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[其它] The Bob Levels

发表于 2013-11-28 17:21:20 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Here lies the eternal home of The Bob Levels.

Featured on PC Gamer.

August 2007 Issue

PC Gamer Review: You'll need a good sense of humor to appreciate the three chapters of The Bob Levels. Entirely lacking in coherent plot, this kooky campaign is perfect for decompressing after the grim campaigns in StarCraft and the Brood War expansion. Bob includes 17 maps in three main parts of the saga, all telling the absurd story of the conflict between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys Alliance. The saga is continued with three bonus one-off missions where you battle with Dark Templar cows and race Zerglings. Yes, it's all pretty silly. But it's also an awfully compelling satire of sci-fi cliches.

下载地址: Bob Levels.exe

Here lies the eternal home of The Bob Levels.


Featured on PC Gamer.
PC Gamer
August 2007 Issue

PC Gamer Review: You'll need a good sense of humor to appreciate the three chapters of The Bob Levels. Entirely lacking in coherent plot, this kooky campaign is perfect for decompressing after the grim campaigns in StarCraft and the Brood War expansion. Bob includes 17 maps in three main parts of the saga, all telling the absurd story of the conflict between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys Alliance. The saga is continued with three bonus one-off missions where you battle with Dark Templar cows and race Zerglings. Yes, it's all pretty silly. But it's also an awfully compelling satire of sci-fi cliches.

The Bob Levels! (Enhanced)

Welcome to my little corner of the institution.

Here, I have placed 5 brilliantly made Starcraft campaigns.

\"What makes them so special?\" you ask. Allow me to tell you. I'm sure that you have seen many, many epic scenarios everywhere on the net by now. Each one has an intricate story line, and very serious characters out to save their honor, or people, or some such nonsense.

And that's what makes these levels so different. They lack both a plot and that serious tone. How many level have you seen with a cerebrate named Bob? That's what I thought. The whole thing is basically one big joke. But it is fun, and I put a little something special on each level. So hurry up and download them. I'm sure you'll love them.

There are five chapters (levels) in Bob's story, included in the zip file.

Download The Bob Levels (482 kb)

Love my levels? Let me know! (use the subject \"Bob Levels\")

Hate my levels? Then don't play them.

CHAPTER 1: Escape From Aiur
Cerebrate Birthing Grounds, Auir

Bob must kill Janet the Evil Cerebrate in order to escape from the Planet Aiur

HINT: At the start, Joe uses his brood to fight against you. Destroy the temple, and he and all his units will switch to your side.

CHAPTER 2: And Then a Hero Comes Along
Cloning Platform, High Orbit Around Auir's Second Moon

Bob must destroy the clone factory which is producing hero clones.

Every unit in this level (with the exception of workers) is super-powered. Buildings remain the same. Don't expect defensive structures to help you too much. Also, if you try to tell 3 larva all at once to morph into a unit such as a Hunter Killer, you may end up with only one. To avoid this, order each one to do so individually.

CHAPTER 3: The Plot Thickens
Bad Guy Installation, Auir's Second Moon

Fight your way through an installation to gather vital information on the Bad Guy Alliance. There is a secret area on this level, but you'll never find it.

NOTE: If you ever make your own campaign, do not include an installation. They are twice as hard to make, and half as fun to play.

TRIVIA: This level got its name because I could not for the life of me think of anything else, and so simply chose the corniest thing that came to mind.

CHAPTER 4: It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
Dark Templar Homeworld

Help Zeratul kick the invaders off his planet. Here, you can train Dark Templar without purchasing Brood War. Just train a Zealot, and send it to the Dark Crystal. For only 150 additional vespene, it'll be transformed into a Dark templar. Easy.

CHAPTER 5: Bobby's World
Headquarters of the Bad Guy Alliance

In this final struggle, Bob joins with his Terran and Protoss allies to crush the Bad Guy Alliance once and for all.

You have every race at your command here. Use your favorite units from each. However, keep in mind that you also have every race opposing you, and you must maintain three different bases, as well as fight off the hero clones sent at you every so often. Good luck.

If you think I've totally lost my mind, you must take into consideration the fact that I had originally made these levels as a joke, and had to be persuaded to release them. At least that's what I tell everybody.

The Bob Levels II

With the arrival of Brood War, millions of new .scx's have been created. Once again, Campaign creators have made the same mistake they did with .scm's, namely, making them far too serious.

In fact, Brood War was even worse than Starcraft in this aspect. It was clear that the creators took it so seriously, yet there were so many parts of it that were so horribly corny (for fun, try counting the number of times Kerrigan says \"I used you.\")

Hence, I felt it was my duty to create a new series of Bob Levels in which I openly mocked all other campaigns. Some may think this is mean, but I comfort myself with the knowledge that almost nobody knows these campaigns exist, so it's unlikely any feelings will be hurt.

The old CWAD file of the Bob Levels II has been updated with MPQDraft's SEMPQ creating abilities. Stardraft is no longer required.

Download The Bob Levels II (872 kb)
Download the optional SEMPQ

Love my levels? Let me know! (use the subject \"Bob Levels\")

Hate my levels? Then don't play them.

CHAPTER 1: The Bad Guys Strike Back

Ever since the Defeat of Aaron the Devious Terran, Life has been calm for the members of the Good Guy's Alliance. We join Zeratul as he is about to take some of his best warriors on the annual Dark Templar Archaeological Expedition. At the same time, and on the same planet, we also find Bill Nye the Science Guy, who is there filming his show. Little do they suspect that They are about to land in a sequel...

CHAPTER 2: The Finish Line

Aaron has stolen the Uraj crystal, and now seeks to acquire the Khalis crystal, which is being given away as a prize to the winner of a race on Artec. It's up to Gary the Speedy Protoss to beat Aaron's racer, and claim the Khalis for the Good Guy's Alliance. But even this victory may be short-lived, as the victor would have to stay alive long enough to enjoy his prize...
Bug Fix: I had uploaded a debug version by accident, where you only had to survive for 1 minute, instead of 30. The correct one is now online.

CHAPTER 3: The Twilight Zone

Having won the Khalis Crystal, our heroes now seek an escape from the onslaught of the Bad Guy's Alliance. They find an abandoned Warp Gate on a small planetoid. Unfortunately, the planetoid is infested with powerful mythical beasts. Zeratul, with the help of his new found ally, the Jake/Larry Archon, must fight through both these beasts, and Aaron's base.

CHAPTER 4: Unlikely Allies

A new threat to the galaxy has emerged, one so great that Bob is forced to join with Aaron in order to combat it.

CHAPTER 5: Bobby's World II

There's nothing too special about this level. It's just a good ol' kill-your-enemies scenario. There's just one small twist: you can get one of your enemies to become your ally.

If you think I've totally lost my mind, you must take into consideration the fact that I had originally made these levels as a joke, and had to be persuaded to release them. At least that's what I tell everybody.

The Bob Levels III

Every legend has its beginning.
Every hero must meet his end.
But, that's not really relevant to this page. After all, these are Bob Levels. They're not serious. In fact, they seek to mock the seriousness of all those other campaigns out there.

The Bob Levels started humbly with The Bob Levels I, which were okay considering they were my first endeavour in campaign making. When Brood War came out, so too did The Bob Levels II, which I think greatly improved on the previous ones.
And now, a new installation in The Bob Levels arrives. In these, I attempt to mercilessly mock all that was missed previously. This time, you work not only on the side of Bob, but his enemies as well. You little turncoat, you. Have fun.

The story picks up a little while after the old one ended. As expected, Aaron is once again preparing to take over the universe and get revenge on Bob. The critters are also working to recapture their zerg army. Bob and the other heroes, completely oblivious to the trouble that is brewing, are attending a hero reunion on Bobby's World. The campaigns, which leap from one group to another, let you know exactly what each group is doing as the story unfolds.

Additional features:
Aaron in a Goliath suit (no longer just a helpless civilian)
Warrior Critters (these guys bite back)
The return of Fenix.
Seven Levels!

Love my levels? Let me know! (use the subject \"Bob Levels\")

Hate my levels? Then don't play them.

If you think I've totally lost my mind, you must take into consideration the fact that I had originally made these levels as a joke, and had to be persuaded to release them. At least that's what I tell everybody.

The Bob Bonus Levels

The levels on this page may or may not have a connection to the general story of The Bob Levels. They aren't even necessarilly spoofs; I left the job of mocking StarCraft and its campaigns to the other Bob Levels. I just thought that these levels would be interesting to make and play. Have fun.

JAKE/LARRY: You think your life is tough?! I was forced to meld with Larry. I hate Larry!
LARRY/JAKE: Hey, I'm not any happier about it than you are.

Love my levels? Let me know! (use the subject \"Bob Levels\")

Hate my levels? Then don't play them.

Bonus 1 - Clone Wars (139Kb)
Download here

In this levels you do not control normal units. Instead, every unit is changed into its hero equivelant as soon as it is trained. While this is a rather raw deal for some units (such as workers, which have no heros) it will give you a good deal more fire-power to work with.

Unfortunately, your enemies also have souped-up units, so you will be in effect fighting the heroes of every race. You will be able to choose your race on the screen where you pick what file to play. Remember, the attributes of buildings will remain the same. Don't expect defensive structures to help you much.

Zip contains an scm and scx.

Bonus 2 - The Race (71Kb)
Download here

This level is not a shoot-em-up, but a race. Choose either the Zergling race or the Zealot race, and fight your way to the finish. You will have three opponents who are intent on reaching the end. Also be aware that many of the sports fan watching the race, and even some of the cheerleaders will try and stop you. Have fun.

Brood War is not required (you must have the latest Starcraft patch).

Bonus 3 - The Cow Level (987Kb)
Download here

Anybody who's skipped through the levels to see the end (admit it, you didn't want to wait till you'd beaten them all to find out the ending) knows that in order to automatically beat a board, you type in \"There is no cow level\".

This is no longer true. I have made a CWAD which places cows into StarCraft (included in the zip). There are cows for each race (including Dark Templar cows), as well as some new hero cows. Even better, I have made another Bob Level which uses this CWAD.
Save the cows, if you can.
Brood War and StarDraft are required.

If you think I've totally lost my mind, you must take into consideration the fact that I had originally made these levels as a joke, and had to be persuaded to release them. At least that's what I tell everybody.

The Cast of Characters

WARNING: This section contains spoilers for Bob I & II. If you have not completed these campaigns yet, it is advised that you wait until later to read it. Unless, of course you really, really want to. I can't stop you, after all.

Yggdrasill (aka Yggy)

Yggdrasill was given an unpronounceable name upon his birth into the swarm, and so everyone calls him Yggy instead. He served Bob loyally for quite a while, and was eventually rewarded with several zerg of his own with which to start his own brood. He left Bobby's World and journeyed the cosmos with his new servants, and finally settled on his own planet.

The Old Guy

Questions surround the mysterious Old Guy. Where did he come from? How did he get his portrait on all of the Protoss buildings? Why is his name in yellow? Why does his wireframe consist of the word \"BLANK\"?

The world may never know. However, we do know a tiny bit about The Old Guy. He has been around for ages, and has seen the rise and fall of many empires. He now seems to find it amusing to watch the \"young'ins\" fight, and will consequently follow you to every level. He is generally out of the way, but if you find him, he'll blab on and on until he feels like stopping.

Jack the Evil Ghost

Jack is a member of the Bad Guy Alliance. Being a bad guy, however, he has little loyalty to Aaron, and seeks primarily to advance himself. He gets very angry when anything that he considers to belong to him is taken, and may forget his rank when on one of his tantrums. Strangely enough, though he is a hero, his voice is identical to that of a normal ghost.

Ursula the Rhynadon

Ursula was the first critter to stand up against the many wrongful clickings perpetrated on her species. She organized the critters into a powerful army, and masterfully manipulated the Good and Bad Guys into bringing her the Uraj and Khalis crystals, just to have them snatched away at the last moment. Though she lost her Super Psi Emitter (and consequently her zerg army) in the final battle, she will never rest until all People have been eliminated, and critters are once again safe.

Ryan the Ursadon

Ryan's family was slaughtered by a meat-packing industry, and it was only with Ursula's help that Ryan escaped alive. He has since become Ursula's right-paw critter. Though he is generally quiet, speaking out only when necessary, he is fiercely loyal to the critter cause, and more than willing to give up his life if necessary.

Farmer Louie

When Farmer Louie was a young Protoss, he attended Templar school, with hopes that he would one day become a High Templar and be able to Psi Storm anybody who annoyed him. But the other students there taunted him endlessly for looking like a giant fly, and he soon dropped out, vowing instead to live a quiet, peaceful life away from civilization.

He became a farmer, focusing mainly on cow herding, and built up quite a variety of cows. Everything went fine, until his farm was attacked. But, that story can be found in The Cow Level.

Super Cow

Little is known about the origins of Super Cow. Some say that he is a slightly insane Terran who decided to dress up like a cow and fight crime. Others think that he actually is a cow, and is dedicated to protecting his race from those who would threaten them or click on them until they explode.

Whoever he is, Super Cow is dedicating to helping defenseless cows throughout the universe, and you can be sure that whereever there is a cow in need, Super Cow will be there to save the day.

Super Cow is an entirely new unit/hero created specifically for The Cow Level.

Artanis the Mouthless Protoss

Artanis is new to the world of StarCraft, but I like him anyway. Unfortunately for him, he seems to be missing a mouth, so don't expect him to say anything coherent. His assistance was invaluable in The Bob Levels II, and so he was invited to Bob's hero reunion, but because he slept late that day and missed it, he will likely not be very involved in Bob III.


Like all Archons, Jake/Larry was once two separate High Templar (who in this case were named Jake and Larry). Jake and Larry had known each other since they were cute little baby Protoss, and truly could not stand each other. In an odd quirk of fate, they were forced to meld into an Archon in order to defend against an onslaught of Zerg. Needless to say, this Archon has developed something of a split personality, and absolutely detests himself. He will frequently be found arguing with himself over virtually every topic at hand.

Little was heard from them after they melded. Larry reportedly wanted to go on a vacation and relax, but Jake over-rode him. Instead they went traveling the galaxy trying to be heroic. When they crashed on a planetoid, they met up with Zeratul and helped the Good Guys save the universe.

In The Cow Level they lent their talents to assist Farmer Louie in defending his cows, and then went to work for him. Jake finally quit, much to Larry's consternation, and they traveled to Bobby's World for the hero reunion.

Harry the SCV

Harry was nothing but a lowly Terran laborer, but in his heart of hearts he always knew that he could be more. Ever since his childhood, he had dreamed of raising rabbits on a farm, and he finally decided to follow his heart and pursue this dream. He worked and sweated day after day harvesting minerals and Vespene gas, saving up his meager paychecks knowing that one day his hard work would pay off, and he would fulfill his dream. Finally, he neared the end of his quest. With only one more day's wages he would have enough to buy a bunny farm. As he was working and daydreaming about raising rabbits, a Queen flew by and spawned Broodlings on him.

Harry does not appear in any of The Bob Levels.

Ian the Interceptor

As his name suggests, Ian is an Interceptor. He likes to pop into mission briefings and make inane comments until he realizes that there's no reason for him to be there, at which point he leaves. He did not do so well at his recent performance review, however, and Bob has considered giving Ian's after-briefing time slot to other, funnier people.


CyberBabe is the ultimate hacker chick. She was once a normal Terran computer geek, although that may be something of an oxymoron. Eventually, however, she spent all of her time on the computer, and finally uploaded her consciousness onto the 'net in order to simplify matters. While she is unable to do any fighting, she can hack into any database, making her a very useful source of information. However, don't expect to see her very much.

Gary the Speedy Protoss

Gary may look exactly like Fenix did as a Zealot, but that's entirely coincidental. He is known throughout the galaxy as one of the fastest sprinters around, and particularly enjoys the more dangerous races. Though he only appears in one of the missions in The Bob Levels II, you will get to know him quite well, as the entire first half of that level focuses on helping him win a race.

Bill Nye the Science Guy

After running a children’s science show for years, Bill finally got bored, and decided that he wanted to go out and \"kick some glutius maximus.\" Using the vast destructive knowledge he had gained from various science experiments gone awry, he was able to develop a whopping three new mechanisms for the Terrans to use on the battlefield. When the government failed to be impressed by this, he used the influence of network television to get his own science facility, and continued his research, until he was captured by the Bad Guy Alliance. After being freed by Bob, he loaned his talents to assist Bob in his quest. Once Aaron was defeated, he returned to his television show.

Fenix the Giant Tarantula

Fenix was once a valiant Protoss warrior. Unfortunately, he died. Apparently, he had done something very bad in a previous life, as he was reincarnated into the body of a giant tarantula. Refusing to be discouraged by this set-back, he went off with Zeratul to help defend the Dark Templar from the Bad Guy Alliance’s incursion on their planet. Eventually, he too was captured by the Bad Guys, and freed by Bob. He was later killed by Kerrigan in Brood War, and so isn't involved in The Bob Levels II. However, unknown to most, he was placed in yet another dragoon after this second death and went off to the planet Bool to run an ice cream stand. He will return in Bob III.

Zeratul the Cool Protoss

Though he looks like a zebra, Zeratul is in fact the King of the dark templar, and an extremely powerful fighter. He joined Bob’s crusade after Bob assisted him in ridding the Dark Templar homeworld of the Bad Guy Alliance, as well as that irritating Duke. (Questions have been raised about how Zeratul knew Bob previously to this encounter. Suffice it to say that it is a very long story involving a time machine and one of Bill Nye’s experiments.)

Zeratul was last seen headed for the hero reunion on Bob's homeworld.

Jim the Cool Terran

Everybody knows who Jimmy Raynor is. He played a key role in the destruction of the Overmind. After this momentous event, he cruised around the galaxy doing heroic things until he too was captured by the Bad Guy Alliance for their cloning experiments. Bob (of course) freed him, and Jimmy joined the group.

He was one of the few heroes who survived Brood War, and is very involved in Bob I, II and III. He is, obviously, going to Bob's hero reunion.

Bob the Cool Cerebrate

Bob was born with two other cerebrates on Aiur just before the Overmind’s death. One of his siblings, Janet the Evil Cerebrate, decided to try and kill him. Using power from a Protoss temple (the uses for them are apparently endless), she was able to control Joe the Dumb Cerebrate and make him join her. However, Bob was able to foil her plans and escape from Aiur. In the Original Bob Levels, he defeated the Bad Guy Alliance and claimed their planet for his own, while at the same time creating the Good Guy Alliance. When Aaron rose up again in The Bob Levels II, Bob was once again there to stop him, as well as the unforeseen critter uprising.

Bob has recently decided to hold a hero reunion for all the heroes who have helped him in the past.

Aaron the Devious Terran

Aaron, being a mere civilian, is able to do little more than walk around and die. He was taunted endlessly about this fact, and was finally pushed over the brink. Seeking to \"show them all,\" he founded the Bad Guy's Alliance, a group of evil Protoss, Terrans, and Zerg. Though he came close to completion of his Universe domination plans, he was in the end foiled by Bob.

However, he successfully brought the Bad Guy Alliance back together, and sought out the Khalis and Uraj crystals. According to the legends, if somebody has both of these crystals, all of their enemies somehow die. I have no idea how this happens, but it worked well enough for the Protoss in Brood War. Fortunately, he was failed at this task as well, when Jake/Larry accidently dropped one of the crystals and shattered it.

But Aaron has not been truly defeated yet. Totally consumed by hate for Bob, he now has plans to capture one of the most powerful blasters ever made and use it to destroy the Good Guys once and for all.

If you think I've totally lost my mind, you must take into consideration the fact that I had originally made these levels as a joke, and had to be persuaded to release them. At least that's what I tell everybody.
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