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发表于 2013-9-1 22:46:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

但后来由于种种原因,神民们放弃了心灵沟通的能力,各个部落开始分裂。萨尔纳加人最终失望地认为,他们太急躁了,导致了这次失败。伤心的萨尔纳加人决定不再回来,踏上了继续创造生命的路程。但Protoss族在一位伟大先知的领导下最终找回了失落的心灵之力。重新繁荣了起来。这么多年过去了,Protoss早已兴盛,但萨尔那加却音讯全无,谁也不知道它去向了何方...... 这都是后话了,我们再来看看萨尔纳加人后来又去做了什么。
在星际2·自由之翼中最后的隐藏战役中,Zeratul摆脱Kerrigan后来到一个行星上,那里,他遇到了Samir Duran,他在制造Zerg和Protoss的混合体,并称之为完美生物。也许,Samir是幸存下来的萨尔那加?我们不得而知。也许,在星际2·虫群之心中,答案将揭开……


Protoss族联合起来,开始膜拜这些新“神”。然而,在进化历程中他们产生了越来越多的分歧。当他们对自己的了解和自我意识逐渐茁壮之时,Protoss人开始变得十分骄傲,努力追求自身的成就而不是团体的进步。越进步的部落就越快开始将自己和其他被认为是落后的部落隔离。萨尔那加努力地想把Protoss联合成一个统一的组织,然而各个Protoss部落最后分裂并各自疏远。为了要切断自己和其他部落间的连结,Protoss人开始中断最原始的幽能链结。当他们失去了同情彼此的想法时,对于萨尔那加人来说,是Protoss们悲剧性的失落了纯粹性的铁证。萨尔那加,意识到他们太多干涉了Protoss的进化,失望地离开了艾尔行星。在这时,Protoss刚刚发展出太空航行科技,他们中的大多数把萨尔那加的撤退看做一场背叛。Protoss的舰队发起了攻击,杀死了数以百计的一度被他们视为神的萨尔那加人。萨尔那加失望地抵挡住 Protoss人笨拙的进攻,离开了艾尔行星。

抱着对未能创造具有完美形式生物的遗憾,萨尔那加人转而试图创造具有完美本质的生物。萨尔那加来到银河系中心一个被火山灰覆盖的名为异烙斯(Zerus)的行星,他们选择了行星上最不起眼的一种生物,一种爬虫作为自己的研究对象。尽管对周围的环境根本无法造成影响,这种生物具有萨尔那加人正在寻求的特性:多变的遗传基因以及对幽能的敏感性。萨尔那加人开始教养这些生物,让它们以寄生虫的形式改造环境。最后,这些生物开始感染行星上的其他生命,使其产生变异。它们迅速地在整个行星上进行扩张,感染或杀戮了一切生命。不仅如此,它们吸取了别的生物的特征基因,使得自己可以复制他们。为了加速它们的进化,同时又不至于犯当年在艾尔行星上的错误,萨尔那加人没有自己现身,而是创造了包含萨尔那加人挑选的本能和知觉的代言人:主宰。主宰被创造出来照看整个种群,为了要削减不同个体意识所会造成的困扰,萨尔那加将种群中所有生物的意识统一、集合成主宰的意识。虽然主宰可以掌控所有生物的行为,但是它仍然需要传播自己命令的使者,于是名为脑虫的生物被创造出来,作为一个部落的领导者。每一个脑虫具有相对的个人意识,领负有特别的任务。然而随着种群规模的扩大,即使是脑虫也需要指挥庞大的群落,这样皇后和霸王两种特别的生物又被创造出来。皇后负责监视种群的劳动力:工蜂运输和利用资源,霸王则在战斗中负责指挥具体的单位,同时运送部队前往战场。看到自己引导的生命正在飞速发展,萨拉那加意识到了自己的成功,他们命名这种生物为[[Zerg]](zerg)是“出生在异烙斯”的意思。然而,主宰的个人意识迅速发展,它的触角高耸入云,很快发现了停泊在行星上空的萨尔那加飞船。对自己造物主的知识的强烈渴望使得主宰决定毁灭萨尔那加人。先是全部的Zerg生物都切断了和萨尔那加人的幽能链接,随后,新一代可以在太空中飞行的 Zerg积聚起来,趁萨尔那加人慌乱的时候发起攻击,将萨尔那加的庞大舰队淹没。在吸取了他们造物主的知识和记录之后,Zerg发现了第一代创造物波罗托斯的存在。于是它们踏上了前往艾尔的漫长路程。

萨尔那加留下了很多神秘的遗产。在艾尔行星一处宇宙能量的聚焦点,他们建起了一座萨尔那加圣殿来标记他们第一次踏上艾尔的地方。在夏库拉斯行星上也有一座类似的圣殿,在黑暗的夏库拉斯表面它显得更加引人注目。此外,关于Protoss宗教圣地 Braken行星,还有一则神谕:“那统治天地的,将会挥动被古人圣化的火焰。”这里的古人也许就是指萨尔那加人。

萨米尔·杜兰可能是一个萨尔那加人。在母巢之战的隐藏任务黑暗起源中,他自称是一沉睡了千百个世纪的伟大力量的仆人。这力量的强大可以从它创造的Zerg/Protoss混合体反应出来。或者,萨尔那加本身是一个更加强大的实体的仆人。这一切都无从证实。然而杜兰还声称自己在几千年来有过无数的名字。如果属实的话,这是杜兰不是人类或者Protoss族的强大证据(只有Protoss的 Taldarin声称自己的年龄超过三千年)
根据暴雪的官方小说《Saga of Dark Templar》的第三部,Xel'Naga创造文明的原因在于,尽管它是一个非常强大的种族,但是其寿命(指整个种族,而非个人)非常之短。因而他们要创造很多文明,时机成熟时他们会选出两个最强大的文明,让他们融合,以产生新一代的Xel'Naga,这个过程被称之为一轮。以前的几轮都非常顺利的进行了,但似乎这一轮出了点小问题。Zerg的反抗、UED的幽能干扰器,这一系列都阻碍着Xel'Naga的此轮融合。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-1 22:46:37 | 只看该作者
"The Xel'Naga created both the protoss and the zerg, Commander. They were the gods of their time."

- Emil Narud(src)
DarkVoice SC2 Head3

Cyclical life cycle, purity of essence, long lifespans

Purity of form, psionic

Incarnations derived from one species with purity of form and another with purity of essence


The xel'naga are a psionically-attuned, ancient, cosmic race.[1] They were occasionally referred to as the most powerful species known in the universe.[2] While there are vague references of the xel'naga conquering worlds and uplifting species, their most notable involvement was with the protoss and zerg.[1] Their interest in these two species was due to the xel'naga's cyclical life cycle. When the incredibly long-lived xel'naga were due to come to an end, the xel'naga would use these two species to be reborn.[3] Ironically their survival was severely jeopardized when the zerg turned on them.[1]

The etymology of the word "xel'naga" has been described as a protoss language term meaning "Wanderers from Afar"[1] but has also been described as their true name. The protoss referred to the xel'naga as the Ihan-rii, the "Great Teachers", the "Makers", and the "Guardians",[4] as well as "gods".[5]

The xel'naga were incredibly long-lived even by protoss standards, but not immortal; eventually their species would come to an end. In the interest of survival they planned to create new xel'naga by uplifting two species. A pair of qualities was required and these were defined by the xel'naga as the purity of essence and the purity of form, and each uplifted species would be targeted for one of them. Over an extraordinarily long period of time, the two species would naturally come together and merge.[3]

The xel'naga life cycle had manifested many times.[3]
Arrival in the Milky WayEdit

The xel'naga arrived in the Milky Way galaxy from outside. Tens of millions of years before the Great War, the xel'naga seeded thousands of new species in the worlds within their domain. They experimented on and uplifted suitable candidate species. For millennia they met only with failure.[1]

The following section contains timeline information which isn't necessarily in chronological order.

During their journeys, they learned of the Voice in the Darkness, a Void-based entity which consumed entire civilizations. The xel'naga, who cherished life, imprisoned it with an Argus crystal beneath a barren world at KL-2.[6]

The xel'naga found or created a powerful relic, the Argus Stone, which they valued over other artifacts, but left it on the world of Aridas.[7] The zerg believe it had been used to create entire races.[8]
The FirstbornEdit

Main article: Protoss history

"You worship false gods, little protoss, but now the truth stands revealed. You were never master of your own destiny...never more than a pawn in the xel'naga's cosmic game."

- The Voice in the Darkness(src)
Zealot SC1 Art1The protoss
MecoAdded by Meco

On the galactic fringe the xel'naga returned to Aiur, one of their engineered worlds. They discovered there a race of tribal hunters with a psionically-enhanced communal society. When coupled with excellent physical attributes the xel'naga recognized the natives as superior candidates for the purity of form and, impatient with the slow pace of their evolution, began uplifting them,[1] using devices such as a giant crystal beneath Aiur.[3] They even used devices such as the Kassia crystal to enhance their rate of reproduction.[9] The natives were the first experiments to progress beyond a feral stage. In recognition of this the xel'naga named their new scions protoss, meaning first born.[1]

Initially the xel'naga kept their presence and assistance secret, but once the protoss were deemed ready the xel'naga revealed themselves openly.[1] A "protoss" temple was built where the xel'naga first landed on Aiur.[10] The xel'naga also constructed giant artificial caverns or a city beneath Aiur, and hid khaydarin crystals around the planet.[4]

The protoss were united by their fascination with these new "gods." They called their new benefactors the Ihan-rii, the "Great Teachers", the "Makers", and the "Guardians".[4] The Shelak Tribe grew closest to the xel'naga. The protoss progressed rapidly technologically but rifts began appearing between the tribes concerning their perception of the xel'naga.[1] At first, the xel'naga were intrigued by this ideological development, and conducted an experiment to see what effects the diverging tribes might have on khaydarin crystals. They created twin crystals, the Khalis and Uraj, from a monolithic crystal and gifted them to the Sargas and Akilae Tribe respectively. The crystals' powers and appearance diverged with their tribes.[11]

The ideological split proved more severe than the xel'naga realized. The protoss fractured along tribal lines and caused the psionic communal link to break. The xel'naga were disappointed but realized having pushed the protoss too far too fast they were responsible. The xel'naga decided to leave this creation.[1] The xel'naga were already done with the protoss, and needed to work on a new species.[3]

Hundreds of xel'naga were killed in attacks by angered and confused protoss. While their fleet withdrew, the xel'naga left behind many artifacts such as the khaydarin crystals.[1] At least one ship was also left behind.[12]

The protoss degenerated into the Aeon of Strife. However the xel'naga's mark on the protoss endured, and their abandoned artifacts later aided the protoss to re-emerge from the chaos as a galactic power.[1]
Broken CycleEdit

Main article: Zerg history

"Would-be gods who defied the natural order at every turn. Though in the end, the xel'naga's hubris brought naught but ruin...upon themselves and all they touched."

- The Voice in the Darkness on the xel'naga's downfall.(src)
DarkVoice SC2 Head1Amon
PsiSeveredHeadAdded by PsiSeveredHead

While the protoss were regressing they had all the essential qualities of the purity of form. The xel'naga set off to find a suitable companion embodying the purity of essence. They found a suitable candidate on the coreward world of Zerus. There the xel'naga began genetically manipulating the zerg, an insignificant life form of miniature insectoids. The initial experiment was a resounding success. The parasitic zerg quickly became the dominant lifeform on the planet, with other creatures being assimilated and evolved or simply eliminated. The xel'naga were shocked to discover how quickly assimilated species could be changed beyond recognition within the space of a few generations.[1]

In the view of the xel'naga, the protoss had failed due to the independence of the individual and conflicts of ego that arose from that. To avoid the same with the zerg, the xel'naga consolidated control of the collective zerg sentience into a single entity, the Overmind. The xel'naga used a psionic link with the Overmind to monitor the zerg, but the xel'naga kept the link secret as to not reveal their presence.[1]

The Overmind's free will was undermined by a overriding directive to destroy the protoss.[13] This was part of a greater plan by the fallen xel'naga Amon to remould creation in his own image.[14] The Overmind disagreed with its directive but could do little to resist.[13]

The Overmind realized that to continue growing the zerg would need to leave Zerus,[1] and assimilated the behemoths,[2] enabling its forces to travel into space. It had since detected the xel'naga worldships in orbit and these made a logical first target for new material. The first sign that the xel'naga had that something was wrong was when the Overmind severed the psychic link.[1] The zerg launched an overwhelming attack on the worldships. The "greater whole" of the xel'naga were slain,[1] an action which threw the xel'naga plan into turmoil.[3]

The Overmind assimilated some of the xel'naga's knowledge as it processed thousands of xel'naga into itself. Amongst other things, the zerg learned of the protoss, the other great experiment;[1] they would become the zerg's ultimate target for assimilation.[15][16][17]
"This creature is the completion of a cycle. Its role in the cosmic order was preordained when the stars were young. Behold the culmination of your history."

- Samir Duran on the hybrid.(src)
HybridSomething SC2 Art1Hybrid experiments
MecoAdded by Meco

Shortly before the Brood War, the xel'naga temple on Bhekar Ro was unearthed. The temple housed a strange "phoenix-like" energy creature which absorbed the essences and genetics of both protoss and zerg.[2]

At the end of the Brood War, Zeratul stumbled upon a protoss/zerg hybridization project overseen by Samir Duran; the project was for "a far greater power" to which Duran ultimately worked for. Thought not Kerrigan's project, her "rebirth into the Zerg Swarm" had expedited progress. Furthermore, Duran claimed the hybrid was the "completion of a cycle", and its existence was "preordained when the stars were young."[18]

Duran's pronouncements on the hybrids being the "completion of a cycle"[18] led Zeratul to seek out information on this new threat.[19] However, he was suffering mentally for numerous reasons, such as the death of Matriarch Raszagal at his hand. Years after his discovery, Zeratul was located by a preserver, Zamara, and her terran "host", Jake Ramsey. They restored Zeratul's mood and exchanged information. According to Zamara, Samir Duran's experiments are a "perversion", and if his attempts to "unify" the species become successful, "a monstrous and powerful perversion of both protoss and zerg will be set loose upon the universe, and all that [the protoss and terran] know and cherish will fall in their wake".[3]

Zeratul traveled to the world of Pegasus, where a xel'naga temple hatched. He followed the energy creature through a wormhole to a mysterious planet on the other side.[3]
Wings of LibertyEdit
"Do you hear them Zeratul? Whispering from the stars? The galaxy will burn with their coming."

- Kerrigan to Zeratul, possibly referring to the xel'naga(src)
InfestedKerrigan SC2 DevCine2Kerrigan on Ulaan
MecoAdded by Meco

On the lost world of Ulaan lay three prophetic fragments contained within shrines. The Zerg Swarm under the Queen of Blades had traveled there and occupied the area around them.[20] Zeratul himself arrived, only to encounter the Queen of Blades. They clashed over what the future beheld. Kerrigan had already given up, saying their conflict meant nothing. Zeratul left shortly after Kerrigan, believing there was still hope.[5] Zeratul then located the prophecies with help from Praetor Karass and his forces. Kerrigan attacked the protoss, and at Karass's urging, Zeratul escaped from Ulaan vowing Karass's sacrifice would not be in vain.[20]

Zeratul traveled to the world of Zhakul, hoping to make contact with a trio of "immortal" preservers there to interpret the prophecy. However, a hybrid, Maar, had taken control of the Zhakul Guardians and was using the preservers as a source of energy. It stated "some SECRETS must remain HIDDEN" as it rallied the indoctrinated Zhakul Guardians to fight off Zeratul's enclave. However, Zeratul's forces defeated the Zhakul Guardians, killing Maar and freeing the preservers.[21]

After hearing the preservers' interpretation, Zeratul believed the prophecy referred to the Overmind and resolved to get information from it.[21] On Aiur, at the site of the Overmind's demise, Zeratul encountered the spirit of Tassadar. The spirit revealed the Overmind had been corrupted and enslaved, given an overwhelming directive. However, it created Infested Kerrigan as a free-willed leader in an effort to escape its destiny.[21] Tassadar imparted a vision of a possible future, in which a mysterious being, the Dark Voice known to the Overmind as the "Fallen One", used the hybrids to take control of the Zerg Swarm in order to destroy the protoss. It proclaimed "as I was your beginning - so shall I be...your end." The protoss came to realize that killing Kerrigan had allowed this to occur. The protoss were eventually exterminated at the hands of the zerg, and the zerg were also later eradicated. Zeratul wondered whether the "Fallen One" was a xel'naga.[14]

Meanwhile, Jim Raynor and his friend Tychus Findlay had been hired by the M鰁bius Foundation, led by Dr. Emil Narud and Prince Valerian Mengsk, in order to acquire pieces of a xel'naga device[22][23][24] which was much younger than most other such devices.[25][26]

Raynor later made contact with Emil Narud, the head of the M鰁bius Foundation, who revealed to him the artifact's xel'naga origin, explaining this was why Infested Kerrigan sought it as well.[23] After collecting another piece, Raynor confronted Prince Valerian Mengsk, the heir apparent of the Terran Dominion. Valerian was not hostile, however. He told Raynor he would use the artifact to restore Kerrigan's humanity. Raynor agreed to work with him.[24]

Raynor and the Dominion, leading an invasion of Char, used the xel'naga device to revert Sarah Kerrigan's infestation as well as destroy massive numbers of zerg.[27]

"The greater whole" of the xel'naga was annihilated by the zerg.[1] Only ruins and artifacts remained, some functional, of the ancient race in and around the Koprulu Sector.
Xel'NagaCrystal SC-Com3 Comic1Xel'naga artifact
PsiSeveredHeadAdded by PsiSeveredHead

The xel'naga left numerous artifacts on Aiur[4][9] and other worlds, such as Ehlna,[3] Roxara[28] and Aridas.[29][8]

Some artifacts can be considered dangerous, since they can manipulate the minds of terrans. At least some are alive in a sense (once being described as an "energy fossil").[30]

These artifacts are sought by protoss.[2] The Dark Templar especially have made efforts to track these down.[30][28][2]

The Terran Dominion made attempts to buy some from rival powers. Even the zerg have used spies in an effort to locate artifacts.[31]

The xel'naga left khaydarin crystals on Aiur,[1] including the Uraj and Khalis.[11]
XelNagaTemple SC1 CineFuryXelNaga3Close-up of the xel'naga temple's apex
MecoAdded by Meco

The xel'naga left behind many temples. On Aiur, they built a temple to mark the spot where they first set foot upon that world.[10]

The xel'naga left a temple on Shakuras, sitting on a nexus of cosmic energy,[32] where their marks (such as darkening the planet and a temple capable of mass destruction) are more obvious.[33]

Still more temples have appeared on worlds such as Nemaka,[4] Aridas (where the powerful Argus Stone was stored)[29] and Bhekar Ro; the latter disgorged a strange energy creature which collected protoss and zerg genetics for unknown purposes.[2]

Valerian Mengsk, the Heir Apparent of the Terran Dominion, has expressed interest in these temples,[4] and Dominion forces have engaged in combat in an attempt to secure such temples.[34]

In addition, watch towers seemingly crafted by the xel'naga have appeared.[35][36][37][38]

The xel'naga possessed the ability to create space platforms.[39]

Derelicts of one xel'naga worldship was found in the Sigma Quadrant.[40]
Fibonacci Spiral Real1The Golden Spiral
PsiSeveredHeadAdded by PsiSeveredHead

The xel'naga cherished all life and refused to kill anything, not even the entity at KL-2.[6] The protoss eventually followed a version of this philosophy, called the "Dae'Uhl".[1]

At least some xel'naga buried and/or entombed their dead.[41]

The xel'naga used a "universal natural" code the protoss termed "ara'dor", which means "perfect ratio". Terrans call it the Golden Mean, symbolized by φ ("phi").[4]

In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The golden ratio is approximately 1.6180339887. The golden ratio is related to the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Spiral.
"The Zerg Swarm came as was foretold. And the protoss, firstborn of the gods, rose to fight them. Now, the xel'naga that forged us all are returning. But do they come to save... or to destroy?"

- Zeratul on the xel'naga.(src)
Braken PropheciesEdit

There are prophecies relating to the planet Braken, a protoss world with religious significance. These prophecies claim that "he who harnesses this world will someday wield a great power, sanctified by the ancient ones".[42]
Kerrigan and Zeratul's RoleEdit

Kerrigan bantered with Zeratul on Char as a prelude to combat, where Zeratul told her: "Your coming has been foretold... You are part of the culmination. But not the end of it. You shall show the way, the path that must be taken, the realigning of old truths no longer valid. Yours is not the hand, but your very existence provides necessary instruction." Kerrigan did not treat the pronouncement seriously at the time.[43]
Xel'naga WorldsEdit

The following are worlds known to have been visited by the xel'naga, many of them possessing relics of their presence:

Aiur (numerous relics)
Alamar (xel'naga temples)
Aridas (xel'naga temple and Argus Stone)
Artika (xel'naga temple)
Bhekar Ro (xel'naga temple)
Ehlna (multiple relics)
Helios (khaydarin crystal)
KL-2 (xel'naga-crafted prison)
Mar Sara (alien artifact)
Monlyth (alien artifact and xel'naga temple)
Nemaka (xel'naga temple)
Pegasus (xel'naga temple)
Roxara (xel'naga artifact)
Shakuras (numerous relics)
Typhon XI (alien artifact)
Ulaan (numerous relics)
Xil (xel'naga temple)
Zerus (visited)

Known Xel'nagaEdit

Amon (a 'fallen' xel'naga)

Xel'Naga SC2 Cine1A carving on Ulaan—neither protoss nor zerg
PsiSeveredHeadAdded by PsiSeveredHead

The xel'naga will not be a playable race in StarCraft II, as only the original three races can be played.[44][45][46] Storywise, they form the backbone of the trilogy.[47]

Storywise, the xel'naga may have played a different role in the trilogy originally. An early cinematic depicted Zeratul warning Jim Raynor of the xel'naga's linkage with alien artifacts, that they were the key to their return.[48] For the release of Wings of Liberty, this content was replaced with Zeratul giving Raynor information about Kerrigan.[49]

As of BlizzCon 2009, Blizzard Entertainment has devised no artwork for the xel'naga, as they wanted to keep their options open.[50][51]

The following section contains information from a previous version of StarCraft II which is no longer valid.

During development the hybrid destroyer was known as a xel'naga destroyer.[52]

A development version of the map Echoes of the Future identifies the xel'naga as the ones who manipulated the Overmind to destroy the protoss: Overmind: The Xel'Naga had created me to eradicate their failed children - the protoss - in a battle neither species would survive. The Overmind also created Kerrigan to stop the return of the Xel'naga: Overmind: Yet my...daughter...remained. She alone would break the cycle. She alone would forge a future devoid of the hated Xel'Naga.[53]
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