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发表于 2013-9-1 22:43:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Terran联邦(Terran Confederacy),也就是人类联邦(Confederacy of Man),是游戏星际争霸中的一个政府由Koprulu星系的人类建立的星级联邦。联邦的首都是Tarsonis。









    ▪ Alpha中队
    ▪ Delta中队
    ▪ Epsilon中队
    ▪ Gamma中队
    ▪ Nova中队
    ▪ Omega中队



之后联邦和Moria的紧张关系不断升级。Moria一直认为联邦觊觎自己大量的矿藏。Moria的人们组成了Kel-Moria联军(Kel-Morian Combine)以自保。最后终于爆发了战争,持续了4年。后来这场以Kel-Moria联军被击败而告终的战争被叫做“工会战争”。联邦吞并了联军的附属工会,虽然Moria依然是独立的,但是要向联邦上缴大量资源。
战争结束后,Umoja也成立了自己的军事组织——Umoja保护国(Umojan Protectorate),也是为了抵抗联邦。
同时,联邦勘探者发现了很多的新殖民地,并且开始以权谋私,导致很多殖民地叛乱不断,比如“殖民解放军(Colonial Liberation Army)”就揭竿而起,但由于实力远逊联邦最终被剿灭。等到发生Korhal事件的时候,联邦已经控制了七个繁荣的殖民星球。

Korhal IV,Terran联邦殖民地之一,是一个十分富裕的星球。然而这里的人民并不愿意加入腐败的Terran联邦。
最终Korhal星发动了武装反抗。联邦增强了当地的治安,但并没能阻止叛乱。Korhal的参议员Angus Mengsk是起义的领导者。联邦最终从Korhal撤出了军事力量,然后派遣了三个幽灵特工暗杀了Angus Mengsk,他的妻子,以及他最小的孩子。Angus Mengsk的头颅不翼而飞。这大大地削弱了反叛。
Angus的儿子Arcturus Mengks是联邦的前勘探家,他对父亲叛变的举动感到很尴尬,而当得知父亲的死讯的时候,他扛起了反叛的大旗。当他拜访Umoja的时候,Terran联邦发射了一千颗天启级核弹,摧毁了Korhal星表面的所有生命。

Arcturus Mengsk把他叛军的残余人员命名为“Korhal之子”,开始与联邦作对。
在他的进攻中,在Vyctor 5行星上他发现了Sarah Kerrigan和异型,这里在进行幽灵特工的实验。这时候这些异型还没有被引起重视。
联邦的异型实验依然在继续,经常失控导致很严重的后果。其中一个试验地区就是Chau Sara,这是一个很重要的殖民地,是Alpha中队的总部。当Korhal之子入侵了这个星球的时候,Alpha中队又被调遣了回来,对当地的军事组织形成了很大的威胁。Alpha中队击败了Korhal之子,但是遭遇了很多异型,还有地狱犬行动小队(Cerberus Recon Squad)。
这些生物是很尖端的试验体,原本是实验室的Flannum科学站(Flannum Installation)已经被这种怪物包围了。地狱犬行动小队和Alpha中队击败了这些异型进入了科学占内部。在里面,他们发现这些生物比预想的要聪明很多(他们挟持了科学家们)。但是这些异型最后还是被解决了。
这些异型包围了首都Los Andares,使得Alpha中队不得不前来援助。当他们击退异型之后,殖民地总督认为应该建立严密的防线来保护自己的人民,但是联邦更倾向于向异型的母巢发动进攻,而Alpha中队不得不和他们合作。在击败了异型之后,地狱犬行动小队命令目击者不要向外透露任何关于异型的信息,然后就离开了这里,之后Alpha中队也离开了。这是在《星际争霸》发生之前一个月的事情。

联邦还有一个很“有趣”的计划。他们没有通知Chau Sara,也不派遣任何援兵,放任Chau Sara由这些异型肆虐。最终这颗星球上的所有人都被感染或者杀害了。这时候,执行官(Tassadar)的Protoss远征军队找到了这些异型,他们根本不把渣渣联邦放在眼里,把Chau Sara烧了个遍就走了。
不久之后,那些异型——现在已经叫做Zerg——被公开存在了。他们感染了邻近的Mar Sara。Protoss舰队也来到了这里,但是在联邦愚蠢的攻击面前嘲笑似的撤退了。
由于Alpha中队太废物,整个星球都落入了Zerg手中。联邦甚至干脆就不援救殖民者——这个任务最后由Korhal之子完成了。在最后关头,Korhal之子进攻了雅可布科学站(Jacobs Installatin),并且窃取了可以改变内战的强大武器——幽能发生器的设计图。恐怖分子们一开始狗咬刺猬——他们获得的磁碟是被加密了的。在进攻的过程中他们发现Zerg已经占领了科学站。
在Mar Sara的居民撤出后,Tassadar再一次给联邦擦了屁股。

Antiga Prime的殖民者开始反叛。Alpha中队来镇压,Korhal之子前来帮助反叛军。Korhal之子有史以来第一次击败了Alpha中队。联邦再次傻眼了,但是由于Zerg的入侵没法立即做出反击。Zerg击落了Edmund Duke所在的Alpha中队旗舰——Norad II号。Korhal之子给了这个老东西选择的权利:死,或者加入Korhal之子。而且还说如果他击败了联邦,他会让Duke成为自己的内阁成员。结果Duke没死。

Korhal对他们的新武器屡试不爽,最终把Tarsonis也用Zerg填满了。Edmund Duke发起佯攻吸引活力,然后神风Kerrigan下地面安装幽能发生器。联邦没有使出他们的秘密武器——幽能干扰器(Psi Disruptor)。
Protoss舰队又来了(Aiur Templar:怎么又来了,翻译都腻味了,Tassadar不得腻味死)。然而很有很多联邦的重要成员(包括很多“旧家族”)还在这里,如果Protoss进攻Zerg,联邦就能伺机逃脱。于是Mengsk决定保护Zerg,进攻Protoss,这样联邦就跑不掉啦。(Aiur Templar:Mengsk你丫脑子有病)Korhal之子圆满完成任务。

其中一个,比如联邦反抗组织(Confederate Resistance Forces),在资料片中加入了UED(联合地球理事会),但是现在的状况未知。
Protoss和科技发达的Kimeran海盗(Kimeran Pirates)发现了更多的联邦成员在研究Zerg。他们开始和被感染了的Alexei Stukov交锋,最终打败了他。


Alpha中队,在星际争霸的说明手册里还叫做“血鹰(Aiur Templar:Blood Hawks,充分说明了Duke是一个被揍得遍体鳞伤的傻鸟)”,以Edmund Duke将军为首。在游戏中Alpha中队的颜色是白的。据说他们是联邦里最有能力的中队。Alpha中队的格言是“先进先出(Aiur Templar:First in first out,看来Duke痿了)”。当他们在Chau Sara驻军的时候,在Protoss和Zerg大开杀戒之前撤离了。
Alpha中队又被叫回了Chau Sara对抗Korhal之子。他们接到的命令是不接受任何俘虏。然而,他们还遇见了异型和地狱犬行动小组,他们正在组织抵抗Zerg的进攻。Duke将军亲自率领Alpha中队防守Chau Sara的首都Los Andares。Alpha中队之后离开了这个星球,任由Zerg肆虐。不过最少还是有一点点的Alpha中队成员留在了Chau Sara上(其实是没跑了……)。
Alpha中队来到了Mar Sara,由于害怕被无差别屠杀,他们笨拙地“击退”了由执行官Tassadar率领的Protoss侵略者。实际上Tassadara知识来考察一下,然后就撤退了,他想等到人类撤退后再清洗Mar Sara。
在Mar Sara上,Alpha中队从Zerg手中控制了这个行星,把殖民者集中在了荒芜的地方,然后逮捕了当地的军事组织。然而他们没有和Zerg交战,也没有派兵防御主要城市,也不帮助当地居民撤离。他们反而对研究Zerg的科学站更感兴趣,派强了很多兵力防守。
Alpha中队在Mar Sara被净化之前就跑了,来到了Antiga Prime行星对抗Korhal之子。在这里Edmund Duke将军的Norad II号战列舰被Zerg击落了(Aiur Templar:这点破故事我翻译N遍了)。Arcturus救了他,然后他不得不投靠了Korhal之子。Alpha中队变成了Mengsk的王牌,皇朝建立之后仍然是重要角色。
地狱犬行动小组(Cerberus Recon Squad)是一堆秘密警察,而且还从事科学研究。
他们第一次登场是在Chau Sara,一起上场的还有Korhal之子和异型(Aiur Templar:讲来讲去还是那点破事儿,换了个主角还得再来一遍),以及前来剿灭他们的Alpha中队。小队的军队没有亲自登场,其中包括四个火蝠和俩哥利亚。他们帮助Alpha中队击败了Korhal之子。
之后异型攻占了Chau Sar的首都Los Andares。Alpha中队的Edmund Duke将军亲自率兵防守这座城市。胜利之后当地总督认为应该加强防守这里,而地狱犬小队的指挥官驳回了他的建议,而且此时殖民地的实际指挥权在他的手中:“根据殖民地紧急行动准则副章1602条,我现在代替你成为这里的指挥官。(By order of the Colonial Crisis Act under sub-section 1602, I hereby supersede your authority in this matter.)”

这个中队的资料很少,不过似乎比Alpha中队大。Duke说这个中队没有自己的专业。Delta中队主要就是在Antiga Prime和Tarsonis与Korhal之子的较量,不过两次都被击败了。他们的颜色是橙色。



Nova中队在数目上比其他中队要少很多,但都是精英,类似于Alpha中队。他的主要目的是间谍活动,目标甚至包括其他中队。中队的领导者为Jackon Hauler上校,颜色为紫色。
在Mar Sara上Nova中队扮演了一个小角色,他们向Alpha中队提供情报。Jim Raynor在废水站救下了不少中队的士兵。
Nova中队还在一个星际争霸的隐藏地图上登场过,不过一般来说这不算正规剧情。在Tarsonis,Mengsk来到表面启动幽能发生器之前曾经和Nova中队、Delta中队和Omega中队交手来扰乱他们。最后他成功地启动了发生器,但不久之后Nova中队就发射了Nova空间站(Nova Space)逃跑了。

最后其中的一些成员,比如Gui Montag少校,现在已经是皇朝的成员了,这说明这个中队的部分或者全部成员已经投降了,经过了洗脑。又要传说他们现在已经成为了Nova中队的一部分,隶属Terran皇朝。手册说Omega中队的颜色是黑的,但在游戏中是绿的。

Edmund Duke将军
Jim Raynor执法官
Sarah Kerrigan中尉
Jackson Hauler少校
Samir Duran中尉
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-1 22:43:12 | 只看该作者
"Guess you wouldn't be a Confederate if you weren't a complete pain in the ass."

- Jim Raynor(src)
Terran Confederacy
TerranConfederacy SC1 Logo1

Interstellar confederation (de jure)
Centralized plutocratic oligarchy (de facto)



Confederate Council

Confederate Command

Confederate High Command

De facto leader

Old Families (through their ability to participate and influence Confederate affairs)
Legislative branch

Confederate Senate

Confederate Armed Forces

Confederate Colonial Fleet
Confederate Army
Confederate Marine Corps



Formed from

Tarsonis and its colonies
Date established

Date fragmented

February 2500
Date reorganized

February/March 2500 (as various Confederate splinter factions and holdouts)
Date dissolved

March 2500 (officially upon formation of the Terran Dominion)

Destroyed (remnants remain)

The Terran Confederacy, also known as the Confederacy of Man, the Confederacy and coloquially known as the Confederates, was an interstellar confederation set up by the terrans of the Koprulu Sector. The home planet of the Confederacy was the colony of Tarsonis, one of the three original terran colonies in the Sector.[2]

The Confederate flag was based on the Confederate Battle Flag/Navy Jack, chosen from the databanks of ATLAS.[3] Its anthem was To the Eternal Glory of the Confederacy.[4]

Doran Routhe of the United Powers League of Earth organized a colonization project in order to further his own power.[2] He loaded 40,000 prisoners on four supercarriers, sending them to the planet Gantris VI. The lead ship, the Nagglfar, housed an advanced AI called ATLAS, which studied the passengers' genetics. The Nagglfar housed navigation systems, with the other three ships following it. During the journey, the guidance computer failed, and the four ships barreled blindly through warp space for twenty eight years. As their warp drives began to melt down, they emerged in a habitable star system[2] in 2259.[1]

The Nagglfar landed on the world of Tarsonis. The colonists enjoyed a technological advantage over the people of the other two original colony worlds, Moria and Umoja, due to their possession of ATLAS. ATLAS contained much technological information from Earth.[2]

Even so, it took the Tarsonis colonists sixty years to build second generation subwarp engines and explore the rest of the system, discovering the other two colonies.

Tarsonis attempted to convince the other two colonies to join in a conglomerate government (they refused) even as its prospectors helped to create seven new colonies within the system, which greatly enhanced its military power. Tarsonis and its colonies formed an interstellar government which they called the Terran Confederacy[2] in 2323.[1]

The government of the Confederacy came to be dominated by the "Old Families", descendants of the commanders of the Nagglfar.[5] The government also included a Senate, which was considered corrupt by many of its colonies,[2] and a Council, which did not have a mandate from the people.[6]
The Guild WarsEdit

Main article: The Guild Wars

The Confederacy came into conflict with Moria[2] as the Morian government believed the Confederates would try to "regulate" its rich mining industry. The Morians founded the Kel-Morian Combine in order to protect itself.[2]

By 2478 the Confederacy routinely stole Kel-Morian-associated mining claims such as the Paladino Belt and Sonyan, frequently claiming the mines were illegal or one of the miners was a criminal before moving their troops in. To make matters worse, rebellions and riots were becoming increasingly common, Korhal serving as a prime example. The Confederacy was rotting from the inside and its leaders were willing to do whatever it took to keep themselves in power.[7]

Tensions with Moria broke into open war at the Battle of Noranda Glacier, Onuru Sigma, in 2485.[7]

During the war, Confederate taxes and recruiting goals increased, while the Old Families made much money from war profiteering and even corruption.[8]

The war lasted four years. The Guild Wars, as the conflict was called, resulted in bitter defeat for the Combine. The Confederates annexed the Combine's supporting guilds, but allowed the Morians to maintain their independence. As a result of this war, Umoja formed its own military body, the Umojan Protectorate, in order to defend itself from the Confederacy. Since the defeat, Moria founded new mining colonies and provided the Terran Confederacy with so much money that they were effectively immune to Confederate laws.[2]
TerranConfederacy SC2 Art1Power and wealth of the Confederacy
MecoAdded by Meco

The Confederacy entered an economic boom as the result of the war.[5] Meanwhile, Confederate prospectors founded many new colonies while Confederate enforcement agencies abused the colonists,[2] causing many rebel groups, such as the Colonial Liberation Army, to rise up against the Confederates. These groups were rarely any match for the Confederate forces.[9]
Rebellion of KorhalEdit

Main article: Rebellion of Korhal

Korhal IV, one of the oldest Terran Confederacy colonies, was a world of affluence.[2]

Korhal Senator Angus Mengsk, who had noted anti-Confederate views, had created a secret rebellion against the Confederacy with assistance from Umoja in 2478. The struggle became public as the Guild Wars ended in 2489, when Mengsk declared Korhal to be independent.[7]

The citizenry revolted against the local Confederate militia. Realizing that success for Korhal could influence other colonies to revolt, the Confederacy became determined to stamp out the rebellion. The Confederates imposed martial law, but the revolt continued. The Confederates decided to withdraw their military from the planet, while three covert assassins called ghosts slew Angus Mengsk, his wife and youngest child. Angus Mengsk's head was never found. This did much to weaken the revolt.[2]

However, it would also start a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the Confederacy's total destruction: Arcturus Mengsk, Angus' son, a former Confederate colonel and prospector, was embarrassed by his father's actions, and while aware of Confederate corruption, was generally uninterested in Koprulu Sector politics. However, he was outraged by the death of his family and took control of the rebellion. He rallied the militant groups that had followed his father and created an army which struck at various Confederate bases and installations.[2] Two years later,[7] when he was gone to visit Umoja, the Confederates enacted a final solution—they sent a fleet of battlecruisers to Korhal that fired a thousand Apocalypse-class nuclear missiles at the planet, wiping out nearly all life on the surface.[2]
Beginning of the EndEdit

Main article: The Sons of Korhal

Arcturus Mengsk named the remnants of his rebels the Sons of Korhal, and again began to strike at the Confederates.[2]

During his raids, he discovered a ghost, Sarah Kerrigan, and some unidentified creatures (known as xenomorphs) at Vyctor 5, where experiments were being conducted with ghosts and the xenomorphs. At the time, these xenomorphs seemed insignificant to him. However, the Confederates had discovered them five years previously and had wiped out the Fringe World colonies they had infested with a disease they claimed was cholera.[10]

His forces were largely ignored by the Confederate-controlled media until he launched a daring attack against the Confederate Ghost Academy on Tarsonis. After this incident, the Confederates declared the Sons of Korhal to be outlaws and relentlessly hunted them down. Rebellious colonies, however, often secretly allied with them.[10]

Confederate experiments with the xenomorphs continued, often getting out of control. A piece of technology devised by the Confederates, the psi emitter, was used to lure the xenomorphs to several worlds.[11][12] In addition, more than a year before the outbreak of war, the Confederacy had quietly increased its troop strength through kidnapping of civilians, inflicting neural resocialization on them.[12]

Main article: StarCraft: Precursor

One test area was Chau Sara, an important colony and headquarters of Alpha Squadron. The Squadron was recalled when the Sons of Korhal invaded the world, and were posing too much of a threat to the local militia. Alpha Squadron defeated the Sons of Korhal, but encountered the xenomorphs and the mysterious Confederate military/scientific organization, Cerberus Recon Squad, during the battle.[13]

The creatures were the subject of high-level research, but had taken over the Flannum Installation where they were being studied and had surrounded it. Cerberus Recon Squad and Alpha Squadron defeated the xenomorphs[14] and entered the facility. Inside, they discovered evidence that the xenomorphs may have been more intelligent than previously believed (they were holding the scientists prisoner). Nonetheless, the xenomorphs were defeated.[15]

The xenomorphs besieged Chau Sara's capital city of Los Andares, forcing Alpha Squadron to come to the rescue. Once again the xenomorphs were defeated.[16] The Colonial Magistrate believed that establishing a tight perimeter around the city would further protect it, but Cerberus Recon Squad preferred to attack their primary Hive Clusters instead, and, taking over the colony's government, forced Alpha Squadron to cooperate with them. After defeating the xenomorphs, Cerberus Recon Squad instituted a class 7 seal, ordered all witnesses to the battles not to inform anyone else of what had happened. Alpha Squadron and Cerberus Recon Squad left the planet, believing that the threat was dealt with. This occurred approximately one month before the destruction of Chau Sara.[17].
End of HegemonyEdit

Left to its own devices and unable to call for reinforcements or even warn the other terrans, Chau Sara could not defend itself from the alien invaders.[17] The xenomorphs regrouped and killed virtually all of the terrans on the planet. Its sister planet of Mar Sara was perplexed at the sudden loss of trade and contact with Chau Sara, unaware of the destruction on the planet. At this time, Executor Tassadar and his protoss Expeditionary Fleet searched for the zerg, which they had independently discovered. Discovering the infected planet, his fleet sterilized its surface of life.

The terrans were shocked. This was their first public contact with alien lifeforms.[2] The Confederacy was struck by an economic downturn due to fear of terrorist and alien attacks.[6]

The invaders, now known as zerg, became public knowledge as the infestation of Mar Sara progressed. The protoss fleet arrived in pursuit but retreated after a clumsy Confederate counterattack.[2] The Confederates were interested to learn about, but not fight, the zerg on Mar Sara.[5] The Confederates deployed assets to observe and hide their activities, and used a marine platoon was used to secure and destroy of a classified piece of equipment, a psi-emitter, when they withdrew.[12]

Main article: StarCraft Episode I

Without Confederate support Mar Sara was overrun with minimal resistance. The civilian population was callously abandoned to death or infestation. This was capitalized on by the Sons of Korhal; the rebels rescued some survivors for propaganda.[18] Clandestinely, the Sons of Korhal also staged a last minute raid on a Confederate base, Jacobs Installation, and acquired encrypted plans for the psi-emitter as well as discovering captive Zerg.

Tassadar's fleet arrived, several hours after the evacuation, and sterilized the surface of the planet.[19]
The Changing Face of WarEdit
"The Confederacy is falling apart, Duke. Its colonies are in open revolt. The Zerg are rampaging unchecked. What would have happened here today if we hadn't shown up? "

- Arcturus Mengsk convincing General Edmund Duke to join him(src)
"There's a sea change coming. The Confederacy is old and corrupt and feeding on itself like some geriatric, dementia-ridden parasite.

"Trust me, I have a nose for these things.

"It's increasingly likely the Sons of Korhal will end up the new powers-that-be in the Koprulu Sector."

- Tamsen Cauley explains his vision of the Confederacy(src)

The Sons of Korhal subsequently incited an open anti-Confederate revolt on Antiga Prime. The Confederate Alpha Squadron deployed to suppress the rebellion but were repulsed.[20] The Confederates panicked, but their response was hampered by the zerg invasion of the sector which had reached Antiga Prime as well. The Confederate position worsened with Alpha Squadron's defection to the rebels; General Edmund Duke joined the Sons of Korhal[21] after the zerg shot down Norad II[22] and was rescued by the rebels.[21]

In response, the Confederate Colonial Fleet, Army, and Delta Squadron deployed in force to blockade the planet. They hoped the trapped rebels and zerg would destroy each other, allowing the Confederacy to mop up and retake Antiga.[6] The Sons of Korhal planted a psi emitter in Delta Squadron's base – it used Sarah Kerrigan's psionic energies to lure zerg to the Confederate army and destroy it, allowing the rebels to run the shattered blockade. The zerg swiftly overtook the planet, which the protoss sterilized shortly afterwards.[23]

Confederate forces were deployed to Halcyon to interdict movement from Antiga to Tarsonis[6] while an assassination attempt was made against Arcturus Mengsk at Atticus Minor. It failed.[24]
Crushing DefeatEdit

The Confederate government and military could not defeat the forces arrayed against it, and resorted to desperate and heavy-handed media manipulation to control its citizens and swell the ranks of its military in order to fend off the aliens.[5][6]

Flushed with the success of their new weapon, the Sons of Korhal moved against the Confederate capital of Tarsonis. With the help of General Edmund Duke, the Sons of Korhal assaulted one of three orbital defense platforms surrounding Tarsonis. They were able to engage the Confederates long enough to activate numerous psi emitters, calling a flood of zerg to the planet.[25] The Confederates were unable to utilize their hidden anti-zerg weapon, the Psi Disrupter.[26]

The protoss fleet arrived, once again, to sterilize a world. However, there were still Confederates alive on the surface, including several members of the Old Families, and if the protoss succeeded in destroying the zerg, the Confederate leadership could escape and rally their forces for a counterattack.[5] Arcturus Mengsk decided to defend the zerg against the protoss until the zerg could destroy the Confederates. The Sons of Korhal were successful in their mission.[27]

The remnants of the Confederates found themselves battling zerg and protoss on the surface of the world.[28] Eventually the zerg were victorious against both these forces, but abandoned the world.[29][30]
The RemnantsEdit
Terran Confederacy
Special units

Defense robot, elite guard, observation drone, scientist, Specimen Collection Vehicle, tower cannon
Skullder Unit 001 (only design confirmed)

The Confederacy was succeeded by the Terran Dominion, the name of the empire founded by the Sons of Korhal. Much of the remnants of the Confederacy joined the Dominion, willingly or otherwise.[31]

However, pockets of Confederate resistance remain.

Main article: Confederate Resistance Forces

One such pocket, calling itself the Confederate Resistance Forces, led by Samir Duran, joined forces with the United Earth Directorate during the Brood War, assisting the UED in striking at the Dominion colony of Braxis and forming an alliance with them[32] and also attempting to assassinate Arcturus Mengsk while he was visiting Umoja. The attempt was a failure.[7]

Main article: Deception

More Confederates were observed researching zerg, protoss and advanced technology by the Kimeran Pirates.[33] The technology, however, was often too far-fetched or dangerous to actually be useful.[34] They appeared to be working with the formerly deceased United Earth Directorate Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov, who was obviously infested. The facility was destroyed by Stukov's forces, however.[33]

Stukov's infestation technique appeared to be beyond that used by the zerg.[35][36] Stukov would later hold Dr. Emil Narud responsible for his creation.[37]

Main article: Confederate Council
Main article: Confederate Senate

The Terran Confederacy government, based on Tarsonis, consisted of a Senate[2] based out of Nagglfar Hall[4] (which was elected)[38] and a Council.[6] The former had representatives from a number of worlds (Angus Mengsk of Korhal was a Confederate senator). The Senate was generally viewed as corrupt,[2] but so was the Council. The latter is noted for having no mandate from the people.[6] The Old Families also wielded a large degree of political influence.[6]

Colonial magistrates from colonies such as Mar Sara and Chau Sara had links with the Confederate government though were considered expendable.[13][39]

The Confederacy maintained control over colonial economies by employing their workers and gaining wealth from them, while allowing local industries to wither. The Old Families would often drive colonial competitors out of business.[7]

Tax revenue was collected by the Confederate Revenue Service.[40] It wasn't uncommon for new taxes to suddenly be levied with little explanation.[7]
Science and TechnologyEdit

One program dispatched science and exploration vessels to locate extant intelligent life. Only disputed evidence of previous civilizations were discovered.[7]

Antiga System
Brontes System
Char System
Jaandara System
Koprulu System
Korhal System
Sara System
Tarsonis System
Tyrador System


Including the thirteen Core Worlds, the Outer Colonies and numerous Fringe Worlds, Confederate-controlled planets included the following:

Core Worlds
Chau Sara (also a fringe world)
Dylar IV
Korhal IV (formerly)
Mar Sara (also a fringe world)
Tarsonis (capital world)
Tyrador IX (resort world)
Fringe Worlds
Antiga Prime
Brontes IV
Halcyon (farming world)
New Sydney
Shiloh (farming world)
Other/Unknown Worlds
Atticus Minor (mining world)
Bacchus Moon (resort world)
Gamma Dorian (contested with KMC during the Guild Wars)
Haji (moon)
Maltair IV (mining world)
New Folsom (prison world)
Old Faithful (mining world)
Saluset (ice world)
Shi (mining world)
Sonyan (mining world)
Timul IV
Turaxis II (at least temporarily)
Tyrador VIII
Vyctor 5 (desert world)


Paladino Belt

Armed ForcesEdit

Main Article: Confederate Armed Forces
Notable MembersEdit

Councilor Shannon
Senator Elliot Canon (assassinated)
Senator Westyn MacMasters
Senator Angus Mengsk (later rebelled)


General Ledbetter (senior armed forces commander)
General Edmund Duke (commander of Alpha Squadron, defected to the Sons of Korhal)
Major-General Brantigan Fole (deceased)
Director Ilsa Killiany (head of the Ghost Program)

Old FamiliesEdit

Errol Bennet (Bennet Family patriarch)
Arturro Calabas (Calabas Family patriarch)
Constantino Terra (Terra Family patriarch)
Andrea Tygore (Tygore Family matriarch)
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