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Psionic powers
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Psionic powers (a.k.a. psychic powers) are the ability of using the mind to induce paranormal phenomena. It is present to various degrees in various species.
Protoss PsionicsEdit
" ower overwhelming!"
- Protoss archon(src)
Archon SC2 Head2A protoss archon
MecoA馻dida por Meco
The protoss are masters of psionic powers and are natural mind-readers.[1] The protoss can use their psionic abilities to shield themselves, charge their tools and weapons, and to make, manipulate or meld matter.[2] A very small number of protoss called preservers have the ability to hold the memories of many other protoss from centuries or millennia ago, even claiming to hold "all the memories of the Protoss".[1] The high templar's powers are so great that they can even focus their psionic energy to create terrible storms of psychic energy that destroy the minds of other living creatures.[3] If two high templar would merge, they would create a creature of pure psionic energy known as an archon, so powerful that they can independently erect a resilient shield and direct psionic shockwaves.[4]
Protoss technology is sophisticated enough to create psionic war machines as well, such as the oracle.[5]
The KhalaEdit
HighTemplar SC-FL3 Art1A high templar
MecoA馻dida por Meco
Main article: Khala
The Khala is a structured approach to protoss psionics. It was developed near the end of the Aeon of Strife in order to restore the sanity of the protoss.[1]
The Khala grants much control and discipline over psionic power.[6] Being subsumed in the Khala meant a certain loss of self in addition to the gain of the "other". There was a risk the loss could be drastic.[1][6] Most Judicators and Templar subsume themselves into the Khala at least once a day.[6]
Protoss cut off from the Khala are quickly embraced by the Void.[6][7] The drug Sundrop is capable of doing this, at the cost of mental imbalance.[6]
The fortitude of the Khala protects protoss from assimilation by the zerg.[8]
The VoidEdit
Main article: Void
The Dark Templar, also known as the Nerazim, cut themselves off from the Khala in order to maintain their mental independence. The Conclave believed this could create another Aeon of Strife. Lacking the control and discipline of the Khala, some powers, such as psionic storm, ran out of control.[6]
The Void provides the Nerazim with enormously strong individual will[9] and enabled them to learn cloaking powers very quickly.[6]
The Nerazim have no preservers and instead rely on modified khaydarin crystals which they store at the Alys'aril on the sanctuary moon of Ehlna.[10]
Astral projection (Zeratul)
Blink (Stalkers, Zeratul)
Charge (Zealots)
Cloaking (Dark Templar)
Feedback (Dark archons, High templar)
Hallucination (High templar, Dark Templar (only some),[11] sentry)
Maelstrom (Dark archons)
Mind Control (Dark archons)
Precognition (Khyar, Tenarsis)
Psi blast
Psionic bolt (High templar, Darakian)[4]
Psionic Shockwave (Archons)
Psionic Storm (High templar, also Dark Templar, but the latter cannot control them)
Void Prison (Zeratul)
Hybrid PsionicsEdit
HybridDestroyer SC2 Head1A hybrid destroyer
PsiSeveredHeadA馻dida por PsiSeveredHead
Main article: Hybrid
The protoss/zerg hybrids emitted minimal psionic powers while in stasis, the same degree radiated by captured high templar.[12] Once awakened, the hybrids demonstrated startling psionic power.[13]
The hybrid destroyer Maar displayed a wide variety of psionic powers.[14] Other hybrids also displayed great power, including the ability to consume DNA.[13][15]
Similar creatures developed by Ulrezaj demonstrated undefined psionic abilities. Psychics felt disturbed by the power, but could block it out.[6]
Blink (Maar)
Graviton prison (Maar)
Terran PsionicsEdit
See also: List of terran psychics
Ghost SC1 Art1A ghost—a common terran psychic warrior
MecoA馻dida por Meco
The terrans exhibited a powerful psionic potential and are only a few steps away from developing into a formidable psionic power. Very few terrans can use psionic powers, but most that can become "ghosts".[3] Some weaker psychics can become wranglers, used to hunt other psychics.[16]
Terran children are tested at a young age for psychic potential,[16] and both the Terran Confederacy[17] and Dominion went to great lengths to ensure that all such children joined the Ghost Program.[18] However, a number of psychics slipped through the cracks; this was especially common in the fringe colonies.[19]
Terran psychics can be rated on the Psionic Index scale. A terran with a PI of 2-5 can sense psionic powers but generally cannot use other psychic abilities. Some such psychics are employed by the Ghost Program as wranglers, employed to hunt other psychics.[16] Psychics release alpha waves which can be detected by other psychics.[20] Other such weak psychics have demonstrated abilities such as resisting telepathy.[21] Psychics with a PI of 5-6 are telepathic. Psychics of this level are recruited to become ghosts. Those with a PI of 8 or more have telekinesis.[16] Ghosts generally do not have the ability to block thoughts; ghosts find each other very easy to read.[17]
Non-psychics such as Arcturus Mengsk[20] and Corbin Phash have demonstrated the ability to conceal their thoughts from telepaths. Phash can even think "fake" thoughts that another telepath might detect.[22] However, the technique is not completely reliable.[20][22]
Some psychics have demonstrated telekinetic powers; this requires a Psionic Index rating of at least 8.[16] A few even demonstrate pyrokinesis (the ability to create or manipulate fire with their mind).[22][23]
Terran Psychic OccupationsEdit
Spectre SC2 Cncpt1A spectre
MecoA馻dida por Meco
Astral projection (Colin Phash)
Consumption (Gabriel Tosh)
Psionic shadow (Sarah Kerrigan)
Psionic shield (Gabriel Tosh)
Psionic shock
Psionic sight
Psionic speed
Psychic attack
Pulse (Sarah Kerrigan)
Quiet voice (Colin Phash)
Remote viewing
Sense psionics
Technopathy (Lio Travski)
Voodoo (Gabriel Tosh)
Zerg PowersEdit
InfestedSarahKerrigan SC2 Art1Infested Kerrigan; alias the Queen of Blades.
HawkiA馻dida por Hawki
The zerg also possess a limited degree of psionic powers, as the Overmind once established a psionic link with the xel'naga.[3]
All zerg strains possess a degree of telepathy. However, it is different from the communication used by protoss or terrans and as such, it is normally impossible to communicate with most zerg strains.[24] However, prior to her infestation, Sarah Kerrigan demonstrated such an ability.[20]
The zerg are somewhat sensitive to psionics[3] and can sense psi-emitters from a great distance, even across worlds.[25] Zerglings can sense the emanations of a powerful psychic at a considerable range.[18]
Additionally, overlords fly using helium-filled gas sacs combined with a weak telekinetic psi-ability for lift and motive power.[26] Changelings can alter their opponents' perceptions with psionics.[27]
In order to gain the upper hand in the war against the protoss, whose powerful psionics were a great threat to the Swarm, the Overmind planned to assimilate the terrans, since their powerful psionic potential would make them able to fight the protoss on their own terms. To date, the only psychic terran that the zerg have been able to acquire and transform into an advanced infested terran is Sarah Kerrigan, a ghost who had been a member of the Sons of Korhal.[28] The Overmind left her with the majority of her spirit, and she retained her intelligence and even some of her humanity.[29]
After the fall of the Overmind, Infested Kerrigan became the commander of the Swarm as the Queen of Blades.
Main article: StarCraft: Frontline: Creep
The protoss scientific organization, PAX, conducted an experiment with creep and viruses. The resulting creature developed psychic powers, and could even "distort" the Khala (creating hallucinations) and control a unique being.[8]
Other SpeciesEdit
The xel'naga were able to maintain a psychic link with the Overmind, before the latter broke it.[3] At least some xel'naga demonstrated a prophecy-like ability.[30]
A particularly powerful entity demonstrated the ability to use Void-based powers. Many of its powers had a physical basis as well.[31]
Alavash, a plant, possess telepathic properties. Protoss can use its nectar to enhance their powers.[32]
Emil Narud, a shapeshifter, was able to cast null zones[33] and psionic bolts.[34]
Gargantis proximae had telepathic abilities.[35] |