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[其它] Resurgence

发表于 2013-11-28 17:22:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
by Varanus


It is close to a century after the demise of the Overmind. Aiur is nearly restored to the pristine beauty it once boasted, with the rebuilding process in the hands of resurrected former Judicator Aldaris. The Terran Dominion, now led by Arcturus Mengsk II's former lieutenant-commander Jose Quintana, has since joined forces with the rebuilt Protoss Conclave in hopes to repair the damage Mengsk had done while in power. Few Zerg remain, most without focus...some have gone dormant, others are on blind rampages, and still others have given up battle altogether, reverting to creatures more similar to the docile beasts they had assimilated so long ago. But the silence is about to be shattered. For the Zerg had planned well for the Overmind's fall. Deep below the surface of the planet Char, where the Zerg's main hive cluster once so proudly stood, the Leviathan Brood - the Zerg's mysterious \"auxiliary weapon\" - lay dormant for several years, awaiting the time for it to make its grand reappearance and catch the Terran and Protoss completely off-guard. Now is that time. The Leviathan Brood has arisen.

Zarak (Paul Willemin)
Zerg Cerebrate, age unknown
Master of the Leviathan Brood
The Overmind was prepared for the event of its death, even before the First Battle of Aiur in which it lost its life. To ensure the Swarm would live on in that event, the Overmind spawned a new Brood designed for the sole purpose of making its appearance about one hundred years after the death of the Overmind and continuing the sacred mission of the Zerg: assimilating all life. To command the new Brood, the Overmind created Zarak, an uber-Cerebrate imbued with the knowledge of every other Cerebrate who had ever existed. The Brood developed its first hive cluster beneath the surface of Char, and then went into a long period of dormancy. Now having arisen more than one hundred years later, Zarak is going about fulfilling his directive: finishing what the Overmind had started so long ago. He is a wise and versatile Cerebrate, often resorting to tactics that no other Cerebrate would have ever considered. He is fascinated by the technology that the Terran and Protoss use and constantly seeks opportunities to learn more about their \"inorganic weaponry,\" hoping it will give him a better understanding of his foes and eventually lead to use of such technology in the Swarm.

Skalor (Matthew Finley)
Zerg Hydralisk, age 103
Leviathan Brood Heavy Assault Warrior To aid Zarak, the Overmind gave life to the mobile warriors that would later be known as Skalor and Graxx. The Overmind imbued them with full sentience, but with a very strong sense of loyalty so as not to repeat the mistakes that were made with Kerrigan. Like Kerrigan, however, both Skalor and Graxx were given powerful psionic potential - which allows for Protoss-like psionic shielding and limited telepathic abilities - and incredible combat skills. The first of the two, Skalor, is a cunning and efficient fighter, arguably the strongest terrestrial warrior the Swarm has ever known. But whereas his partner Graxx has a tendency to rush headlong into battle, Skalor prefers to hang back and stealthily strike down his enemies from afar, or follow the enemy and observe them intently just to learn more about them. Like Zarak, Skalor is fascinated by technology, Terran technology in particular. Ever the curious sort, he will often sneak into Terran bases and simply listen to conversations or read Terran minds telepathically in hopes he will overhear some vital technological information. However, all he usually ends up with is a new understanding of Terran dialect.

Graxx (Jon Mullen)
Zerg Guardian, age 103
Leviathan Brood Air Assault Warrior
Created at roughly the same time as Skalor, Graxx is the second of the Overmind's sentient warriors, and some would say the antipode of Skalor. Graxx revels in his flight abilities, and is particularly scornful of terrestrial enemies. He has an intense loathing of Terrans and will hunt them down even against orders, much to the chagrin of Skalor, who enjoys observing and listening to the Terrans in secret. He has keen telepathic abilities - ones even sharper than Skalor's - that allow him to sense incoming threats well in advance. Despite his gift, however, Graxx is also an impulsive sort, rushing into heated battles with little evident concern for his own well- being (though he has no compunction about a tactical retreat when he is clearly outmatched). Despite the fact he can be quite arrogant and is most of the time concerned only with his own agendas, he remains fiercely loyal to Zarak, and his own agendas seldom last for very long.

Kothoga (Matthew Finley)
Zerg Mutalisk, age 101
Leviathan Brood Psionic Warrior
Kothoga, as well as his partner Kragok, were created during the First Battle of Aiur, two years after the Overmind established the Leviathan Brood on Char and put it into its period of dormancy. Kothoga and Kragok were given sentience like Skalor and Graxx, but were also given much higher psionic potential as well as higher speed and agility. Kragok was by far the stronger of the two, but proved so hard to control that he broke away from the Overmind's guidance and headed back to Char, where his lack of focus caused him to degenerate into little more than a psionically-armed feral animal. Kothoga fought valiantly to protect the Overmind and make up for the loss of Kragok, slaughtering hundreds of Terran and Protoss soldiers single-handedly. But he took near-fatal damage during a one-on-one battle against Tassadar in the closing days of the First Battle of Aiur, and his healing process was slowed down dramatically as a result. As one of its last acts, the Overmind sealed Kothoga within a protective, revitalizing Chrysalis and placed it in an uninhabited area of Aiur for the Leviathan Brood to later discover. Little is known about Kothoga, other than he is probably the most impulsive and ruthless Zerg soldier known; and he is utterly disgusted by technology, deeming the Swarm's innate powers more than sufficient to complete any task.

Jose Quintana (No Speaking Roles)
Male Terran, age 51
Commander of the New Terran Dominion
Serving as Emperor Arcturus Mengsk II's right-hand man in the Terran Dominion for twenty years, Jose Quintana does not share his predecessor's lust for power. When Mengsk met his demise, Quintana took command of the Dominion and set out to ease the terror Mengsk had caused. He established a powerful alliance with the remaining members of the Protoss Conclave, and their combined might was eventually able to defeat the forces of Kerrigan. Afterwards he went about helping the Protoss repair the damage that Kerrigan's armies inflicted upon Aiur. Quintana is a fair and incorruptible leader, and his fleet of Cronus-class Battlecruisers is among the most feared squadrons in the entire Terran military.

Crorq (Jon Mullen)
Zerg Cerebrate, age unknown
Master of the Grendel Brood
Crorq was one of the Cerebrates present during the First Battle of Aiur nearly a hundred years ago. His original form was destroyed by Zeratul during that battle, but through a psionic ability which even Crorq himself does not fully understand, he was able to transfer his essence to another body and escape unharmed. As the First Battle of Aiur came to an end, Crorq gained independence from the Overmind and went into hiding on Aiur, eventually stealing a transport and heading to the bleak world of Braxis, where he made his home. He spent his time there trying to advance himself to an evolutionary level no Zerg had ever attained, and as the years went by he developed psionic abilities sufficient to put the Protoss to shame. He used his greatly enhanced telepathic powers to call forth the disparate Zerg Broods in the area, and provide them with the focus they lacked. Crorq thus created the Zerg Phalanx, a massive conglomerate encompassing five of the largest Broods in the entire Swarm. After Crorq directed his Phalanx to discreetly set up new hive clusters across the Koprulu Sector, he prepared his legion for an attempt to assimilate the Protoss - not to complete the Overmind's mission, but solely for his own purposes. He views himself as rightful ruler of all he surveys by right of his superior intelligence, and his ultimate goal is domination of all sentient beings. He takes great pride in ruling alone, viewing anyone other than his Zerg Phalanx as an enemy to be obliterated...though he has no qualms about capturing enemy soldiers and claiming them as his own. His capture and assimilation of numerous Terran warriors has caused him to absorb a few Terran characteristics, such as use of colloquial expressions, but that is of no detriment to him.

Arzakon (Paul Willemin)
Protoss Dark Templar, age 527
Dark Templar Patriarch
Since the death of Dark Templar Matriarch Raszagal at the hands of Zeratul, Arzakon has commanded the Dark Templar planet of Shakuras with fair and just rule. He is determined to make amends with the members of the Protoss Conclave still dwelling on Aiur in hopes that the Dark Templar can truly be united with their Protoss brethren once again, though he views the Dominion as a hindrance and shares Peotr Ulyanov's hatred for them. Thus he is secretly allied with Ulyanov, who promised to help Arzakon make those amends in return for warriors to destroy the Dominion. Arzakon is generally taciturn, speaking only when he feels it is of utmost importance, but his skill in combat and tactics is unquestioned. As a former member of the Protoss scientific elite, Arzakon has also produced many new psionic weapons for the Dark Templar, including the enhanced Warp Blades which he wields for his own defense. It is believed that Arzakon was the one responsible for bringing Judicator Aldaris back to life.

Peotr Ulyanov (James Weissinger)
Male Terran, age 46
Former UED Admiral
After the disappearance of Gerard DuGalle and his entire expeditionary fleet, the United Earth Directorate sent a second, much larger wave of soldiers to the Koprulu Sector in hopes of finding out what went wrong. Peotr Ulyanov was the young admiral in charge of the new fleet, and his forces made their first stop on Aiur, where they ran afoul of the Dominion-Conclave Alliance. Though his armies fought valiantly, Ulyanov and his forces were defeated and banished to the death-choked wastelands of Korhal. Ulyanov spent his next several years rebuilding and expanding his armies in an attempt to destroy the entire Dominion-Conclave Alliance, despite the fact he told his Dark Templar ally Arzakon he would spare the Conclave. While on Korhal, he met up with Garrett McDowell, a former high- ranking Dominion official who was banished in a similar way. Ulyanov allied with him and his armies as well, thus forming the basis for the Terran-Protoss conglomerate known as the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate has since established three massive bases; one in Augustgrad on Korhal, a second in the recently-built Tarsonis colony of Tran Sara, and a third - the primary base - in Ni Monn Tassadar, the \"Heart of Tassadar,\" on Shakuras. Ulyanov is utterly zealous in his mission to destroy the Dominion-Conclave Alliance, and has degenerated into a depraved, vengeful, virtually emotionless cabal. He will attack at the slightest provocation, and does not accept anything less than what he deems perfection from his warriors. However, as a result, his army has become a force to be reckoned with, even more powerful than the Alliance. He is most often found in the luxury suite of his modified Battlecruiser, Mendeleyev I.

Garrett McDowell (Paul Willemin)
Male Terran, age 39
Former Dominion Secretary of War
Though a loyal servant of the Terran Dominion for several years, Garrett McDowell - being completely prejudiced against the Protoss - was exasperated by Jose Quintana's allying with the Conclave. He covertly formed his own splinter group of Dominion warriors and scientists to betray Quintana, but was found out before he could expand his forces. Quintana massacred his army. Badly injured, he and the remainder of his splinter group were exiled to Korhal. Once there, McDowell's scientists were forced to build the modified Goliath which would serve as McDowell's life-support system. McDowell wanted badly to obliterate the Dominion-Conclave Alliance for what they did to him, but he had only a fraction of an army with which to do so. He made a pact with Peotr Ulyanov, with whom he shared a common enemy, and reluctantly agreed to fight alongside Arzakon and his forces in the Triumvirate despite his hatred for the Protoss, deeming the Dominion-Conclave Alliance the greater evil. He is annoyingly arrogant and egotistical, but with the Triumvirate at his side, he can usually provide proof for his boasts, or at least obliterate those who disagree with him.
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