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发表于 2013-9-1 22:29:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




    1 游戏内容
        1.1 战场概述
        1.2 游戏阶段
        1.3 多人游戏
        1.4 游戏录像
    2 游戏情节与种族
        2.1 人族(Terran)
        2.2 虫族(Zerg)
        2.3 神族(Protoss)
    3 游戏开发
        3.1 游戏音乐
        3.2 第三方程序
    4 资料片与其他版本
        4.1 PC资料片
        4.2 任天堂64
    5 销量与评价
    6 游戏文化
        6.1 职业联赛
        6.2 小说
        6.3 桌上游戏
    7 参考文献
    8 外部链接



星际争霸地图Lost Temple全貌,图中的长方形即为资源点。

《星际争霸》中所有的游戏都发生在一片特定的战场上,被称作“地图”。玩家的初始基地出现在地图的特定方位,旁边是一些水晶矿石(Mineral)和一座高能瓦斯矿(Vespene Geyser)。所有的种族都要依靠采集这些资源来进行发展。水晶矿石用于生产基础的部队和建筑,而维斯彭气矿则用来研发更高级的科技和生产更强大的兵种。两种资源都通过一种称作“工兵”(Worker)或“农民”的部队——人族的太空建造车(SCV)、神族的探测器(Probe)、虫族的工虫(Drone)——进行采集。其中水晶矿石可以直接开采,而高能瓦斯则需要在高能瓦斯矿(Vespene Geyser)之上修建一个精炼器方可采集[7]。

建造任何部队和建筑都需要消耗上述两种资源之一或全部。除此之外,三个种族还具有“人口”的限制。每生产一个单位需要消耗一定的人口,而一些特定的建筑单位可以提供人口,这种建筑或单位统称为“房子”,分别对应着人族的补给站(Supply Depot)[10]、神族的水晶塔(Pylon)[11] 以及虫族的“宿主”(Overlord)[12]。尽管玩家可以生产无数个“房子”,但其总人口却有一个上限——200。也就是说:一场游戏中一个种族最多拥有200人口单位的部队。值得注意的是,不同的单位占用的人口数目不同,一般而言,战斗力越强的单位占用的人口越多。






此外,中国大陆的许多游戏对战平台通过特殊的方法使用UDP协议让玩家在互联网上进行游戏[15]。在多人游戏中,除了常规的以摧毁对手所有建筑为目标的对战,还包括了组队对抗(Top vs. Bottom)、夺旗模式(Capture the Flag)等等。玩家还可以通过地图编辑器StarEdit来自己编写任务或者其他有趣的模式,比如类似RPG的游戏,甚至模拟足球比赛[16]。 《星际争霸》同样是少数包含“子版本”(Spawn Version)的游戏。一个产品序列号可以在最多8台电脑上安装子版本。这种子版本无需光盘即可运行,但只能进行多人游戏,不具备进行单人任务和编辑地图的能力[17]。



主条目:人族 (星际争霸)


在第一章节的人族剧情《反抗的号角》(Rebel's Yell)中,玩家作为玛尔萨拉殖民地行政长官与当地民兵警长吉姆·雷诺意图拯救遭到虫族入侵的玛尔·莎拉殖民地,但在消灭虫族的感染时雷诺却以破坏军事设施为由被联邦逮捕。再加之所在的殖民地几近沦陷,玩家加入了阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克的“柯哈之子”反政府组织[21]。雷诺同时被营救出来,并继续与玩家并肩作战。随后,凭借在玛尔·莎拉上窃取的联邦科技,蒙斯克将虫族吸引到了一颗联邦行星上,并消灭了这里的所有联邦军队[22]。在劝降了埃德蒙·杜克将军后,蒙斯克再次使用这一科技,将虫族吸引到了联邦的首都行星塔桑妮上。此举彻底摧毁了联邦。蒙斯克随即成立了新的政府“人族帝国”,并登基为“皇帝”。然而,由于蒙斯克将手下莎拉·凯丽甘遗弃在了塔桑妮,雷诺极为愤怒,率领了一支小型舰队脱离了柯哈之子[23]。

主条目:虫族 (星际争霸)


在第二章节虫族剧情《主宰》(The Overmind)中,玩家扮演虫群中的领导角色“脑虫”,负责照料虫群捕获来的拥有强大的精神力量的莎拉·凯瑞甘。很快,凯瑞甘重生并成为了虫族的一员,释放出了比从前强大许多的心灵力量[25]。与此同时,神族领袖塔萨达发现了只有那些被称为“异教徒”的黑暗圣堂武士才真正有能力杀死虫族的脑虫。因此,他联合了黑暗圣堂武士泽拉图尔刺杀了查尔行星上的一只脑虫。这使得部分虫群陷入了混乱,但很快被其他虫群肃清。然而,此举同样使主宰获知了他寻找了数个世纪的神族母星艾尔行星的准确位置。很快,虫族突破了神族的强大防线成功入侵了艾尔,而至高无上的思想载体“主宰”亦现身在一座萨尔娜迦神庙的遗迹上[26]。

主条目:神族 (星际争霸)

神族是宇宙中的一种高度发达的智能生命种族。他们被认为是宇宙中科技最为领先的种族,掌握了时空传送(Warp Gate)、等离子护罩等技能。在远古时期,他们曾经接受过萨尔娜迦族的改造,因而以艾尔行星为中心产生了完整的种族心灵链接。神族同样分为两个社会,传统的信奉“Khala”(意为The Path of Ascension,升天之路)的神族,和被流放的黑暗圣堂武士。神族的建筑同样依靠心灵链接,因此必须修建在水晶塔(Pylon)的能量范围之内。一旦水晶塔被毁,则建筑无法正常运作。

在神族的剧情,第三章节《堕落》(The Fall)中,玩家作为神族军队执行官与执法官奥达里斯、执政官芬尼斯并肩保卫着遭到入侵的家园艾尔。同时,最高议会也在追捕擅自联合异教徒的塔萨达。然而,玩家和芬尼斯在追捕的过程中,选择了帮助塔萨达[27]。一场神族内战于是爆发。由于不忍看到兄弟互相残杀,塔萨达一度进入了最高议会的监牢,但很快被芬尼斯救出。随后,泽拉图尔再次刺杀了艾尔上的两只脑虫,向最高议会展示了只有黑暗圣堂武士的能量才能击败虫族,双方和解[28]。最终,神族发动了对虫族的决战。在吉姆·雷诺的帮助下,神族突破了虫族的最后防线,摧毁了主宰的外壳。在最后关头,塔萨达在旗舰中聚集了光明与黑暗的双重圣堂力量,毅然撞向了主宰。双方同归于尽[29]。




尽管如此,该款游戏的开发进度仍显缓慢。这使得官方论坛上一群自称“任务迫不及缓”(Operation Can't Wait Any Longer)的星际迷们撰写了一系列科幻小说,意图尝试从加州欧文的暴雪总部拿到游戏的Beta版本,但行动并未成功[34]。尽管如此,出于对这些狂热游戏迷的敬意,暴雪娱乐将这个团体的名字缩写加入了游戏,作为一个能够加速单位生产速度的作弊码“Operation CWAL”[35],并在游戏的开发人员名录中表示了对他们的感谢。最终,《星际争霸》于1998年3月31日正式发行[1],Mac OS版本亦在次年3月发行[2]。1999年,任天堂64版本的《星际争霸64》开始由Mass Media开发,并于2000年6月13日(美国)、2000年6月16日(欧洲)由任天堂发行[3]。

发行时间     2000年
录制时间     Net Vision Entertainment
时间长度     56:49
制作人     见曲目清单

游戏中的音效和背景音乐主要由暴雪娱乐的作曲家完成。其中,德里克·杜克与杰森·哈耶斯完成了游戏中背景音乐的创作,格兰·斯坦福则负责过场影片中的配乐。特雷西·布什提供了更多的音乐支持[37]。游戏音乐普遍得到了很好的评价,如“旋律优美、声音深沉而丰满”(Appropriately melodic and dark)[38] 及“令人难忘”(impressive)[39] 其中一位评论者指出部分游戏音乐受到了由杰瑞·高史密斯配乐的电影《异形》(Alien)的启发[40]。

2000年,暴雪娱乐发布了第一张官方游戏音乐专辑,选取了《星际争霸》和《星际争霸:母巢之战》中的游戏音乐,以及一部分韩国DJ创作的重混曲。这部专辑由Net Vision Entertainment发行[41]。2008年10月,暴雪娱乐在iTunes上又发布了《星际争霸》原声带,包含了所有《星际争霸》、《母巢之战》以及其过场影片中的主题音乐[42]。同年11月,暴雪音乐专辑《战争的回响》发布,包含了数首管弦乐版本的《星际争霸》主题音乐。
显示▼《星际争霸》游戏音乐专辑1 曲目列表
显示▼《星际争霸》原声带 曲目列表





    人工智能脚本:一系列人工智能指令集,用来制作出更加强大的计算机对手,并可以更精细地操作单位。代表如使用官方AI脚本BWAI[47]、以及Google Code平台上使用Visual C++和LUA语言开发的BWAPI[48]。






2000年,由暴雪娱乐和Mass Media合作开发的《星际争霸64》在任天堂64平台上发行。该版本不仅包含了《星际争霸》和《星际争霸:母巢之战》的所有任务关卡,另增加了两个教学关,和一个新的隐藏任务“Resurrection IV”(复活IV)[54]。《复活IV》发生在《母巢之战》剧情之后,讲述了吉姆·雷诺等人在布拉西斯行星上营救被感染的斯图科夫——前地球远征军副总司令的故事。其中,《母巢之战》的任务必须使用任天堂64 4MB扩充卡才能运行[55]。《星际争霸64》重新设计了操作界面,还提供了两个玩家控制一个种族的模式[56]。《星际争霸64》不具备多人游戏的能力,没有任务中的语音对话,过场影片也被缩短,因此受欢迎程度远不及原作[54]。起初暴雪计划在PlayStation平台上开发这一版本,但最后选择了任天堂64[57]。
媒体     得分
GameRankings     93%[58] (PC & Mac)
77%[59] (Nintendo 64)
Metacritic     88%[60] (PC & Mac)
80%[61] (Nintendo 64)
MobyGames     92%[62] (PC & Mac)
80%[63] (Nintendo 64)
媒体     得分
Allgame     4.5/5stars[64] (PC & Mac)
《GamePro》     4.5/5[40] (PC & Mac)
4.5/5[39] (Nintendo 64)
游戏革命     B[65] (PC & Mac)
GameSpot     9.1/10[38] (PC & Mac)
8.4/10[54] (Nintendo 64)
IGN     9.5/10[6] (PC & Mac)
7.7/10[66] (Nintendo 64)
《PC Gamer UK》     92%[60] (PC & Mac)
《PC Zone》     8.8/10[67] (PC & Mac)
有史以来最佳游戏 - GameSpot[68]
年度最佳游戏 - AIAS[69]
年度最佳游戏 - Computer Gaming World[69]
年度最佳游戏 - PC PowerPlay[69]
年度最佳即时战略游戏 - PC Gamer[69]
年度最佳战略游戏 - Games Domain[69]



尽管在当时倍受好评,《星际争霸》的绘图和音效并不能与后期的游戏相提并论[6]。而游戏中的人工智能寻径系统也遭到了批评。PC Zone批评开发者无法开发出一个有效率的寻径系统,称这是“在即时战略游戏中最容易激怒玩家的部分”[67]。有些评论家也批评了游戏允许玩家快攻(rush)的设计[65],因此暴雪在此后的游戏补丁中两次调整了平衡性,限制了快攻战术的使用。





《星际争霸》的故事情节被改编成为了数部小说。第一部《起义》(Uprising)由暴雪员工米琪·奈尔森所作,出版于2000年12月,作为了《星际争霸》剧情的前传[83]。另外两部——杰夫·格鲁伯所作的《利伯蒂的远征》(Liberty's Crusade)[84] 和艾伦·罗森堡的《刀锋女王》(Queen of Blades)[85]——则通过了不同的视角讲述了游戏内容。在2007年的BlizzCon上,《星际争霸》剧情的原作者克里斯·梅森希望能将《星际争霸》和《母巢之战》的全部剧情改编为小说。此后的小说,如加百列·麦斯塔创作的《萨尔娜迦之影》(Shadow of Xel'Naga)[86] 和《黑暗圣堂传奇》(The Dark Templar Saga)[87] 则扩充了剧情主线,并建立了《星际争霸II》的故事设定。

以《星际争霸》中的人物角色和兵种形象为原型,ToyCom公司生产了许多的仿真玩具人和可收藏的雕像[88]科学塑料模型公司同样按照1:30的比例尺生产了许多模型玩具,包括人族的机枪兵[89] 和虫族的刺蛇[90]。此外,暴雪娱乐还与幻想飞行游戏合作了一款星际争霸桌上游戏,包含了更加丰富的《星际争霸》角色塑像[91];并授权威世智公司出品了一个基于Alternity的RPG游戏《星际争霸:探险》[92]。

    ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 (英文)StarCraft's 10-Year Anniversary: A Retrospective. 暴雪娱乐. [2009-7-4].
    ^ 2.0 2.1 (英文)StarCraft for MAC. GameSpot. [2008-04-18].
    ^ 3.0 3.1 (英文)StarCraft 64. IGN. [2008-04-19].
    ^ 4.0 4.1 (英文)Kris Graft. Blizzard Confirms One "Frontline Release" for '09. Edge. 2009-02-11 [2009-05-12].
    ^ 永恒的经典——星际争霸( [2009-6-30].
    ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 (英文)Chick, Tom. StarCraft. IGN. 2000年6月2日 [2006-08-19].
    ^ 7.0 7.1 (英文)General Strategy: Resources. 战网. 暴雪娱乐. [2008-04-18].
    ^ 星际情感:伟大的星际争霸. 天极网. [2009-7-3].
    ^ 论星际为什么比魔兽“平衡”. 天极网. [2009-7-3].
    ^ 10.0 10.1 人族(Terran)概述——星际争霸. 新浪游戏. [2009-7-3].
    ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 神族(Protoss)概述——星际争霸. 新浪游戏. [2009-7-3].
    ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 虫族(Zerg)概述——星际争霸. 新浪游戏. [2009-7-3].
    ^ 《星际争霸》快攻与反快攻. 游戏评测网. [2009-7-15].
    ^ 星际十大超长持久战. THE星际网. [2009-7-15].
    ^ VS竞技游戏平台使用指南. THE星际网. [2009-7-12].
    ^ CSGA 中国星际RPG联盟社区. [2009-7-12].
    ^ (英文)Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris; Vaughn, Jeffrey. Multiplayer Games: Spawned Games//StarCraft (manual). Blizzard Entertainment. 1998. 11.
    ^ (英文)Starcraft Patch v1.08. 2001-5-18 [2009-7-13].
    ^ Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris; Vaughn, Jeffrey. Terran: History//《星际争霸》游戏手册. 暴雪娱乐. 1998: 26–28.
    ^ Underwood, Peter; Roper, Bill; Metzen, Chris; Vaughn, Jeffrey. Terran: History//《星际争霸》游戏手册. 暴雪娱乐. 1998: 30–33.
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第一章第3关:Desperate Alliance
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第一章第7关:The Trump Card
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第一章第10关:The Hammer Falls
    ^ [L.X]_ming. 人族战术概括//灵犀星际蓝皮书. [L.X]_ming. 2009.
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第二章第4关:The Agent of Swarm
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第二章第10关:The Full Circle
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第三章第5关:Choosing Sides
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第三章第9关:Shadow Hunters
    ^ 暴雪娱乐, 星际争霸. PC: ,关卡-第三章第10关:Eye of the Storm
    ^ (英文)Early Alpha. The Evolution of StarCraft. StarCraft Legacy. [2008-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-17).
    ^ (英文)Keighley, Geoff. Eye Of The Storm: Behind Closed Doors At Blizzard. GameSpot. [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)Dulin, Ron. StarCraft Preview. GameSpot. 1996-05-01 [2008-04-18].
    ^ (英文)Giovetti, Al. Interview with Bill Roper. The Computer 1997年1月1日 [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)The Official CWAL FAQ. Operation CWAL. 2004年2月20日 [2006-08-21].
    ^ (英文)Kasavin, Greg. StarCraft Strategy Guide: Cheat Codes - The Spoils of War. GameSpot. [2008-04-16].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: Patches. Strategy Informer. [2009-8-9].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft. Soundtrack Collector. [2008-04-22].
    ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 (英文)Dulin, Ron. StarCraft for PC Review. GameSpot. 15 April 1998 [2008-01-09].
    ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 (英文)Review: StarCraft for N64. GamePro. 24 November 2000 [2008-01-10].
    ^ 40.0 40.1 40.2 (英文)Olafson, Peter. Review: StarCraft for PC. GamePro. 24 November 2000 [2008-01-09].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: Game Music Vol. 1. Game OST. [2008-04-22].
    ^ (英文)Blizzard Entertainment Soundtracks Now On iTunes. Blizzard Entertainment. 2008-09-04 [2008-09-30].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft tools and utilities. TeamLiquid. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)ScmDraft. Stormcoast Fortress. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)BWChart Replay Analyser. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)Chaos Launcher. MasterOfChaos StarCraftSite. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)BWAI - Dedicated to Single Player Modding since 2004. [2009-7-15].
    ^ (英文)BWAPI. Google Code. [2009-7-15].
    ^ (英文)Precursor Campaign Map Archives - SCC. 暴雪娱乐. [2009-7-13].
    ^ (英文)Games - StarCraft: Enslavers. ebay. [2009-7-13].
    ^ (英文)Kasavin, Greg. Insurrection: Campaigns for StarCraft for PC review. GameSpot. 26 August 1998 [2007-11-29].
    ^ (英文)PC Game Reviews: StarCraft: Retribution. GameGenie. [2007-11-29].
    ^ (英文)WCG 2009 Official Games. 世界电子竞技大赛官方网站. [2009-7-12].
    ^ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 (英文)Fielder, Joe. StarCraft 64 for Nintendo 64 Review. GameSpot. 12 June 2000 [2008-01-10].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft Needs Some Expansion. IGN. 1999-11-16 [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft 64 Preview. IGN. 2000-06-08 [2008-10-06].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft on PlayStation?. IGN. 1998-04-06 [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft Reviews. Game Rankings. [2008-01-09].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft 64 Reviews. Game Rankings. [2008-01-12].
    ^ 60.0 60.1 (英文)StarCraft: PC 1998 Reviews. MetaCritic. [2008-01-09].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft N64 2000 Reviews. MetaCritic. [2008-01-10].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft for Windows. MobyGames. [2008-01-09].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft for Nintendo 64. MobyGames. [2008-04-18].
    ^ (英文)House, Michael L. StarCraft: Review. Allgame. [2008-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-13).
    ^ 65.0 65.1 (英文)StarCraft Review. Game Revolution. 1998.4 [2008-01-09].
    ^ 66.0 66.1 (英文)Boulding, Aaron. StarCraft 64 Review. 9 June 2000 [2008-01-10].
    ^ 67.0 67.1 (英文)StarCraft review. PC Zone. 13 August 2001 [2008-01-09].
    ^ 68.0 68.1 (英文)The Greatest Games of All Time. GameSpot. 1998 [2008-09-01].
    ^ 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 69.5 (英文)Developer Awards. Blizzard Entertainment. 2006-01-01 [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft Named #1 Seller in 1998. IGN. 1999-01-20 [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)Blizzard's Remains Largest Online Game Service in the World; Dominates Online Gaming Industry With 2.1 Million Active Users; Korea Becomes World's No. 1 Market. Business Wire. 1999-02-04 [2008-07-20].
    ^ (英文)Schiesel, Seth. To the Glee of South Korean Fans, a Game's Sequel Is Announced. New York Times. 2007-05-21 [2008-01-09].
    ^ (英文)Cheung, James. The Best Voice Acting in Games: StarCraft. GameSpot. [2008-09-15].
    ^ (英文)IGN's Top 100 Games. IGN. 2003-01-01 [2006-08-18].
    ^ (英文)Top 100 Games. Edge. 2007-07-02 [2008-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2008-02-02).
    ^ (英文)Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. Hit Entertainment. 2008. ISBN 9781904994206.
    ^ (英文)StarCraft In Space. Blizzard Entertainment. [2008-04-23].
    ^ (英文)Cavalli, Earnest. U.C. Berkeley Now Offers StarCraft Class. Wired News. 2009-01-29 [2009-03-25].
    ^ (英文)Olsen, Kelly. South Korean gamers get a sneak peek at 'StarCraft II'. USA Today. 2007-05-21 [2008-01-09].
    ^ (英文)Evers, Marco. The boys with the flying fingers: South Korea Turns PC Gaming into a Spectator Sport. Der Spiegel. 2006-02-06 [2006-08-19].
    ^ Cho, Kevin. Samsung, SK Telecom, Shinhan Sponsor South Korean Alien Killers. 2006-01-15 [2006-08-18].
    ^ (英文)Rossignol, Jim. Sex, Fame and PC Baangs: How the Orient plays host to PC gaming’s strangest culture. PC Gamer. 2005-04-01 [2006-08-20].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: Uprising (eBook). Simon & Schuster. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade (Mass Market Paperback). Simon & Schuster. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: Queen of Blades (Mass Market Paperback). Simon & Schuster. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga (Mass Market Paperback). Simon & Schuster. [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga trilogy interview with Christie Golden. Blizzplanet. 2 April 2007 [2009-7-18].
    ^ (英文)"Blizzard tackles toys". IGN. 1998.September [2007-07-08].
    ^ (英文)1/30 scale Terran marine model by Academy. Hobby Outlet. [2007-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2005-12-13).
    ^ (英文)1/30 scale Zerg hydralisk model by Academy. Hobby Outlet. [2007-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2005-12-31).
    ^ (英文)Wilson, Kevin. Playtest in Minneapolis at the Source on 6/16/06. Boardgame Geek. 2006-06-13 [2006-08-19].
    ^ (英文)Starcraft Adventures in the Works. GameSpot. 1999-4-1 [2009-7-21].


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-1 22:29:09 | 只看该作者
StarCraft (SC) is a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game introduced by Blizzard Entertainment in 1998. It is similar to Blizzard's previous hit Warcraft II, except that it has a space opera setting as opposed to a high fantasy setting. StarCraft was the best selling computer and video game of 1998.[1] An estiamted 9.5 million copies were sold (4.5 million copies in South Korea) by 2004.[2] In 2009, the Guiness Book of World Records recognized StarCraft as the best-selling RTS game at 9.5 million copies sold.[3] StarCraft is praised for being a benchmark of RTS for its depth, intensity, and balanced races.

The main storyline of the game revolves around a war between three galactic species: the protoss (a race of humanoid religious warriors), the zerg (vile insect-like aliens who share a hive mind) and the terrans (initially, descendants of human prisoners from Earth). The storyline was initially introduced by the manual.

It was initially released for Windows, and later for Macintosh and Nintendo 64.

The sequel, StarCraft II, was announced on May 19th, 2007 and the first chapter StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty was released on July 27th, 2010.

    1 Overview
    2 Game Play
    3 Storyline
    4 Cast
    5 StarCraft 64
    6 StarCraft culture
        6.1 Popularity
        6.2 Professional Competition
        6.3 Replays, RWAs, VODs and Battle Reports
        6.4 StarCraft Campaign Editor and Custom Scenarios
    7 Development
        7.1 Conception
        7.2 Storyline
        7.3 Gameplay
    8 Awards
    9 References
    10 External links


StarCraft was the best selling computer game in 1998[4] and won the Origins Award for Best Strategy Computer Game of 1998.[5] In November of the same year, Blizzard released an expansion pack called StarCraft: Brood War.

StarCraft makes significant improvements over Warcraft II. WC II, while advanced for its time, featured what many gamers believed to be a weakness in that, apart from a few minor (but significant for balance, especially at higher skill levels) differences in available spells and the cost of upgrades, the game's two races were exactly the same mechanically, with only graphical differences. StarCraft improved upon this by adopting the technique introduced by Strategic Simulations' game War Wind of having sides with obvious asymmetries. The asymmetry was inspired, in part, by Magic: The Gathering.[6] Though the game's three races (Protoss, Terrans, and Zerg) were slightly imbalanced when the game was first released, the expansion pack and fifteen patches (of which four significantly affected the game play mechanics) have balanced the three races.

The StarCraft: Brood War expansion provides several new units for each race (which dramatically modified the game play) and a new campaign for each race, continuing the story begun in StarCraft (see StarCraft storyline). Most people who still play use this expansion and agree that it changed the game significantly for the better, although some still prefer the original game.

The game also includes multiplayer gaming on Blizzard's own Internet gaming service One can play against opponents free of any charge beyond the original purchase of the game and local Internet access fees. Many fans enjoy playing in groups against the computer in skirmish games. While the AI is considered to be weak compared to a good player, decent early game performance can make it an enjoyable opponent for more casual players. Fans are also able to create unfair maps that are advantageous to the computer and can be extremely hard to beat. A few years after the release of the game, Blizzard also released several free maps of a higher difficulty. Over time, the patches have also improved the AI.

StarCraft has achieved a cult-like status in the computer gaming world. Due to the complexity and depth of the strategic possibilities, StarCraft, especially in its online multiplayer form, remains very popular, even years after its original release. The game's popularity in South Korea has been unexpectedly high, with nationally recognized tournaments, and intense training groups sprouting up across the country.[7] There are even a couple of cable-access channels that often televise tournaments live with the top players competing against each other, cheered on by enthusiastic spectators and fans. The top StarCraft players enjoy mild celebrity status.

Blizzard was working on a third person shooter, StarCraft: Ghost, which has been "indefinitely postponed".[8]

Fans impatiently awaited the release of StarCraft II, which was announced on May 19th, 2007 at the World Wide Invitational in Seoul, South Korea and released on July 27, 2010.
Game Play

    Main article: Gameplay of StarCraft (includes information on famous players and a more detailed description of the game)

StarCraft improved upon its predecessor Warcraft II, which featured two very similar playable factions, by introducing asymmetry between the units and technologies available to its three races (Protoss, Terran, and Zerg). This asymmetry was similar to that pioneered in the lesser-known 1996 SSI release War Wind. The unit types available to each race define its racial identity. The Protoss can field powerful and expensive warriors and machinery, while the Zerg count on sheer numbers and speed to overwhelm their opponents. The Terrans are the versatile and flexible alternative to both races, with an emphasis on specialization and combined arms. In many ways, the Terran can be considered the "in-between" race in that they tend to benefit from more moderate conditions, whereas the other two races tend to prefer one extreme or the other. This can make it difficult to create maps that are fair for all races.

    Main article: StarCraft storyline

The plot of the original StarCraft game revolves around the arrival of the zerg in the Koprulu Sector and their later invasion of the protoss home world Aiur. After they have destroyed the Confederate colony on Chau Sara, the zerg are used by the rebel organization Sons of Korhal, which lures them to a number Confederate worlds using psi-emitters to further their own goals. After the Confederacy's fall, the Sons of Korhal's leader, Arcturus Mengsk, establishes the Terran Dominion, crowning himself emperor. The Zerg Swarm is, however, closely followed by a protoss fleet which burns down all worlds the zerg infest. The leader of the Protoss task force, High Templar Tassadar, later discovers that he can disrupt the Zerg Overmind's control over the Swarm by eliminating his cerebrate servants with the help of the Dark Templar. The involvement of the fallen Dark Templar will prove to be fateful; indeed, while slaying the Cerebrate Zasz, the Dark Templar Zeratul briefly comes in psychic contact with the zerg Overmind, who is then informed of Aiur's location and directs his Swarm towards the protoss world. The protoss high authority, the Conclave, is defeated by the Swarm, along with a large proportion of all protoss. In a desperate attempt to put an end to the zerg's destruction, Tassadar, Zeratul, and the remaining protoss unite their strengths with human Jim Raynor and attack the Overmind itself. They succeed in destroying it because Tassadar sacrifices himself to destroy it using Dark Templar energy.

    Sarah Kerrigan voiced by Glynnis Talken.
    Jim Raynor voiced by Robert Clotworthy.
    Aldaris voiced by Paul Eiding.
    Zeratul voiced by Jack Ritschel

StarCraft 64
StarCraft64 SC1 Cover1StarCraft 64 cover art
MecoAdded by Meco

    Main article: StarCraft 64

StarCraft 64 is a "port" of the game of StarCraft to the Nintendo 64, released a year and a half after StarCraft: Brood War.
StarCraft culture

Even as of 2005, StarCraft is still one of the most popular online games in the world. The game itself has its own culture, similar to Slashdot's and Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) communities.

Also of note is the infamous Operation CWAL (Can't Wait Any Longer). Operation CWAL formed in 1997, as a writers group, in the StarCraft Suggestions Forum in an attempt to "liberate" a final copy of StarCraft, which appeared obviously completed despite numerous delays on the part of Blizzard Entertainment. Blizzard Entertainment has gone as far as to give special thanks to this group in the manual for StarCraft, as well as including their name as a cheat code in the game (typing "operation cwal" during a single player game will dramatically decrease the time required to build units). While not very active today, Operation CWAL remains as one of Blizzard Entertainment's older and more loyal fan groups.

In the early 2000s, the game became extremely popular among South Korean online gamers, to the point of being exaggeratedly referred to as the national sport of South Korea by avid gamers, and the majority of StarCraft players now come from that country. The origin of this unusually high level of popularity is likely a combination of StarCraft's suitability for competitive multiplayer and the fact that it was released during the beginning of the boom in popularity of "PC baangs" in Seoul, resulting in a perfect opportunity for the game to catch on.
Professional Competition

    Main article: StarCraft professional competition

In South Korea, StarCraft professional gamers, known by their pseudonyms such as Lim_Yo-Hwan aka SlayerS_`BoxeR`, Iloveoov, [Oops]Reach, [ReD]NaDa, [NC]...YellOw, and Nal_rA are celebrities: their games are broadcast over the television channels MBC Game and Ongamenet. A selected few have made substantial monetary gains through this. For example, one highly successful player, "[Red]Nada", signed a 3 year, $500,000 contract in 2004. Another example is "SlayerS_`BoxeR" who can, if all goes well, make $780,000 in the next 3 years, making him the highest paid StarCraft player ever. Some players can earn a decent to good living from TV-contracts and sponsoring and tournament prizes. However, the lower-echelon pro players tend to subsist on relatively small wages. Many pro gamers playing StarCraft use every minute of their spare time to play, in order to maintain preparation for the highly competitive leagues. Superior StarCraft and Warcraft III players are often referred to as "gosu". Less than average skilled players are often called hasu. Professional gaming in South Korea is an example of how e-sports can attain a social status similar to physical sports.
Replays, RWAs, VODs and Battle Reports

StarCraft enables the player to record a game and save it as a replay, which can then be viewed with any other copy of StarCraft, displaying the entire course of the game. As of 2005, there are many websites that host replays of players with different skill levels, though pro-level replays are relatively rarely released, for reasons of team secrecy and pro-league policy.

The RWAtools are a set of freeware tools, that create valid replay files, additionally containing an Ogg audio stream. They allow gamers to comment their own games while they play them and comment replays of other players. During replay the commentary is kept in sync with the game. This can be particularly interesting for people new to the game, who can learn from more experienced players pointing out things about a replay they would not have seen on their own, or simply for entertainment.

BWChart is a program used to analyze a player's actions in order to teach the viewer how a given player plays.

Lasgo's Observer Pack contains, beside other things, a tool that allows you to see the results of the recorded player's actions as if you played yourself (except the mouse pointer and the selection boxes).

VODs (from "Video On Demand") are videos that show the screen of a commentator (or sometimes player) during a (usually) pro-level game. They are (legally or not) available from a variety of websites, and are ripped from Korean television or Internet streams. They usually come in the ASF video file format for Windows Media Player, which plays them with seeking disabled, or in the Windows Media Video format. Because they are compressed with an MPEG-4 codec and the file size needs to be small, there is a significant quality loss in comparison to watching a replay. VODs are usually accompanied by enthusiastic announcing from the Korean commentators, and the occasional crowd shot.
StarCraft Campaign Editor and Custom Scenarios

    Main article: StarEdit

The game comes with a campaign/map editor (practically a "Game Creation System" in itself) called StarEdit. StarEdit has many features, including a trigger system that allows one to make radical changes to the way that map works, readily giving gamers the ability to create custom map scenarios (also called MOD's). Hundreds of custom scenarios are created everyday, giving the game a refreshing variety. The StarCraft map-making community has also constructed additional editors or functionalities that grant the user even more power to modify the game.

Scenarios are created with entirely different sets of rules, objectives, and units. More popular user created scenarios include Evolves, Golem Madness, Turret Defense, Sunken Defense, Nightmare RPG, and the ubiquitous Tower Defense.

There is another type of map circulating in the online communities: StarCraft Diplomacy. There have been multiple versions of this game produced. The version was inspired by the board game Diplomacy.

Maps set in the story lines of popular television shows are also widely used. Android Menace is a particularly developed example, taking place in a large portion of the Dragon Ball Z story line. Maps with infinite minerals are also very popular, examples including "Fastest Map Ever" and "0Clutter." Many real-world events, including the Napoleonic Wars, World War I, World War II and the American Civil War, have also been used as a base for StarCraft maps. There have been recent StarCraft maps depicting single or multiple scenes from books and movies, such as Troy and The Lord of the Rings. These maps include The Battle for Pelennor Fields and The Battle for Helm's Deep. In addition, a large amount of StarCraft players are also engaged in large, multi-player "Lord of the Rings"-type based maps, with each player controlling and developing a whole nation, complete with heroes and units. Instead of the building their forces from the ground up, players are given control of pre-built cities and armies. Units are periodically created at a special point, called the "spawn point". The purpose of these maps is usually to destroy a certain building that, when destroyed, disables an enemy's ability to spawn units. These maps range from the traditional Lord of the Rings v. Last Alliance (LA) to newer maps such as The Rings of Power (TRoP) and After Lord of the Rings (After-LotR). Older maps include Lord of the Rings version GOLD, which many accept as the origination of the "castle building" idea, and Middle Earth version Pre Lord of the Rings, which introduced the concept of hero units that were dauntingly stronger than the units in a standard army, shifting the focus of the game from large-scale battles to single unit strategy. This includes the strategy of operations, or "opping", which involves using one hero unit to achieve a goal, such as the destruction of an opponents spawn(s) or heroes

The popularity of custom maps is not limited, however, to only online gaming. Because StarEdit allows the mapmaker to "link together" several maps, single player "campaigns" (which are long scenarios played out over several maps, hence the name "campaign") have become prominent in the community. Popularized by the revolutionary Antioch Chronicles, many campaigns even come with "MODs" that feature new "heroes" (i.e. the mapmakers create new art files to be imported in to StarCraft, thus creating completely new units and characters - something StarEdit alone could never do). Popular player-made campaigns include Campaign Creations' Legacy of the Confederation, Life of a Marine, The Antioch Chronicles, and's official campaigns: The Shifters and Fields of Ash.

In addition, some other map editors exist. These include the "StarCraft X-tra Editor," and have other features not in StarEdit. One of the possibilities included in some editors include "stacking" buildings and minerals, placing many one on top of the other. The ability to change player colors has been left to some of the more advanced editors, including "SCMDraft" and "StarForge," which were introduced after editors such as "GUEdit" and SCMToolkit" were becoming obsolete after barriers were broken and newer limits set. Most serious map creators now prefer "SCMDraft2," "StarForge," "PROEdit," and "uBeR@TiOn," because they give the user in-depth capabilities, such as the ability to use hidden AI scripts, protect maps from common theft, running sizeless sounds directly from the StarCraft disc, changing the color of text, compressing their map, and in more advanced areas, place raw sprites, sprite-units, extended players, disabled units, etcetera. Most of these editors (excluding "StarCraft X-tra Editor") are designed from scratch, eliminating most of the limits of the original StarEdit, the "StarCraft Campaign Editor." Many of these 3rd party programs have revolutionized StarCraft map making and new discoveries as to what different sprites or unit numbers do to the game, or as the most effective way to cloak certain units are discovered virtually every day. Many websites including, Staredit Network, and StarCraft Index have been built around the capabilities of these impressive StarEdits.

The concept for StarCraft emerged after the completion of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. While it was expected that Warcraft III would be the next logical step, Blizzard's art team wanted to work on something different. Designers still wanted to make another RTS, but it was decided that this time, it would be in a sci-fi setting.[9] Numerous ideas were thrown around,[10] including the possibility of working with LucasArts to make a Star Wars-themed RTS.[9] Over time though, it was developed into its own setting.[10]
Goliath ShatteredNations Art1Walkers from Shattered Nations that would form the basis of goliaths
HawkiAdded by Hawki

Prior to/during the development of StarCraft, Blizzard was working on at least two other sci-fi strategy games. One of these was Shattered Nations, a post-apocalyptic game where factions had to scavenge technology. The game was canceled in favor of StarCraft, but there is evidence that some aspects of Shattered Nations made it into its successor—the goliath design for instance bears great resemblance to a mech that was in Shattered Nations, and was relabeled as such by gaming magazine PC Champ.[11] Unlike StarCraft, Shattered Nations was a turn-based isometric game.[12]

Another sci-fi RTS Blizzard worked on was Pax Imperia II, a sequel to Pax Imperia. In 1997, Blizzard sold the rights to THQ, and the proposed sequel was released as Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain.[13]

It was originally anticipated that the game would be shipped in 1997, but it was delayed until 1998.[10]
SpaceVampire Bloodlines Cncpt1The old "space vampire" concept
HawkiAdded by Hawki

The initial storyline of StarCraft was in a sense, a science fiction spin-off of its counterpart franchise, Warcraft. More of an action shooter, it featured clans of 'space vampires' in a sci-fi setting. As design on StarCraft shifted towards an RTS game, it was decided to simplify things into recognizable traits; spidery aliens and psychic brain aliens would be easily recognizable to an audience.[14] Orcs were present during development, with the idea of copying the set-up of the first Warcraft game, Orcs and Humans. This idea was later abandoned.[10]

The terrans, protoss, and zerg made it to the final product, but they differed from early conceptions. In early concepts for the game (which originally took place in the 28th century), the terrans had ruled the stars for 600 years, but now possessed just a fragment of their early territory. The zerg (or "zurg" as they were originally known) were a bio-mechanical race rather than a purely organic one.[15] The protoss were openly hostile to the terrans and in the game's original backstory, carried out a massacre of terrans on one of the planets of Tau Ceti.[16]

Initially, the storyline was broad, the key events such as the fall of the Terran Confederacy and the invasion of Aiur not being implemented until work began on the single player campaign.[14] Cinematics were created before the fleshing out of the story, designed so that they could easily fit in—the intro cinematic is an example of this, designed to sell terrans as "rednecks."[10]

Certain elements of the canceled Blizzard game Bloodlines were ported into StarCraft,[17] though others (such as its space vampire concept) were cut.[14]

    Main articles: StarCraft alpha and StarCraft beta

During the development process, there were great efforts to steer the game away from being simply "Warcraft in Space," and eventually the entire game engine had to be rewritten to allow the developers to achieve the desired result. Unlike Warcraft, where both the Alliance and Horde played identically bar spells, it was intended that StarCraft possess a rock/paper/scissors style of balance, partially inspired by Magic: The Gathering.[9]
Wog-StarCraftStarCraft on the Walk of Game.
HawkiAdded by Hawki

StarCraft has been nominated for GameFAQ's 10 best games ever, and Sony's Walk of Game.

Guinness World Records awarded StarCraft the records for "best selling strategy game for PC"[18] and "longest-serving eSports game" on 1 November 2010.[19]

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at StarCraft

The list of authors can be seen in the page history of StarCraft.

Wikipedia content was licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License prior to June 15, 2009 is. Wikipedia content from June 15, 2009, and StarCraft Wiki content, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported).

    ↑ IGN staff. 2000-01-20. StarCraft Named #1 Seller in 1998. IGN. Accessed 2007-09-01.
    ↑ Olsen, Kelly (2007-05-21). South Korean gamers get a sneak peek at 'StarCraft II'. USA Today. Retrieved on 2008-01-09
    ↑ IGN staff. 2009-06-05. E3 2009: Guinness World Records Announces Awards at E3. IGN. Accessed 2009-06-07.
    ↑ StarCraft Named #1 Seller in 1998. IGN (1999-01-20). Retrieved on 2006-08-19.
    ↑ The Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design. Game Manufacterers Association (1998-01-01). Retrieved on 2007-08-01.
    ↑ Jeff Grubb, Gabriel Mesta, Tracy Hickman and Micky Neilson (November 13, 2007). StarCraft Archive. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 1-4165-4929-3.
    ↑ Cho, Kevin (2006-01-15). Samsung, SK Telecom, Shinhan Sponsor South Korean Alien Killers. Retrieved on 2006-08-18.
    ↑ Gamespy Staff. 2006-03-24. Blizzard Postpones StarCraft: Ghost Indefinitely, GameSpy. (retrieved February 21, 2007)
    ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Jeff Grubb, Gabriel Mesta, Tracy Hickman and Micky Neilson (November 13, 2007). The StarCraft Archive. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 978-1416-54929-1.
    ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Blizzard Retrospective, Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed on 2011-07-20
    ↑ 2010-04-28, Shattered Nations (PC - Cancelled). BetaRush, accessed on 2013-05-29
    ↑ Blizzard Entertainment Inc., Moby Games. Accessed on 2013-05-28
    ↑ JudgeHype, Pax Imperia II. Accessed on 2013-05-28
    ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 2008-02-27. BlizzCast: Taking you deeper into the World of Blizzard: Episode 2. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2008-02-27.
    ↑ 2007-06-24, Starcraft Teaser (1995). YouTube, accessed on 2013-02-06
    ↑ Beta. Accessed on 2008-01-26
    ↑ 2013-01-14, The Art of Blizzard: Chris Metzen Discusses Blizzard's Past and Future Games. Complex Gaming, accessed on 2013-05-29
    ↑ Best selling strategy game for PC. Guinness World Records. Accessed 2012-07-23.
    ↑ Longest-serving eSports game. Guinness World Records. Accessed 2012-07-23.

    Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
    Metzen, Chris and Samuel Moore. “StarCraft: Revelations.” Amazing Stories no. 596 (Spring 1999): 20-27.
    Neilson, Micky. “StarCraft: Hybrid.” Amazing Stories no. 601 (Spring 2000): 70-75.

External links

    StarCraft homepage at Blizzard Entertainment StarCraft Compendium
    StarCraft Forums
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