Unitnode Structure
By DoA
+0x0 - CUNIT* Previous
+0x4 - CUNIT* Next
+0x8 - DWORD dwHP
+0xC - CSPRITE* Sprite
+0x10 - WORD wMoveToXPos
+0x12 - WORD wMoveToYPos
+0x14 - CUNIT* Target_1
+0x18 - WORD wCurrentXPos_?
+0x1A - WORD wCurrentYPos_?
+0x1C - WORD wX_?
+0x1E - WORD wY_?
+0x20 - BYTE bMovementFlags_?
2 - Making Building?
4 - Moving?
+0x22 - BYTE bFlingyTurnRadius
+0x23 - BYTE bCurrentDirection_?
+0x24 - WORD wFlingyID
+0x27 - BYTE bFlingyMovementType
+0x28 - WORD wCurrentXPos
+0x2A - WORD wCurrentYPos
+0x2C - DWORD dwX_Halt
+0x30 - DWORD dwY_Halt
+0x34 - DWORD dwFlingySpeed
+0x38 - DWORD dwUnknown_38_Speed
+0x3C - DWORD dwUnknown_3C_Speed
+0x48 - WORD wFlingyAcceleration
+0x4C - BYTE bPlayerID
+0x4D - BYTE bMainOrderID
+0x4E - BYTE bMainOrderState
+0x4F - BYTE bOrderSignal
+0x54 - BYTE bMainOrderTimer
+0x55 - BYTE bGroundWeaponCooldown
+0x56 - BYTE bAirWeaponCooldown
+0x57 - BYTE bSpellCooldown
+0x58 - WORD wOrderTargetX
+0x5A - WORD wOrderTargetY
+0x5C - CUNIT* Target_Order
+0x60 - DWORD dwShield
+0x64 - WORD wUnitID
+0x68 - CUNIT* PlayerPrevious
+0x6C - CUNIT* PlayerNext
+0x70 - CUNIT* Subunit
+0x74 - CORDER* OrderQueueHead
+0x78 - CORDER* OrderQueueTail
+0x80 - CUNIT* ConnectedUnit
+0x84 - BYTE bNumOfQueuedOrders
+0x85 - BYTE bUnknown_85_Order_Timer_Seperate
+0x88 - WORD wDisplayedUnitID?
+0x8E - BYTE bRankIncrease
+0x8F - BYTE bKillCount
+0x93 - BYTE bUnknownState?
+0x94 - BYTE bCurrentButtonSet
+0x98 - WORD wQueue1
+0x9A - WORD wQueue2
+0x9C - WORD wQueue3
+0x9E - WORD wQueue4
+0xA0 - WORD wQueue5
+0xA2 - WORD wEnergy
+0xA4 - BYTE bQueueSlot
+0xA6 - BYTE bSecondaryOrderID
-Cloak, Build, expand creep
+0xA8 - WORD bHPGainDuringBuild/Repair?
+0xAC - WORD wRemainingBuildTime
+0xC0 - BYTE bSpidermineCount
+0xC1 - BYTE bUnusedC1
+0xC2 - BYTE bUnusedC2
+0xC3 - BYTE bUnusedC3
+0xC0 - CUNIT* Unit_Unknown_1
IF Carrier/Reaver - First Hangar Unit
IF Scarab/Interceptor - Parent
IF Building - Addon
IF Worker - Powerup Carried
+0xC4 - WORD wAddonBuildID
+0xC6 - WORD wUpgradeResearchTime
+0xC4 - CUNIT* Unit_Unknown_2
IF Scarab/Interceptor - Next Unit in Parent Hangar
+0xC8 - BYTE bScarabCount/bTechID
+0xC9 - BYTE bInterceptorCount/bUpgradeID
+0xCA - BYTE bLarvaSpawnTimer
+0xCB - BYTE bIsLanding
+0xC8 - CUNIT* Unit_Unknown_2
IF Scarab/Interceptor - Previous in Parent's Hangar
+0xCC - BYTE b_Unknown
-IF Interceptor/Scarab - InHanger?
-IF CreepUnit - timer between creep expansions
-IF Repairing - decrease mineral timer
+0xCD - BYTE bUpgradeLevel
+0xCE - BYTE bIsCarryingSomething?/Going to carry something?/Targeting Resources?
+0xCF - BYTE bResourceAmount
+0xD0 - WORD wResourceContained/wPowerupDropTargetX
+0xD2 - WORD wPowerupDropTargetY
+0xD2 - BYTE bResourceIscript
+0xD3 - BYTE bResourceCount?
+0xD0 - CUNIT ResourceTarget/NydusConnected
+0xD0 - CSPRITE NukeDot
+0xDC - DWORD dwStatus
00000001(0x1) - Is Completed
00000010(0x2) - Is on ground? or is it is unit...
00000100(0x4) - Is in air
00001000(0x8) - Checked for disabled, if it is 00001000, then the unit is disabled(/unpowered?)
00010000(0x10) - Checked for burrowing purposes, if it is 00010000, then the unit is burrowed
00100000(0x20) - Unit is entering a building
01000000(0x40) - unit is entering a transport
10000000(0x80) -
00000001(0x100) - Checked for invisible purposes, if it is 00000001, then the unit requires a detector?
00000010(0x200) - checked for cloak?
00000100(0x400) - deals with doodad states? if set, is disabled
00001000(0x800) - Unit cloaking doesn't need energy decrease
00010000(0x1000) - Unit is in unbreakable code section? Cannot receive orders
00100000(0x2000) - Set by nobrkcodestart
01000000(0x4000) -
10000000(0x8000) - cannot attack if set
00000010(0x20000) - Is a Building?
00000100(0x4000000) - Invincible
00010000(0x10000000) - Speed upgrade
00100000(0x20000000) - cooldown upgrade
+0xE0 - BYTE bResouceType
+0xE1 - BYTE bWireframeRandomizer
+0xE2 - BYTE bSecondaryOrderState
+0xE3 - BYTE bUnknown_E3_Counter_Down
+0xEC - CUNIT* CurrentBuildUnit
+0xF8 - WORD wRallyX
+0xFA - WORD wRallyY
+0xFC - CUNIT* RallyUnit
+0xF8 - CUNIT* PreviousPsiProvider
+0xFC - CUNIT* NextPsiProvider
+0x100 - DWORD dwPath_Unknown
+0x106 - BYTE bUnused_106
+0x107 - BYTE bIsBeingHealed
+0x108 - WORD wX_Contours_1_Unknown
+0x10A - WORD wY_Contours_1_Unknown
+0x10C - WORD wX_Contours_2_Unknown
+0x10E - WORD wY_Contours_2_Unknown
+0x110 - WORD wRemoveTimer
Hallucination, DSwarm, DWeb, Broodling
+0x112 - WORD wDMatrixDamage
+0x114 - BYTE bDMatrixTimer
+0x115 - BYTE bStimTimer
+0x116 - BYTE bEnsnareTimer
+0x117 - BTYE bLockdownTimer
+0x118 - BYTE bIrradiateTimer
+0x119 - BYTE bStatisTimer
+0x11A - BYTE bPlagueTimer
+0x11B - BYTE bIsUnderStorm
Used to tell if a unit is under psi storm
+0x11C - CUNIT* IrradiatedBy
+0x120 - BYTE bIrradiatePlayerID
+0x121 - BYTE bParasiteFlags
Each bit corrisponds to the player who has parasited this unit
+0x122 - BYTE bCycleCounter
Runs updates 2 times per sec(about)
+0x123 - BYTE bIsBlind
+0x124 - BYTE bMaelstromCounter
+0x125 - bUnknown_Unreferenced
+0x126 - BYTE bAcidSporeCount
+0x127 - BYTE bAcidSpore1Time
+0x128 - BYTE bAcidSpore2Time
+0x129 - BYTE bAcidSpore3Time
+0x12A - BYTE bAcidSpore4Time
+0x12B - BYTE bAcidSpore5Time
+0x12C - BYTE bAcidSpore6Time
+0x12D - BYTE bAcidSpore7Time
+0x12E - BYTE bAcidSpore8Time
+0x12F - BYTE bAcidSpore9Time
+0x130 - WORD w3by3OffsetIndex
+0x132 - WORD wUnused_1325a
+0x134 - DWORD dwUnknown_134_CUNIT_AI
+0x138 - WORD wAirStrength(see equation below, 1 if has no air weapon but has a ground)
+0x13A - WORD wGroundStrength(see equation below, 1 if has no ground weapon but has an air)
+0x13C - DWORD dwTableID_Unknown_1
+0x140 - DWORD dwTableID_Unknown_2
+0x144 - DWORD dwTableID_Unknown_3
+0x148 - DWORD dwTableID_Unknown_4
+0x14C - BYTE bRepulse_Unknown_1
+0x14D - BYTE bRepulse_Unknown_2
+0x14E - BYTE bDriftPosX(mapsizex/1.5 max)
+0x14F - BYTE bDriftPosY(mapsizey/1.5 max)
+0x8 - WORD wSpriteID
+0xE - BYTE bFlags_E
0x20 - ?
+0x0 - CWEAPON* Previous
+0x4 - CWEAPON* Next
+0x8 - DWORD dwUnknown
+0xC - CSPRITE* Sprite
+0x58 - WORD wTargetGroundX
+0x5A - WORD wTargetGroundY
+0x5C - CUNIT* TargetUnit
+0x60 - BYTE bWeaponID
+0x63 - BYTE bBounceCount
+0x64 - CUNIT* AttackingUnit
+0x0 - BYTE bPlayerType
1 - Computer
2 - Human
3 - Rescuable
7 - Neutral
10 - Human Defeated(Left)
11 - Computer Defeated(Left)
+0x1 - BYTE bPlayerRace
+0x2 - BYTE bPlayerForce
+0x3 - char[23] szName
+0x1C - dwPlayerNumber(+1)?
+0x20 - dwUnknown
(range/cooldown)*factor*damage amount
/range*factor*damage 8*factor*damage*hpshield\\
|------------------- + ------------------------| ^ .5
\\ cooldown cooldown/
------------- * (range + 8*hpshield)^ .5 * 7.58 toINT
Independant0 - 515b900 - 515b940 - 515b980 - 515b9c
Explosive0 - 515ba450%(128) - 515ba875%(192) - 515bac100%(256) - 515bb0
Concussive0 - 515bb8100%(256) - 515bbc50%(128) - 515bc025%(64) - 515bc4
Normal0 - 515bcc100%(256) - 515bd0100%(256) - 515bd4100%(256) - 515bd8
Ignore Armor0 - 515be0100%(256) - 515be4100%(256) - 515be8100%(256) - 515bec
EMP = Inner Splash controls radius of effect
Units.dat Advanced flags:
- 1 - Building
- 2 - Addon
- 4 - Flyer
- 8 - Worker
- 10 - Subunit
- 20 - Flying Building
- 40 - Hero
- 80 - Regen HP
- 100 - Ani Idle?
- 200 - Cloak
- 400 - 2 in 1
- 800 - Neut Access?Neutral?Single Entity.
- 1000 - Resource Depot
- 2000 - Contain Gas/Resource Container
- 4000 - Robotic
- 8000 - Detector
- 10000 - Organic
- 20000 - Creep
- 40000 - Unused
- 80000 - Req Psi
- 100000 - Burrowable
- 200000 - Spell/Mana
- 400000 - Perm Cloak
- 800000 - NPC/Access?Pickup Item?
- 1000000 - Morph from Unit?/Check SUPPLY CouNT
- 2000000 - Med overlay
- 4000000 - Large overlay
- 8000000 - Auto attk/Battle React
- 10000000 - Attack/Direct attk
- 20000000 - Invincible
- 40000000 - Mech
- 80000000 - Produce units? - Wide radius creep
Rally Point Unit ID's
106 - Command Center
111 - Barracks
113 - Factory
114 - Starport
131 - Hatchery
132 - Lair
133 - Hive
154 - Nexus
155 - Robotics Facility
160 - Gateway
167 - Stargate |