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[其它] E.D.A.S.T.

发表于 2013-11-28 17:19:33 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


The world of Dorasida is home to one of the fringe world factions originally exiled from Earth. They are the faction who traveled the farthest to seek a new life. They've had no contact with the Earth or any other Terran Organization since their initial exile. They are aware of the Zerg on the opposite side of the galaxy. This awareness comes from their usual military runs to keep up with the latest technology that the other factions, such as the Sons of Korhal, develop. Through these covert operations, consisting of quick hit and runs to steal technology design schematics, they learned of the Zerg, but very little. Since their raids are swift, and they maintain strict radio silence when stealing the schematics from Earth-exiled Terran factions, they are unaware of the war against the Zerg which threatens the Terrans. Knowledge of the Protoss on the other hand is well known. A detailed report of General Skyler encountering Protoss forces details them to be a noble race. A few Protoss visit Dorasida, however most are ships in need of repairs or resources. Many Protoss can occasionally be seen frequenting the Psionic Archon, a bar in the Tark capitol city, New Dresdia.

Dorasida is a world with unique splendors. Continents with climates a different as day and night, and people with stories that challenge the best of literature. On one side of Dorasida, there are the Akzens, an ancient tribe dedicated to spiritual being and following the path that nature gives them, dedicating themselves to worshipping good Dorasida, the world which takes care of them. On the other side, there are the Tarks, who are as technologically advanced as when first launched into exile from Earth. The Tarks and Akzens are on no means friendly terms, but they tolerate each other, each living on seperate continents of Dorasida

Dorasida was not always a world for peace and well-being. A civil war broke out 1 year ago, dividing the Tarks into seperate factions. A conflict of mistrust led to the loss of over 4 million lives, a huge loss to the 66 million who inhabit Dorasida. The conflict was finally ended by a man named Taku Horasi. Horasi founded an organization known as E.D.A.S.T. which stands for Expert Decision and Strategist Team. This team stole hidden documents held by one of the Tark factions that proved one of the other factions had not been lying, and ended a year of mistrust and war. Soon after, the Tarks rebuilt what they had destroyed during their unwarranted war. The faction who had hidden the documents that ended the war were run off the main Tark Continent to a Southern Pole Continent. That faction is known as the Peds. They were not eliminated, just run off the continent. Residents of the Ped faction frequently make casual visits to the Tark Continent, and it is accepted, but no one can forget of the Ped's disgrace. The armies of Dorasida still remain seperated. After the war, there was no need for armies, but the Peds and Tarks still kept them at full strength nonetheless. While not at war, there are scattered reports of enemy intelligence officers on both the Tark and Ped continents. They keep a discreet eye on each other.

E.D.A.S.T. continues on. The Tark militia does not officially recognize E.D.A.S.T., though they do often ask for their help when going on technology raids against the Terran Dominion, because of their ability to get in and out undetected. The latest raid is underway. New technology is important, as agreed by all of Dorasida, even by the spiritual Akzens. They agree that if a war between the Earth-exiled factions such as the Sons of Korhal (now known as the Terran Dominion) were to occur, they would need to be prepared. E.D.A.S.T. prepares to make it's latest run to recover the schematics of the new Terran weapon, the Terran Valkyrie. Unfortunately, they may get more then they bargain for.

Admiral Taku Horasi
E.D.A.S.T. Code Name: Old Man
Unit: Battlecruiser, Civilian

Horasi is the founder of E.D.A.S.T. When he learned that the Peds had stolen documents that could end the war, he took the information to the Tark militia, only to be laughed out of the room. Being a man of great pride, it wasn't easy to accept, and he had half a mind to quit at that moment, but he knew ending the civil war, which had already claimed his entire family, was of importance. He talked to his old friend, Colonel Marsel of the Tark militia, into loaning himself and a few officers for a mission. The mission was a success, they retrived the documents from the Peds without them even knowing they were there. After the war had ended due to the recovery of the documents, Marsel and his companions expressed a desire to remain with Horasi as operatives for whatever assignments might come their way. Horasi was all for it, and the organization of E.D.A.S.T. was born. He took his posistion as the leader of the group, with Marsel second in command. His rank in the organization is admiral, which is as high up as it goes for E.D.A.S.T.

Colonel Kar Marsel
E.D.A.S.T. Code Name: Blaze
Unit: Terran Ghost

Marsel is a long time friend of Horasi. He's a tough guy on the outside, but ultimately good at heart. Because of his faith in Horasi, he helped to end a civil war that would of tore the Tarks, and eventually, all of Dorasida apart. He convinced his part of his military squad join the operation that saved Horasi. All those who joined him in the operation stuck with him and joined E.D.A.S.T. Marsel is a hard military officer. Since he was a kid, his dream has always been to join the Tark Militia. When he finally did, he quickly outranked all his comrades and rose quickly through the ranks. He was presented many awards in his service to the Tark militia, including one from General Urusi himself.

Lieutenant Commander Roger Norman
E.D.A.S.T. Code Name: Shaddox
Unit: Terran Ghost

Roger is the brother of Kila Norman, his sister, who is also a part of E.D.A.S.T. They joined the Tark Militia together, and have looked after each other since the civil war. Roger takes great pride in poetry, and is obviously smarter then his sister. Roger does have one fault though, a unusual stroke of bad luck. He isn't paranoid because of it, but it has made him cautious.

Lieutenant Kila Norman
E.D.A.S.T. Code Name: Surety
Unit: Terran Ghost

The sister of Lieutenant Commander Roger Norman. She initially had no intention of joining when Colonel Marsel asked for volunteers from his military squad to join with him on the initial raid that would eventually form what is now known as E.D.A.S.T., but since his brother joined on, she figured she'd better go along to watch his back. They always did good fighting side by side. Together, they are fairly formidable.

Lieutenant Jack Miles
E.D.A.S.T. Code Name: Quick
Unit: Marine, Wraith

Miles has always been the smart ass. Ever since he was young, he was making sarcastic remarks back to his parents, his teachers, his mentors, everyone. He's a hotshot pilot who takes too many risks. Make no mistake, his piloting skills are some of the best seen, but he doesn't exercise caution all too often. During the civil war, he played several key roles in hit and run missions. He's most famous for saving the Tark faction from annihilation while shooting a nuclear missle in mid-air.

Lieutenant Mick Narcine
E.D.A.S.T. Code Name: Malcone
Unit: Vulture

Mick Narcine is the voice of calm. He can bring peace to any arguement very quickly. He's very in tune with nature, and has a sense intuition that no one on the team can hope to match. Much of his history isn't known. No one knows much about him really, except what his official military records say, which is when he enlisted, what his credits were, and so forth. His code name comes from a bird indiginous to the world of Dorasida.

General Hikaru Urusi
Unit: Battlecruiser

The Tark Militia, in service shortly after a year the good people colonized Dorasida. Though they were always a silent faction in the matter of galactic affairs, it was clear that if a dictator from Earth or an exiled faction were to come to power, they must be prepared to defend themselves. Urusi was chosen to lead the Tark Militia because of his cunning and noble blood line. Urusi regards himself highly, and let's no man intimidate him. The Militia follows his will unquestioning.

: Does E.D.A.S.T. require StarDraft?

E.D.A.S.T. is a self-executing file (.exe) that you will use to run it. It will still of course, require StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War.

: I have Macintosh StarCraft. Are there any plans to make a Mac-Compatible Version?

There was once a site that had the links to the Mac version, but it is no longer in existence, if anyone has it, please let us know on the site forums. (--Warbringer87, 04/12/06)

: I have a suggestion, what if this could happen, and so forth?

The story is already set, and I will not be changing it, sorry.

: Does this take place in the StarCraft universe?

Yes, you will still see the Zerg, Protoss, and of course, Terrans. However, this takes place in a different part of the StarCraft universe. Nothing will interfere with the primary StarCraft storyline.

: Will this campaign continue where Brood War leaves off?

The actual timeframe of this campaign is still up in the air. It is after the original StarCraft campaign to be certain. Since the events of the StarCraft storyline will have no significant impact on the E.D.A.S.T. storyline (and vice versa), the time has not yet been determined to an exact 'moment'.

: How can the The Narthok exist, wouldn't creating such an organization have a relative impact on the StarCraft storyline?

It is unknown when their organization came (or will come) into existence. Because of the unknown factor, this makes this organization very plausible.

: Why are some of the wireframes messed up?

They actually are not messed up. I just needed the unit slot for the voices in order not to compromise your ability to build a specific unit in place of a hero.

: When do you expect all 6 episodes of E.D.A.S.T. to be completed?

The remaining episodes have been canceled.

: Why are there voice briefings, but no in-game voices?

There is (surprisingly) more in-game text then there is briefing text. This as such would attribute to a massive download too large to be worth anyone's time. As such, only briefings are voiced.

: Why custom music?

Why not? Seriously though, custom music is one of the things that I do, have done, and will always do. It's my 'thing'. Some people make a special kind of map, some people are good with voices. Well musically-enhanced maps are my thing.

Alarae/Zeran glided across the room, it's serene psionic energies carrying it to the book which lay on a table emblazoned with the emblem of the Sargas tribe. The table, once a gift from Zeran to Alarae, no longer had any real significance to the newly formed Archon. Whatever significance of a past relationship between the two was now a phantom. Alarae/Zeran looked on the book with curiousity. Had it been on the table before? Alarae/Zeran could not recall ever putting anything on top of the table. Alarae/Zeran opened the book with curious interest.

Narthok Incursions: Recorded by Alarae/Zeran

The Archon immediately dropped the book, stunned. What sort of trickery was this? Had one of the tribe gained access to the Archon's place of rest and planted the book, and for what purpose? 'Perhaps it would be best to read on.'

Preface: This book will first meet the eyes of it's creator, 190 days before it is written. Alarae/Zeran, I know that you will immediately have doubts when first you set eyes upon who has written it. By the word of Adun, it was not placed on the table by mishap or idle fortune. This table represented something special to the templars who are now known as the Archon, Alarae/Zeran. Since no one besides you would know of this, it should be reason enough to convince you of the truth of what you will read here. Know that I am traveling to a planet to help some Terrans I have recently grown fond of. Through the technical wisdom of these Protoss who call themselves the 'Narthok', I have brought you this book so that you may learn and spread word of these Narthok. These Narthok are more powerful then you can ever imagine, but their power is not derived from simple forms as you might consider power. Their power comes from the total control of time, both past, present, and future. Know that I have stolen these records from the Narthok computer, which by fate may have it, I have access to in my near future. Read on.

Alarae/Zeran knew the book had to be written by itself. The wording was the same it uses to write in the Chronicles of the Templar Archives of Ashtar. And only Alarae/Zeran would know of the significance of the table. The Archon quickly turned the page with a growing interest in the book.

Narthok Incursion Record 1: Galaxy Formation Incursion 1, -9877734 D.D. -- destroyed the asteroid formation known as XR-2 that would give birth to a deadly race known as the Sills, who would later be a significant threat to the Protoss. (See Narthok Record 5444)

Alarae/Zeran skimmed past the first 30 records. All of them were from a time long before even the Xel'Naga were sired. With great interest, Alarae/Zeran found a record which matched a date more significant to it's own time.

Narthok Incursion Record 820: Earth Incursion 12, X839D P.A. Sargas Timeline -- execution of UED Lieutenant John Ulyss, who was previously destined to kill Judicator Norharas. This led to the restoration of over 220 of our brethren in the pre-future.

Though the book was written by Alarae/Zeran, the records were clearly simply copied from the computer. Alarae/Zeran continued to skim through the book for something that would interest itself.

Narthok Incursion Record 786: Aiur Incursion 329, X838D P.A. Sargas Timeline -- elimination of a renegade Narthok assassin on Zeratul. Narthok Rosogon was mislead by Zerg Cerebrate Tassadar III from time frame X950B P.A. that killing Zeratul would save the lives of 650 of our brethren. Assasination attempted while Zeratul led Aiur survivors to Shakuras faulted by Narthok Leader Vilinthril.

X950B P.A.? That would be nearly a millenia in the future according to the Sargas Timeline. Alarae/Zeran could not comprehend such confusing information. This particular record interested it the most however. Alarae and Zeran merged during the battle to bring the Aiur survivors to Shakuras through the warp gate. Alarae/Zeran did not recall seeing anything unusual occur during that time. This record seemed to suggest many disturbing notions. Not only was there a cerebrate bearing a name of Protoss origin, but it also shows that these Narthok, as powerful as they seemed to be, have insurrection within their own ranks.

Narthok Incursion Record 790: Terran Space Platform Genid Incursion 1, X838D P.A. Sargas Timeline -- destruction of a Protoss/Zerg hybrid, that once hatched, killed over 70 templar. Possible detection by invading Zerg and Terran forces. Invading Zerg identified as Nugdraas Brood. (See Record 649, 720, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809) Terrans identified as E.D.A.S.T. organization from planet Dorasida. (See record 799, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 905, 906, 908, 910, 1022) Incursion factor was alarming, but later led to 890 of our brethrens lives preserved.

Alarae/Zeran had never been to Genid, nor had any desire to go during this Sargas Year based on this information. Alarae/Zeran was still curious about it's own time, but also interested to see if it had personally written anything more that would detail exactly who these Narthok were. He turned to the last pages. A final word by Alarae/Zeran.

By Adun, I can only hope that you realize how shocking this information is. These Narthok threaten to unravel the very fabric of space and time itself. One should not interfere with what has transpired or what will transpire. I regret to say that I myself cannot destroy Vilinthril and his Narthok. These dark templar may have (or shall I say will) saved the lives of many of our people, but at what cost? Vilinthril is a self-proclaimed god, he must not be allowed to continue interfering with the past, present, and future. Also, know that Vilinthril himself is invincible, but not invincible as you might think. Indeed, my psionic energies alone could lay waste to this dark templar who still weilds what appears to be what the energies that the dark templar of our time use. However, if you kill him, his future self will prevent you from killing him. He has scattered his future selves across milleniums past and future, all who will come to his aid to prevent any untimely demise one may be able to deliver upon himself. I know not myself what we can do against such a threat. These records do not indicate when the Narthok were created. They do not show any indication of where a base of theirs might be located. They are shadows in time. My hope is that someone somewhere who possesses intelligence superior to mine can find a way to stop Vilinthril somehow. To he or she who tries, I say this: May Adun be with you, because if he is not with you, he will be with Vilinthril, quite literally.

Alarae/Zeran shuddered upon learning that such an organization could exist. An organization whose origins are unknown, and who, even if stopped, would not truly be stopped, because they would just prevent themselves from being stopped. Alarae/Zeran flipped the book back to the pages of earlier interest. A record suddenly caught it's eyes. The record was indeed of no good news to Alarae/Zeran. While the Archon looked at the record, it nearly dropped the book in what could only be described as total fear for one's very existance.

Narthok Incursion Record 789: Shakuras Incursion 56, X838D P.A. Sargas Timeline -- Alarae/Zeran from the E.D.A.S.T. incursion record series (See Record 805, 806, 807, 808, 809) accessed Narthok computer archives and transcripted them. This book caused the major leaders of the powers of the time to join together in a search for the Narthok. Though the incursion resulted in the restoration of over 5 million Protoss lives lost in the war between the Zerg, it destroyed the Narthok. Incursion unacceptable. The book was destroyed by Vilinthril before it left Alarae/Zeran's place of homage.

As if on cue, the book was obliterated in the hands of the Archon. The dark templar Vilinthril was in the room right then with Alarae/Zeran. Though the Archon could not see Vilinthril, it gathered itself to concentrate a pure form of psionic energy for an attack against the intruding dark templar. The attack surely would have killed Vilinthril, had not another Vilinthril used a Psionic Dampening device on the Archon, thus causing it's attack to be futile. Had the other Vilinthril not interfered, the attack would have killed the first Vilinthril. A Vilinthril from another time knew this however, and prevented his own death from occuring. The first Vilinthril nodded to the second Vilinthril who had stopped the Archon's attack.

\"I have resequenced it's memories.\" spoke the Vilinthril whose arrival had come first.
\"Very well, I will leave you to record the incursion.\" The second Vilinthril touched a device on it's arm, and vanished into time. Thus, the pre/post history of the Narthok was forever altered. Recorded incursion 790 was now recorded as a failed attempt on Vilinthril's life which was stopped. All incursions surpassing that, were moved up by one, forever altering the pre/post history of the Narthok.

Episode II-VI Synopsis:
Foreword: These synopsis were written because work will not continue on the E.D.A.S.T. saga. However, the events in the synopsis written here will continue to hold meaning in Celestial Irruption. The chronological order of these continueing campaigns is Fall From Grace, E.D.A.S.T., and finally, Celestial Irruption. It is reccomended that you have played both Fall from Grace and E.D.A.S.T. before viewing these synopsis, as they do contain many spoilers from both campaigns.


As Urusi pushes toward General Skyler's base, Jack 'Quick' Miles uses his knowledge to turn the battle to their favor. The base is saved, and Urusi's forces are driven off. During the battle, Shaddox and Surtey join Quick, and the original E.D.A.S.T. team is seperated. While on a recon mission against Urusi, Quick discovers Rond fighting a couple of Zerglings. His forces move in and save him and 7576. Rond agrees to help Quick and company. But soon after moving, a dark templar by the name of Roszogon appears and tries to kill Rond, claiming him to be the savior of the Narthok. The attempt is foiled however, as Vilinthril, leader of the Narthok, deflects Roszogon's attack. Vilinthril disappears as mysteriously as he appears, and the mission continues without incident. Later during the episode, Quick discoveres that the Zerg have indeed begun breeding near New Dresdia. Horasi and Urusi are planning on wiping out the Peds using the Zerg. Quick knows that people would see this as wrong, so he hijacks the SLAM radio station. After successfully announcing Urusi's intentions, Quick and company are captured, and martial law is declared in New Dresdia so the citizens do not revolt. Fortunately, an operative of Skyler's is part of the team that captures Quick, and manages to pull their butt out of the fire before they arrive at a military prison. The operative informs Quick of a large battle platform headed toward Skyler's headquarters. Quick deduces that they must find a way to destroy this platform, so he invades E.D.A.S.T. headquarters to find the plans. He finds the plans - but along the way is forced to kill Blaze, Malcone, and finally, Horasi, leader of E.D.A.S.T. Quick, Shadox, and Surtey are disgusted by their actions, but agree that they had no choice. They quickly run the plans to Skyler, who launch an assault against the battle platform using the last of the Ped forces. Quick leads a squadron inside the platform and destroys it from within, being the sole survivor from the squadron. He flies out the exploding platform, to find that the Ped losses were too heavy. They are defeated nonetheless. Skyler, Shaddox, and Surtey are executed. Rond and 7576 have escaped in the fray. Urusi decides to send Quick to a seemingly deserted planet, to live out his life in solitary and darkness. The last thing which is seen are overlords headed toward Dorasida while Quick is being transported to the deserted planet. Quick tries to reason with the pilot of the dropship, saying that Urusi has already defeated the Peds, and there was no need for more Zerg forces, but the pilot ignores Quick, and drops him on the deserted planet.


Jack 'Quick' Miles was left to rot on a seemingly deserted world. At last sight, Zerg were headed to Dorasida, seemingly to support Urusi. After three months of exile on an island in the middle of a water bed in a world where darkness is constant and surviving off a few tasteless local berries, Quick can finally bear no more. His previous care-free spirit is broken. He decides to dive into the water and drown himself. Rather, he finds himself floating above the water on top of something not even visible. He see's a larger land mass in the distance, and he floats to a slow stop on the land mass. He jumps onto the land from the force which has floated him. He hears the sound of a door opening, and a dark templar steps out from what was really an invisible water craft. The dark templar informs him that this is the world of Shakuras. Quick explains the situation, and asks if the templar knows of a Rond. Upon hearing the name, two more dark templar emerge from the water craft and put Quick inside the craft, not speaking a word. The water craft rides to a Protoss base. Quick then stands before none other then Rond. Rond explains that a judicator by the name of Cyradon is currently hunting him and the dark templar. Rond asks for Quick's assistance, and Quick agrees. With the assistance of the dark templar, Rond's forces invade Cyradon's base and wipe out Cyradon's forces. Cyradon however, escapes in the confusion. With Cyradon hidden, and the threat of annihilation neutralized, Quick asks Rond for a ride to Dorasida to see what has become of his home. Rond does Quick one better and launches the entire dark templar caste under Rond's command to Dorasida. The small force lands in what appears to be the remnants of New Dresdia, the once thriving city now in ruins, gunshots heard in the distance, and Zerg everywhere. Under cloak, Quick, Rond, and company manage to sneak to where the gunshots are heard, the northern science wing of the city. There, they find pitiful military forces fighting for their life. General Urusi is found inside a command center. Quick goes to Urusi, and Urusi regrets ever allying with the Zerg. Urusi explains that what he did was for the good of Dorasida, but lost control of the Zerg. General Urusi explained that the deal with the Cerebrate Nugdraas fell through, and things quickly turned awry. He also manages to explain that the Zerg were just after the planet's resources. Finally, Urusi explained that the Zerg's plan was to have the military forces of the planet fight each other to the point where both sides would been so weak after fighting each other, that the Zerg could take over effortlessly. Urusi is interrupted when a wing of Zerg Mutalisks hit the command center. Urusi is mortally wounded in the fight. Before Urusi dies, he hands Quick his Golden Star Award, saying that he can use it to sway any loyal troops to aide Quick. Before anything can be done though, the Zerg raid the northern science wing, and Quick and forces are forced to withdraw and head back to Shakuras.

Once on Shakuras, Quick finds himself feeling guilty over what has happened to Dorasida. The world was left in ruins, his friends are dead. Rond explains to Quick that it was never his fault. Rond explains his past to Quick about how Cyradon forced his hand in many decisions that led to the loss of even more life. The two gain an understanding for each other. Quick explains that he has nothing left to do but to fight with Rond for whatever cause he has. Rond and Quick both agree that Cyradon must be hunted down. They begin to look around Shakuras and gather enough information to pinpoint Cyradon's posistion. However, before this can happen, they are interrupted with another visit from Roszogon, the dark templar after Rond's life. The attempt is once again foiled by Vilinthril. Vilinthril challenges Roszogon to a duel, and Roszogon accepts. The two fight each other for a short time before Roszogon disappears into thin air. A barrage of missles begin to bombard their location. Vilinthril explains that Roszogon must be trying to kill Rond using the missles. Vilinthril grabs Rond and Quick, and teleports them away before the missles can hit their location. The episode ends with the teleportation.


The missles come blazing toward Quick and Rond, but Vilinthril grabs them and feel themselves being teleported away. When they look up, they see they are in the exact same spot, but the missles are gone. Rond asks Vilinthril to explain, Vilinthril says nothing, instead, he just walks west. Rond and Quick follow. They climb up a mountain, and see a thriving Protoss city. Hundreds of air craft are seen floating above the city. The city itself is unusually clean, bearing no sign of ruin or attack. It also appears a lot more advanced then anything Rond has seen. Rond says that he does not remember a city here. Vilinthril says nothing, but leads Rond and Quick inside the city. Several unknown craft that appear Protoss in nature float overhead. Rond finally steps in front of Vilinthril and asks to explain what happened. Vilinthril simply says, 'Welcome to Paradise.' Vilinthril continues to walk toward a uniquely shaped building, Rond and Quick follow. Once inside the building, Vilinthril leads them to the central chamber. Inside the chamber is Roszogon, an archon, and two other dark templar. Rond quickly eyes Roszogon and warns Vilinthril of his prescence. Vilinthril explains that -this- Roszogon has done nothing yet. Roszogon steps in front of Rond for a moment, then moves back into posistion.

After a long conversation, Rond learns that he is 300 years into the future. Vilinthril is the leader of the Narthok, a group of time travelers dedicated to saving as many Protoss as possible without affecting history. Quick then recalls the incident back on the Genid space platform, and positively identifies Vilinthril being placed at that station destroying several pods. Vilinthril tells Quick that the hybrids in those pods were destined to kill many Protoss, but Vilinthril stopped that. Rond asks about Roszogon. Vilinthril explains that the Roszogon that is trying to kill Rond is actually the current Roszogon in the room, one year from now. The current Roszogon however, is completely loyal and bears no malice, in fact, he is quite nice and cooperative. Therefore, Vilinthril says he is compelled to just let history play out. Rond then asks about the archon in the room. Vilinthril says one should not know too much about their own 'history'. Rond eyes the archon, but the archon remains motionless. Rond wonders if the archon is destined to kill him, help him, or maybe he IS the archon, combined with another templar. Rond then asks why Roszogon is trying to kill him. Vilinthril explains that in the past, Rond did in fact manage to find Cyradon and kill him. As a result, many of the scientists who originally discovered time travel managed to implement the technology, thus, giving birth to the Narthok organization, the organization that saves Protoss lives without interfering with history. The conversation is interrupted by a the sound of a reaver. The large heavy machine crawls through a corridor toward the central chamber. It is none other then 7576, still the same, but just 300 years older. The archon goes to the reaver, has an animated conversation consisting of beeps and blips, then the archon returns to his previous posistion. The archon finally speaks, and explains that Roszogon has gone back to the point in time where Rond was unprotected and killed him. Vilinthril quickly steps forward and transports away.

Vilinthril arrives to stop Roszogon before he can kill Rond, but finds himself on an empty plain. A corsair web suddenly shoots out at him, and he is unable to use his time device. Roszogon quickly does away with Vilinthril, the carefully laid temporal trap lured Vilinthril to his demise. In the future, everything around Rond quickly begins to crumble away. The city of paradise quickly turns into a city of ruins before their eyes. Large buildings are replaced by Zerg hives. The archon explains that the temporal mechanics have been tampered with, and a new future is forming. The archon, 7576, Quick, Rond, and the 2 dark templar quickly take refuge on a mountain, fighting Zerg which appear out of thin air as a result of the temporal changes in the process. Once they make it to the mountain, the archon explains to Rond that it is time to fulfill his destiny. One of the templar steps forward and gives Rond a temporal transporting device. Several Zerg swarm over their posistion. Rond grabs Quick and teleports into the past. The last thing seen are the mysterious archon and 7576 being swarmed over by hundreds of Zerg, obviously outnumbered greatly. The episode ends on this note.


An empty mountain, nothing is seen for miles. Appearing out of nowhere are Rond and Quick, having recently used the temporal transport device. Quick asks Rond if he knows the time, and Rond explains that the templar set it for the day before the Zerg attacked the Citadel of the Executor on Aiur. Rond knows what he has to do, kill Cyradon. Whether he survives or not is unimportant. Vilinthril is dead, and no one can now stop Roszogon from killing him. Rond heads to a dark templar base. After explaining the situation, Rond is given only a shuttle, and told never to return to Shakuras. (As of this time, Zeratul did not yet establish the Aiur Protoss prescence on Shakuras, so they are not forthgoing toward templar)

The scene switches to the Norad, flagship of the Sons of Korhal, returning from a battle on Char with several other battle cruisers. (See FFG Mission 2) One of the Norad's officers detects a shuttle heading toward Aiur. The captain of one of the ships declares the shuttle as target practice, and shoots it down. The shuttle goes down on Char in standard Deja-Vu fashion, happening just as it did when Rond and Merlam/Aldrek originally crashed on Char. Quick and Rond escape the remains of the shuttle. After a moment, Joe Kline inside a battlecruiser flies overhead asking who goes there. Rond tells him who he is, and Joe insists he just left. (Rond did in fact just leave, the Rond from the past) Rond talks the situation out with Joe, and Joe proclaims their mission on Char finished. He awards each of his officers enough minerals to 'buy a cattle herd and settle down', but asks them to go on one last mission to Aiur. Everyone agrees, and they are off to Aiur.

The battle is raging on Aiur near the Citadel of the Executor. Tane's base has just been destroyed, and Tane has been recalled to the southern base. Rond's small fleet of battlecruisers and dropships arrive. Rond instructs everyone that the first priority is to save the southern base, knowing he might be able to prevent the death of Tane. The swarm is seen heading toward 7576, but Joe Kline and company fly overhead and quickly lay waste to the swarm. The Rond (past) informs Cyradon that it appears Joe Kline and his fleet followed him from Char to assist. The Rond (past) thanks Joe Kline, and Kline just tells Rond (past) that he has no idea. Rond (future) then orders the Fleet over Tane's posistion, and in a barrage of fire, manage to kill each and every Zerg that approach his posistion. Tane is a bit muddled. Rond (future) quickly orders Tane aboard. Tane is confused, but goes aboard. Rond (future) orders a hologram of Tane left in his place. They quickly pick up 7576, and leave a hologram in his place as well. Rond (future) also leaves a small computer chip containing a copy of 7576's program. After a few minutes, history eventually unfolds. The hologram of 7576 is killed. Rond (past) goes to 7576 and grabs the computer chip so that he can later rebuild his friend. He then see's the hologram of Tane die. Kline's fleet flies away having completed part of their mission. The last thing heard is Cyradon ordering Rond (past) to the province of Nalghaas to be executed for treason. Joe Kline's fleet stops in the middle of nowhere so Rond can have a moment to talk to Tane. Rond (future) explains to Tane about the Narthok, Roszogon, and what happened to him. Tane understands completely. Rond asks where Cyradon is staying. Tane informs Rond that Cyradon is at a small Protoss base to the south. He feeds communication to the Protoss on Aiur from there. Rond orders Kline and company toward Cyradon's posistion, but as if right on time, several rifts in time open up, and a Protoss fleet emerges in front of Kline's fleet. The fleet identifies itself as Roszogon's fleet. A battle ensues, only leaving Kline's cruiser and a couple of dropships intact. They continue on course to Cyradon's base. Once outside, Cyradon informs the Terrans to quickly identify themselves, less he be forced to open fire. Rond speaks, and Cyradon, thinking Rond has somehow escaped from the shuttle taking Rond (past) to Nalghas, he orders the destruction of the Terrans. Yet another battle ensues, but Rond and company eventually push toward Cyradon's base, and captures it. Cyradon once again gives them the slip, and manages to escape during the battle. Rond knows that history must not be interrupted, so he places voice and visual recordings of what Cyradon said during the execution, to execute at the exact time Cyradon would have spoken during the execution (see FFG Mission 4). Rond (future) knows that in order for Cyradon to get off the planet, he only has one place left to go, Nalghas. Klines company arrives at Nalghas and holds their posistion at a distance. Over their comlines, they hear the voice of Cyradon say 'Finish the execution, so that we can leave immediatley.' Rond (past) is shown going in front of the Dragoons, and just as before, the Zerg invade, giving Rond (past) the chance he needs to escape. Once Rond (past) is in the carrier, Kline's company moves in. Cyradon's shuttle comes into view, joining the small fleet which is trying to leave Aiur in the wake of the Zerg attack. Kline's battlecruiser moves behind the shuttle. After that Cyradon is on board, Rond orders a yamato blast fired at the shuttle. The blast is fired from the cruiser, and the shuttle is destroyed. The Protoss fleet ignores this fact though, and continues to fly away. Kline's cruiser stops pursuit, and flys off in another direction. When Nalghas is emptied out, the cerebrate of Nugdraas burrows from the ground. It is only quoted as saying 'We have still won.' It then burrows back under ground. The episode ends on this note.


In the darkness of space, Kline's cruiser is seen floating along. It has been three months since they killed Cyradon. During that time, Kline has rebuilt a few cruisers and repaired his own. The next move, if there is to be one, is Roszogon's to make. As of now however, the future of paradise is secure. Jack 'Quick' Miles, who has been quiet as of late, goes to the bridge of Kline's ship. He suggests to Rond if it would be too much of an inconvenience to go to Dorasida. Rond explains to Quick that even with their knowledge, it's extremely unlikely they will be able to do anything about Dorasida, it's fate is sealed. Quick then remembers the Golden Star he recieved from Urusi. He explains that the Star itself is designed specifically with a patterns specified by the recipient. Meaning, if he showed the Star to Urusi, maybe he could dissuade him from his course of action. Rond concurs, and the group quickly sets course for Dorasida. The group arrives and docks in New Dresdia without incident. Quick quickly meets with Urusi, explains what happens, and shows him the Golden Star, which Urusi gave him in the future before his death. Overcome by this revelation, Urusi quickly arranges a meeting with E.D.A.S.T., who, at the time, is still a whole team. Urusi lays out the situation. Quick (future) informs the group that it is one day from their raid to the Genid platform. This is when Urusi confessed to have made contact with the Zerg. He was on board during Horasi's ship all along. The group quickly decides that to save Dorasida, they must eliminate all Zerg on the platform. Just then, something unexpected happens. New Dresdia is swarmed by Terran wraiths and cruisers. It is Skyler's fleet. Quick (future) tells Urusi that this didn't happen before, Skyler never attacked New Dresdia. Rond deduces that Roszogon must of, for some reason, got to Skyler and convinced him to attack New Dresdia. The reason was obvioiusly unimportant. Urusi's fleet, along with Kline's small fleet, take off the the midst of the attack and head to space. Their priority isn't the Peds anymore, or their civil war, it is to stop the Zerg.

Urusi says that New Dresdia is a small price to pay for saving the entire planet. Skyler's forces do not pursue, but Skyler's cruiser comes into view, and Skyler is curious as to why Urusi just abandoned New Dresdia. The scene switches to the Genid space platform. Two wraiths patrolling come into view, but they are overtaken by Urusi's fleet. Horasi's cruiser quickly releases the E.D.A.S.T. force to colaborate with the Terrans who inhabit the platform while Urusi's fleet waits in orbit around the platform. The Terrans agree to help Urusi, only because they detected the Zerg incoming. Aboard Klines ship, the sensors quickly register a disturbance to the south. It is Vilinthril, history repeating itself. Vilinthril and several dark templar are destroying the stasis chambers on the platform. Rond transports himself to the location, and quickly pulls Vilinthril aside. He informs Vilinthril of the assasination on his life. Vilinthril stays in the current time period while the other dark templar return to their own time. The Zerg soon come into view, lead by the cerebrate Nugdraas. There are more then before, many more. Urusi's and Kline's fleet engage the Zerg. The cerebrate takes it's place on a southern platform. Vilinthril, Rond, and Quick (future) all move to that platform. In the background, many transmissions are heard, E.D.A.S.T. coordinating attacks against the Zerg, Kline giving his men orders, Urusi instructing fleet movements. But the cerebrate is the calm in the middle of the storm. The platform it is on seems so distant from the epic battle, yet it is so close in reality. Finally, all is revealed.

Roszogon appears next to the cerebrate. As does an arbiter. The arbiter quickly recalls none other then Rond (past) to the platform. Rond (past) asks for an explanation, but recieves no answer from anyone. The cerebrate begins to speak. It explains about how it told Roszogon that Vilinthril was secretly killing the Protoss. Vilinthril proclaims that the cerebrate is spewing lies, and pleads with Roszogon not to believe him, but Roszogon remains unchanged in his stance. Vilinthril now knows how Roszogon was originally corrupted, and why he has been trying to kill Rond. It all leads up to this moment. Rond was the key in this entire ordeal. 'It is Rond who eventually kills Nugdraas', Roszogon explains, and 'that he defiled the ways of the templar in the method he used to kill the cerebrate'. Rond (future) says that he never killed Nugdraas, but Nugdraas explains that it had not happened yet. Roszogon steps forward and proclaims that everything will be corrected now, as they plan on killing Rond (past) before he can ever do these things. Vilinthril runs forward and quickly starts slashing at the Cerebrate. Several Zerg Canals appear, and Zerg start coming through to assist Nugdraas. A dropship comes into view, and the E.D.A.S.T. team is unloaded onto the platform. Blaze, Surtey, Horasi, Quick (past), Shaddox, and Malcone all step forward. Blaze steps forward and proclaims, 'Let's Rock'. A battle on the platform ensures. Rond (past) is being chased by Roszogon around the small platform. Quick (future) turns to Rond (future) and tells him it's been fun, but he can't live with this anymore. Quick rushes in front of Roszogon and pushes him off the platform, and both fall into the void of space. Rond (future) comes face to face with Rond (past). The two then merge into an archon (or more specifically, the archon saw in Episode IV) The archon uses it's power to assist Vilinthril in killing the cerebrate. The cerebrate falls victim and is unable to compensate. Rond and Vilinthril are victorious. Vilinthril goes to Rond, and quickly activates a temporal device. The two vanish into time. The battle seems grim however. Even with the cerebrate dead, Urusi's and Kline's forces are down to a minimum. The tide quickly changes though, as Skyler's fleet comes from behind and begins wiping out the Zerg. Skyler says that he thought something else was going on. The invading Zerg are wiped out, and the three fleets return to Dorasida.

Back at New Dresdia, Skyler and Urusi sign a peace treaty, and agree to devote all future military resources to battling the Zerg. Rond returns with Vilinthril. He asks for Tane and 7576 to take a place with them in the future. Tane agrees, as he is supposed to be dead anyways, as he may as well start a life in the future. Kline stays on Dorasida, and the E.D.A.S.T. team remains united. The scene switches to a fleet of battlecruisers and dropships on Char. The voice of Urusi is heard saying 'Alright, you know the drill.' The fleet moves in on a Zerg base. The E.D.A.S.T. team comes into view doing what they do best (theme music plays from Ep1 Mission 1), sniping, planting bombs in Zerg hives, and moving from target to target causing mischief. The scene fades out with them doing this. And with that, ends the E.D.A.S.T. saga.
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