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[其它] Palinchron Concordance

发表于 2013-11-28 17:22:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
by Varanus

下载地址: Concordance.exe

It is just two months after the death of Gerard DuGalle. Kerrigan is strengthening her forces for an attack against the remaining forces of the Terran Dominion. Zeratul, who was exiled to the outer fringe worlds for his murder of Matriarch Raszagal, lies in wait, preparing an army including the forces of Artanis and the few Dark Templar who remain loyal. A new Dark Templar Patriarch, Arzakon, is rising to power. Emperor Arcturus Mengsk and his armies are busy bolstering their defenses on Korhal, preparing for the inevitable battle with Kerrigan. And hidden away on a small moon of the planet Braxis, Samir Duran is covertly continuing his experiments with Zerg/ Protoss Hybrids, and his new right-hand Zerg - a sentient servitor Duran personally created named Baragon - is carrying out the task of distributing those Hybrids across the Koprulu Sector.

And on Korhal, going completely unnoticed by any party, is UED Strike Team Gamma, a small detachment that was left on Korhal after Arcturus Mengsk's defeat at Augustgrad. With the element of surprise theirs, the UED detachment is planning to finish what was one of Gerard DuGalle's primary mission objectives: the taming of the Zerg. With the Overmind destroyed, such a mission is not entirely possible. But the UED intends to do the next best thing and take control of a Cerebrate...specifically Cerebrate Vorge - a beast spawned of cells cloned from the deceased Cerebrate Zasz - which has taken up residence on Korhal.

But unbeknownst even to the UED is that Vorge is but one factor in yet another party, a concordance one would never expect to be reached...


It was a dusty night in the small Tarsonis colony of New Bangor. Terran refugees from the Zerg attacks against the UED were sleeping quietly, protected by a small but well-trained colonial militia which stood guard at all times. There had been no threats to the tiny colony in the period of roughly two months in which it had stood. Only the residents of the town and the precious few soldiers that remain from the UED's original fleet are aware of the colony's existence.

But, as is often the case in war zones, the silence can only last for so long. In a bunker to the west side of town, two soldiers were preparing for another long night of security duty.

\"Hey, Panopticon. You remembered to check on the Psi Emitter, right?\" said a scruffy-looking marine.

\"It ain't gettin' any more secure, Gutierrez,\" replied the tall, buzz-cut Ghost, who was idly pointing his grenade launcher out of one of the bunker's turrets. \"Why the hell do we even have the thing anyway?\"

\"I don't know. Maybe you can beat the explanation out of Lieutenant Drogen. All he told me was that if we ever try to carry out Gerard's mission, we're gonna need a Psi Emitter. Supposedly it does somethin' to the Zerg.\"

\"I don't need some taffy-ass Psi Emitter to do somethin' to the Zerg,\" the Ghost snorted. \"I'd frag all those bugs myself if it meant we'd be able to go back to Earth.\"

\"Knowing you, I don't doubt that,\" the marine laughed. \"Here, try some of this. I bet you'll need it tonight. It's gonna be a long shift.\" He tossed the Ghost a small metal cylinder.

\"And this is...?\" the Ghost asked.

\"Java, man. We smuggled a whole bunch of it from Earth.\"

The Ghost opened up the thermos and leaned his head back, pouring coffee into his mouth. \"Holy crap, it's scalding hot! Just the way I like it...\"

BOOM. Suddenly the earth shook.

\"What was that?\" the marine asked, quickly pointing his gauss rifle out of the nearest turret and searching for a potential threat.

The Ghost put down the thermos and put on his helmet. \"We've got incoming.\"

As the two soldiers readied their weapons, a gigantic, reptilian quadruped began to approach from the swirling clouds of dust off in the distance. \"Madre de Dios! What the hell is THAT thing?\" the marine shouted.

\"That, Gutierrez, is an Ultralisk. Though I've never seen any Ultralisk as big as this freak...\" The Ghost put his finger on the trigger of his grenade launcher. \"In any case, we gotta waste 'im.\" The two promptly opened fire upon the creature, only to have their attacks blunted by the beast's chitinous carapace.

\"This might be a problem,\" the marine noted, as the Ultralisk drew ever nearer.

\"The Psi Emitter is MINE, worms!\" the Ultralisk boomed, as a platoon of Siege Tanks began to roll out and attack. \"You will give it to me or suffer a most untimely fate!\" The Ultralisk charged towards the Siege Tanks and trampled them into unidentifiable chunks of twisted metal.

\"Can't say I've heard of a talking Ultralisk before,\" the Ghost commented, unfazed. \"So maybe the Zerg are intelligent after all. Now I almost feel bad about slaughtering 'em.\" The Ghost then scored a direct hit upon the Ultralisk's head. \"Almost...\"

Needless to say, even though it failed to cause any damage, the grenade blast caught the Ultralisk's attention. The creature came charging toward the bunker. \"Run!\" shouted the marine. The two soldiers escaped just seconds before the solitary Zerg crushed the bunker like a soda can.

As the two Terrans tried to run, the Ultralisk ensnared the marine in its giant bone-like blades. \"Let this fool serve as an example to all who would defy the will of Mawcor!\" the Zerg roared. Almost effortlessly, the Ultralisk then split the hapless marine in two.

\"Gutierrez!\" the Ghost shrieked, and fired a barrage of grenades at the Ultralisk. \"I'LL SEE YA DEAD, ZERG, IF MY NAME ISN'T KYLE RICHTER!!!\"

The Ultralisk simply swatted the Ghost aside with one blade and continued on its unstoppable rampage through the town. It eventually smashed its way into the colony's science facility and picked the Terrans' hard-earned Psi Emitter up in its blades, laughing maniacally and trampling everything and everyone that happened into its path as it left.

From the ruins of the colony, the single Ghost eventually emerged, virtually undamaged. \"You can run, 'Mawcor,' but you can't hide,\" he snarled softly to himself, as he started to give chase.

Lance Bader
Male Terran, age 39
Captain of UED Strike Team Gamma
After the defeat and retreat of Gerard DuGalle, UED Strike Team Gamma, led by Wraith pilot extraordinaire Lance Bader, was left on Korhal as a method of assuring UED presence would live on in the Koprulu Sector. Despite his unarguable piloting skill, Bader makes for a weak leader. Having been born into one of the wealthiest families in the United States, he most often uses his immense riches to get what he wants. He is notorious for taking credit from others. He rarely does what he can not get someone else to do for him. His tactics are questionable. Yet despite Bader's relative incompetence, his army is one of the most efficient and deadly in the UED, solely because exceptional work from his soldiers is rewarded with ludicrously high salaries.

Roland Weinkopf
Male Terran, age 37
UED Marshall
Roland Weinkopf, a native of Vienna, Austria, was a long-time friend of Lance Bader, and some would say the one responsible for putting Bader in a position of power. Weinkopf is the consummate soldier, killing without pity, remorse, or fear. Yet Weinkopf is kept in his low rank because Bader secretly views him as a threat. Weinkopf has all of the skills for military leadership - such as tactical expertise, indomitable courage, and, to a lesser extent, physical strength - that Bader lacks, and Bader knows it.

Zerg Ultralisk, age 4
Zerg Heavy Assault Warrior
The first attempt by Jerec DiSalvo to create a Zerg/Protoss Hybrid was viewed as a failure. The Hybrid's Zerg DNA dominated over its Protoss DNA, resulting in a Zerg with Protoss-level intelligence. But despite the fact that the result was not what DiSalvo wanted, the Hybrid proved to have strength far surpassing any normal Zerg, as well as a strong sense of loyalty to its creator. DiSalvo dubbed the creature Mawcor, and instituted it into the Palinchron Concordance as a frontline warrior. Mawcor's first assignment was to take a Psi Emitter from the Terran colony of New Bangor, and Mawcor completed his mission successfully...though he made a bitter enemy, Kyle Richter, in the process. Mawcor obeys most orders, but he simply will not follow any command that would compromise his honor - a tendency which no doubt stems from his Protoss DNA. For example, Mawcor has an intense distaste for uneven battles, and he will never kill an unarmed opponent.

Kyle Richter
Male Terran, age 28
Second-in-Command of the New Bangor Colonial Militia
To say Kyle Richter had a sheltered childhood would be a gross understatement. Having discovered his telepathic abilities as a young boy, he was taken from his home in Chicago and into the Ghost program at the age of five. His life up to his involuntary enrollment in the UED was virtually devoid of human contact, meaning his people skills are lacking, to say the least. Despite his perpetually angry disposition, the level of anger he suppresses is staggering. He finds no redeeming quality in combat except for the fact that, through killing, he can vent his rage. And his rage worked to his advantage - his effectiveness in killing eventually got him promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. After the UED attack on Tarsonis, the colony of New Bangor was established to provide a safe haven for UED civilians, and Richter was appointed as second-in-command of the colony's militia, behind First Lieutenant Michael Drogen. While there, the only person Richter viewed as a friend was Humberto Gutierrez, a young marine who had endured a similarly tumultuous childhood. But after Lieutenant Drogen happened upon the same Psi Emitter which Jerec DiSalvo was after, Gutierrez met his death at the hands - so to speak - of Mawcor, who DiSalvo assigned to steal the Emitter. After that, Richter was pushed to the edge. His only purpose in life now is to find and slaughter Mawcor, yet, despite a long hunt that has spanned every planet in the Koprulu Sector, he has not yet succeeded.

Protoss Dragoon, age 348
Dark Templar Prelate
Corellis is the loyal and yet completely depraved servant and bodyguard of Dark Templar Uromastyx, and is willing to fight to the death to fulfill his master's demands. And as fate would have it, Corellis did nearly meet his death while trying to cover the escape of the traitorous Uromastyx from enraged Dark Templar. But he was later revitalized as an even deadlier Dragoon. Unlike typical Dragoons, Corellis uses the intense power of his mind to focus psi into a projectile weapon, which is discharged through his Dragoon body's Phase Disruptor. Like Mawcor, Corellis has a code of honor, but he never lets it get in the way of serving Uromastyx. Corellis has no compunction about fighting uneven battles unless it is a battle in which he is at a which case he will insult the honor of his opponents bitterly until they are goaded into fighting fair.

Jennifer Anderson
Female Terran, age 28
Ghost Savant
Jennifer Anderson was born in Chau Sara before its destruction. She was born mute, but that disadvantage was more than compensated for by the telepathic powers she was blessed with, powers of a magnitude that no other Terran Ghost, not even Sarah Kerrigan, has matched. Anderson's powers caught the attention of Jerec DiSalvo, who kidnapped her from the Ghost program shortly after the full extent of her powers had been realized. With the help of Dark Archons controlled by Uromastyx, DiSalvo took control of Anderson's mind, making her into little more than an emotionless drone, and performed numerous genetic experiments upon her as he tried to create a new type of combining elements from the strongest strains of Terran, Protoss and Zerg. As a result, Anderson's body is full of latent Zerg and Protoss DNA, which, upon becoming active, will cause her to metamorphose into a form that DiSalvo hopes will make her the first of the new, invincible race he strives to create. But when the metamorphosis will happen still remains to be seen.

Protoss Dark Templar, age 477
Keeper of the Fleet of the Patriarch
After the exile of Zeratul and Arzakon's rise to power as ruler of Shakuras, Dark Templar Prelate Uromastyx was the first to pledge his loyalty to the new Patriarch. He gained Arzakon's favor, and was given the task of commanding the great Fleet of the Patriarch. But little did anyone suspect that Uromastyx was utterly corrupt, and that his only love was power. Uromastyx bent the entire Fleet of the Patriarch to his will with Dark Archons, and formed his own renegade Dark Templar faction, proclaiming himself Patriarch. Jerec DiSalvo came to Uromastyx upon hearing of his lust for control, and promised him that unimaginable power would be his if he were willing to form an alliance. Uromastyx agreed, and the two formed the basis for what would later be called the Palinchron Concordance. Though Uromastyx respects the command of DiSalvo, it is only a guise. Uromastyx has secret machinations to assassinate DiSalvo and take over the Concordance, claiming DiSalvo's entire Zerg army as his own in the process.

Jerec DiSalvo
Male Terran/Zerg Hybrid, age 34
Commander of the Palinchron Concordance
Jerec DiSalvo was once a little-known Terran Ghost with tremendous plans who allowed himself to be infested by the Zerg so that he could learn what made them tick. As the first part of his ultimate plan for subjugation of the galaxy, DiSalvo took DNA samples from Cerebrate Zasz and the remains of one of his Drones shortly after the Cerebrate's death. He then cloned his own, fiercely loyal Cerebrate and named it Vorge, and cloned a few Drones to start his own personal hive cluster. In only days he had hive clusters scattered across the Koprulu Sector, and with the Psi Emitter he had Mawcor steal from New Bangor, he was able to summon forth and conquer other Broods, bringing them under his control. Around that time DiSalvo learned of Samir Duran and his experiments with Zerg/Protoss Hybrids. DiSalvo became fascinated with Duran's work, and decided to start creating his own Hybrid race in order to assure success when his ultimate plan went into motion. DiSalvo then strengthened his armies two-fold by joining up with Uromastyx and his Protoss fleet. When DiSalvo feels he has attained success with his Hybrid race, he plans to destroy Sarah Kerrigan, who is the first in a chain of targets that, if assassinated, would ultimately make DiSalvo ruler of the Koprulu Sector. And he has the intelligence, the tactical mastery, the power, and the army to do so...

Protoss Dragoon, age 443
Dark Templar Prelate
Mezidar took over as Arzakon's second-in-command after Uromastyx became a traitor. Mezidar was well-liked by Arzakon and his fellow Dark Templar; the immense psionic powers Mezidar wielded, combined with his agility, ferocity, and cunning, made him an extraordinary bodyguard. But as it so happened, Mezidar was in the wrong place during an attack by Mawcor upon the main Dark Templar fortress in Ni Monn Tassadar. When Mezidar entered the fray, he took heavy damage and would have been lost forever had it not been for the timely arrival of Kyle Richter, who, with deft use of cloaking, drove Mawcor away. After Mezidar was restored as a Dragoon, he pledged that some day he would make it up to Richter, but Richter ignored Mezidar and continued hunting for Mawcor. To this day, however, Mezidar's pledge still stands...
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