kuwadora would never allow anyone else to take his ship.

The part that infuriated me the most was that Qinthanas, despite having destroyed his play toy, could still steal it again in the future, because he eliminated the time when he stole the Black Dream in the first place. He would simply have to not interfere the second time around, and the Black Dream could continue unmolested for its destiny. There was no such thing as repeating events to ensure an action; it already happened. Time could follow an infinite number of possibilities, taking differing paths. It was only a matter of cutting away the 'unneccesary' paths in order to force all on one road.

I could not stand this. Qinthanas toys with the lives of others to suit his own ends. Kuwadora does not deserve such a cruel fate handed to him.

Eventually I learned all the nuances that went into the planning of Black Dream's capture. It seemed that the light/dark energy intermixer in the ship's engine interfered with space/time devices, including Recall devices and the temporal armbands. In effect, they could not time-hop directly onto the ship, and thus they could not take over the ship without infiltrating physically. Not only that, but they had to deactivate the engine in order to pull it through their time gates-- something Kuwadora would not do willingly, as this would essentially disarm the Phase Transit Cannon for several critical minutes.

It was not long before Qinthanas himself would take me on my first mission, not long after I learned the truth. In fact, I was to assist him in stealing the Black Dream, and suddenly I realized the entire point of my existance. Qinthanas wanted me to convince Kuwadora to help him, rather than risk everything by hostily-stealing the ship. The aims for this mission were to eliminate a pocket of Zeji that they missed the first time around. For this, I secretly brought Urust out of his cell; I would need him if I was to carry out my own plans.

We appeared before the Black Dream three days after Xaax the Defiler left; apparently it was to ensure that Xaax remained in the timeline in case something went wrong, although I did not look up as to why a Zerg Hunter would be so important to the Protoss. As part of my plan, I played along with Qinthanas, and Kuwadora, reluctantly, complied with the direct command of his Executor. Perhaps I trained him poorly.

Qinthanas effortlessly took over the ship, without the crew realizing it. Adonis would not speak a word to me; he now felt betrayed that I had survived the battle, and avoided me at all times. Kuwadora, too, avoided speaking with me, seemingly unsure what to think of his mentor returning from certain death. Urust himself remained hidden on board the ship, using a cloaking field. I could not tear myself away from Qinthanas' side; he would find it too suspicious if I spoke at ease with Kuwadora. I could only hope I trained Kuwadora better than I expected.

We entered the temporal rift to the Zeji time, and found the pocket of Zeji that would have a subtle, but lasting, effect on our peoples' expansion. Qinthanas intended to eliminate them as well, and obviously Kuwadora was agitated by this notion. He could not act, however, as Qinthanas had enough cloaked Templar on board to deal with any uprisings. And at this time Urust made his move.

As the Black Dream was not just Protoss in structure, it was fitted with a ventilation system that was remnant of Terran systems. Gas was leaked into the system, allowing Kuwadora's crew the ability to see their invisible foes. And, as Urust, in secret, visited each of the crew and relayed my plans of mutiny to them... it all sprung like clockwork. It was then Kuwadora overpowered the enemy on the bridge, much to my surprise. I had not raised my mental defenses by the time this Templar finished his work. Kuwadora, like me, was simply biding his time; he learned of my plans from Urust, and executed them perfectly.

However, it turned out they would all die honorably, fighting, as I expected; the temporal warriors have done this before, even without my help. Qinthanas realized I betrayed him, and managed to capture me and Urust. True to form Qinthanas moved to wipe out the rest of the Zeji, but failed to stop the other part of my plan. The mutiny was only a distraction, in order to allow some Zeji to escape with news of the Star Gods; Kuwadora was clearly inventive in getting the Zeji to listen to him-- he openly broadcast records of what the Black Dream could do to them with p_w_picpath of their previous battles in the future. Although many of them did not believe this, enough did, which is what was important.

Not just any Zeji, but Zeji that would be put in a calculated position to warn future generations of these Star Gods.

We warned the Zeji of the attack; the only way I could save Kuwadora was to warn him before he encountered Qinthanas, in a time when Qinthanas could not act against him. It was cutting the time close, but it had to be when Xaax was still on board the ship, and the Black Dream in the area to be able to find the Zeji colony. Kabala would do that for me, and for once, I was greatful to him. It is unfortunate he would never know it.

The most important fact was that Qinthanas was unaware of what I had done. Even when he does find out it will be too late to stop it; Zeji in smaller quantities are not the easiest beings to find in the universe, particularly when they do not want to be found.

I am no longer stranger to the ways these temporal warriors work; they disposed of the Black Dream again when Kuwadora initiated the self-destruct mechanism. Qinthanas left Urust to his fate on the ship, but brought me back, promising that I would regret what I had done. He believed I still had some use, if I was that important to Kuwadora that he would blindly follow me into such a daring plan. More likely, I think Kuwadora's crazy thoughts rubbed off on me, and he was important to me-- not the other way around..

Qinthanas is obviously obsessed with the Black Dream; it almost seems as if he wants it for his own. Perhaps keep a 'copy' of his pet ship while allowing the real one to carry out its final destiny. Yet, each time he tries to take it over, I've heard, he always ends the mission without the ship under his control; Kuwadora simply will not let him have it. I have no idea what peoples Qinthanas is wiping out now, but it must be stopped; the price of our existance cannot be as high as mass genocide.

Finally, Qinthanas revealed my latest usage: I am a bargaining chip. If he so desperately believes Kuwadora would sacrifice his ship for me, he is sadly mistaken.

Darkness on the Horizon

I have a vision
Of an enemy cloaked in darkness
Watching our movement, waiting,
For our time of weakness.

I have a dream
Of foes banding together
For a common cause:
Survival: a war against forever.

I tell a prophecy
Of ash and flame
And, once this conflict is over,
Nothing will ever be the same.

Track List




Prophecy Design Notes-- Characters

This document was created to highlight points not immediately apparent in the creation of Prophecy.

Unlike its predecessors Prophecy was designed such that the cast would be limited to an even smaller number than before. This scheme was pre-mediated at the end of Black Dream; I gathered all the characters I knew could be voiced, if necessary, on the Black Dream. This effectively left out characters such as Imorih and Ziktofel, who have established voices already which could not easily be duplicated. For such characters a method was devised by which to 'eliminate' them from further use in any future campaign requiring the usage of speech.

Of course, thanks to the mixxed reaction to the voice recordings, such a thought is in consideration to be dropped in any future projects.

The crew of the Black Dream was structured such that most, if not all, the bases will be covered. Kuwadora, naturally, is the ship's owner and the Fleet's leader. Amukasier represents the Khalai, and is the civilian artificer who fixes the ship and its weapons. Consider him along the lines of Chief Engineer, in effect. Adonis represents the Templar aspect, while Chaladar represents the Judicator aspect of Protoss society. In a sense, Kuwadora covers the Dark Templar, as, although he does not share the same abilities as the units of the same name, he is one of those who does not follow the Khala. In this manner all aspects of Protoss society is represented on board the Black Dream. In addition, Ace Tarpals and Xaax the Defiler provide representation for their own respective races.

Kuwadora. The captain, so to speak. He is still young-- for a Protoss, and has a wild imagination. Such imagination is partially the reason he is an outcast of his own people, but he does not mind. He truly believes in what he is doing, in an almost naive fashion, and looks toward an unattainable harmony amongst the warring races in the Koprulu Sector-- not one forged by war, but one attained on its own merits. He sees the Black Dream as a tool of war-- a dangerous tool which must be handled with care, lest those who aspire to command it abuse its power.

Yet it is also important to stress that Kuwadora is no simple dreamer in possession of possibly the universe's most powerful weapon. Kuwadora is a tactical genious, and such was attempted to be stressed on the player throughout the campaign. It's not enough that he devise and execute such plans, but the player understand why-- and execute it themselves. In a sense, the role of Kuwadora was to be in the hands of the player; Kuwadora is only as good as the player that wields his power.

Unlike most of the other Protoss characters Kuwadora's name doesn't mean anything in reverse; it simply didn't work out when I tried. Although his name is taken from one of the bosses in Breath of Fire II, I had Kawamura Maria in mind when I named him.

Ace. The token human. He really has no reason to be on the Black Dream, and unfortunately the former explanation was it. The one aspect which kept going for him was the 'search' for the real Serena Schezar-- the answer which he already had in his hands, but didn't want to know. In order to keep things interesting Van MacDougal was created as his rival, but overall I don't think either character was handled very well. I leave the identity of Serena Schezar up to the player; I have my own ideas.

'Ace' is a generic pilot name, and 'Tarpals' is a character from Star Wars Episode I-- the Gungan general who told Jar-jar he was \"in big doo-doo.\"

Amukasier. I kept him on as justification for any changes I make to the Black Dream. In the campaign of the same name the ship was simply a Battlecruiser with a turret, but I envisioned something more. In a sense, Amukasier is myself. He is not otherwise developed very much, save for a certain refinement of his love for war.

In a sense his outsider status was to be conveyed mostly through his role as narrator; Amukasier was never meant to interact much in the campaign. Even though a unit was created for him the player was never given control over Amukasier-- simply because using a civilian is usually pointless (hence his unit response on the Black Dream).

Amukasier's name, read backwards, is named for Sakuma Rei, who, among other things, voiced Shampoo from Ranma 1/2.

Chaladar. This character has had many unfortunate things happen to him, and he's become the token whiner on board, somewhat akin to Rattrap from Beast Wars. Yet, also like Rattrap he is resourceful enough to keep fighting despite impending doom. Unlike Rattrap, he doesn't mind if he dies. Chaladar was always meant to be unlike any other Protoss devised so far, and his capture by the Zerg Swarm was the catalyst for such a change. He has not developed much further because I don't believe it should be easy for him to change his deathly worldview.

Chaladar's name is taken from a Spelljammer character-- a Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting dealing with space. Chaladar was a Solamnic Knight from the Dragonlance setting with a shady past, and ended up on the legendary ship Spelljammer.

Adonis. He was always meant to be a member of the Scantid Fleet in Black Dream, but was cut from the final version, simply because he didn't fit. He was just like Asakiro in almost every way-- except he personally got screwed over by the Conclave (originally Adonis was one of the captains of the doomed Carriers ambushed by Cephil's Legion who survived the battle). There really isn't much to say about him; he is somewhat of a cross between Asakiro and Fenix-- a stale and been-there character. He only changes slightly throughout Prophecy; he is distrustful of Xaax early on, and resents Kuwadora assigning him on his strike teams, but later he actually asks for his help. This change is slight and barely noticable, but once you've succeeded over the enemy fighting alongside Xaax enough times you begin to recognize his worth (such as Mission 4's minefield).

Adonis' name is directly taken from Greek mythology.

Xaax. I started having doubts about what I was doing with this character; I realized he didn't belong on the Black Dream, more than Ace Tarpals didn't really belong. Xaax was always meant to be the loyal soldier, but the directions taken in Black Dream forced him along a path of power and glory that took him beyond such a role. He has a personality, and resents being told what to do, because he knows better. I gave him the Remains of the Overmind because I felt that such a device would seriously hurt the Starcraft Universe if I brought back the Overmind again. Yet, unknowingly, I also provided Xaax the path to his road to redemption.

I needed to figure out how to get Xaax back to the fold, but, at the same time, make certain he doesn't get away with going AWOL, either. For this purpose Thakras and Parakas (dropped from Black Dream) were revived to harass Xaax once again, and the Remains given life of its own. This subplot not only had to convince Xaax to go back, but also serve as part of the plot. Xaax had to go back out of his own free will.

Further notes: Xaax's character is nearly the same as Shizuka, who appeared in Black Dream's B-plot. He does not like being complimented, nor does he liked being pitied; such things are weak in his eyes. He insults and belittles others, because Xaax believes it is the way of strength befit to himself. Such is why he constantly insults others-- it's not always because he truly wishes to insult, but it is the only way he knows how to communicate.

Xaax's name has no discernable origin. It just sounded good.

Kabala. When I finished Black Dream I realized how much I liked this guy, so I devised a means by which he could survive his final battle. What I liked most was his misguided drive to protect his people-- he was so pushed by this idea that he would kill everybody else in order to do it. Not only that, but he insisted that he was the only 'right.' Putting him at odds with Arestes is putting Kabala on the path toward redemption; his way is not necessarily wrong, but it's not necessarily right, either. Kabala walks a fine line between right and wrong, and that's the question that's posed on the Scantid Fleet through Prophecy. Since he was the villain of the previous campaign, I wanted the Fleet's bacon saved by him to be the last thing anybody expects.

Kabala's name was generated from the Mortal Kombat character, Kabal, with an 'a' attached to the end. It didn't originate from religion.

Tipereth. He's Kabala's Aide, the character without a name in Black Dream. He was never meant to have any big roles, but I felt he at least deserved a name-- taken from one of the Sephiroth in the Kabala. He's like Owen from Gargoyles; the evil villain's assistant who remains at the evil villain's side through thick and thin. He's like Scorponok from Beast Wars, who believes the boss knows what he's doing so faithfully that he's blinded by his fault of perfect loyalty.

Van. His role was to keep the Iron Hand going, as well as maintain the Confederacy's presence in the Starcraft Universe. In his quest to avenge himself Van is somewhat of a pathetic character who always gets dealt the bad hand. He's the random scapegoat bad guy we know and love, like Ultros. Yet, unlike guys like Ultros Van has to be very capable of being dangerous... otherwise he shouldn't exist in the first place. Of course, I think I made him a bit too 'Team Rocket' for his own good, which made him seem less-menacing.

He was originally going to have two flunkies: Jeep and (undecided car name), but both were dropped during the outline stage. Yes, the Iron Hand villains were going to be named after motor vehicles.

Arestes. Essentially he is unchanged from Black Dream; the only difference is that enough time has passed for him to create his perfect army. He sees himself as a god, and wishes to usher a new era of peace under his rule. However, I wanted Arestes to be more of a presence rather than a constant threat, so I kept everybody aware of him through his unstoppable army. Only a strong army that represents a god's will would be worthy of this creature. He has possibly my favorite effect of all the voices.

His name is a perverted translation of a Greek play.

Others. The Remains of the Overmind was meant to be a distant echo of the real Overmind-- a shadow of its full self. As such, despite its grandoise speeches, the Remains really can't do a thing. The Remains of the Overmind was devised after a concept from Nadesico anime-- the Remains of Mars.

Asakiro's name in reverse is for Orikasa Ai, who, among other things, voiced Baiko in Saber Marionette J. Kawamura Maria voiced Tamasaburo, her partner, in the same show, and is attributed toward Kuwadora. In effect, it recreates both characters working alongside each other in the campaign. Both these characters were designed in concept when the original Vision of the Future was out the door, but, as you can see if you look in the map editor's location editor, Kuwadora's name was still in flux.

Ziktofel's name has no discernable origin, but the 'fel' part was taken after Baron Fel in the Star Wars novels and comic books-- an ace Imperial pilot.

Imorih and Urust don't mean anything by themselves, but in the original Vision of the Future they merged to become an archon Urust/Imorih. Read in reverse this name is attributed to Tsuru Hiromi, who, among other things, voiced Ukyo in Ranma 1/2.

Hhallahh's name was always meant to be a palindrome, and nothing more. Other than the fact that it's an odd name.

Thakras, Zargil, Archimedes, and Kizrath were directly lifted from the Retribution add-on. Parakas' name was designed to mesh with Thakras' and has no special meaning.

Serena Schezar was, like Alan Schezar, named after a character from the anime Vision of Escaflowne. And, just like Escaflowne, Serena plays the role of her namesake rather well, in that she is not who she appears to be.

The names of all the Dark Templar agents hidden in the Prophecy maps were meant to correspond, out of order, to the alphabet, from 'A' to 'Q.' Some names actually originated from other series, while others were made up to mesh with the letter scheme (Paktahn = Wing Commander 3 ship; Kirala = Skies of Arcadia character; Obsidian = Beast Machines character, etc.). Qinthanas' was originally just going to be 'Q,' but I thought that looked rather bland. The 'thanas' extension was thought up after remembering the Dragonlance character, Gilthanas.

Prophecy Design Notes-- The Zeji Armada

This document was created to highlight points not immediately apparent in the creation of Prophecy.
The Zeji Armada

I believe one of the most sought-after goals in the world of Starcraft Mods is the successful creation of a new, fourth race to challenge the existing three. Such was the original premise of Prophecy-- to design and implement a powerful, fourth race, that would not only bring the players awe and excitement, but also challenge them against an enemy totally unknown which they will have to learn to defeat on their own. The Zeji Armada is the result of this scheme, and I am proud of the way they turned out, even if I was unable to implement them to the fullest I envisioned.

The Zeji are directly based off of the Nephilim from Wing Commander: Prophecy. I had already given them tribute in my campaigns by naming an entire Zerg Brood after them, but once I found these ship models in my possession I knew I could give them the props they deserve. The Nephilim possess the numbers of the Zerg and the firepower of the Protoss-- a deadly combination which I used to create the Zeji Armada. They are essentially what Duran's Hybrids may most be like, but that is neither here nor there. These guys are mine.

Now, considering I had nearly every model in my possession (minus the Stellar Accretion Device), I had to determine which modesl I wanted to use. The Nephilim utilize a number of unique ships, some of which cannot be accurately recreated in Starcraft. Not only that, but I wished to maintain all existing units in Starcraft, which limited the amount of units I could replace. With that in mind, I selected a good sample of fighters and capital ships from which to build from... but, even after I had the models selected, not all of those would be implemented.

Moray. One of two ships I was having particular difficulty in creating a sprite for. This was intended to be similar to Interceptors on Carriers-- small, weak, yet annoying as locusts. The sprite issues I had with them forced me to cut them from production early on. However, when I was drawing toward the close of production I had an extra GRP left over, and nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, I also used up all available unit slots I was willing to take up. Since I could not create the locust ship I envisioned, I did the next best thing-- I turned it into a missile for the Zeji carrier hero unit, Magnus.

Manta. This is the other ship cut from production, and it never reappeared. Sprite issues forced me to cut this one early on, and it was probably for the best. Since it's function is as a standard fighter, it wouldn't have been too much different from Scouts, with no discernable extra functions like the Stingray or Squid had. In fact, it would essentially be a weaker Devilray.

Squid. For the Nephilim this is their finest class of Interceptor, and for good reason-- it is perhaps the fastest ship, as well as very heavily armed with four cannons. It is, I found, the most difficult Nephilim fighter to fly against, and thus it earns my respect. As such, this was one ship which I required myself to use in Prophecy, as tribute to such a worthy foe. As befitted its interceptor status I made certain that the Squid would be able to outfly every unit in the game-- not only making it one of the most useful units ever created, but also one of the most dangerous foes in existance. Anyone can attest to how annoyingly quick these guys are, and it is their strength.

Stingray. The Nephilim used unity ships in their fleets; this was entirely impossible to do in Starcraft. The Stingray was one of a handful of ships (which includes certain configurations of Mantas-- the infamous Red Mantas) that could easily take out a capital ship, serving function as the best Capship Interdictor (the other would be the Skate Cluster; the Skate is a light interceptor that was basically just as good as the Moray, save for its dangerous clustering ability). Of course, I believe it wasn't possible to create a good Capship killer ship over the Devilray, so I changed its function to the same role as the Corsair-- fleet decimator. The Stingray underwent the most changes, in this respect; its original weapon was the same as the Squid, but only much slower. I decided that, if I wanted to use it, it better be useful on its own merits.

Devilray. This is a Space Superiority Fighter, which basically means it outclasses every other fighter possible in every way. Its missiles are so powerful that they can eat capital ships for breakfast, and fighters for lunch, with anything else for dinner. In a sense, it is like the Devourer, save slower, and without the special attack, but the ability to attack anything. And it attacks a whole lot faster.

Hydra. The Nephilim capital ships didn't really have a large distinguishment from one another as far as flying against them in a fighter was concerned. Therefore, I had more creative freedom to work with the Zeji capital ships than the fighters. For the Hydra I created a massive blast cannon which I was originally going to reserve for the Kraken dreadnaught, but the Kraken was cut before sprites were made simply because I couldn't figure out how to open its ship killer cannon. Since this ship is a cruiser I wanted it to be menacing on the battlefield, and able to handle multiple enemies at a time-- therefore its weapon deals splash damage.

Leviathan. This is a carrier ship; originally it was going to replace the Protoss Carrier Gantrithor, and launch Morays (at one point it was Skates) as Interceptors, but that was nixxed early on when I implemented the Fenix. In effect, it lost its carrier attack, and thus I turned it into a Battlecruiser with its laser shots. When I reintroduced the Moray, however, I changed the Leviathan Hero unit to launch fighters instead of fire lasers, just to maintain the carrier theme. Both variations are used after the Magnus is destroyed.

Tiamat. The Nephilim command dreadnaught. It's large and in charge, and there's only one of them. And, considering the Black Dream, I wanted it to possess a massive Ship Killer cannon that could eat capships for breakfast. Originally, it did only 700 damage, but, as testing went along, I increased its power to over 1200 damage, putting it in the position to annihilate any fighter and destroy most capships in 2-3 shots. In a sense it's exactly the same as Legacy of the Confederation's battle platform.

Mechalisk. This is a cheap concept of recreating a Goliath with a Hydralisk as its turret; the idea was obviously inspired by the mechanical Hunter Killer Mod from Infoceptor. Although not one of the original Zeji, this is one of those dastardly experiments of Arestes turned to his advantage. Its ability to fly allows it to roll over any terrain, making its visual appearance misleading. It also uses the portrait of the infamous 'Piercer,' which I thought was more suitable than the bland Hunter Killer portrait.

Warriors. These are cheap Dark Templar without the cloaking ability; in fact, they are just like Dark Templar in every way beside that, and three times more hit points. I wasn't originally going to use specialized Zeji Warriors; Arestes' foot soldiers simply would have been regular Protoss units. However, regular Protoss units don't pose much of a challenge to the Scantid Fleet.

Stardock. Stardocks serve their purpose well-- they provide control points, and serve the same role as the Zeji Cloning Cylinders-- they periodically spawn insanely-powerful units. That's all.

Spire of Eyes. For most of production this was simply labelled 'Zeji Communications Station;' this all changed during production of the map 'The Catalyst.' It is technically a building, but for Starcraft's purposes it's a unit-- and it can be shielded by a cloaking field. It also won't show up on the minimap unless you were within line of sight, too. This fact would make an interesting hunt if I deigned to force the player to look for the Spire on their own....

Circle of Bone. The stargate was mostly generically called 'Zeji Stargate,' as previously noted above. The unit display that appears when you click on it was altered so it changed colors throughout the mission; this wasn't possible to do with the gate itself without altering Starcraft's pallete. I thought it would be interesting if I could recreat the swirl of color for it, but I don't possess the technical know-how in order to complete it.

I also note that one of the Zeji units was causing a lot of crashing in the game; I am uncertain as to which unit was doing this, but I believe it was either the Stingray or the Leviathan. With that in mind I disallowed the control of Leviathans throughout the entire campaign, and haven't suffered a crash since. They work fine when the computer uses them, however.

Prophecy Design Notes-- The Missions

This document was created to highlight points not immediately apparent in the creation of Prophecy.
The Missions

So you've got the characters, and the new enemy, so how are you going to present them? In a way that will surprise the players, how else? I wanted to create the illusion from the beginning that would spell 'a typical Starcraft campaign,' fighting Zerg, Protoss, and Terrans. This also gave time to introduce the new characters, as well s introduce new ones. And, once that was said and done, throw the Zeji into the mix, so everything goes to Hell.

Mission 1. The main point stressed here is to get players interested in Arestes again; this time he comes riding into town with one bad-mutha of a ship. It was meant to be the hook for which players would continue with the campaign-- a promise of what was yet to come. I resisted the temptation of surrounding Kabala and Duran, because I wanted to save the other ships for later. This also gave me the chance to get rid of Duran; the direction I wanted to take Kabala followed a different path, and for that the two conspirators had to part ways.

Mission 2. The first actual mission introduces Adonis, as well as immediately give the player the opportunity to get used to using Adonis, Chaladar, and Xaax as a team, particularly with the changes introduced to Chaladar's spells. It also served as the opportunity to reintroduce Thakras and Parakas, who I left out of Black Dream.Originally this mission was two separate missions, and, instead of destroying a Relay Organ, this would have introduced the Iron Hand.

Mission 3. Iron Hand's introduction to the story was pushed back to this mission. It emphasizes that, while the Black Dream possesses an enormous amount of power, you can't use it recklessly. A branch point was introduced late in production that allowed one to skip the mining mission entirely.

Mission 4. This mission and the following cutscene were switched around to accomodate the new branch in Mission 3. In this I wanted to utilize my Spider Minefield, forcing the players to use Vultures while the main force stayed behind to mine. It also prompted my change in Defiler movement to Hover, since it appears they are doing that already (they originally were flying units, I believe). The boss battle with the Avenger was added as a bonus; its inspiration comes from the Game Boy Color game The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages' minigame where you had to knock enemies into pits while using a switch to prevent a minecar from crashing. Originally the Infested Terrans would have moved around by shooting them with the firebats, but I couldn't force them to move like the Zerglings in Zergling Round-Up.

Mission 5. The Remains' introduction was pushed back to accomodate the new mission branch in Mission 3. This only serves as a stepping board for the later venture to the Zerus dreamscape.

Mission 6. Perhaps this mission is what defines Prophecy overall; it is the most difficult mission I created to date, because the map is literally swarmed by the new, unknown enemy. I expected every player to lose in this map on their first try. You basically have to use every trick in the book to survive, and, not only that, you have to think on your feet if you want to get Yggdrasill to the Nemesis. Originally this was three separate missions, but I wanted to give the players the chance to better defend themselves from the Zeji Armada on their own.

Mission 7. One of the last missions I coded was this one, as I worked hard to modify the Installation to allow the building of structures-- mainly Creep. However, Installation's color pallete does not support the Creep's colors, so a great deal of modifications were made in order to make it look somewhat presentable. The key to this was my desire to create a puzzle with Nydus Canals-- something I believe which was never done before. This map couldn't have been done without the advice and work of The Oracle and Wargiant.

Mission 8. The easiest cutscene designed also had monstrous headaches in it-- such as getting units to move around in a fashion similar as to how a player would play the actual map. I played around with the Dark Archons a lot, as I realized they will always attempt to Mind Control the Battlecruisers. As this was the origin I always had in mind for Kabala, I believe it turned out well enough. I was unsure if I could pull-off the Zeratul conversation, but it works reasonably well here.

Mission 9. For all intents and purposes this is both a quick strike and the chance to make use of the Zeji ships yourselves (that is, if you didn't think to Mind Control the ones back in Mission 6). This mission uses a concept I haven't seen used in other Starcraft maps, and that is the ability to buy yourself more time to wreak havoc. The free reign on the shipyard was obviously inspired by the Brood War Zerg mission of the same type.

Mission 10. I consider this, originally two maps, the revelations series. I seriously had to put a lot of time into constructing this map, because I had to devise the Zeji culture and lay it out on a map appropriate to what I wanted to happen. This would also serve as the last major commando-style mission, so I pulled all the stops on this one; every unit you were given has some use on the map, and those of you who managed to keep the Ghosts alive throughout the whole thing will have found the mission easy. I also used this as my chance to fully make use of the Skippers, which I seriously underutilized compared to my original plans.

The Parakas boss battle was an interesting case; I had to change Xaax's attack so he was able to attack her. Of course, in order to keep things interesting I gave her the Judgement Light attack, which was inspired from Skies of Arcadia boss Yeligar's Voltigar attack.If I ever constructed a movie of Parakas' attack it would look just like the Voltigar attack.

Mission 11. 'The Catalyst' is a sort of turning point in the campaign, and I wanted it presented as such. For the first time I revealed the hidden Dark Templar I threw around in each map, unless players found them on flukes ahead of time. Xaax, too, is undergoing a change in heart, hinted at all along. The rest of the Scantid Fleet, too, must deal with their impending doom-- they would either be fated to go back in time to annihilate the Zeji, or die at the hands of Arestes' Zeji Armada.

Mission 12. Amukasier admits he doesn't want to die. He's the only one in the Fleet that could outright say it in words. Unlike the others he hasn't fought personally in battle, and doesn't deal with death in quite the same way as the others. Adonis shrugs it off; Chaladar always thinks everybody is going to die; the others simply don't speak of it. And now, the first proper melee mission reintroduces the Zeji Cloning Cylinders, but this time spawns more terrible villains. Although toned down, the Cylinder and the Stardocks would serve to give a taste for the Final Battle.

Mission 13. The second and last melee mission is purely such, and this time I didn't hold back on the Stardocks and Cylinders. After five minutes passed, if the player hasn't done a good deal of hurt on the enemy, they'll wish they had. The Zeji will harass the player every once in a while, and keep harassing until their base is destroyed. Since I could not AI Script the Zeji I had to resort to using Triggers to simulate semi-coordinated attacks. The duel with Van is rather simple, but the only real way you can win is if you upgraded your ship weapons ahead of time.

Mission 14. This mission is an echo of Mission 6 in the way the Zeji move about, but this time you've got the help you never knew you could get. I wanted Kabala's entrance here to be a complete surprise to the player, although astute players will know it was coming ahead of time. Even with the Black Dream I wanted this mission to rival Mission 6's difficulty, and for that I needed to make sure every ship on the map was busy doing something. Also, I implemented a simple 'Power Overwhelming' trap whereby, if it remains intact for a certain amount of time, Arestes leaves and you lose. That is practically the only way Arestes can escape, because between you and the Kabala Fleet Arestes' ship won't make it to the gate.

Mission 15. Prophecy was not always going to be a full-length campaign; originally, this map was what would compose of the entire story. It is the interior of the Black Dream, and I was planning to create a map where you play the ships new captain, and you have to interact with the crew and gain its trust. Those triggers are still implemented in the map, but they are useless. The only part of the original story that remained intact was the attack made by Thakras, and the subsequent final duel between him and Xaax. Ultimately Xaax would choose, out of his own free will, to leave the Black Dream. Depending on other factors, you could get one of two endings.

The Thakras battle is one I wish to be legendary-- the two Defilers are rivals since the beginning of Vision of the Future, and it all comes down to this last fight. However, that required me to use a number of triggers and locations to make it possible-- the fire attacks required a lot of coding time. I needed Thakras to be more difficult than Parakas before him, and that was to limit the amount of chances Xaax could actually attack Thakras. The theme I used was from Rockman X5, for when X and Zero fought their destined battle.

Mission 16. This is sort of an extra mission. I threw in every unit I could think of into this, even ones I had no intention of allowing the player to use-- including Arestes. It is also a throwback to the original Chaladar battle in Vision of the Future. The map is also from that same campaign, too. In a sense, it is a full-circle. I wanted everybody to have some fun with this.

Secrets :
Mission 2: The secondary objective is to save as many units as possible while you carry out your objectives; in order to initiate the hidden objective you must not have lost more than five total units, whether they are Zealots or ships. At the end of the mission you will get to settle the long-time question of who would win: the Black Dream, or the Fenix!

Mission 3: Your initial objective is to destroy the Power Generators on the missile platform. Destroy the generators, and make your way through on the right path. Once you destroy the last generator on that side more missiles behind you will power down, allowing you to reach another generator. Destroy this extra generator, and you will note there is no apparent effect. Proceed to destroy the Power Barge (this will not work if you destroy the Supply Barge), and the Fenix will arrive for a rematch.

Mission 4: There is actually three ways you can pass this mission: fulfill your resource quota, eliminate the enemy bases, or bring Ace Tarpals to the beacon behind the enemy bases. Activating the beacon will enable an extra boss battle with the Avenger.

Mission 6: Your mission objectives require you to keep your heroes alive; however, many of you may have noticed that Ace Tarpals will eject from his Wraith, and will not make you lose the mission. In order to trigger the hidden objectives you must have Ace Tarpals survive throughout the entire battle. In the end the Fenix fleet will arrive to attempt a quick rescue operation. Your reward may help you in the future.

Mission 7: The Nydus Canals offer you the ability to reach areas which are otherwise unreachable in this battleship. Once you control the Nydus Canal central node you have access to three free Nydus Canals to use as you please. In the top area in the final section of the ship there is a beacon across a gap; build a Nydus Canal to that point and bring a Zerg unit to the beacon. Upon completion of the mission you take charge of Jim Raynor, as he steals information from Nova Squadron.

Mission 9: Missions are now enabled by locating the hidden Dark Templar and killing him; this Dark Templar is hidden at the lower-right corner of the map,past the Power Generator. The mission will enable a special objective involving Katala.

Mission 10: Locate and retrieve all information from all four temples, as well as destroy the two Stardocks located on the map near the Temple of Earth and Temple of Fire. Upon completion of the map you will enable an extra objective, whereby you can take Vision of the Future veterans Imorih, Kizrath, and Ziktofel on a mission to recover a Warp Gate from the Sennith Brood.

Mission 12: Find and locate the Dark Templar at the lower left end of the map. Your objectives will change to destroying a Warp Gate, controlling Arcturus Mengsk.

Mission 13: Find and locate the Dark Templar in the middle-right area of the space platform. Bring an observer, or Comsat the peninsula area near the Supply Depots, and kill the offending unit. You will receive extra units which serve as a distraction from your main base.

Mission 14: By completing missions 6 and 10 you will be able to add extra units to your army, to better increase your chances of success.

Mission 15: When you are in free-roam with Adonis enter the crew quarters deck. In one of the rooms is a Dark Templar; kill him, then proceed to finish the mission as normal. You will enable the final mission after completing this mission.

There is also another 'hidden' objective, by entering the Programmer's lounge at the end of the crews' deck. When asked if you would like to enter the bonus area bring the Civilian to the beacon marked 'Yes.'
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MOD 就是 用Final Destny的?
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