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[其它] Legacy of the Confederation

发表于 2013-11-28 17:18:27 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
« Legacy of the Confederation Episode I: Past Purposes »
by The Oracle

Featured on PC Gamer.

August 2007 Issue

PC Gamer Review: As the very best of StarCraft mod campaigns, Legacy of the Confederation is so gripping that many consider it as good as Brood War. This three-episode, 28 mission saga is actually something of an alternate take on that official expansion, so if you've played Brood War, forget about the UED and the Overmind Cocoon and enjoy this story about the Terran Confederation's drive to exterminate all Zerg in the universe. Production values are incredible. Missions are intricately designed, art design remains fairly true to the game, and custom voice-acting and effects completely refashion the soundscape.

下载地址: of the Confederation.exe

Past Purposes
(Note:   This is not a complete list of characters, only samples)

Tolwyn Mada (UPL Defense Net: Director)
Unit: None

"Satellites are tracking incoming, base Achilles, a Roach force is closing on your position."

Dmitri Petrov (Informant In Secessionist Soviet Bloc)
Unit: None

"Alright you lazy american dogs, watch the armory.   When I blow up the bombs those men will run to investigate.   Ready?...Muhahahahah"

Fleet Admiral Hayes (Commander-In-Chief UPL Armada)
Unit: None

"At 1800 hours earth standard we lost contact with our colonies on Ganymede and Io."

Lieutenant Rand (Commander: Plutonian Relief Expedition)
Unit: Marine

"Whaddya need commander?"

CoPilot Hobbes (Pilot: UPL Dropship Vertigo)
Unit: None

"We're under attack repeat, we're under heavy attack!"

Noble (Commander: UPL Ganymede Research Station)
Unit: None

"Under attack by who over?  There ain't no pirates in this ass end of the solar system."

Janine Halsey (UPL Cryptography Expert)
Unit: Ghost

"UPL doesn't pay me enough for this shit."

Vaeregoth (Conclave Enforcer, Exterminator)
Unit: Archon

"ain as you know it is only a shadow"

Mallock (Leader of Pscion Rebellion, Governor of Bah'Rok)
Unit: Zealot

" were exiled!  There is no escape from the prison island.  And why do you keep company with the dark templar?"

Judicator Drealan (Conclave Historian)
Unit: None

"What?!  Impossible, they can't 'vanish' into thin air.  Go, find them.  Find them or it's your lives!"

The Oracle (Xel'Naga Ancient)
Unit: None

"Long ago, an ancient species named the Xel'Naga desired to seed the galaxy with their essence."

Judicator Rak'Hal (Conclave Leader)
Unit: None

"Do all in the Conclave share Albrun's perspective?"


Earth, having colonized the habitable celestial bodies within its own solar system strove to cross another plateau, cultural refinement.  With the majority of our nations merged into a ruling council known as "The United Powers League (UPL)," old ideas long since buried emerged with renewed vitality.  Just as the Nazis deemed genocide a logical means to 'purify' the human race in earth's second world war, so did Edmond Routhe, co-founder of the UPL, deem genocide a reasonable course to remove 'inferior' humans from our genetic pool.

     With cybernetics and gene-splicing standards of the time, Routhe felt that humans born sick, or with a genetic aberrations such as anemia or colorblindenss needed to be 'cleansed.'  Routhe dispatched UPL shock troops around the globe with orders to terminate any and all persons on UPL's deathlist. (A database of hundreds of millions of people born with any form of genetic abnormality.)  UPL's ruling council, facing stiff opposition from its constituency on this matter, overruled Routhe, and created the "Great Expansion Draft.".

     UPL had desired to colonize planets outside of earth's solar system for some time, so they drafted millions of individuals to embark on this journey.  UPL specifically called upon those on Routhe's deathlist however, thereby accomplishing Routhe's goal of removing them from the earth sector directly, while not upsetting the general populace with systematic genocide of our own population.  UPL constructed dozens of colony ships or "Super Carriers" to house those deemed 'worthy' to expand human-kind into the stars.

     The super-carriers (pictured above), capable of only sub-light travel, would not reach the nearest star systems for over a generation, and the more remote systems would require 100-200 years of travel at least, though Routhe cared not if they ever arrived at their charted destination.

     After all, he would be dead of old age long before they touched down, so it mattered not to him one way or the other, so long as these 'undesireables' no longer remained on earth.   On November 9, 2077, thirty-six super-carriers departed the earth, each in a different direction.  (Only one of these ever arrived at its destination, the Argo, in the Koprulu sector, whose colonists would rise to form the Terran Confederacy and eventually, the Terran Dominion.)

     Several years into its journey, one of the super-carriers' guidance systems malfunctioned.   The computer's emergency navigational program then plotted a course for the nearest gravitational body upon which the ship could hopefully land.  The nearest source of gravity however was a black hole.   And as the ship entered the event horizon, as it met anti-matter and was blue-shifted to inifnity,  it exploded, with more force than a hydrogen bomb.  Sensors had indeed detected that event, though not earth's.   As UPL would soon learn, other forces explored the cosmos, forces which would herald our apocalypse.

     They remained in our orbit for a week undetected, watching us, scrutinizing us, gathering information on our culture, our species.  Soon after, Ambassador Elandrea introduced herself, claiming to represent the Protoss Conclave of Aiur and offering UPL officials a proposition.  The Protoss could remain in orbit undisturbed to continue their studies and in return, UPL would be given cures to every known disease and learn about advanced technologies then unknown to us.  Without hesitation, UPL accepted.  Shortly following this arrangement, the new Soviet bloc seceded from the UPL, claiming that it wanted nothing to do with the Protoss alliance, saying that the Protoss were deceiving us in some way and we were allowing it to happen.

     With significant nuclear and conventional arms at its disposal, the Russian Republics represented a great threat to the UPL, and needed to be re-integrated into the fold, or destroyed.  UPL's combined armed forces have levied war against Russia for several months now, gaining little ground.  YOU, admiral, have been given command of this campaign.  Whether Russia remains sovereign or accepts UPL rule depends on your prowess as a military strategist and tactician.  Good luck.

Why Do I Only Get A Base and Four Workers When I Start One Of The Maps?

This happens when you don't select USE MAP SETTINGS as the game type.

Does Legacy of the Confederation require StarDraft?

No.  The "" file contains a self-executing (self-running) patcher that has all the essentials of stardraft already inside of it.   The actual StarDraft 'program' is not needed.

Why Are The Campaign Files So Big?

Sound, sound, sound.  The wav files incorporated into each mission are what account for their massive size.  Chapter 7 has over 38 minutes of dialogue (54 megs of wav files) just by itself for example, making that mission 17 megs alone (it's also the biggest by far).

Are All Those Sounds Really Necessary?

In our opinion, the sound heightens the player's immersion into the campaign and storyline. Of course, sound quality in episode 1 is far below the quality of episode 2, and episode 2 missions 9-18 are far below Fallen Angel. You'll notice as you play LotC episodes and missions in sequence, that the quality of sound continuously improves.

Will There Be A Silent Version?


Why Did You Alter Blizzard's Storyline?

Not so much 'blizzard's' storyline, just the BroodWar storyline.  Believe it or not, design on this campaign began before BroodWar was even released.  As such, it was designed to blend into the REGULAR SC story.  When BroodWars finally came out, the storyline was so contradictory to the ConFed one, we treated BroodWars as if the events didn't happen.

Yes, there is NO UED and there is no Overmind Cocoon.  The ConFed story does blend with the original SC storyline.  Think of it as an alternate expansion to Starcraft, storywise.

What's Up With The New Units?

The New Units will be available for Episode II only.  There are two, the Specter and the Battle Platform, both terran.  These units replace existing units in the game.

How Many Missions Will There Be Total?

There are a total of 10 missions in Episode 1, 13 in Episode 2, and 5 in the Fallen Angel Mini-Campaign bringing the total to 28. We have no plans to release any missions beyond these.

Is It True That Blizzard Characters Will Be Featured In The Campaign?

Yes, 100% true.  You'll be seeing Mengsk, General Duke, Infested Kerrigan, and Zeratul for sure.

And to answer the other question people have "What about their voices?", rest assured you will hear the original character voice as it came on the StarCraft/BroodWars CD's.   Judicator Aldaris appears in Chapter 3 and 7 of Episode 1, if you want to see a sample of how this all works.

What Can You Tell Us About Future Episodes?

There will be no Episode III. This project was canceled in 2000.

What IS The Confederation?

The Confederation is an earth based alliance between 18 colonized star systems.  The Confederation or "ConFed" is 100% human, and has one primary mission charter, to eradicate all zerg...everywhere.

Major players in the Confederation are Fleet Admiral Melissa Wainwright, Admiral Ra'Chek, Captain Edward Furlong, and Sergeant Gerson Drake (around whom many of the missions revolve)

When Is The ConFed Series Set?

Episode 1:   338 years before the Zerg invade Aiur
Episode 2:  About 5 years after the original Starcraft story closes out.

by The Oracle and Joel Steudler

Featured on PC Gamer.

August 2007 Issue

PC Gamer Review: As the very best of StarCraft mod campaigns, Legacy of the Confederation is so gripping that many consider it as good as Brood War. This three-episode, 28 mission saga is actually something of an alternate take on that official expansion, so if you've played Brood War, forget about the UED and the Overmind Cocoon and enjoy this story about the Terran Confederation's drive to exterminate all Zerg in the universe. Production values are incredible. Missions are intricately designed, art design remains fairly true to the game, and custom voice-acting and effects completely refashion the soundscape.

Legacy of the Confederation
Episode II: Dawn of Darkness
« Cast »

  Karla Wainwright (Confederation Fleet Admiral)
  » Unit: Ghost

BIO:  Having served in the Confederation for 13 years, Wainwright has enjoyed a steady rise through the ranks.  Her success remains a mystery, as she has no patrons or sponsors within political circles, no connections.  Just her own hard work and perserverance lend to her becoming the youngest fleet admiral in ConFed history, at age 36.

Originally born in Central America on Terra Prime, Wainwright moved offworld with her family when she was four to Centauri.  It was there that she spent her formative years.  One week before her graduation from CEU schools, pirates raided the orbital platform where she resided, killing all citizens onboard including her parents and siblings, and leaving her for dead.

With the loss of her immediate family, Wainwright's destiny crystallized before her.   She enlisted in the Confederation Starfleet two weeks after being released from the medical facilities.  Her work has greatly diminished pirate activity across all ConFed occupied sectors.  In fact, she herself lead the assaults that completely destroyed the Dark Riders pirate clan, the largest known.

Holding an impressive history of successful campaigns under her belt, it was no suprise Wainwright was chosen by the Interstellar Congress to spearhead implementation of the new Zerg Incineration Directive.

"Commander Drake, I'm Admiral Karla Wainwright, fleet commander for ALL Confederation starships..."

"...I'm ONLY impressed by total victory, zero casualties.  In my eyes, if we lose a fighter, we've lost the battle..."

  Mustapha Ra'Chek (Confederation Vice-Admiral)
  » Unit: None

BIO:  Obssessed with anything and everything Zerg, Ra'Chek enlisted in the Confederation Starfleet upon turning 18.  He graduated the officer program with high honors and was transferred as Ensign to the CFS Saratoga (Confederation Flagship).

While on duty, Ra'Chek broke every rule, regulation, policy, and procedure set forth by Confederation Command, as well as some not in the books (though they are now.)  And without exception, Ra'Cheks rebellious methods yielded a 100% mission success rate.   As an example, while Ensign, against his own Captain's orders, Ra'Chek piloted the CFS Melbourne into an asteroid laden nebula in pursuit of a pirate craft.  Not only did Ra'Chek steer the ship through the labyrinth of debris unscathed, he followed the criminal vessel to a very secret installation on one of the larger rocks, targeted the base, and destroyed it.  ConFed intel later discovered that outpost to be central command for all pirate activity in that sector.

The Confederation chose to promote rather than court martial Ra'Chek for his offenses, allowing him to earn the rank of rear admiral after twelve years, and vice-admiral two years later.

"That, Commander Drake, is the Confederation's ultimate weapon."

"Borialis strike force...commence attack."

  Mick Furlong (Captain, CFS Excalibur)
  » Unit: None

BIO:  Born in Australia on Terra Prime, Furlong enlisted in the Confederation after being pressured by family.  Barely scraping by every aptitude test, and failing the physical exams three times before ConFed allowed him in, Furlong has barely survived the ranks.

The officer corps nicknamed Furlong "The Curse," as all of his superior officers were killed in action.  Once word of this alleged jinx spread through Starfleet, none of the officers would transfer Furlong to their ship, and none would accept command of a ship upon which Furlong was stationed, so ConFed simply gave Furlong the CFS Excalibur.   Ironically, Furlong has lost zero crewmembers since, and his rear-admiral is in perfect health.

"Thermographics indicate the cerebrate's on the move, bearing ease-northeast.  Radiation's flushing that thing riiight along."

  Gerson Drake (Sergent, 4th Centaurian Infantry)
  » Unit: Marine/Tank

BIO:  28 years in age, married, awarded bronze star for valor after a successful top secret reconaissance mission to Aiur two years before the Zerg Incineration Directive was handed down. The rest is for YOU TO DECIDE.


"So all we have to do is trip the gun controls and get those guys to run in here...sounds simple enough...any volunteers?"

"Well, guess I better call my wife and tell her to get that casket ready for me."

  Professor Algernon (Confederation Research Director)
  » Unit: None

BIO:  Reputedly the most intelligent human alive, also the most arrogant.   Algernon has an I.Q. of 194, though he can't tie his shoes without assistance.   That aside, he is truly brilliant, and has designed many of the Confederation's most formidable weapons, including the anti-matter projection systems onboard the "Black Sunset" project, later unveiled as the Confederation's battle platform (see unit page).

"Commander, it appears you have succeeded...I'm amazed..."

  Vaeregoth (Former Enforcer of the Protoss Conclave of Aiur)
  » Unit: Archon

BIO:  You need to play Legacy of the Confederation Episode 1: Past Purposes.

"...For the first time I can recall, you are afraid."

  The Oracle (Xel'Naga Ancient)
  » Unit: None

BIO:  To be revealed.

"Kerrigan is ally to no one!  Her own narrow vision will irrevocably complete what fate has ordained..."

  Zuhl (Kerrigan's Second Lieutenant, after Daggoth)
  » Unit: None

BIO:  After Tassadar destroyed the Overmind, the Zerg swarms divided.  Half chose to remain on Char, under leadership of a cerebrate named Thrax.  The other half pledged allegiance to Kerrigan.  Zuhl is among Kerrigan's disciples.

"There he is.  Cerebrate.  The time has come, attack!  Leave no survivors."

Legacy of the Confederation Episode II:
Dawn of Darkness
« New Units »

     The Confederation Battle Platform stands as the pinnacle of ConFed military technology.   The platform, measuring in at a size greater than a fourth of the earth's moon houses over 2,500 linked energy amplification conduits and generators.  At the center lies a massive fusion reactor which funnels the combined power of the generators through the platform's gun barrels in a singular lancing beam with power equivalent to 500,000,000 gigawatts.

     Additionally, designs allow for 150 grams of anti-matter to be contained within a ten-fold electromagnetic seal, which can be used as a power source or as a weapon, depending on needs at the time.  For reference, 10 milligrams of anti-matter can annihilate matter volume the size of a large city.  150 gram matter-antimatter annihilation would render a small planet's surface to ashes.

     The Confederation has not tested the platform's full capabilities, but the prototype has been completed.  Dispatched to the frontlines, the platform is tasked to aid in the extermination of the zerg species.

"Commence Primary Ignition"

Unit Specifics
Supply     NA
Buildings Required     NA
Build Cost     NA
Hit Points     8500

Anti-matter Laser Battery - 750 damage + splash, long cooldown
Armor     12
Production Hot-Key     NA


Confederation U-22 Spectre

     Through many encounters with the zerg species, Confederation tactical analysts realized Roach Smokers "Spore Colonies" outclassed most invading air forces due to rapid recharge and range factors.    The need for a bomber craft evinced undeniably.

     Galvenston-Morey Inc, developers of the U-18 Wraith fighter were contracted by the Confederation StarFleet to develop a heavy bomber to offset the zerg's land based defenses.  Four months later the first prototypes of the U-22 Specter appeared on the warfront.

     Carrying a payload of 14 long range proton torpedoes, Specter squadrons can decimate land based defensive lines in seconds.   Unfortunately, the Specter's air to air combat abilities were sacrificed to make room for the Protons, leaving it only with two forward light laser batteries with which to defend against airborne enemy craft.  The light lasers alone will not fend off an aerial counter-attack, requiring the Specters be accompanied by Wraiths and Battleships for protection.

     Originally intended to cloak, the Specter's need for fast firing creates momentous power strains which prevent the addition of the necessary mechanisms.   ConFed and Galvenston-Morey are working around the clock to modify the Specter so it may overcome this hinderance.  Such a breakthrough is inevitable.

"roton Torpedoes Locked And Loaded"

Unit Specifics
Supply     2
Buildings Required     Starport with attached control tower, Armory
Build Cost     150 minerals, 150 gas
Hit Points     150

Proton Torpedoes [Ground Attack[/attachimg] - 5 damage each, fast cooldown rate
Forward Light Laser Batteries [Air Attack[/attachimg] - 2 x 2 damage, fast cooldown, extremely short range
Armor     2
Production Hot-Key     S

Legacy of the Confederation Episode II - Related Media

These downloads are miscellaneous additions that will enhance your LOTC experience, or just are fun to have. They are not necessary to play the campaign.

LOTC2 Movie Still Shots - Take a peak at the unbelievable LotC Full Motion Video.

Admiral Ra'Chek's Last Moment of Introspective Solitude
Ra'Chek's Office

The Confederation Renegade Armada In Orbit of Char

ConFed Renegade Armada

Close-Up of the CFS Saratoga's Barracuda Anti-Matter Projectors
Saratoga Close-Up

The movie is 46 megs and plays for 3 minutes and 36 seconds.  It has completely original stereo surround sound effects, a rousing score, and will take your breath away.  Ra'Chek said at the end of Chapter 18 "The Zerg tempted fate will show its hand..."  Prepare to watch destiny unfold.  Download the movie today!

LOTC2 Wall Paper - More new goodies from Joel.

Legacy of the Confederation Desktop Theme - (Windows 98) Have the Confederation invade your Desktop today! Includes backgrounds, icons, and sounds. (a theme program such as Mirosoft Plus! is required for installation; you can download a free shareware installer here)

The Fallen Angel campaign combines five levels (four regular, one hidden) of intense action and storytelling with an all-new original soundtrack and a new cinematic video. It introduces Keeper Operative Ambrosia, a character that will definitely have an impact on the future of the LotC universe. You can get in on the beginning of the end (of LotC2 that is) by playing this side story that leads into the events that take place in the long awaited LotC2 missions 19, 20, and 21.

The Keepers (an organization of which Ambrosia is a part) play an integral role in the final missions of Episode II. To learn more about them, it is advised that you play Fallen Angel. The hidden mission will also shed some light on many story elements which involve the Oracle.

Shown below is an image of the CD cover for the Fallen Angel score which was available on for awhile before it went out of business.

Fallen Angel media:

[Download the Cinematic[/attachimg]: The high quality exe format version of the Fallen Angel Cinematic (PC compatible only)

Featured on PC Gamer.

August 2007 Issue

PC Gamer Review: As the very best of StarCraft mod campaigns, Legacy of the Confederation is so gripping that many consider it as good as Brood War. This three-episode, 28 mission saga is actually something of an alternate take on that official expansion, so if you've played Brood War, forget about the UED and the Overmind Cocoon and enjoy this story about the Terran Confederation's drive to exterminate all Zerg in the universe. Production values are incredible. Missions are intricately designed, art design remains fairly true to the game, and custom voice-acting and effects completely refashion the soundscape.
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